Player's Guide to Complex Traits


C2C War Dog
Jan 2, 2010
Las Vegas

Player's Guide to Complex Traits

This optional traits set has been in design for over 3 years - ever since Developing Leaders was first introduced. It is designed to be equally valid for all trait options in play, with the exception of another trait set option of course.

(Technically the Focused Leaders is still possible to play and it would not work with this option.)

I would, however, strongly urge Developing Leaders along with No Positive Traits on Gamestart.

I believe that the tiered design of trait selections, included for Developing Leaders in this set, finally unlocks the manner in which Developing Leaders was always intended to be more balancing. In this arrangement, power should ramp up as the game progresses, rather than imbalanced factors being introduced immediately at the beginning of play. I've done my best to make it possible for all traits to work just as well without Developing Leaders, but I just think it would work better WITH that option than without.

To Play
For this set to work, you will have to start a new game with the Complex Traits option selected. You cannot swap to this option in the worldbuilder because the trait capabilities on an existing game have already been assigned to the leaders that have them and will not be updated. Sorry. New game time if you want to experience this option.

In fact, to see the pedia reflect the first tiers of these traits successfully, you must have the option activated and be looking at the pedia IN the game.

Design Theory
It's no secret that we've had long and heated debates over various values in traits designs on the forums here. That's why this is being implemented as an option. I know that everyone has their own opinion on how traits should be crafted. This represents mine. This is not to imply any disrespect towards other approaches.

IF enough players feel this is a fairly ideal set, we could benefit in a lot of ways by making it our core set, because then we could spread out these traits across our leaders as initial default assignments.

I may attempt to make a more simplified version for a core set at some point. I want to see how this works in play before attempting that. There could be some benefits to a simpler set, but much of what I wanted to make here required this more 'complex' approach. I'll discuss why in a moment.

To give you a design theory overview, this trait set is intended to be a giant playground of strategic analysis.

Each trait can be evaluated for its own benefits, of course, and held up against other traits until you find what suits your play style the best. All traits are intended to reflect many different strategic approaches to the game that I've come to understand are possible over the years.

Some prefer expansionist priority playstyles, others prefer conquest, while others tend to turtle and let foes break their teeth on your powerful defenses, while others still will maximize their research to out-tech the board. I know there are players that prefer to play a socially engaged leader approach, others are builders, and some are peaceful cultural conquerers.

I hope that every player type can find what matches them and suits their strategies perfectly within this set.

When you start with this set of traits, it can be a little overwhelming. There are a lot of them, and they all have a few more effects than you may expect of traits to have. Quite a few of those effects may even be new, never before seen abilities being introduced into play.

I'd like to thank the other modders across this forum, in particular, Platyping, for inspiring quite a few new tag designs being employed here.

So the best approach I can advise is to initially seek out a trait that sounds like it would harmonize well with your play approach. Get to know it and its nuances and don't try to swallow all of the trait details at once.

After working with that trait, you may find that there are some unexpected benefits or penalties associated with that trait that you would want to enhance, combine with another ability, or attempt to counteract.

And that's where this trait set gets fun.

Certain combinations of various traits can blend in fascinating ways that can lead to incredible power being unleashed. You can't have it all, of course, but once you start looking at various interactions between selections, your imagination can really run wild as to what can be done here. Some AI leaders will naturally, and to some extent randomly, discover some of these powerful synergies, while others will simply find diverse benefits that cover more bases.

So once you see some features of your first trait that you want to counter or enhance, start looking through the other traits selections to see which other traits could provide that.

If you're playing with Negative Traits, you may find that although some of the features of a Negative Trait can be severely crushing - all of them should be pretty painful in their own ways - some of the positives can harmonize with aspects of your positive traits strategy, making it worth putting up with the downsides.

Negative Traits here are designed to hurt, but if you adapt how you approach the game strategically, you should find you can compensate for any of them.

That's much of the point of this whole set - to get you to play the game differently with each selection you make. Be aware of the challenges you are introducing to yourself with each selection and try to find ways to work with that hand ties behind your back.

Everything about the design is intended to evoke your creativity. If you're looking for a set that makes it very clear what the best practices in trait selections are going to be for you, this is probably not the set you'll want to play with.

It is my hope that by causing you to play in different ways with various selection strategies, you'll find that C2C gains a whole new level of replayability. As you look deeper and deeper into this set, you'll probably see entire approaches to trait selections that create entirely new game strategies to employ. This should make it possible to play again and again with extremely different experiences each time.

Generic Value
One of the primary goals of this set was to make all selections roughly equal in face value. To achieve this, every tag was given a generic valuation. I know we're comparing apples to oranges in a lot of cases, but even apples and oranges have price tags giving them a generic comparable value in the market. I used a similar approach to all tag values, giving all a numeric value guideline.

Therefore, I created each trait like an RPG character using a point spend method, purchasing varying benefits and penalties and making them total to the same overall value amount across all traits of the same tier. Thus, ALL non-Developing Leader positive traits should be roughly as positive as they are negative in comparison to one another. The same can be said across all negative traits. Then Tier I positive traits on Developing Leaders should all be equally as positive as each other, and equally as penalizing as each other. And so on.

Obviously, positive traits are given a strong amount of positive benefits, and a small amount of offsetting negative penalties. Negative traits are also mostly bad, but have the same measure of good bonuses in them as a Positive trait has penalties.

If I've cost out the value of various ability values effectively, the trait selections should roughly all be extremely balanced. Then it just comes down to unlocking greater benefits with synergistic selections between various traits, and playing to your strengths and weaknesses to get the most out of the benefits and compensate the best for your penalties.

Symmetries and Asymmetries
Another objective in design here was to design the traits set like a series of funhouse mirrors. MOST positive traits have an opposing equivalent negative trait, with many of the benefits being inversed to penalties and most of the penalties inversed to benefits.

There are a lot of asymmetries applied in this design as well, so you cannot usually assume that the negative spectrum of a positive trait is going to be exactly the perfect inversion of details.

Still, it should help to comprehend the traits individually if you have familiarity with the trait's opposite. There are 'trends'.

There are also some positive traits that don't have an opposition trait, and currently one negative one without an opposing positive. So it's all about making a standard common mold, then breaking it with some infrequency to give the map of the trait design some character.

You'll also find there are reflections of other trait designs across various traits. Some standards are applied to certain groups of traits. For example, there are 'commerce specialty' traits that all have very similar design approaches. There are also 'military traits', 'personality traits' and so on.

One very obvious example of a positive mirroring is the Aggressive Trait compared to the Defensive Trait. You'll find that in many ways they are opposites, but not inversions, of the other. And again, while you will see a lot of comparable reflections between positive opposition designs like this, you'll also see some degree of asymmetry to shake things up as well.

In fact, the deeper you analyze this set, the more you'll find some fascinating parallels and design spreads that may not have been obvious at first. It's in these observations that you'll also find some strong synergies in trait combinations. It also helps to understand the WHY questions you might have about some trait capability assignments. It might just be an ability is there on a trait because the trait is echoing another trait related to it in some manner.

That said, I have also, in the pedia descriptions of the traits, often given rationales for WHY the tags were assigned to a trait as they were, usually allowing for the really obvious reasons to go unmentioned.

Deepening the Simulation
I'm also hoping that this set really represents the FULL spectrum of influential Leader personalities. All the human foibles and strengths should be reflected in this set. With familiarity with the full collection, it should be capable of enabling us to paint the real world leaders throughout history with even more accurate reflection than ever before.

This set is also designed to show how every facet of personality can be both a benefit and a hindrance in various ways, though each does lean more towards being one, overall, than another. Even overall 'bad' personality features do have some 'good' results for the leader. And no personality is without flaw either.

Obviously, all of that is only visible when playing without the Pure Traits option (which would keep all positive abilities off of Negative Traits and all negative abilities off of Positive Traits) and all the more apparent with Negative Traits in play as well.

There is a great deal of philosophy about human nature and how it relates to cause and effect subtly afoot in the assignments of trait details. I've tried to stay fairly politically neutral throughout it all so if you really feel I haven't please point out where you feel I failed in this

The modifiers from these traits ARE supposed to be considered to be the side-effects of the style in which the Leader governs his or her nation. There is also the presumption that many people either support or idolize the leader and see that figure as a role model for their own behavior. How one leads, others follow. I realize there's some simplicity in this as a leader can easily be very different from the character of his people, but this set assumes there's a natural harmonization taking place between the public and the ruler.

Option Interactions
Speaking of options, there are a lot of interactions with other game options that are very noteworthy to keep in mind here. Some traits are a little more or less balanced based on other options that may be in play. Options that influence traits include:

  • 1 City Tile Founding - If this is in play, no trait will give an initial amount of starting culture to a newly founded city - some traits can do that in this set.
  • Revolutions - There are quite a few traits with Rev modifying tags and those tags don't operate when revolutions aren't on. Usually, those were assigned a 'free' value so in many cases it's just going to slightly sway the overall benefit of a trait, though there are a few traits that use them heavily.
  • Religious Disabling - The ability to have all religious buildings active is a very powerful one and a few traits do turn this ability on, regardless of your civic selections. Some also turn it off. If civics have this capability off AND traits are actively disconnecting non-state religious buildings, they will be destroyed rather than simply inactive. Obviously, this stuff can strongly adjust the value of some trait selections depending on if this option is on or not, but I've tried to make these traits highly valid either way.

There are probably more but these are the most profound balance adjusting options against this trait set, aside from the usual trait options themselves.

Also keep in mind that our leaders aren't assigned the full spectrum of these traits so if you start with default leader traits (Not using the Start with No Positive Traits option), not all of them will be well represented.

All are VERY Welcome to Discuss!
I fully suspect that this set should lead to a lot of strategic tips and tricks discussions, players pointing out what they feel are the strongest power combinations and the worst to avoid. We may try to challenge one another to select negative traits we can hardly imagine being successful with.

I know you're probably going to want to challenge a few design choices and I'm prepared for the feedback, but be equally prepared if I reject a suggested edit because I see deeper reasoning for why it's set that way than what may be obvious. That said, I'm not pretending that this will be a perfect design out of the gate - I'm sure there will be some adjustments to be made from here.

I also know that some of you won't find this to be your cuppa tea at all. And that, too, is fine, though it would help to get a little feedback as to why so as to weigh in on discussions on whether to make this a core set or not and if we need a different set for the core, a simpler one perhaps, or just leaving what we have in place as the core, all voices matter on that subject.

I'm reserving the next posts so I can include a forum display of the information found in the pedia on these traits. This puts them all up for discussion and gives you another way to refer to this information and another platform that may or may not make it easier for you to study the structure of the design.

Furthermore, these Google Sheets are where the traits were initially designed and you can look at how various abilities are valued. This then means there are four sources of data for each trait:
  • The page on the design sheet the trait is on
  • The pedia description (that will also be posted here in this thread)
  • The pedia help hover that the traits tags auto-generate
  • The XML itself
If you find any discrepancies, feel free to point them out so I can correct them. Sometimes that may mean an actual change to the XML or a debug, but it can often mean a simple correction on the design sheet and/or description layout.

Even the manner in which various tags are given generic value is up for discussion and potential adjustment.

Traits interact with nearly every layer of the overall game design, so this may bring up a lot of interesting discussions. Obviously, I can give much deeper reflections on various elements of design here. So I'll be looking for your questions and comments.

I'll let y'all explore it out from here.

For reference, the Google Design Sheets:

Strategies for combining Traits (Link to Strategies List Post)

Immediately after presenting this trait set, even before the DLL that came with them was debugged enough to allow for the set to be properly played, I got this reply,which you can refer to in this thread if you like:
Esfera said:
  • Some traits make settled slaves quite OverPowered, remember they also the get the bonuses that the regular specialists also get. In mid game, before industrialization, you can get between 40-70 slaves to settle in a medium-size city easily.
Here's a big part of what this set is about.

It is possible that some strategies may need to be dialed back a little. Surely we don't want any element of the game to overwhelm all others. He's right that this COULD be such a strong strategy that it would be hard to imagine not winning with it.

As I said in response:
That's an entire strategy one can try to play on. I would need to see proof that something is completely OVER powered in comparison to other massively powerful combinations. I'm not going to pretend that these traits do not make a great deal more power possible in a lot of ways. The question that stands on the table here is whether those powers are so much greater than the powers other trait and trait combinations can give.

