Fool me once...
"if prostitute was the first job, pimping was the second." -unkown
why doesn't our police force focus on catching the pimp$ instead of the ho's, since once the pimps are gone, the ho's will quit their jobs? some pimps violate of the 13th Ammendment by selling "their" ho's to another pimp, and they don't let them quit their "job." i say we crack down on pimps etmediately. even if prostitution is legalized, pimping should stay illegal.
why doesn't our police force focus on catching the pimp$ instead of the ho's, since once the pimps are gone, the ho's will quit their jobs? some pimps violate of the 13th Ammendment by selling "their" ho's to another pimp, and they don't let them quit their "job." i say we crack down on pimps etmediately. even if prostitution is legalized, pimping should stay illegal.