The White Wizard
A few users mentioned (and reminded me) of how they personalized their maps, naming mountain ranges, forests, jungles, and so on. Well, what if the game could do that for you, when you started a new map? Well, it can.
I also plan on making these new areas worth maintaining and keeping. Landmarks will bring in more profit to civilizations that own them. Some Landmarks (forests and jungles) will be destructible. Destroying landmarks or building improvements on them will cause anger to nearby cities, but that anger will fade with time as your citizens forget. (lasts ~40 turns on Normal Gamespeed)
Civic Changes:
+1 Happiness from Landmarks,
from Landmarks
Free Market
on landmarks
No Anger from damaging or destroying landmarks
+1 Happiness from Landmarks
+1 Happiness from Landmarks
from landmarks
Other Notes:
Also cities built near landmarks will automatically acquire their names, instead of the default names.
Current Progress:
I also plan on making these new areas worth maintaining and keeping. Landmarks will bring in more profit to civilizations that own them. Some Landmarks (forests and jungles) will be destructible. Destroying landmarks or building improvements on them will cause anger to nearby cities, but that anger will fade with time as your citizens forget. (lasts ~40 turns on Normal Gamespeed)
Civic Changes:
+1 Happiness from Landmarks,

Free Market

No Anger from damaging or destroying landmarks
+1 Happiness from Landmarks
+1 Happiness from Landmarks

Other Notes:
Also cities built near landmarks will automatically acquire their names, instead of the default names.
Current Progress:
Spoiler :