IF you're going to play that strategy of building up your slave benefits, I'd like to hear the feedback on just how well it works and what the pros and cons of it ended up being. Slaves also mean you get more crime and disease and direct unhappiness and unhealth. Furthermore, though they may be majorly powerful, you can also stunt your growth in a huge way trying to hold onto slavery past the Industrial era, so to get things like Factories and such you'll have to release them all and there goes that whole strategy potentially.

That's what should make this fun... you're going to see tons of ways to make an 'OP' combination and it will be fascinating to see if any are truly superior to another. And as you find more of them, you'll find more reasons to play a new game to see how the next combo you see pans out. That all should lead to lots of interesting discussions here.

If you're going to play to boost your slaves, have you then considered looking to combine with traits that boost capture chances?

Also, consider the opposite. If you don't play with slavery on, could you get away with selecting the opposing negative traits to those positive ones you're talking about? The ones that really reduce their value or even make them costly, and thus spend negative points that you won't suffer from?

To add to that, any trait strategy is made stronger by selecting other traits that would go along with it to fit the concept. As I said above, selecting traits that would boost capture chances, for example, would enhance the power and efficacy of the Slave Empowerment strategy. But what else?

Most slaves are settled into one major mega city, usually the capital. Perhaps a trait like Preeminence, which primarily empowers the capital, might be a great trait to pair with this strategy as well?

Furthermore, it would be beneficial, if you were going to develop out this strategy, that you would identify all the traits that Empower Slaves and list them, as well as identifying which are the strongest at doing so.

There are also traits that should NOT be selected to go with this strategy, right? Anything that erodes the approach would defeat the point. You can't select negative traits that are diametrically opposed to positive traits you've selected and vice versa so you're a little safer there, but that's not to say you can't find some other traits that would run counter to the strategy you're building. It's a good idea to identify them and list those out under your strategy profile as well.

Identifying the negative traits that work well with this approach would be helpful in general, but when you do, and you settle on some 'best selections' for this play style, you would want to take a moment to identify the big detractors to the strategy. There WILL be some - it's unavoidable. When you list those out, however, you can start to get an idea of how you should adjust your game play to minimize the impact of those penalties.

So identify your primary drawbacks. Either try to avoid compacting those with negative synergies that really bring some pain - look at the list of previously identified good choices to combine and make sure they stay as valid as they appeared, or figure out how you're going to play to avoid it being a problem, or find selections that can counter those penalties that you plan to take when you can.

For example, you may find that your strategy is going to lead to a LOT of increased Anarchy time when you change civics. So rather than trying to then find ways to counteract that, which you COULD if you can squeeze in some more trait selections, you could just decide that you're going to only change civics during Golden Ages. So they need to be frequent. Hmm... which traits would enable me to get a lot of Golden Ages...

So now you're looking for other matches that will solve your primary problems, or at least a full awareness of what those problems will be so that you can play in a way that diminishes their impact.

I explain all of this because I think the most fun thing about this set is the metagame of analysis as you look at the potential the traits have. For those who agree, I wanted to really open up this thread for feedback and discussion on various trait strategies that you find emerge for you.

I want to list off the strategies that have been proposed here and start tracking some details in these strategies, like what traits to combine, what to avoid, red flag penalties to address, trait selections to address them, other opportunities that the primary trait selections can lead to and how to capitalize on them.

As we list off these strategies, and arrange the tactical observations beneath them, new poster observations can continuously add to this list and to the details on these strategic approaches.

So I'll keep many of these Reserved slots open for continued compiling of Selection Strategies and their details.

Challenges (Link to Challenges List Post)
Equally as fascinating is how painful the traits can become. While we track Selection Strategies, I'd also like to list off Challenges.

Challenges would be issued by commentators on this forum thread to other players.

I think it's plain to see there are some traits you probably would never want to select, just because they cut too hard to the core of your ability to develop your empire. I'm interested to see if some highly skilled players would be capable of surviving games with certain mega-bad combinations.

So if you can find the worst of the worst selections one can make and define why that selection could completely cripple you, I want you to issue that combination as a 'Challenge'.

We'll track the Challenges that have been issued and any player that successfully plays a game with those challenges selected can come in showing their savegame and how they've done and we can add their name underneath the Challenges listing with a brief description of how they fared and the difficulty and some other game settings they played on.

In a sense, this is a new way to play a harder handicap ;)

Part of the Strategies and Challenges listing and detailing is all about studying what really works and what really does not. This will be important information when I go to apply these traits to leaders, even if its only with some manner of modular edit that only works when the game option is in effect.

Another is to find out if and where some balance editing is truly necessary. I'm sure many of you will quickly find something you feel is OP or too painful. Let's find out if they really are.

And the third goal is to prepare for deeper AI strategic development for Leaders playing the game differently according to selections they make. After a body of discussion builds up on these, and numerous other mod goals are accomplished, this is a big future project I'd love to make be the absolute cherry on top of the C2C experience.
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Military concept with a balanced strategy focused on high volume forces with improved training.

Positive Trait

"War is the way of the world. Only by being stronger than all others can we obtain peace."

This leader is intensely focused on the efficient and effective training of the basics of warfare and promotes a martial culture throughout his empire.

Primary Benefits:
  • Large reduction in War Weariness you suffer. Your people embrace the idea that war will help them achieve their aims personally.
  • Strong amount of Free Military units from a bonus earned by the total amount of your overall population.
  • Huge improvement to the speed of training all Military units.
  • Huge reduction in the price to upgrade your units.
Unique Abilities:
  • Free Combat I Promotion to all Combatant units. While Combat I is a fairly basic promotion with a relatively minor +10% combat modifier, it is a major prerequisite for other promotions and therefore places your units closer to more specialized abilities.
  • All cities will use food as production when units are being trained. This reduces the growth rate in those cities significantly, but also increases the speed you produce your units and helps you take advantage of highly food producing regions for military preparedness.
Side Benefits:
  • Enhanced rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Moderate improvement to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Increased Upkeep from the costs of providing the programs your nation needs to obtain these benefits.
  • Strong Education penalty. The people are more focused on developing personal prowess than on studies.
  • Minor Health Penalty. The fascination with combat and fighting increases rates of injury and mortality.
  • Minor Happiness Penalty. The competitiveness and high value placed on martial superiority leaves many feeling marginalized and suppressed.

Warmonger I

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Military units from a bonus earned by the total amount of your overall population.
  • Greatly improved speed of training all Military units.
  • Strong Reduction in the price of upgrading your units.
Unique Abilities:
  • Free Combat I Promotion to all Combatant units. While Combat I is a fairly basic promotion with a relatively minor +10% combat modifier, it is a major prerequisite for other promotions and therefore places your units closer to more specialized abilities.
  • All cities will use food as production when units are being trained. This reduces the growth rate in those cities significantly, but also increases the speed you produce your units and helps you take advantage of highly food producing regions for military preparedness.
Side Benefits:
  • Increased rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Reduction in War Weariness you suffer. Your people embrace the idea that war will help them achieve their aims personally.
  • Small improvement to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Increased Upkeep from the costs of providing the programs your nation needs to obtain these benefits.
  • Moderate Education penalty. The people are more focused on developing personal prowess than on studies.
  • Minor Health Penalty. The fascination with combat and fighting increases rates of injury and mortality.

Warmonger II

Positive Trait

Primary Benefits:
  • Huge Reduction in War Weariness you suffer. Your people embrace the idea that war will help them achieve their aims personally.
  • Free Military units from a bonus earned by the total amount of your overall population.
  • Strong improvement to the speed of training all Military units.
  • Strong Reduction in the price of upgrading your units.
Unique Benefits:
  • Free Combat II Promotion to all Combatant units. While Combat II is a fairly basic promotion with a relatively minor +10% combat modifier, it is a major prerequisite for other promotions and therefore places your units closer to more specialized abilities.
Side Benefits:
  • Increased rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Moderate improvement to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Increased Upkeep from the costs of providing the programs your nation needs to obtain these benefits.
  • Moderate Education penalty. The people are more focused on developing personal prowess than on studies.
  • Minor Health Penalty. The fascination with combat and fighting increases rates of injury and mortality.
  • Minor Happiness Penalty. The competitiveness and high value placed on martial superiority leaves many feeling marginalized and suppressed.

Warmonger III

Primary Benefits:
  • Huge Reduction in War Weariness you suffer. Your people embrace the idea that war will help them achieve their aims personally.
  • Free Military units from a bonus earned by the total amount of your overall population.
  • Strong improvement to the speed of training all Military units.
  • Strong reduction in the price of upgrading your units.
Unique Benefits:
  • Free Combat III Promotion to all Combatant units. While Combat III is a fairly basic promotion with a relatively minor +10% combat modifier, it is a major prerequisite for other promotions and therefore places your units closer to more specialized abilities.
Side Benefits:
  • Solid increase in the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Strong improvement to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Increased Upkeep from the costs of providing the programs your nation needs to obtain these benefits.
  • Strong Education penalty. The people are more focused on developing personal prowess than on studies.
  • Minor Health Penalty. The fascination with combat and fighting increases rates of injury and mortality.
  • Minor Happiness Penalty. The competitiveness and high value placed on martial superiority leaves many feeling marginalized and suppressed.


Allows a weak military in favor of more domestic concerns.

Negative Trait

"War? What's it good for? Absolutely nothing!"

This leader resents conflict and tends to live in denial that war can occasionally be necessary, or a key to achievement. He, and his people, focus more on other priorities and tend to leave themselves vulnerable as a result.

Primary Penalties:
  • Large increase in War Weariness you suffer. Your people are not merely fearful of war, but object to it as a solution.
  • Strong reduction of any available Free Military units from a penalty based on the total amount of your overall population.
  • Strong reduction in the speed of training all Military units. Your people object to becoming soldiers in any capacity.
  • Strong increase in the price to upgrade your units.
Unique Penalties:
  • Applies Pacifist Promotion to all Combatant units. Pacifist is a fairly basic promotion with a relatively minor -10% combat modifier.
Side Penalties:
  • Reduced rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Moderate reduction to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Improved relations with opponent leaders. They like pushovers they need not fear.
  • Strong Education bonus. The people are more focused on developing knowledge rather than on military strategery and physical prowess.
  • Minor Health bonus. People tend to live safer lives with fights and conflict being infrequent.
  • Minor Happiness bonus. People are more cooperative and engaging with one another and are more content with life as a result.

Pacifist I

Primary Penalties:
  • Reduction of any available Free Military units from a penalty based on the total amount of your overall population.
  • Huge Increase in War Weariness you suffer. Your people are not merely fearful of war, but object to it as a solution.
  • Strong Reduction in the speed of training all Military units. Your people object to becoming soldiers in any capacity.
  • Strong Increase in the price to upgrade your units.
Unique Penalties:
  • Applies Pacifist I Promotion to all Combatant units. Pacifist I is a fairly basic promotion with a relatively minor -10% combat modifier.
  • Improved relations with opponent leaders. They like pushovers they need not fear.
  • Moderate Education bonus. The people are more focused on developing knowledge rather than on military strategery and physical prowess.
  • Minor Happiness Penalty. People are more cooperative and engaging with one another and are more content with life as a result.

Pacifist II

Primary Penalties:
  • Huge Increase in War Weariness you suffer. Your people are not merely fearful of war, but object to it as a solution.
  • Reduction of any available Free Military units from a penalty based on the total amount of your overall population.
  • Huge reduction in the speed of training all Military units. Your people object to becoming soldiers in any capacity.
  • Huge increase in the price to upgrade your units.
Unique Penalties:
  • Applies Pacifist II Promotion to all Combatant units. Pacifist II is a fairly basic promotion with a relatively minor -10% combat modifier.
Side Penalties:
  • Reduced rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Small reduction to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Reduction in overall upkeep due to a diminished focus on military training and quality assurance of national defense.
  • Moderate Education bonus. The people are more focused on developing knowledge rather than on military strategery and physical prowess.
  • Minor Health bonus. People tend to live safer lives with fights and conflict being infrequent.
  • Minor Happiness Penalty. People are more cooperative and engaging with one another and are more content with life as a result.

