The ancient Mediterranean civilization of Phoenicia sets a course for Civilization VI: Gathering Storm. Led by Dido, the legendary founder and first Queen of Carthage, Phoenicia is a great civ for players looking to subjugate the seas. Combined with Dido’s unique ability to move the capital from one city to another, it’s easy to see how Phoenicia can adapt in ways other civs cannot.
Dido Unique Ability – Founder of Carthage
Allows Phoenicia to move its capital to a city with a Cothon by completing a unique project in that city. Unlocks additional trade route capacity with the construction of a Government Plaza district and subsequent Government Plaza buildings. Increased Production toward districts in the city with the Government Plaza.
Unique Ability – Mediterranean Colonies
Unlocks Writing technology Eureka at the start of the game. Coastal cities founded by Phoenicia on the same continent as its capital are 100% loyal. Settlers have additional movement and sight range while embarked, and ignore additional movement costs associated with embarking and disembarking.
Unique District – Cothon
Naval district that replaces the Harbor and is cheaper to build. Must be on Coast or Lake Terrain adjacent to land. Increases Production toward naval units and Settlers in the city. All naval units in this city’s borders heal completely in one turn.
Unique Unit – Bireme
Ancient era naval unit that replaces the Galley. Has increased combat strength and movement, and friendly Trader units are immune to being plundered if on a water tile and within four tiles of a Bireme.