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Personalized Maps


The White Wizard
Jul 31, 2007
Austin, Texas
A few users mentioned (and reminded me) of how they personalized their maps, naming mountain ranges, forests, jungles, and so on. Well, what if the game could do that for you, when you started a new map? Well, it can.

I also plan on making these new areas worth maintaining and keeping. Landmarks will bring in more profit to civilizations that own them. Some Landmarks (forests and jungles) will be destructible. Destroying landmarks or building improvements on them will cause anger to nearby cities, but that anger will fade with time as your citizens forget. (lasts ~40 turns on Normal Gamespeed)

Civic Changes:

+1 Happiness from Landmarks,
+2 :commerce: from Landmarks

Free Market
+1 :hammers: on landmarks

No Anger from damaging or destroying landmarks

+1 Happiness from Landmarks

+1 Happiness from Landmarks
+1 :commerce: from landmarks

Other Notes:

Also cities built near landmarks will automatically acquire their names, instead of the default names.

Current Progress:
Spoiler :
Nice start:)
How about the name?
Will it be dynamic(mountain in the border of england and inca would named enca mountain range)?
Or it's just entirely random?
EDIT: I have a crazy idea that inspired by pokemon game. If one of you play this game, maybe you'll remember when sometime you are interviewed by a tv reporter in the game. Here are the interview answering mechanism
_________ __________ ___________ __________
1 2 3 4
Then you'll choose what word will be your answer in each of those place
So my idea is, to have a similiar concept, but randomly.

Let's say for the mountain range
It will has the exact same format
______ ____________ __________ __________
1 2 3 4
3 will be mountain
and 4 will be range
1 and 2 will be a random word
Not entirely random i think
My suggestion is, we make a huge list of word for 1 and 2
Example:1=snowy, rocky, afforess etc:rolleyes:
2=the great, ice cream etc
Than, the computer will named the mountan range randonly ex:Afforess The Great Mountain Range or Rocky Ice Cream Mountain Range
How do you think?
The thing is you don't refer to famous mountain ranges like that. You simply call them "the Alps" or "the Pyrenees" or "the Himalayas".
The thing is you don't refer to famous mountain ranges like that. You simply call them "the Alps" or "the Pyrenees" or "the Himalayas".
That was just the rough idea
We could make it the "x" where x would be randomized
But i think it should have at least 3 word like the "x" "z", it wouldn't need as many word as the 2 words name
Very nice

Here's the Firaxis Alpha Centauri landmarks (scroll down a bit) :



FFH team managed to create some for civ IV :


Cool, but they aren't doing anything really groundbreaking. They just have an improvement or graphic feature they are checking for, then placing the sign. Nice, but not groundbreaking.

Obviously this thread is just about adding names to map regions, which is cool, but hopefully one day a modder might go further.

That day is here! I've got Mountain Ranges, Lone Peaks, Bays, & Forests all working. I'm working on islands now. I'll post an updated image in a bit.
Cool, but they aren't doing anything really groundbreaking. They just have an improvement or graphic feature they are checking for, then placing the sign. Nice, but not groundbreaking.

That day is here! I've got Mountain Ranges, Lone Peaks, Bays, & Forests all working. I'm working on islands now. I'll post an updated image in a bit.
Shall i expected that it'll be on the next AND release?;)
Nb:Whoa already midnight here, time to see my pillow everyone:sleep:
If you add this to the next version of AND, could you please make it optional? The initialization times are killing me already :P.
Cool, but they aren't doing anything really groundbreaking. They just have an improvement or graphic feature they are checking for, then placing the sign. Nice, but not groundbreaking.

You do know that these landmarks have properties and are not just cosmetics though ?

Like a simple food bonus for the civ that control landmark x, access to a specific civic for a civ that control landmark y, no access to mounted units inside landmark z, etc..
You do know that these landmarks have properties and are not just cosmetics though ?

Like a simple food bonus for the civ that control landmark x, access to a specific civic for a civ that control landmark y, no access to mounted units inside landmark z, etc..

That's actually fairly simple (from a programming perspective).

What I am doing it completely different though.
A bit to see this thread but I played a Revision 66 game for few turns. I saw these labels. Nice!

But I noticed that the forests have the labels. Well, what happen when they got chopped down in later date?
But I noticed that the forests have the labels. Well, what happen when they got chopped down in later date?

Already have a plan for that. If a forest or jungle gets removed (for any reason), all players who have seen the tile will be alerted that "X was destroyed", and the sign will disappear.
But I noticed that the forests have the labels. Well, what happen when they got chopped down in later date?

Good point there. I'd hate to see alot of signs that really dont mean anything getting in the way.

Could make them change like city cultural does, for each era.
Good point there. I'd hate to see alot of signs that really dont mean anything getting in the way.

I hope to give places cultural and/or tourist significance once I am happy with the sign generation and random name generation. A culture boost to cities who have them in the BFC, and a perhaps a trade route boost?
I remember something like this when I played the demo for civ revolutions on ps3. My scout came across a few squares of plains, and automatically words came down on the landscape "The Great Plains of ..."
It was kinda neat and prob the ONLY thing that caught my eye in that game.
Good to know we can enjoy it without playing console strategys games... ughugh...
An SSCI (site of special Civ interest) should definitely generate something interesting for the civ that doesn't remove the terrain feature :)
Btw, in FFH2 there were landmarks small pictures on map - dungeons, camps, mushrooms (event) etc. - maybe somebody would make a mod giving those landmarks (and some events - tin/nefrite/truffels etc.) some visualization?
Updated the OP with a new picture. The city in the OP got named after the bay is was settled next to, automatically by the game. Should create more realistic naming patterns.
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