Pacifist III

Primary Penalties:
  • Large increase in War Weariness you suffer. Your people are not merely fearful of war, but object to it as a solution.
  • Reduction of any available Free Military units from a penalty based on the total amount of your overall population.
  • Huge reduction in the speed of training all Military units. Your people object to becoming soldiers in any capacity.
  • Huge Increase in the price to upgrade your units.
Unique Penalties:
  • Applies Pacifist III Promotion to all Combatant units. Pacifist III is a fairly basic promotion with a relatively minor -10% combat modifier.
Side Penalties:
  • Reduced rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Moderate reduction to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Moderate reduction in overall upkeep due to a diminished focus on military training and quality assurance of national defense.
  • Strong Education bonus. The people are more focused on developing knowledge rather than on military strategery and physical prowess.
  • Minor Health bonus. People tend to live safer lives with fights and conflict being infrequent.


Quality over quantity. Highest priority is an experience-driven military led by masterful commanders.

Positive Trait

"Delegation of command through intensive training is the way to superiority on the battlefield. When every soldier uses his head and heart to obtain mastery at his craft, we have a force that can win any conflict."

Discipline means everything for this leader and he demands it at every level of his highly organized nation. Competency is the prime directive he issues from his place of rule and although it does cost him in a number of ways, he finds the return in value very worthwhile.

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Experience points to all units.
  • Less Experience required for units to gain levels.
  • Strong modifier of bonus experience points to units trained in the capital.
Unique Benefits:
  • Get a Golden Age whenever a Great General is born to your nation.
  • Get a free Great General whenever you advance an Era.
Side Benefits:
  • Strong enhancement to the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Further enhancement to the rate of earning Great Military People when experience accumulated towards that goal is earned within your borders.
  • Military Training Buildings are cheaper to build.
  • Techs that bring military training benefits are faster to discover.
  • Your units gain more experience when they fight inside your borders.
  • Increased Defense against Espionage due to the improved level of discipline, and thus care taken with procedure, at every level of command.
  • Great Generals are more likely to be born as normal Great People.
  • Reduced rate of earning standard Great People. The importance placed on discipline suppresses the creative genius in some individuals that may have otherwise become powerfully influential.
  • Military units cost more to train due to the increased efforts and costs involved in training them to such a degree of enhanced excellence.
  • Since Golden Ages are far more common, they last half as long when they take place. People don't remain impressed with their society as long.
  • More expensive to upgrade units since they are more specialized and have greater demands on their quality.

Strategist I

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Experience points to all units.
  • Less Experience required for units to gain levels.
  • Small percentage modifier of bonus experience points assigned to units trained in the capital.
Unique Benefits:
  • Get a Golden Age whenever a Great General is born to your nation.
  • Get a free Great General whenever you advance an Era.
Side Benefits:
  • Enhancement to the rate of earning Great Military People
  • Further enhancement to the rate of earning Great Military People when experience accumulated towards that goal is earned within your borders.
  • Military Training Buildings are cheaper to build.
  • Techs that bring military training benefits are faster to discover.
  • Your units gain more experience when they fight inside your borders.
  • Slightly increased Defense against Espionage due to the improved level of discipline, and thus care taken with procedure, at every level of command.
  • Great Generals are a little more likely to be born as normal Great People.
  • Slightly reduced rate of earning standard Great People. The importance placed on discipline suppresses the creative genius in some individuals that may have otherwise become powerfully influential.
  • Military units cost more to train due to the increased efforts and costs involved in training them to such a degree of enhanced excellence.
  • Since Golden Ages are far more common, they last a quarter less rounds when they take place. People don't remain impressed with their society as long.
  • More expensive to upgrade units since they are more specialized and have greater demands on their quality.

Strategist II

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Experience points to all units.
  • Less Experience required for units to gain levels.
  • Percentage modifier of bonus experience points assigned to units trained in the capital.
Unique Benefits:
  • Get a Golden Age whenever a Great Admiral is born to your nation.
  • Get a free Great Admiral whenever you advance an Era.
Side Benefits:
  • Enhancement to the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Further enhancement to the rate of earning Great Military People when experience accumulated towards that goal is earned within your borders.
  • Military Training Buildings are cheaper to build.
  • Techs that bring military training benefits are faster to discover.
  • Your units gain more experience when they fight inside your borders.
  • Increased Defense against Espionage due to the improved level of discipline, and thus care taken with procedure, at every level of command.
  • Great Generals are more likely to be born as normal Great People.
  • Reduced rate of earning standard Great People. The importance placed on discipline suppresses the creative genius in some individuals that may have otherwise become powerfully influential.
  • Military units cost more to train due to the increased efforts and costs involved in training them to such a degree of enhanced excellence.
  • Since Golden Ages are far more common, they last a quarter less rounds when they take place. People don't remain impressed with their society as long.
  • More expensive to upgrade units since they are more specialized and have greater demands on their quality.

Strategist III

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Experience points to all units.
  • Less Experience required for units to gain levels.
  • Significant percentage modifier of bonus experience points assigned to units trained in the capital.
Unique Benefits:
  • Get a Golden Age whenever a Great Aviator is born to your nation. (Pending)
  • Get a free Great Aviator whenever you advance an Era. (Pending)
Side Benefits:
  • Significant enhancement to the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Further enhancement to the rate of earning Great Military People when experience accumulated towards that goal is earned within your borders.
  • Military Training Buildings are cheaper to build.
  • Techs that bring military training benefits are faster to discover.
  • Your units gain more experience when they fight inside your borders.
  • Increased Defense against Espionage due to the improved level of discipline, and thus care taken with procedure, at every level of command.
  • Great Generals are significantly more likely to be born as normal Great People.
  • Reduced rate of earning standard Great People. The importance placed on discipline suppresses the creative genius in some individuals that may have otherwise become powerfully influential.
  • Military units cost more to train due to the increased efforts and costs involved in training them to such a degree of enhanced excellence.
  • Since Golden Ages are far more common, they last a quarter less rounds when they take place. People don't remain impressed with their society as long.
  • More expensive to upgrade units since they are more specialized and have greater demands on their quality.


Undisciplined military at every level.

Negative Trait

"Who cares if our armies are well trained and top notch. Put them under too much pressure and they'll likely run off. They're just there for show mostly anyhow. Since you're so concerned about it, why don't you take charge?"

This leader just doesn't like having to focus on his military forces and lets the organization run itself as much as he can. He doesn't often take the time to reward, train, or discipline his subordinates and as a result, his military can easily end up undertrained and unprepared for real conflict.

Primary Penalties:
  • Less starting Experience points to all units, potentially allowing them to start off at a total deficit of experience.
  • More Experience required for units to gain levels.
  • Strong penalty of experience points given to units trained in the capital. The closer they are to the highest levels command, the more focused training is on style over substance.
Side Penalties:
  • Strong reduction in the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Further reduction in the rate of earning Great Military People when experience accumulated towards that goal is earned within your borders.
  • Military Training Buildings are more expensive to build.
  • Techs that bring military training benefits are slower to discover.
  • Your units earn less experience when they fight inside your borders. Familiar places to rest and relax are too readily available.
  • Much more vulnerable to Espionage since care is not taken with sensitive information.
  • Great Generals are less likely to be born as normal Great People.
  • Increased rate of earning standard Great People. The free time and lack of strong enforcement of military routines allows the military segment the population to explore personal interests and therefore opens up paths to personal achievement.
  • Military units cost less to train and are thus faster to produce since the training is lax.
  • Golden Ages are increased by half as long as normal. Relaxed demands and expectations allow people to sustain elation at their accomplishments longer.
  • Units are less expensive to upgrade since quality demands are not as high.

Careless I

Primary Penalties:
  • Less starting Experience points to all units, potentially allowing them to start off at a total deficit of experience.
  • More Experience required for units to gain levels.
  • Significant penalty of experience points given to units trained in the capital. The closer they are to the highest levels command, the more focused training is on style over substance.
Side Penalties:
  • Significant reduction in the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Further reduction in the rate of earning Great Military People when experience accumulated towards that goal is earned within your borders.
  • Military Training Buildings are more expensive to build.
  • Techs that bring military training benefits are slower to discover.
  • Your units earn less experience when they fight inside your borders. Familiar places to rest and relax are too readily available.
  • More vulnerable to Espionage since care is not taken with sensitive information.
  • Great Generals are less likely to be born as normal Great People.
  • Slightly increased rate of earning standard Great People. The free time and lack of strong enforcement of military routines allows the military segment the population to explore personal interests and therefore opens up paths to personal achievement.
  • Military units cost less to train and are thus faster to produce since the training is lax.
  • Golden Ages are increased by a quarter as long as normal. Relaxed demands and expectations allow people to sustain elation at their accomplishments longer.
  • Units are less expensive to upgrade since quality demands are not as high.

Careless II

Primary Penalties:
  • Less starting Experience points to all units, potentially allowing them to start off at a total deficit of experience.
  • More Experience required for units to gain levels.
  • Significant penalty of experience points given to units trained in the capital. The closer they are to the highest levels command, the more focused training is on style over substance.
Side Penalties:
  • Significant reduction in the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Further reduction in the rate of earning Great Military People when experience accumulated towards that goal is earned within your borders.
  • Military Training Buildings are more expensive to build.
  • Techs that bring military training benefits are slower to discover.
  • Your units earn less experience when they fight inside your borders. Familiar places to rest and relax are too readily available.
  • More vulnerable to Espionage since care is not taken with sensitive information.
  • Great Admirals are significantly less likely to be born as normal Great People.
  • Increased rate of earning standard Great People. The free time and lack of strong enforcement of military routines allows the military segment the population to explore personal interests and therefore opens up paths to personal achievement.
  • Military units cost less to train and are thus faster to produce since the training is lax.
  • Golden Ages are increased by a quarter as long as normal. Relaxed demands and expectations allow people to sustain elation at their accomplishments longer.
  • Units are less expensive to upgrade since quality demands are not as high.

Careless III

Primary Penalties:
  • Less starting Experience points to all units, potentially allowing them to start off at a total deficit of experience.
  • More Experience required for units to gain levels.
  • Significant penalty of experience points given to units trained in the capital. The closer they are to the highest levels command, the more focused training is on style over substance.
Side Penalties:
  • Significant reduction in the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Further reduction in the rate of earning Great Military People when experience accumulated towards that goal is earned within your borders.
  • Military Training Buildings are more expensive to build.
  • Techs that bring military training benefits are slower to discover.
  • Your units earn less experience when they fight inside your borders. Familiar places to rest and relax are too readily available.
  • More vulnerable to Espionage since care is not taken with sensitive information.
  • Great Aviators (Pending - Generals for now) are much less likely to be born as normal Great People.
  • Increased rate of earning standard Great People. The free time and lack of strong enforcement of military routines allows the military segment of the population to explore personal interests and therefore opens up paths to personal achievement.
  • Military units cost less to train and are thus faster to produce since the training is lax.
  • Golden Ages are increased by a quarter as long as normal. Relaxed demands and expectations allow people to sustain elation at their accomplishments longer.
  • Units are less expensive to upgrade since quality demands are not as high.


Prepares a hostile military, ready to attack. Operates under the theory that the best defense is a good offense

Positive Trait

"I will not allow them to insult our great nation. They will feel our steel if they dare to disrespect us. If we are strong, we can take what we want when we want it. Want to win on the international stage? Keep your rivals on the defensive."

Sitting back and letting the opponent's forces come to you is the worst approach you can take with this leader. He is far more prepared to launch an attack. Wherever he's taking the fight, he's taking it to his foes. This is a good trait for a raiding playstyle that knocks his foes down with some degree of regularity to keep them all in check. This leader should not fear declaring war over the slightest offense, or even for no justification at all.

Primary Benefits:
  • Inflicts War Weariness upon enemy players far faster than normal.
  • Reduced cost of upkeep per military unit.
Unique Benefits:
  • Free Aggressive promotion to all Combatant and Naval Combatant units. Gives a large attack bonus but a small defense penalty.
Side Benefits:
  • Significant increase in the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Great Military People city specialists gain an additional Production each.
  • Great Military People city specialists gain two additional Gold each.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants gain a few extra Experience when trained.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants are trained faster. The people are entering training more psychologically prepared to unleash their savagery.
  • You suffer less War Weariness.
  • Small increase to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Gain some Free Military Units that don't require upkeep as normal.
  • More likely to capture enemy units when defeating them.
  • Units are less likely to be captured when defeated.

