PH02: Eight Angry Men


Deviant Mind
Feb 24, 2006
PH02: Eight Angry Men!

Starring (in alphabetical order): Alexander of Greece, Bismarck of Germany, Genghis Khan of Mongolia, Montezuma of Azteca, Mao Zedong of China, Napoleon of France, and Tokugawa of Japan.

Civilization: Any of the 8 Angry Men, except Napoleon, and I’d prefer Alex, but it’s up for discussion (hmm…a nice run-on sentence)
Opponents: The Leftover Angry Men!
Difficulty: Emperor
Map: Fractal
Mapsize: Standard
Climate: Temperate
Water level: Medium
Starting Era: Ancient
Speed: Epic
Victory Conditions: Any and All.
Variant: Perm. Alliances enabled, Raging Barbs

1. Pholkhero
2. Lobsterboy
3. Munterpipe
4. GreyFox
5. Frankcor

As of now, I’m just gauging interest in this. I will post a starting position later today, once we’ve worked things out.

As I am an Emperor Virgin, I would really prefer to have ALL Emper
lurker's comment:
Are you going to turn on Aggressive AI? How about Raging Barbarians?
Emperor Virgin, Monarch playing, screenshot posting, never been in a SG with you before, but still ready to crash and burn, reporting for duty.
I say settle on spot, start a worker and let's head for BW right away.

In other words, if there's a spot opening, I'm in if you'll have me.
OK pholk, you've hooked me. I can barely play Monarch competently, so why not?
Roster updated; all are in!

@ Chrth ~ I was thinking of Raging Barbs, and would still be up for it if the group is down for it.

Also, we need to discuss a leader, too. As I said, i've got a hankering for a hunk-a Alex, but am open to anybody but Nap (eh, LB ;) )

2 spots still open, too!
GreyFox said:
Love to play ... but I lost the virginity when we started VQ6b (ongoing) .... not doing very well (but definitely doing better than ChrTh :D) ....

lurker's comment:
Shouldn't you be playing CTIV-9 instead of goofing off?
lurker's comment: As you are Emporer virgins, I would suggest either Alex or Mao. They are both Philosophical plus they both have great UUs. The Samurai would also make Tokugawa a good choice.
Alex is my favorite too. Nice early UU and I haven't played him that much.
For the other options, I like both Agressive AI and Raging barbs.

Edit: Forgot that we are doing emperor so I take back that last sentence. Might turn out to be a death sentence.
lurker's comment:
Not a sign-up because I'm sans-civ at the moment. (And because I'm currently prepping for PR-02 AWD108CCHTBOBEC&TWOT.) Still, wishing you the best of luck. My you get your asses handed to you in style.
lurker's comment:
Alex is a nice choice from the list, because he sucks as an opponent. He can be Friendly and +20 and attack you for the hell of a it. At least the other ones will just be annoyed the whole time first.
Rex Tyrannus said:
lurker's comment:
Not a sign-up because I'm sans-civ at the moment. (And because I'm currently prepping for PR-02 AWD108CCHTBOBEC&TWOT.) Still, wishing you the best of luck. My you get your asses handed to you in style.
Rex ~ to judge from your 'exchage' with HP, i thought you were sans computer, too ~ or do you tell them that to get it done faster ~ as for PR02 ~ i'm still reading the original!! i forgot how freakin long that WAS!! plus we can't start that one until later next month anyway!

oh, and, we didn't want you in the group anyway! :p

*cough, cough* 2 more spots *cough, cough*
pholkhero said:
Rex ~ to judge from your 'exchage' with HP, i thought you were sans computer, too

I have about four computers that interface with CFC. Only one (zero currently) that can actually play the game.
Alex is fine by me. I haven't played with him that much either.
@ChrTh: turns played, saw this opening when I started to write the report, and think to myself: better grab a spot fast ... :) And I wasn't goofing ... we _did_ play better ... at least in the VQ sense :D

I am okay with Alex .. phil and aggr is a great combo IMHO.

I'm okay with raging barb ... to lose is to learn :D :D (Psst, that's is reverse pyscology, since Pholk says he is up for it if the team is down for it, then the converse should hold as well :lol:)
Oh man, this is tempting. I'm actually a Monarch virgin but I'd love this opportunity to kick my play up a notch ::BAM!!::

Sign me up!

The internet connection on my Civ machine may be tenuous over the next few weeks while my home is being renovated. But I'll be able to post "SKIP MEs" during that time if necessary. If you can have me like that, I'd like to be on the team.
Im not emperor virgin and dont have time for now, and plus I have some of my own variant ideas which I eventually want to get running once some of my other SG's finish. But Pholkhero, I hope we do a little sequel to PH-1. The revenge of the angry men, or rise of the angry men, wahtever ;D. we should pick one of the angry men and go after all the females in a always-war style Prince level game :D.

Ill be lurkin though.
Qwack said:
Im not emperor virgin and dont have time for now, and plus I have some of my own variant ideas which I eventually want to get running once some of my other SG's finish. But Pholkhero, I hope we do a little sequel to PH-1. The revenge of the angry men, or rise of the angry men, wahtever ;D. we should pick one of the angry men and go after all the females in a always-war style Prince level game :D.

Ill be lurkin though.
lurker's comment:
The sequel to Rise of the Queen Mother will be Rape of the Queen's Maidenhood and we'll get to it someday. Don't worry, Poopman.
Qwack said:
But Pholkhero, I hope we do a little sequel to PH-1. The revenge of the angry men, or rise of the angry men, wahtever ;D. we should pick one of the angry men and go after all the females in a always-war style Prince level game :D.
i want to do one as well, but 2 things stopped me from this being an AW-sequel to our game: a)our glacial pace w/SGOTM, and b)though i'm 'the queen,' i don't feel as if i'm the captain, and wanted to have the team collaborate on the next one (again, AFTER SGOTM, i think) ~ but i agree, AW Prince with one of the men v. Hatty, Cathy, Izzy, (Vicky, too?) and some others...OR was thinking having it be teamed up w/an AI and having several "marriages" as the other teams ~

@ Frankcor ~ Bam! you're in, of course!!
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