The problem with that view, MB, is that you are allowing people's feelings to dictate other people's actions without considering whether said feelings are rational or not.
Again, Eran, simply pointing and calling others irrational isnt going to bring peace. Its merely going to suffice to inflame things further.
In my example, I wouldnt care whether the other parties feelings were irrational or not
at that particular moment....because it doesnt change anything in regards to the situation...aside from making it even worse.
If one is faced with irrationality due to some emtional wounds, the best thing to do is heal the wound in order to deal with the irrationality. In other words, for progress to be really made, things have to be calmed down....only then will people be actually willing to listen as opposed to being irrational.
My wife deals with irrational people each and every day. Her sharing with me how they deal with them has given us both a lot of insight in how to deal with people that are terribly hurt, and are indeed irrational as a result. You cant ram it right back at them. That only makes things worse.
This isnt a winning scenario for the mosque planners. The opposition on this has grown to such proportion that they may not be able to secure funding for the project regardless. Like I said, their hard-headedness is whats making this worse, because maybe they dont know how to deal with wounded, irrational people, aside from forcing things on them. I predict its going to get worse before it gets better if thats how they thing 'peace building' is accomplished.
Eran....and yes, we all have to deal with each others emotions and feelings in situations like this. Whether its a mosque, a walmart, a golf course, a shopping mall, casino, whatever, often people OBJECT to something thats still absolutely legal to the point where the builders finally realize that its simply not a good idea to go forward with the project. This isnt a violation of anyones rights, either, just a wake up call to the builders of how much support they have for their planned project.
This happens in a wide variety of ways all across america every day. It just hasnt risen to the point of national media (well, local media has carried townships opposed to Walmart or Casinos before on the same premise). So, how this is being done isnt anything new, its just on a much larger scale.