  • Reduction in the rate of earning Great Military People on combats that take place inside your borders. Enough to counter the bonus you get overall so that the bonus ONLY applies when the battle is outside your borders.
  • Significant reduction in the amount of experience earned during fights within your borders.
  • Diminished base city defense level.
  • Significant penalty to diplomacy. This leader is understood to be volatile and likely to seek cause to pick a fight.
  • More expensive to upgrade units. Retraining them in new ways to unleash devastating attacks adds more to training costs.

Aggressive I

Primary Benefits:
  • Inflicts War Weariness upon enemy players faster than normal.
  • Reduced cost of upkeep per military unit.
Unique Benefits:
  • Free Aggressive I promotion to all Combatant and Naval Combatant units. Gives a large attack bonus but a small defense penalty.
Side Benefits:
  • Increase in the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Great Military People city specialists gain an additional Production each.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants gain a few extra Experience when trained.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants are trained faster. The people are entering training more psychologically prepared to unleash their savagery.
  • You suffer less War Weariness.
  • Small increase to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Gain some Free Military Units that don't require upkeep as normal.
  • Somewhat more likely to capture enemy units when defeating them.
  • Units are less likely to be captured when defeated.
  • Reduction in the rate of earning Great Military People on combats that take place inside your borders. Enough to counter the bonus you get overall so that the bonus ONLY applies when the battle is outside your borders.
  • Reduction in the amount of experience earned during fights within your borders.
  • Slightly diminished base city defense level.
  • Penalty to diplomacy. This leader is understood to be volatile and likely to seek cause to pick a fight.
  • More expensive to upgrade units. Retraining them in new ways to unleash devastating attacks adds more to training costs.

Aggressive II

Primary Benefits:
  • Inflicts War Weariness upon enemy players much faster than normal.
  • Reduced cost of upkeep per military unit.
Unique Benefits:
  • Free Aggressive II promotion to all Combatant and Naval Combatant units. Gives a large attack bonus but a small defense penalty.
Side Benefits:
  • Increase in the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Great Military People city specialists gain two additional Gold each.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants gain extra Experience when trained.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants are trained faster. The people are entering training more psychologically prepared to unleash their savagery.
  • You suffer less War Weariness.
  • Increase to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Gain some Free Military Units that don't require upkeep as normal.
  • Somewhat more likely to capture enemy units when defeating them.
  • Units are less likely to be captured when defeated.
  • Reduction in the rate of earning Great Military People on combats that take place inside your borders. Enough to counter the bonus you get overall so that the bonus ONLY applies when the battle is outside your borders.
  • Reduction in the amount of experience earned during fights within your borders.
  • Diminished base city defense level.
  • Penalty to diplomacy. This leader is understood to be volatile and likely to seek cause to pick a fight.
  • More expensive to upgrade units. Retraining them in new ways to unleash devastating attacks adds more to training costs.

Aggressive III

Primary Benefits:
  • Inflicts War Weariness upon enemy players far faster than normal.
  • Reduced cost of upkeep per military unit.
Unique Benefits:
  • Free Aggressive III promotion to all Combatant and Naval Combatant units. Gives a large attack bonus but a small defense penalty.
Side Benefits:
  • Increase in the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants gain a significant amount of extra Experience when trained.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants are trained much faster. The people are entering training more psychologically prepared to unleash their savagery.
  • You suffer less War Weariness.
  • Significant increase to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Gain some Free Military Units that don't require upkeep as normal.
  • Somewhat more likely to capture enemy units when defeating them.
  • Units are less likely to be captured when defeated.
  • Reduction in the rate of earning Great Military People on combats that take place inside your borders. Enough to counter the bonus you get overall so that the bonus ONLY applies when the battle is outside your borders.
  • Reduction in the amount of experience earned during fights within your borders.
  • Diminished base city defense level.
  • Penalty to diplomacy. This leader is understood to be volatile and likely to seek cause to pick a fight.
  • More expensive to upgrade units. Retraining them in new ways to unleash devastating attacks adds more to training costs.


Gains some diplomatic bonus at the cost of having weak units - particularly on the attack. A little bit stronger when backed into a corner though.

Negative Trait

"Me? Attack someone else? No… no… initiating a war is just too great a risk and morally wrong."

While this trait will hobble your nation in offensive war efforts, it does give you some defensive benefits and makes war less likely to be thrust upon you. If you can compensate in other ways, like outgrowing your opponents, you might be able to succeed despite this painful set of penalties.

Primary Penalties:
  • Inflicts War Weariness upon enemy players much slower than normal.
  • Increased cost of upkeep per military unit.
Unique Penalties:
  • Applies the Timid promotion to all Combatant and Naval Combatant units. Gives a large attack penalty but a small defense bonus.
Side Penalties:
  • Significant decrease in the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Great Military People city specialists lose two Gold each.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants lose a few Experience points when trained.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants take longer to train. The people are culturally resistant to the idea of being in the military.
  • You accumulate more War Weariness than usual.
  • Small decrease to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Lose some Free Military Units if you are getting some from other sources.
  • Less likely to capture enemy units when defeating them. Your troops often let surviving enemies flee.
  • Units are more likely to be captured when defeated. Your units will more readily surrender to be taken alive.
  • Increase in the rate of earning Great Military People on combats that take place inside your borders. Enough to counter the penalty you get overall so that the penalty really ONLY applies when the battle is outside your borders.
  • Significant increase in the amount of experience earned during fights within your borders.
  • Improved base city defense level.
  • Significant bonus to diplomacy. It's very comforting to other leaders to believe it's unlikely you're going to ever attack them, or anyone else for that matter.
  • Less expensive to upgrade units. Retraining simpler units that act more effectively at harnessing their terror than tapping into anger and hate is less costly.

Timid I

Primary Penalties:
  • Inflicts War Weariness upon enemy players slower than normal.
  • Increased cost of upkeep per military unit.
Unique Penalties:
  • Applies the Timid I promotion to all Combatant and Naval Combatant units. Gives a large attack penalty but a small defense bonus.
Side Penalties:
  • Decrease in the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants lose a few Experience points when trained.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants take longer to train. The people are culturally resistant to the idea of being in the military.
  • You accumulate significantly more War Weariness than usual.
  • Small decrease to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Lose some Free Military Units if you are getting some from other sources.
  • Slightly less likely to capture enemy units when defeating them. Your troops often let surviving enemies flee.
  • Units are more likely to be captured when defeated. Your units will more readily surrender to be taken alive.
  • Increase in the rate of earning Great Military People on combats that take place inside your borders. Enough to counter the penalty you get overall so that the penalty really ONLY applies when the battle is outside your borders.
  • Increase in the amount of experience earned during fights within your borders.
  • Slightly improved base city defense level.
  • Bonus to diplomacy. It's very comforting to other leaders to believe it's unlikely you're going to ever attack them, or anyone else for that matter.
  • Less expensive to upgrade units. Retraining simpler units that act more effectively at harnessing their terror than tapping into anger and hate is less costly.

Timid II

Primary Penalties:
  • Inflicts War Weariness upon enemy players much slower than normal.
  • Increased cost of upkeep per military unit.
  • You accumulate far more War Weariness than usual.
Unique Penalties:
  • Applies the Timid II promotion to all Combatant and Naval Combatant units. Gives a large attack penalty but a small defense bonus.
Side Penalties:
  • Decrease in the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Great Military People city specialists lose two Gold each.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants lose Experience points when trained.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants take longer to train. The people are culturally resistant to the idea of being in the military.
  • Decrease to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Lose some Free Military Units if you are getting some from other sources.
  • Slightly less likely to capture enemy units when defeating them. Your troops often let surviving enemies flee.
  • Units are more likely to be captured when defeated. Your units will more readily surrender to be taken alive.
  • Increase in the rate of earning Great Military People on combats that take place inside your borders. Enough to counter the penalty you get overall so that the penalty really ONLY applies when the battle is outside your borders.
  • Increase in the amount of experience earned during fights within your borders.
  • Improved base city defense level.
  • Bonus to diplomacy. It's very comforting to other leaders to believe it's unlikely you're going to ever attack them, or anyone else for that matter.
  • Less expensive to upgrade units. Retraining simpler units that act more effectively at harnessing their terror than tapping into anger and hate is less costly.

Timid III

Primary Penalties:
  • Inflicts War Weariness upon enemy players far slower than normal.
  • Increased cost of upkeep per military unit.
  • You accumulate way more War Weariness than usual.
Unique Penalties:
  • Applies the Timid III promotion to all Combatant and Naval Combatant units. Gives a large attack penalty but a small defense bonus.
Side Penalties:
  • Decrease in the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants lose a large amount of Experience points when trained.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants take much longer to train. The people are culturally resistant to the idea of being in the military.
  • Significant decrease to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Lose some Free Military Units if you are getting some from other sources.
  • Slightly less likely to capture enemy units when defeating them. Your troops often let surviving enemies flee.
  • Units are more likely to be captured when defeated. Your units will more readily surrender to be taken alive.
  • Increase in the rate of earning Great Military People on combats that take place inside your borders. Enough to counter the penalty you get overall so that the penalty really ONLY applies when the battle is outside your borders.
  • Significant increase in the amount of experience earned during fights within your borders.
  • Improved base city defense level.
  • Bonus to diplomacy. It's very comforting to other leaders to believe it's unlikely you're going to ever attack them, or anyone else for that matter.
  • Less expensive to upgrade units. Retraining simpler units that act more effectively at harnessing their terror than tapping into anger and hate is less costly.


Military focused with a 'Hold your ground' ideal.

Positive Trait

"Victory rarely goes to the aggressor, but rather to the prepared."

The best thing you can do with this leader is let your foes attack you and blunt their teeth against your thick hide. Place your forces on strongly defensive ground and they will be impossible to uproot. Capture bottlenecks and hold them to deny your foes passage. Act with impunity, for what are they going to do about it?

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Defensive promotion to all Combatant and Naval Combatant units. Gives a large defense bonus but a small attack penalty.
  • Strong reduction in War Weariness your people suffer. There is a cultural sense of confidence that your forces will protect the people.
  • Reduced cost of upkeep per military unit.
Side Benefits:
  • Significant increase in the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Forts upgrade twice as fast as normal.
  • Your workers build fort improvements much faster.
  • Great Military People Specialists gain an additional Commerce.
  • Great Military People Specialists gain two additional Research.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants gain extra Experience when trained.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants are trained faster.
  • Small increase to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Gain some Free Military Units that don't require upkeep as normal.
  • Units are much less likely to be captured when defeated. They are staunch forces.
  • One less Trade Route in each city due to added security.
  • Significant reduction in the amount of War Weariness your enemies suffer since they tend to believe you won't counterattack.
  • Strong increase in the cost of upgrading units since it requires more training to prepare them to master the art of defense.
  • Less likely to capture enemy units when defeating them since they are not as likely to pursue the defeated.

Defensive I

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Defensive I promotion to all Combatant and Naval Combatant units. Gives a large defense bonus but a small attack penalty.
  • Reduced cost of upkeep per military unit.
Side Benefits:
  • Increase in the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Forts upgrade much faster than normal.
  • Your workers build fort improvements faster.
  • Great Military People Specialists gain an additional Commerce.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants gain extra Experience when trained.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants are trained faster.
  • Reduction in War Weariness your people suffer.
  • Small increase to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Gain some Free Military Units that don't require upkeep as normal.
  • Units are less likely to be captured when defeated. They are staunch forces.
  • One less Trade Route in each city due to added security.
  • Reduction in the amount of War Weariness your enemies suffer since they tend to believe you won't counterattack.
  • Increase in the cost of upgrading units since it requires more training to prepare them to master the art of defense.
  • Less likely to capture enemy units when defeating them since they are not as likely to pursue the defeated.

