Pirates of the Burning Sea


Stupendously Illogical Englishman
May 24, 2007
The Britcave
Anyone seen this one? It's a MMORPG about the Spanish Main in 1720 coming out. I'm certainly going to pahy 15 a month for it!
Or you could play this free pirate MMORPG...
Link doesn't work, the entire address is .. .. ..
What the...

I tried to edit my post and it won't let me. There is nothing in the title that should alarm the autocensor. :confused:

Anyway, it's this URL: http://www.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..com/

EDIT: now I'm getting pissed :mad:

Let's try this again: voyage century online .com (without the spaces, but otherwise the autocensor will kick in again)
I got a free beta key to the game at PAX 07 last week. :D I like where it's going! I just have to wait for them to get around to adding me to their beta list.
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