SUre whatever floats you boat but the cedarmill will play most any game as fast for a while to come
Etherway its spped is incredible! If you looked at you'd see the cedar runs deafult at 4.6ghz easy Today on junker deafault cooling. Intel states most Core 2's run 40% more effiently then the best P4,. So take a look. A very nice$$ 3.0ghz quadcore equals around 4.2 - 4.4 ghz in translation. Still be slower then the P4's we see in action today(top refined
Infact try to buy on-line and you will face a flurry of bids. Many understand this is the way for gamers to max the play of most great games
I believe the OP was asking for some information on what he could expect in terms of performance in moving up to a C2D, and whether it would be worth it. Once again, you give us another entertaining, informative, and bizarrely written essay on the Cedar Mill P4.
I'm not going to get into an argument with you about the Cedar Mill. I agree that it's an excellent processor, there are still a couple at work and they're awesome. But where is the OP going to get one? They don't seem to be commercially available anymore, at least that I could find, and anything he is able to get on ebay is probably going to have been seriously overclocked and half wore-out, if not broken alltogether. If he were able to even find a Cedar Mill, it's going to come at a premium, for the reasons you discussed. Buying a CPU on ebay is risky to begin with. CPU's are very prone to static damage and most people don't really pay attention on how to handle them. I'm not saying it isn't possible to get a good one but the odds probably aren't very good that he will.
There's nothing wrong with using a P4 to play civ. In fact a standard vanilla 3.2 GHz P4 will outperform my Phenom 9850 when clocked to 3.1 any day. But the Phenom, or a C2D, or an Intel Quad will blow it out of the water running anything even moderately optimized for multi core. Look at some benchmarks. The OP said he's playing other games, which probably means newer stuff. Guess what? That stuff is made for the newer processors, and more is coming all the time.
Better advice to the OP would be that he isn't going to see an immediate benefit to getting anything more than a mono core to play civ. If that's the only reason he's buying a new CPU, his money is better spent elsewhere. If he wants better performance for everything else and civ too, a dual or quad core with 4GB and a decent GPU is worth it, even with a 32 bit OS. IMO it makes a lot more sense than ranting about a 3 or 4 year old CPU that you can't buy anymore.
And 4.6 GHz on default cooling? Air? No way. Somebody's pulling your chain.