Defensive II

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Defensive II promotion to all Combatant and Naval Combatant units. Gives a large defense bonus but a small attack penalty.
  • Reduced cost of upkeep per military unit.
Side Benefits:
  • Increase in the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Forts upgrade much faster than normal.
  • Your workers build fort improvements faster.
  • Great Military People Specialists gain two additional Research.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants gain significant extra Experience when trained.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants are trained faster.
  • Significant reduction in War Weariness your people suffer.
  • Increase to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Gain some Free Military Units that don't require upkeep as normal.
  • Units are less likely to be captured when defeated. They are staunch forces.
  • One less Trade Route in each city due to added security.
  • Reduction in the amount of War Weariness your enemies suffer since they tend to believe you won't counterattack.
  • Increase in the cost of upgrading units since it requires more training to prepare them to master the art of defense.
  • Less likely to capture enemy units when defeating them since they are not as likely to pursue the defeated.

Defensive III

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Defensive III promotion to all Combatant and Naval Combatant units. Gives a large defense bonus but a small attack penalty.
  • Reduced cost of upkeep per military unit.
Side Benefits:
  • Increase in the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Forts upgrade much faster than normal.
  • Your workers build fort improvements faster.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants gain significant extra Experience when trained.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants are trained faster.
  • Significant reduction in War Weariness your people suffer.
  • Significant increase to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Gain some Free Military Units that don't require upkeep as normal.
  • Units are much less likely to be captured when defeated. They are staunch forces.
  • One less Trade Route in each city due to added security.
  • Significant reduction in the amount of War Weariness your enemies suffer since they tend to believe you won't counterattack.
  • Increase in the cost of upgrading units since it requires more training to prepare them to master the art of defense.
  • Much less likely to capture enemy units when defeating them since they are not as likely to pursue the defeated


Units are very weak when defending but there are some diplomatic benefits.

Negative Trait

"Please don't hurt me!"

As afraid as you and your people are of being attacked, the very idea of being assaulted can invigorate them somewhat when they go on the attack. They can be like bullies that are much more confident when they are the aggressor but as soon as they come under fire, they tend to fold. This all stems from their leader having a similar mentality, who panders and blusters to avoid, at all cost, any reproach from anyone.

Primary Penalties:
  • Assigns the Cowardly promotion to all Combatant and Naval Combatant units. Gives a large defense penalty but a small attack bonus.
  • Strong increase in War Weariness your people suffer. There is a cultural sense of terror that grips your people when at war.
  • Increased cost of upkeep per unit. Working for the government is perceived as carrying risk of conflict.
Side Penalties:
  • Significant decrease in the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Forts upgrade twice as slow as normal.
  • Your workers build fort improvements much slower.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants lose some Experience when trained.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants take longer to train.
  • Significant decrease to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Lose some Free Military Units that don't require upkeep as normal that you may be getting from another source.
  • Units are much more likely to be captured when defeated. They are always looking for way they will survive being under attack.
  • Each military unit you staff in a city makes your citizens feel much safer and thus happier.
  • Gain an additional Trade route in each city due to the economic amiability of your people so as to appease potential rivals.
  • Strong decrease in the cost of upgrading units since training can only cover the bare minimums without freaking out your government employees.
  • More likely to capture enemy units when defeating them because their terror driven rage tends to surprise foes into submission and because they can empathize, they are likely to take pity on those who surrender.

Cowardly I

Primary Penalties:
  • Assigns the Cowardly I promotion to all Combatant and Naval Combatant units. Gives a large defense penalty but a small attack bonus.
  • Increased cost of upkeep per unit. Working for the government is perceived as carrying risk of conflict.
Side Penalties:
  • Decrease in the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Forts upgrade much slower than usual.
  • Your workers build fort improvements much slower.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants lose some Experience when trained.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants take longer to train.
  • Increase in War Weariness your people suffer. There is a cultural sense of terror that grips your people when at war.
  • Decrease to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Lose some Free Military Units that don't require upkeep as normal that you may be getting from another source.
  • Units are more likely to be captured when defeated. They are always looking for way they will survive being under attack.
  • Each military unit you staff in a city makes your citizens feel much safer and thus happier.
  • Gain an additional Trade route in each city due to the economic amiability of your people so as to appease potential rivals.
  • Decrease in the cost of upgrading units since training can only cover the bare minimums without freaking out your government employees.
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Cowardly II

Primary Penalties:

  • Assigns the Cowardly II promotion to all Combatant and Naval Combatant units. Gives a large defense penalty but a small attack bonus.
  • Increased cost of upkeep per unit. Working for the government is perceived as carrying risk of conflict.
Side Penalties:
  • Decrease in the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Forts upgrade much slower than usual.
  • Your workers build fort improvements much slower.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants lose Experience when trained.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants take longer to train.
  • Significant increase in War Weariness your people suffer. There is a cultural sense of terror that grips your people when at war.
  • Significant decrease to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Lose some Free Military Units that don't require upkeep as normal that you may be getting from another source.
  • Units are much more likely to be captured when defeated. They are always looking for way they will survive being under attack.
  • Each military unit you staff in a city makes your citizens feel much safer and thus happier.
  • Gain an additional Trade route in each city due to the economic amiability of your people so as to appease potential rivals.
  • Decrease in the cost of upgrading units since training can only cover the bare minimums without freaking out your government employees.
  • More likely to capture enemy units when defeating them because their terror driven rage tends to surprise foes into submission and because they can empathize, they are likely to take pity on those who surrender.
Cowardly III

Primary Penalties:

  • Assigns the Cowardly III promotion to all Combatant and Naval Combatant units. Gives a large defense penalty but a small attack bonus.
  • Increased cost of upkeep per unit. Working for the government is perceived as carrying risk of conflict.
Side Penalties:
  • Decrease in the rate of earning Great Military People.
  • Forts upgrade much slower than usual.
  • Your workers build fort improvements much slower.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants lose Experience when trained.
  • Combatants and Naval Combatants take longer to train.
  • Strong increase in War Weariness your people suffer. There is a cultural sense of terror that grips your people when at war.
  • Overwhelming decrease to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Lose some Free Military Units that don't require upkeep as normal that you may be getting from another source.
  • Units are far more likely to be captured when defeated. They are always looking for way they will survive being under attack.
  • Each military unit you staff in a city makes your citizens feel much safer and thus happier.
  • Gain an additional Trade route in each city due to the economic amiability of your people so as to appease potential rivals.
  • Decrease in the cost of upgrading units since training can only cover the bare minimums without freaking out your government employees.
  • More likely to capture enemy units when defeating them because their terror driven rage tends to surprise foes into submission and because they can empathize, they are likely to take pity on those who surrender.

Strong city and domestic defenses and military benefits but it all comes at some expense.

Positive Trait

"Allow your cities to fall and your nation will follow. None shall pass through these walls!"

Many civilizations will break their teeth trying to take your cities. Go ahead and provoke them to get the most out of your benefits, and keep the fighting within your own borders as much as possible. If you're playing a tough level and fear opponents that are far ahead of you in technology, this trait should help you feel much more secure, as it does your citizens.

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Protective promotion to all Combatant units. Strong city defense modifier and an extra first strike.
  • Your cities gain a solid base defensive modifier due to complex strategic preparations always established and in place.
  • Defenses in your cities are tougher to diminish with bombardments.
Side Benefits:
  • Significant increase in the rate of earning Great Military People when the battle takes place inside your borders.
  • Your cities construct Defensive buildings faster.
  • Defensive buildings make your people happier.
  • Great Military People Specialists gain an additional Production.
  • Great Military People Specialists gain two additional Culture.
  • Techs that form prerequisites for Defensive buildings are faster to research.
  • Increase to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Gain a bonus amount of Free Military Units from the total population of your nation.
  • Each military unit you staff in a city makes your citizens happier. Your people are only satisfied when national defense is an obvious priority - you've made that one of your most solid vows to them.
  • Your units gain significantly more experience when the battle takes place within your borders.
  • It is more difficult for your opponents to perform espionage missions against you.
  • Golden Ages are somewhat less beneficial in terms of yields.
  • Golden Ages are a little less beneficial in terms of commerces.
  • Increase in the amount of War Weariness you suffer. Anxiety about the quality of your defenses, likely to be tested during war, is very much the reason you and your people so good at ensuring it.
  • Much higher Maintenance costs from Distance to Capital because a well defended network of cities is a tighter network and defensive building materials are often very heavy.
  • Far higher Maintenance costs from Number of Cities. The larger the nation and the more centers to protect, the harder it is to plan the defenses for.
  • Golden Ages are a quarter less lengthy. You and your people take everything very seriously and are thus less jubilant for fear of letting down your guard.

Protective I

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Protective I promotion to all Combatant units. Strong city defense modifier and an extra benefit.
  • Your cities gain a base defensive modifier due to complex strategic preparations always established and in place.
  • Defenses in your cities are tougher to diminish with bombardments.
Side Benefits:
  • Increase in the rate of earning Great Military People when the battle takes place inside your borders.
  • Your cities construct Defensive buildings faster.
  • Defensive buildings make your people happier.
  • Great Military People Specialists gain two additional Culture.
  • Techs that form prerequisites for Defensive buildings are faster to research.
  • Increase to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Gain a bonus amount of Free Military Units from the total population of your nation.
  • Each military unit you staff in a city makes your citizens happier. Your people are only satisfied when national defense is an obvious priority - you've made that one of your most solid vows to them.
  • Your units gain more experience when the battle takes place within your borders.
  • It is more difficult for your opponents to perform espionage missions against you.

  • Golden Ages are somewhat less beneficial in terms of yields.
  • Golden Ages are a little less beneficial in terms of commerces.
  • Increase in the amount of War Weariness you suffer. Anxiety about the quality of your defenses, likely to be tested during war, is very much the reason you and your people so good at ensuring it.
  • Higher Maintenance costs from Distance to Capital because a well defended network of cities is a tighter network and defensive building materials are often very heavy.
  • Higher Maintenance costs from Number of Cities. The larger the nation and the more centers to protect, the harder it is to plan the defenses for.
  • Golden Ages are less lengthy. You and your people take everything very seriously and are thus less jubilant for fear of letting down your guard.

Protective II

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Protective II promotion to all Combatant units. Strong city defense modifier and an extra benefit.
  • Your cities gain a base defensive modifier due to complex strategic preparations always established and in place.
  • Defenses in your cities are tougher to diminish with bombardments.
Side Benefits:
  • Increase in the rate of earning Great Military People when the battle takes place inside your borders.
  • Your cities construct Defensive buildings faster.
  • Defensive buildings make your people happier.
  • Great Military People Specialists gain an additional Production.
  • Techs that form prerequisites for Defensive buildings are faster to research.
  • Significant increase to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Gain a bonus amount of Free Military Units from the total population of your nation.
  • Each military unit you staff in a city makes your citizens happier. Your people are only satisfied when national defense is an obvious priority - you've made that one of your most solid vows to them.
  • Your units gain more experience when the battle takes place within your borders.
  • It is more difficult for your opponents to perform espionage missions against you.
  • Golden Ages are somewhat less beneficial in terms of yields.
  • Golden Ages are a little less beneficial in terms of commerces.
  • Increase in the amount of War Weariness you suffer. Anxiety about the quality of your defenses, likely to be tested during war, is very much the reason you and your people so good at ensuring it.
  • Significantly higher Maintenance costs from Distance to Capital because a well defended network of cities is a tighter network and defensive building materials are often very heavy.
  • Significantly higher Maintenance costs from Number of Cities. The larger the nation and the more centers to protect, the harder it is to plan the defenses for.
  • Golden Ages are less lengthy. You and your people take everything very seriously and are thus less jubilant for fear of letting down your guard.

