PETA wants to rename fish "sea kittens"


Lady Day
Jun 6, 2006
Huntsville, Alabama
Spoiler :
Pity the humble goldfish (and his cousins the salmon, trout and tuna). They're suffering, according to PETA, from a serious image problem. And PETA is aiming to fix that through a new campaign -- one that, they hope, will cause people to think of undersea creatures as they think of their beloved mammalian pets.

People don't seem to like fish. They're slithery and slimy, and they have eyes on either side of their pointy little heads -- which is weird, to say the least. Plus, the small ones nibble at your feet when you're swimming, and the big ones -- well, the big ones will bite your face off if Jaws is anything to go by.

Of course, if you look at it another way, what all this really means is that fish need to fire their PR guy -- stat.

"Fish not only have the same ability to feel pain as a dog or a cat, but they also communicate with one another," she says. "They have complex social interactions; they form bonds; they express affection by gently rubbing against one another...

"Most parents would never dream of spending a weekend torturing kittens for fun with their families, but hooking a sea kitten through the mouth and dragging her through the water is the same as hooking a kitten through the mouth and dragging her behind your car," Byrne says.

The Sea Kitten campaign launched in North Carolina, but PETA plans to expand it across the nation, according to NPR. And they've already asked South Dakota's Spearfish High School to change its name to "Sea Kitten High School."

This has got to be the stupidest idea i have ever heard
Really? good lord...of all the things to worry about in the world

Edit- Since there are more fish then kittens..isn't it likely that real cats will be tainted other then the other way around?
PETA is just stupid. In fact I wrote an entire paper on why they're stupid.
Mmmm... kittens taste great on rye with some mayonnaise.
Pretty stupid, even for PETA.

1) I like to nuke kittens (Blame my cat).

2) PETA tells me that fish are really sea kittens.


Hmmm... Wait don't tell me. I almost got it.

Give me a minute here.

Okay... I give up. Tell me.

So how is PETA being stupid, news?

Maybe cats are just land fish. :rolleyes:
Easy targets are easy.
I tried to make sea kittens but they broke when I put them in.
Yea, we all know how well this tactic worked for brine shrimp...sea monkeys...
Is it any worse then calling Tuna, "Chicken of the Sea"?

Yes, because it's comparing food with food, not food with pets.

Speaking of which, this is incoherent with the fact that PETA hates pets anyway.
What effect that will have on people who don't like cats? Or, at least, kittens?

I think the word "fish" sounds better anyway.
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