Pie's Ancient Europe

I didn't talk about the useless usual strategy hint but the summarized effects we see in the special window (which are stored in the strategy key) when we get a new tech with civics. I like that ... when up to date of course :o
Notice in PAE_Unit.py, there is at line 3796 :
            # Versorger steht auf feindlichem Terrain
            elif not gc.getTeam(iTeam).isAtWar(iTeamPlot):
                # Plot wird beschlagnahmt
                iSupplyChange += 10
It doesn't reflect what is done in stackDoTurn and the comment mention "hostile territory". I think the "not" should be deleted.

is there any way to avoid street riots on civics changes? I don't mean to crack down on it when it happens, but not to make it happen at all ??
Civic strategy texts: ah, so only for civics... hm,... I still prefer the civic advisor window, there I can see the differences to other civics.
I never change the civic in the moment I research the tech. Because some civics are not always better. it depends on game play.
In PAE it is not like in BTS where later civics are better than previous ones. In PAE you can/should swipe from monocratic to democratic regime, depending on number of cities, war situation, amount of hamlets, etc...

not isAtWar: oh, yes you could be right. thx!

madboy: you can avoid anarchy due to civic change when you are in a GOLDEN AGE.
For supply wagon, in the last line of the unit panel (left bottom), we see :
- the monument it carries (if it has one)
- if not, the amount of supply

But in the first case, it also disables the two supply bars (right up). In this case, we have no way to know how much supply it left.

In CvMainInterface.py, there is (line 5948) :

                        # Transportiert der Versorger ein Heldendenkmal / Siegesdenkmal
                        iBuilding = PAE_Unit.getHeldendenkmal(pHeadSelectedUnit)
                        if iBuilding != -1:
                            szText = localText.getText("TXT_UNIT_INFO_BAR_8",()) + u": %s" % gc.getBuildingInfo(iBuilding).getDescription()
                            screen.setTableColumnHeader("SelectedTradeText", 0, u"", 300)
                            screen.setTableText("SelectedTradeText", 0, 0, szText, "", WidgetTypes.WIDGET_HELP_SELECTED, -1, -1, CvUtil.FONT_LEFT_JUSTIFY)
                            # Unit Info Bar rechts oben
                            UnitBarType = "HEALER"
                            iMax = PAE_Unit.getMaxSupply(pHeadSelectedUnit)
                            iSup = PAE_Unit.getSupply(pHeadSelectedUnit)
                            iValue1 += iSup
                            iValue2 += iMax
                            # CyInterface().addMessage(gc.getGame().getActivePlayer(), True, 10, CyTranslator().getText("TXT_KEY_MESSAGE_TEST",("Current Supply "+str(iValue1)+" max Supply "+str(iValue2),)), None, 2, None, ColorTypes(10), 0, 0, False, False)

                            szLeftBuffer = localText.getText("TXT_UNIT_INFO_BAR_6", ())
                            szRightBuffer = u"(%d/%d)" % (iValue1, iValue2)

                            screen.setTableText("SelectedUnitText", 0, iRow, szLeftBuffer, "", WidgetTypes.WIDGET_HELP_SELECTED, -1, -1, CvUtil.FONT_LEFT_JUSTIFY)
                            screen.setTableText("SelectedUnitText", 1, iRow, szRightBuffer, "", WidgetTypes.WIDGET_HELP_SELECTED, -1, -1, CvUtil.FONT_RIGHT_JUSTIFY)
                            iRow += 1

If you extract the following and put it above "if", the two bars will be displayed in any case:
                            UnitBarType = "HEALER"
                            iMax = PAE_Unit.getMaxSupply(pHeadSelectedUnit)
                            iSup = PAE_Unit.getSupply(pHeadSelectedUnit)
                            iValue1 += iSup
                            iValue2 += iMax
It's still separated in the unit info panel (monument or supply) but in either case, you'll see the supply bar in right top corner.
In WBPlotScreen.py, line 720
                        CvUtil.removeScriptData(pLoopPlot, "r")
It should be pPlot instead of pLoopPlot (which doesn't exist here).
Because I always play with:
; Set to 1 for no python exception popups
HidePythonExceptions = 0
So I see every python errors which occur during my games. And I can't help to search and destroy these bugs :o

In this case, I played with the world builder in order to better understand the cultivation feature. Especially the new colored circles which are absolutely awesome. The cultivation feature is really easy to use now.

I'm playing Dacians, and I could build Falxman and Sicaman up to 3. One of them got promoted to Chief, but I can't build another third one (last of 3 available), why ?
Probably beacuse they share the same class. National limits are set by class. Falxman and Sicaman are in different classes so you can build 3 of each. But I don't understand exactly what is "Chief"? Dacian Chief ?
Chief is a new unit and new class.
hm... this should work... you should train a third again.... perhaps you have another unit (defected) that shares that class?
Probably because they share the same class. National limits are set by class. Falxman and Sicaman are in different classes so you can build 3 of each. But I don't understand exactly what is "Chief"? Dacian Chief ?

Yes, Dacian Chief.
Chief is a new unit and new class.
hm... this should work... you should train a third again.... perhaps you have another unit (defected) that shares that class?

Now I'm thinking that I got some Mountain Warriors upon taking an opponent's city, could it be them ?
In PAE_unit.py, line 336:
CyInterface().addMessage(iPlayer, True, 5, CyTranslator().getText("TXT_KEY_MESSAGE_SUPPLY_RELOAD_2", (pLoopOwner.getNameKey(), 0)), None, 2, lHealer[0].getButton(), ColorTypes(8), iX, iY, True, True)

Corresponding message is:
The friendly %s1 people have recharged your supply unit!

getNameKey() doesn't match this message.

Either the message is wrong, either you should use getCivilizationDescriptionKey() or maybe getCivilizationAdjectiveKey().
I'm not sure to understand the event EVENT_PRAIRIE_DOGS_1.

I see:
At first, I thought it will give me a Hound bonus but it seems this tag only reveals a pre-existant resource even if I haven't the technology to see it. But in my game, there is no hound around my city so nothing happened. This is what was planned?

I prefered the previous +1 commerce with this event :o
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