Protective III

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Protective III promotion to all Combatant units. Strong city defense modifier and an extra benefit.
  • Your cities gain a solid base defensive modifier due to complex strategic preparations always established and in place.
  • Defenses in your cities are much tougher to diminish with bombardments.
Side Benefits:
  • Increase in the rate of earning Great Military People when the battle takes place inside your borders.
  • Your cities construct Defensive buildings faster.
  • Defensive buildings make your people happier.
  • Techs that form prerequisites for Defensive buildings are faster to research.
  • Strong increase to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Gain a bonus amount of Free Military Units from the total population of your nation.
  • Each military unit you staff in a city makes your citizens happier. Your people are only satisfied when national defense is an obvious priority - you've made that one of your most solid vows to them.
  • Your units gain more experience when the battle takes place within your borders.
  • It is more difficult for your opponents to perform espionage missions against you.
  • Golden Ages are somewhat less beneficial in terms of yields.
  • Golden Ages are a little less beneficial in terms of commerces.
  • Increase in the amount of War Weariness you suffer. Anxiety about the quality of your defenses, likely to be tested during war, is very much the reason you and your people so good at ensuring it.
  • Much higher Maintenance costs from Distance to Capital because a well defended network of cities is a tighter network and defensive building materials are often very heavy.
  • Much higher Maintenance costs from Number of Cities. The larger the nation and the more centers to protect, the harder it is to plan the defenses for.
  • Golden Ages are less lengthy. You and your people take everything very seriously and are thus less jubilant for fear of letting down your guard.


Ignores city defenses in favor of other goals.

Negative Trait

"I really doubt anyone will ever wish to take MY cities. If they do I'll just take them back. Why build fortifications? Isn't that just going to make recapturing my cities even harder?"

If you don't like worrying too much about holding your cities and would prefer to just protect them to a minimum and retaliate later if your opponents start capturing them, this is the Negative Trait of choice for you. Your people lack for caution but this leads to frazzled nerves for some.

Primary Penalties:
  • Applies the Negligent promotion to all Combatant units. Strong city defense penalty and loses a first strike if the unit already had one.
  • Your cities suffer a large penalty to base defensive modifier due to complex strategic preparations always established and in place.
  • Defenses in your cities are easier to diminish with bombardments.
Side Penalties:
  • Strong penalty to earning Great Military People when combat takes place inside your borders.
  • Penalty to happiness in every city. Some just cannot handle the flippant state attitude about defense.
  • Your cities construct Defensive buildings slower.
  • Techs that form prerequisites for Defensive buildings are slower to discover.
  • Decrease to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Lose an amount of Free Military Units based on the total population of your nation.
  • Your units gain significantly less experience when the battle takes place within your borders.
  • It is easier for your opponents to perform espionage missions against you.
  • Golden Ages are more beneficial in terms of yields.
  • Golden Ages are more beneficial in terms of commerces.
  • Decrease in the amount of War Weariness you suffer. Most people are prepared for dealing with living under a new flag for a while but trust responses will be forthcoming.
  • Much lower Maintenance costs from Distance to Capital. Much of the upkeep costs for this were based on establishing defensive routes and plans and trained responses, all dismissed under this leadership.
  • Far lower Maintenance costs from Number of Cities. So much easier to get around the costs of defensive planning for lots of cities when you just don't bother with those plans.
  • Golden Ages are a quarter longer. You and your people live as carefree as possible and take revelry farther than some societies would.

Negligent I

Primary Penalties:
  • Applies the Negligent I promotion to all Combatant units. Strong city defense penalty and an additional side penalty.
  • Your cities suffer a penalty to base defensive modifier due to complex strategic preparations always established and in place.
  • Defenses in your cities are easier to diminish with bombardments.
Side Penalties:
  • Penalty to happiness in every city. Some just cannot handle the flippant state attitude about defense.
  • Significant penalty to earning Great Military People when combat takes place inside your borders.
  • Your cities construct Defensive buildings slower.
  • Techs that form prerequisites for Defensive buildings are slower to discover.
  • Decrease to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Lose an amount of Free Military Units based on the total population of your nation.
  • Your units gain significantly less experience when the battle takes place within your borders.
  • It is easier for your opponents to perform espionage missions against you.
  • Golden Ages are somewhat more beneficial in terms of yields.
  • Golden Ages are a little more beneficial in terms of commerces.
  • Decrease in the amount of War Weariness you suffer. Most people are prepared for dealing with living under a new flag for a while but trust responses will be forthcoming.
  • Lower Maintenance costs from Distance to Capital. Much of the upkeep costs for this were based on establishing defensive routes and plans and trained responses, all dismissed under this leadership.
  • Lower Maintenance costs from Number of Cities. So much easier to get around the costs of defensive planning for lots of cities when you just don't bother with those plans.
  • Golden Ages are longer. You and your people live as carefree as possible and take revelry farther than some societies would.

Negligent II

Primary Penalties:
  • Applies the Negligent II promotion to all Combatant units. Strong city defense penalty and an additional side penalty.
  • Your cities suffer a significant penalty to base defensive modifier due to complex strategic preparations always established and in place.
  • Defenses in your cities are much easier to diminish with bombardments.
Side Penalties:
  • Penalty to happiness in every city. Some just cannot handle the flippant state attitude about defense.
  • Significant penalty to earning Great Military People when combat takes place inside your borders.
  • Your cities construct Defensive buildings slower.
  • Techs that form prerequisites for Defensive buildings are slower to discover.
  • Noteworthy decrease to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Lose an amount of Free Military Units based on the total population of your nation.
  • Your units gain significantly less experience when the battle takes place within your borders.
  • It is significantly easier for your opponents to perform espionage missions against you.
  • Golden Ages are somewhat more beneficial in terms of yields.
  • Golden Ages are a little more beneficial in terms of commerces.
  • Decrease in the amount of War Weariness you suffer. Most people are prepared for dealing with living under a new flag for a while but trust responses will be forthcoming.
  • Significantly lower Maintenance costs from Distance to Capital. Much of the upkeep costs for this were based on establishing defensive routes and plans and trained responses, all dismissed under this leadership.
  • Significantly lower Maintenance costs from Number of Cities. So much easier to get around the costs of defensive planning for lots of cities when you just don't bother with those plans.
  • Golden Ages are longer. You and your people live as carefree as possible and take revelry farther than some societies would.

Negligent III

Primary Penalties:
  • Applies the Negligent III promotion to all Combatant units. Strong city defense penalty and an additional side penalty.
  • Your cities suffer a strong penalty to base defensive modifier due to complex strategic preparations always established and in place.
  • Defenses in your cities are much easier to diminish with bombardments.
Side Penalties:
  • Penalty to happiness in every city. Some just cannot handle the flippant state attitude about defense.
  • Large penalty to earning Great Military People when combat takes place inside your borders.
  • Your cities construct Defensive buildings slower.
  • Techs that form prerequisites for Defensive buildings are slower to discover.
  • Strong decrease to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Lose an amount of Free Military Units based on the total population of your nation.
  • Your units gain significantly less experience when the battle takes place within your borders.
  • It is significantly easier for your opponents to perform espionage missions against you.
  • Golden Ages are somewhat more beneficial in terms of yields.
  • Golden Ages are a little more beneficial in terms of commerces.
  • Decrease in the amount of War Weariness you suffer. Most people are prepared for dealing with living under a new flag for a while but trust responses will be forthcoming.
  • Much lower Maintenance costs from Distance to Capital. Much of the upkeep costs for this were based on establishing defensive routes and plans and trained responses, all dismissed under this leadership.
  • Much lower Maintenance costs from Number of Cities. So much easier to get around the costs of defensive planning for lots of cities when you just don't bother with those plans.
  • Golden Ages are longer. You and your people live as carefree as possible and take revelry farther than some societies would.


Strong City Attack forces and a government that is well structured for conquest

Positive Trait

"Take what they have and make it your own. Establish proper governance in the foreign lands and the world falls like dominoes at your feet."

With this leader, you may wish to let your neighbors expand and place their cities and grow while you focus instead on developing a devastating city attack force to take all their achievements right out from underneath them. Your people are envious and savagely willing and empowered to act on your goals of conquest.

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Imperial promotion to all Combatant units. Strong city attack modifier and a reduction in crime and the chance of revolt wherever the unit is stationed.
Unique Abilities:
  • Whenever you capture a city you instantly get a number of free defenders drafted from the population of that city, based on the number of citizens you can conscript.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities construct Siege based and Siege supporting buildings faster.
  • Great Military People Specialists gain an additional Commerce.
  • Great Military People Specialists gain two additional Espionage.
  • Techs that support and unlock Siege units are faster to research.
  • Siege units gain extra free experience.
  • Siege units are faster to train.
  • Increase to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Lower Maintenance costs from Distance to Capital. Planning to conquer so much territory, your people are more efficient at maintaining larger empires with larger areas.
  • Lower Maintenance costs from Number of Cities.
  • Gain a bonus amount of Free Military Units from the total population of your nation.
  • Each military unit you staff in a city makes your citizens happier. It proves your power to command is unquestionable.
  • Your units gain more experience when trained in your capital. Your seat of power is the beating heart of the will to dominate all foes.
  • Your units are significantly more likely to capture defeated enemy units due to their practice at establishing dominance and control over the defeated.
  • Your units are somewhat less likely to be captured when defeated because they are too used to being dominant and cannot stand the idea of such submission.
  • Reduced rate of birthing Great People since your culture is so focused on taking the achievements of others they tend to undervalue personal achievements.
  • Takes a diplomatic penalty because few foreign powers are comfortable knowing that this leader's goal is to take over the world.
  • Units are more expensive to upgrade because keeping up on the specialized invasion training can get costly.
  • Crime is significantly more difficult to control since so many among your society feel dominated and resentful of it.

Imperialist I

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Imperial I promotion to all Combatant units. Strong city attack modifier and some side benefits that help your units maintain new cities.
Unique Abilities:
  • Whenever you capture a city you instantly get a number of free defenders drafted from the population of that city, based on the number of citizens you can conscript.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities construct Siege based and Siege supporting buildings faster.
  • Great Military People Specialists gain an additional Commerce.
  • Techs that support and unlock Siege units are faster to research.
  • Siege units gain extra free experience.
  • Siege units are faster to train.
  • Increase to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Lower Maintenance costs from Distance to Capital. Planning to conquer so much territory, your people are more efficient at maintaining larger empires with larger areas.
  • Lower Maintenance costs from Number of Cities.
  • Gain a bonus amount of Free Military Units from the total population of your nation.
  • Your units gain more experience when trained in your capital. Your seat of power is the beating heart of the will to dominate all foes.
  • Your units are more likely to capture defeated enemy units due to their practice at establishing dominance and control over the defeated.
  • Your units are less likely to be captured when defeated because they are too used to being dominant and cannot stand the idea of such submission.
  • Slightly reduced rate of birthing Great People since your culture is so focused on taking the achievements of others they tend to undervalue personal achievements.
  • Takes a diplomatic penalty because few foreign powers are comfortable knowing that this leader's goal is to take over the world.
  • Units are slightly more expensive to upgrade because keeping up on the specialized invasion training can get costly.
  • Crime is more difficult to control since so many among your society feel dominated and resentful of it.

Imperialist II

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Imperial II promotion to all Combatant units. Strong city attack modifier and some side benefits that help your units maintain new cities.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities construct Siege based and Siege supporting buildings faster.
  • Great Military People Specialists gain two additional Espionage.
  • Techs that support and unlock Siege units are faster to research.
  • Siege units gain extra free experience.
  • Siege units are faster to train.
  • Moderate increase to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Lower Maintenance costs from Distance to Capital. Planning to conquer so much territory, your people are more efficient at maintaining larger empires with larger areas.
  • Lower Maintenance costs from Number of Cities.
  • Gain a bonus amount of Free Military Units from the total population of your nation.
  • Each military unit you staff in a city makes your citizens happier. It proves your power to command is unquestionable.
  • Your units gain more experience when trained in your capital. Your seat of power is the beating heart of the will to dominate all foes.
  • Your units are more likely to capture defeated enemy units due to their practice at establishing dominance and control over the defeated.
  • Your units are less likely to be captured when defeated because they are too used to being dominant and cannot stand the idea of such submission.
  • Reduced rate of birthing Great People since your culture is so focused on taking the achievements of others they tend to undervalue personal achievements.
  • Takes a diplomatic penalty because few foreign powers are comfortable knowing that this leader's goal is to take over the world.
  • Units are more expensive to upgrade because keeping up on the specialized invasion training can get costly.
  • Crime is more difficult to control since so many among your society feel dominated and resentful of it.

Imperialist III

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Imperial III promotion to all Combatant units. Strong city attack modifier and some side benefits that help your units maintain new cities.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities construct Siege based and Siege supporting buildings faster.
  • Techs that support and unlock Siege units are faster to research.
  • Siege units gain extra free experience.
  • Siege units are faster to train.
  • Huge increase to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Much Lower Maintenance costs from Distance to Capital. Planning to conquer so much territory, your people are more efficient at maintaining larger empires with larger areas.
  • Much Lower Maintenance costs from Number of Cities.
  • Gain a bonus amount of Free Military Units from the total population of your nation.
  • Each military unit you staff in a city makes your citizens happier. It proves your power to command is unquestionable.
  • Your units gain more experience when trained in your capital. Your seat of power is the beating heart of the will to dominate all foes.
  • Your units are much more likely to capture defeated enemy units due to their practice at establishing dominance and control over the defeated.
  • Your units are less likely to be captured when defeated because they are too used to being dominant and cannot stand the idea of such submission.
  • Significantly reduced rate of birthing Great People since your culture is so focused on taking the achievements of others they tend to undervalue personal achievements.
  • Takes a diplomatic penalty because few foreign powers are comfortable knowing that this leader's goal is to take over the world.
  • Units are significantly more expensive to upgrade because keeping up on the specialized invasion training can get costly.
  • Crime is more difficult to control since so many among your society feel dominated and resentful of it.


Weak city attack forces and more expensive to maintain a larger empire but some enhanced personal liberties and diplomacy and better behaved citizens.

Negative Trait

"It is absolutely immoral and dangerous to go invading other nations. Large nations are far too much work anyhow! Count me out of ever taking part in such an effort."

Meek leaders are better off planning to avoid having to invade. They are better off growing larger, fewer cities. It might be costly for them to maintain large empires but if they can peacefully outgrow their rivals and never have to take ground by force, they can overcome their weaknesses.

Primary Penalties:
  • Applies the Meek promotion to all Combatant units. Strong city attack penalty and a reduction in the ability to aid stability in the city.
  • All Units cost more gold to upkeep.
  • Military units cost even more gold to upkeep.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities construct Siege based and Siege supporting buildings slower.
  • Techs that support and unlock Siege units are slower to research.
  • Siege units lose experience when trained.
  • Siege units are slower to train.
  • Decrease to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Higher Maintenance costs from Distance to Capital. Planning to conquer so much territory, your people are more efficient at maintaining larger empires with larger areas.
  • Higher Maintenance costs from Number of Cities.
  • Lose an amount of Free Units based on a small percentage of the total population of your nation.
  • Lose an amount of Free Military Units based on a small percentage of the total population of your nation.
  • Enemies suffer less War Weariness since they do not fear losing their cities to your forces.
  • Your units are significantly less likely to capture defeated enemy units since they lack a dominant mindset and often allow those retreating to escape.
  • Your units are more likely to be captured when defeated because they will more readily submit to their foes.
  • Reduction in overall upkeep costs.
  • Enhanced rate of birthing Great People as autonomy, both personal and national, is respected here.
  • Gain a diplomatic bonus since leaders comfortably believe you won't invade them.
  • Units are cheaper to upgrade because city invasion training is not part of their curriculum.
  • Crime is significantly reduced since the people value the personal freedoms they have.

Meek I

Primary Penalties:
  • Applies the Meek I promotion to all Combatant units. Strong city attack penalty and a reduction in the ability to aid stability in the city.
  • Military units cost even more gold to upkeep.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities construct Siege based and Siege supporting buildings slower.
  • Techs that support and unlock Siege units are slower to research.
  • Siege units lose experience when trained.
  • Siege units are slower to train.
  • Slight decrease to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Higher Maintenance costs from Distance to Capital. Planning to conquer so much territory, your people are more efficient at maintaining larger empires with larger areas.
  • Higher Maintenance costs from Number of Cities.
  • Lose an amount of Free Units based on a small percentage of the total population of your nation.
  • Lose an amount of Free Military Units based on a small percentage of the total population of your nation.
  • Enemies suffer less War Weariness since they do not fear losing their cities to your forces.
  • Your units are slightly less likely to capture defeated enemy units since they lack a dominant mindset and often allow those retreating to escape.
  • Your units are more likely to be captured when defeated because they will more readily submit to their foes.
  • Reduction in overall upkeep costs.
  • Slightly enhanced rate of birthing Great People as autonomy, both personal and national, is respected here.
  • Gain a diplomatic bonus since leaders comfortably believe you won't invade them.
  • Units are slightly cheaper to upgrade because city invasion training is not part of their curriculum.
  • Crime is reduced since the people value the personal freedoms they have.

Meek II

Primary Penalties:
  • Applies the Meek II promotion to all Combatant units. Strong city attack penalty and a reduction in the ability to aid stability in the city.
  • All Units cost more gold to upkeep.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities construct Siege based and Siege supporting buildings slower.
  • Techs that support and unlock Siege units are slower to research.
  • Siege units lose experience when trained.
  • Siege units are slower to train.
  • Decrease to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Significantly higher Maintenance costs from Distance to Capital. Planning to conquer so much territory, your people are more efficient at maintaining larger empires with larger areas.
  • Significantly higher Maintenance costs from Number of Cities.
  • Lose an amount of Free Units based on a small percentage of the total population of your nation.
  • Lose an amount of Free Military Units based on a small percentage of the total population of your nation.
  • Enemies suffer less War Weariness since they do not fear losing their cities to your forces.
  • Your units are less likely to capture defeated enemy units since they lack a dominant mindset and often allow those retreating to escape.
  • Your units are more likely to be captured when defeated because they will more readily submit to their foes.
  • Reduction in overall upkeep costs.
  • Enhanced rate of birthing Great People as autonomy, both personal and national, is respected here.
  • Gain a diplomatic bonus since leaders comfortably believe you won't invade them.
  • Units are cheaper to upgrade because city invasion training is not part of their curriculum.
  • Crime is reduced since the people value the personal freedoms they have.

Meek III

Primary Penalties:
  • Applies the Meek III promotion to all Combatant units. Strong city attack penalty and a reduction in the ability to aid stability in the city.
  • Military units cost even more gold to upkeep.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities construct Siege based and Siege supporting buildings slower.
  • Techs that support and unlock Siege units are slower to research.
  • Siege units lose experience when trained.
  • Siege units are slower to train.
  • Significant decrease to the maximum number of population you convert to units during a Conscription action in a city.
  • Much higher Maintenance costs from Distance to Capital. Planning to conquer so much territory, your people are more efficient at maintaining larger empires with larger areas.
  • Much higher Maintenance costs from Number of Cities.
  • Lose an amount of Free Units based on a small percentage of the total population of your nation.
  • Lose an amount of Free Military Units based on a small percentage of the total population of your nation.
  • Enemies suffer less War Weariness since they do not fear losing their cities to your forces.
  • Your units are much less likely to capture defeated enemy units since they lack a dominant mindset and often allow those retreating to escape.
  • Your units are more likely to be captured when defeated because they will more readily submit to their foes.
  • Reduction in overall upkeep costs.
  • Enhanced rate of birthing Great People as autonomy, both personal and national, is respected here.
  • Gain a diplomatic bonus since leaders comfortably believe you won't invade them.
  • Units are cheaper to upgrade because city invasion training is not part of their curriculum.
  • Crime is reduced since the people value the personal freedoms they have.


Dominance over the water terrains in every way possible.

Positive Trait

"Command the seas and you command the world."

The majority of the Earth is covered in water. Waterways are the crossing points where most nations are vulnerable, in transportation of land forces, trade routes and supply lines. When your people consider themselves more at home on the waves than they are on land, we can capitalize on the great power this brings. It also allows us to make the most of the sea's bountiful resources.

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Amphibious promotion for many land unit types so they can ignore naval assault and river crossing penalties.
  • Free Seafaring promotion for all Naval units, giving a solid combat modifier and mobility benefit.
  • Working any Sea Domain plot produces an additional Food, Production AND Commerce.
Unique Benefits
  • Naval transport ships all gain an additional cargo space, or a strong volume capacity boost.
Side Benefits:
  • Water based improvements that can upgrade do so twice as fast.
  • Water based improvements that take time to build will be constructed much faster.
  • Great Admiral Specialists gain an additional Food yield.
  • Great Admiral Specialists gain two additional Espionage.
  • Sea Domain units gain a bonus experience point when trained.
  • Sea Domain units are faster to train.
  • Techs that give sea travel and warfare benefits are faster to discover.
  • Great Admirals are birthed faster.
  • All coastal cities gain an additional trade route if they can reach another coastal city in the trade network.
  • Units that can carry missile units gain space for a couple more than normal.
  • Many resources derived from naval plots give extra happiness in all your cities. Your people love seafood and are proud of what they bring up from the depths.
  • Health penalty. Drowning deaths are common.
  • Overall upkeep is higher since so much focus goes into utilizing the ocean, increasing the costs and investments necessary to do so.
  • Many land based improvements aren't as valuable. For example, Mines get less Production and Farms get less Food.
  • Workers lose half their productivity speed.
  • Higher Maintenance costs from Number of Cities. Naval transportation costs to support a nation's infrastructure needs are usually a little higher maintenance and land locked cities are more resentfully supported.
  • The largest cities in your nation are less happy. Your people are more introverted, being accustomed to the relative isolation experienced on naval voyages.

Seafaring I

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Amphibious promotion for Explorers, Melee, Mounted and Throwing unit types so they can ignore naval assault and river crossing penalties.
  • Free Seafaring I promotion for all Naval units, giving a solid combat modifier and mobility benefit.
  • Working any Sea Domain plot produces an additional Production.
Unique Benefits:
  • Naval transport ships all gain an additional cargo space, or a strong volume capacity boost.
Side Benefits:
  • Water based improvements that can upgrade do so much faster.
  • Water based improvements that take time to build will be constructed faster.
  • Great Admiral Specialists gain an additional Food yield.
  • Great Admiral Specialists gain two additional Research.
  • Sea Domain units gain a few bonus experience points when trained.
  • Sea Domain units are faster to train.
  • Techs that give sea travel and warfare benefits are faster to discover.
  • Great Admirals are birthed faster.
  • All coastal cities gain an additional trade route if they can reach another coastal city in the trade network.
  • Many resources derived from naval plots give extra happiness in all your cities. Your people love seafood and are proud of what they bring up from the depths.
  • Health penalty. Drowning deaths are common.
  • Overall upkeep is slightly higher since so much focus goes into utilizing the ocean, increasing the costs and investments necessary to do so.
  • Many land based improvements aren't as valuable. For example, Mines get less Production and Farms get less Food.
  • Workers lose a quarter of their productivity speed.
  • Higher Maintenance costs from Number of Cities. Naval transportation costs to support a nation's infrastructure needs are usually a little higher maintenance and land locked cities are more resentfully supported.
  • The largest cities in your nation are less happy. Your people are more introverted, being accustomed to the relative isolation experienced on naval voyages.

Seafaring II

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Amphibious promotion for Gun and Helicopter unit types so they can ignore naval assault and river crossing penalties.
  • Free Seafaring II promotion for all Naval units, giving a solid combat modifier and mobility benefit.
  • Working any Sea Domain plot produces an additional Food.
Unique Benefits:
  • Naval transport ships all gain an additional cargo space, or a strong volume capacity boost.
Side Benefits:
  • Water based improvements that can upgrade do so much faster.
  • Water based improvements that take time to build will be constructed faster.
  • Great Admiral Specialists gain an additional Production yield.
  • Great Admiral Specialists gain two additional Espionage.
  • Sea Domain units gain a few bonus experience points when trained.
  • Sea Domain units are significantly faster to train.
  • Techs that give sea travel and warfare benefits are faster to discover.
  • Great Admirals are birthed significantly faster.
  • All coastal cities gain an additional trade route if they can reach another coastal city in the trade network.
  • Units that can carry missile units gain space for a couple more than normal.
  • Health penalty. Drowning deaths are common.
  • Overall upkeep is higher since so much focus goes into utilizing the ocean, increasing the costs and investments necessary to do so.
  • Many land based improvements aren't as valuable. For example, Mines get less Production and Farms get less Food.
  • Workers lose a quarter of their productivity speed.
  • Higher Maintenance costs from Number of Cities. Naval transportation costs to support a nation's infrastructure needs are usually a little higher maintenance and land locked cities are more resentfully supported.

Seafaring III

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Amphibious promotion for High Tech, Clone and Assault Mech unit types so they can ignore naval assault and river crossing penalties.
  • Free Seafaring III promotion for all Naval units, giving a solid combat modifier and mobility benefit.
  • Working any Sea Domain plot produces an additional Commerce.
Unique Benefits:
  • Naval transport ships all gain an additional cargo space, or a strong volume capacity boost.
Side Benefits:
  • Water based improvements that can upgrade do so much faster.
  • Water based improvements that take time to build will be constructed faster.
  • Great Admiral Specialists gain an additional Commerce yield.
  • Great Admiral Specialists gain two additional Gold.
  • Sea Domain units gain a few bonus experience points when trained.
  • Sea Domain units are much faster to train.
  • Techs that give sea travel and warfare benefits are faster to discover.
  • Great Admirals are birthed much faster.
  • All coastal cities gain an additional trade route if they can reach another coastal city in the trade network.
  • Units that can carry missile units gain space for much more than normal.
  • Health penalty. Drowning deaths are common.
  • Overall upkeep is higher since so much focus goes into utilizing the ocean, increasing the costs and investments necessary to do so.
  • Many land based improvements aren't as valuable. For example, Mines get less Production and Farms get less Food.
  • Workers lose a quarter of their productivity speed.
  • Higher Maintenance costs from Number of Cities. Naval transportation costs to support a nation's infrastructure needs are usually a little higher maintenance and land locked cities are more resentfully supported.
  • The largest cities in your nation are less happy. Your people are more introverted, being accustomed to the relative isolation experienced on naval voyages.


Fast units but lagging cities. Animal resource focus.

Positive Trait

"Keep moving! Whether we are the cheetah or the gazelle, we run to survive. You can take whatever you want as long as you are faster than your opponent. Speed is key."

Your leader's wanderlust has driven its way into every corner of society, making your people highly mobile and thriving when they can stay on the move, but suffering when they must settle. They are more in touch with the land and seasons and love tending to herds and hunting for food.

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Nomadic Promotion for Explorer, Animal, Trade, Mounted and Wheeled units. Gives enhanced land speed, terrain navigation and withdrawal skill.
  • Much less Distance to Capital upkeep. The speed at which your people travel reduces shipping costs.
  • All cities benefit from a higher Maximum cap on trade routes.
Side Benefits:
  • Herding and hunting based buildings are faster to build.
  • Camps, herding and hunting improvements are more valuable either in Food or Production.
  • Animal qualifying improvements are twice as fast to upgrade if they can.
  • Animal qualifying improvements are faster for workers to build.
  • Great Hunter Specialists gain an additional Production yield.
  • Great Hunter Specialists gain two additional Espionage.
  • Techs that lead to Animal related or Speed related benefits are faster to discover.
  • Explorer, Animal, Mounted and Wheeled units gain extra experience points when trained.
  • Explorer, Animal, Mounted and Wheeled units are faster to train.
  • All cities gain an additional trade route thanks to the speed and efficiency with which your people make trade journeys.
  • Great Hunters are birthed faster.
  • Many resources derived from land animal plots give extra happiness in all your cities. Your people love the bounty of the land and maintaining healthy wildlife populations.
  • Happiness penalty. It can be a hard life always being on the move and that gets to some at times.
  • Plots that produce 7 Production or more generate one less. There's not as much concentrated focus on perfecting obtaining benefit from a given territory in less sedentary people.
  • Plots that produce 7 Food or more generate one less. There's not as much concentrated focus on perfecting obtaining benefit from a given territory in less sedentary people.
  • Plots that produce 7 Commerce or more generate one less. There's not as much concentrated focus on perfecting obtaining benefit from a given territory in less sedentary people.
  • Techs that lead to more Sedentary specialized benefits like farming and mining are slower to discover.
  • Higher Maintenance costs from Number of Cities. The more places there are in your nation, the more the infrastructure between them is of paramount importance to maintain to a high degree.
  • The largest cities in your nation are less happy. Your people don't like being crowded into high density spaces.
  • Cities are harder to defend since people are more transient between them and don't place as much priority on local security measures.

Nomadic I

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Nomadic I Promotion for Explorers, Animals, Mounted, Trade, and Wheeled units. Gives enhanced land speed, terrain navigation and withdrawal skill.
Side Benefits:
  • Herding and hunting based buildings are faster to build.
  • Camps, herding and hunting improvements are more valuable.
  • Animal qualifying improvements are much faster to upgrade if they can.
  • Animal qualifying improvements are faster for workers to build.
  • Great Hunter Specialists gain an additional Food yield.
  • Great Hunter Specialists gain two additional Research.
  • Techs that lead to Animal related or Speed related benefits are faster to discover.
  • Explorer, Animal, Mounted and Wheeled units gain extra experience points when trained.
  • Explorer, Animal, Mounted and Wheeled units are faster to train.
  • Less Distance to Capital upkeep. The speed at which your people travel reduces shipping costs.
  • All cities gain an additional trade route thanks to the speed and efficiency with which your people make trade journeys.
  • Great Hunters are birthed faster.
  • Many resources derived from land animal plots give extra happiness in all your cities. Your people love the bounty of the land and maintaining healthy wildlife populations.
  • Happiness penalty. It can be a hard life always being on the move and that gets to some at times.
  • Plots that produce 5 Production or more generate one less. There's not as much concentrated focus on perfecting obtaining benefit from a given territory in less sedentary people.
  • Techs that lead to more Sedentary specialized benefits like farming and mining are slower to discover.
  • Higher Maintenance costs from Number of Cities. The more places there are in your nation, the more the infrastructure between them is of paramount importance to maintain to a high degree.
  • Cities are harder to defend since people are more transient between them and don't place as much priority on local security measures.

Nomadic II

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Nomadic II Promotion for Explorers, Animals, Mounted, Trade, and Wheeled units. Gives enhanced withdrawal and visibility range.
  • All cities benefit from a higher Maximum cap on trade routes.
Side Benefits:
  • Herding and hunting based buildings are faster to build.
  • Camps, herding and hunting improvements are more valuable.
  • Animal qualifying improvements are much faster to upgrade if they can.
  • Animal qualifying improvements are faster for workers to build.
  • Great Hunter Specialists gain an additional Production yield.
  • Great Hunter Specialists gain two additional Espionage.
  • Techs that lead to Animal related or Speed related benefits are faster to discover.
  • Explorer, Animal, Mounted and Wheeled units gain extra experience points when trained.
  • Explorer, Animal, Mounted and Wheeled units are significantly faster to train.
  • Significantly less Distance to Capital upkeep. The speed at which your people travel reduces shipping costs.
  • All cities gain an additional trade route thanks to the speed and efficiency with which your people make trade journeys.
  • Great Hunters are birthed significantly faster.
  • Happiness penalty. It can be a hard life always being on the move and that gets to some at times.
  • Plots that produce 5 Food or more generate one less. There's not as much concentrated focus on perfecting obtaining benefit from a given territory in less sedentary people.
  • Techs that lead to more Sedentary specialized benefits like farming and mining are slower to discover.
  • Higher Maintenance costs from Number of Cities. The more places there are in your nation, the more the infrastructure between them is of paramount importance to maintain to a high degree.
  • The largest cities in your nation are less happy. Your people don't like being crowded into high density spaces.
  • Cities are harder to defend since people are more transient between them and don't place as much priority on local security measures.

Nomadic III

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Nomadic III Promotion for Explorers, Animals, Mounted, Trade, and Wheeled units. Gives enhanced withdrawal and a first strike.
  • All cities benefit from two higher Maximum cap on trade routes.
Side Benefits:
  • Herding and hunting based buildings are faster to build.
  • Camps, herding and hunting improvements are more valuable.
  • Animal qualifying improvements are much faster to upgrade if they can.
  • Animal qualifying improvements are faster for workers to build.
  • Great Hunter Specialists gain an additional Commerce yield.
  • Great Hunter Specialists gain two additional Gold.
  • Techs that lead to Animal related or Speed related benefits are faster to discover.
  • Explorer, Animal, Mounted and Wheeled units gain extra experience points when trained.
  • Explorer, Animal, Mounted and Wheeled units are much faster to train.
  • Much less Distance to Capital upkeep. The speed at which your people travel reduces shipping costs.
  • All cities gain an additional trade route thanks to the speed and efficiency with which your people make trade journeys.
  • Great Hunters are birthed much faster.
  • Happiness penalty. It can be a hard life always being on the move and that gets to some at times.
  • Plots that produce 5 Commerce or more generate one less. There's not as much concentrated focus on perfecting obtaining benefit from a given territory in less sedentary people.
  • Techs that lead to more Sedentary specialized benefits like farming and mining are slower to discover.
  • Significantly higher Maintenance costs from Number of Cities. The more places there are in your nation, the more the infrastructure between them is of paramount importance to maintain to a high degree.
  • The largest cities in your nation are less happy. Your people don't like being crowded into high density spaces.
  • Cities are harder to defend since people are more transient between them and don't place as much priority on local security measures.


Air based military strength, empowering throwing, archery, gun and flying units.

Positive Trait

"The sky offers freedom and power. Those who control the sky control the Earth below. None can stand against strikes from the heavens."

Although it comes at some expense and many prefer living with their heads in the clouds rather than their feet on the ground, focused on the toils at hand, this lofty leader inspires his people to look up and to the horizon and will drive them to master all things within sight.

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Aerial Promotion for Archers, Throwing, Gunpowder, Balloon and Helicopter units. Gives an extra first strike, bonuses to hit and damage on distance assaults, and withdrawal improvements.
  • Free Aerial Superiority Promotion for Air combat units. Gives a basic combat modifier bonus and increased chance to evade.
  • All cities benefit from a higher Maximum cap on trade routes.
Unique Benefits:
  • All cities and forts can maintain an additional Air unit stationed there.
  • Missiles gain an additional plot range they can target with an attack.
  • Air units gain an additional plot range they can reach with missions.
Side Benefits:
  • Aerial type Buildings are faster to construct.
  • Air based Improvements give more Commerce.
  • Air based Improvements are faster to upgrade if they can.
  • Air based Improvements are quicker to build for your workers.
  • Great Aviator (Pending - Generals for now) Specialists gain an additional Commerce yield.
  • Great Aviator (Pending - Generals for now) Specialists gain two additional Espionage.
  • Air Domain units gain an extra experience point when trained.
  • Air Domain units are faster to train.
  • Techs that represent advancements in Air and Space and Distance Weaponry are faster to discover.
  • Throwing, Archer, Gunpowder, Siege, Rocket Launcher, Balloon, and Helicopter units gain an extra experience point when trained.
  • Throwing, Archer, Gunpowder, Siege, Rocket Launcher, Balloon, and Helicopter units are faster to train.
  • Distance Maintenance is Reduced since yours is a far reaching people.
  • All cities gain an extra trade route from your far ranging merchants.
  • Great Aviators are faster to birth. (Pending - for now it's Generals)
  • Your city is harder to bombard since your people are more well prepared to face threats from above.
  • Units that can carry missile units gain space for a few more than normal.
  • Access to Parrots and Poultry makes your people happier. They like birds.
  • Significant overall Upkeep penalty since basics are often overlooked, leading to costly setbacks, and people resent the simpler tasks making them demand more for performing them.
  • The overall improvement upgrade rate is far slower.
  • Workers are half as fast.
  • Higher Maintenance costs from Number of Cities. Your people work better with farther distances between cities than if they are packed in close.
  • The largest cities in your nation are less happy. Your people like having room to breathe.
  • Your people are more easily captured since they tend to go where the wind takes them.
  • Your cities suffer more Air Pollution since experimentation with vapors and a preference for burning trash into smoke is prevalent.

Aerial I

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Aerial Strategies Promotion for Archers, Throwing, Gunpowder, Balloon and Helicopter units. Gives an extra first strike, bonuses to hit and damage on distance assaults, and withdrawal improvements.
Side Benefits:
  • Aerial type Buildings are faster to construct.
  • Great Aviator (Pending - Generals for now) Specialists gain an additional Food yield.
  • Great Aviator (Pending - Generals for now) Specialists gain two additional Research.
  • Techs that represent advancements in Air Harnessing and Distance Weaponry are faster to discover.
  • Archer and Throwing units gain extra experience points when trained.
  • Archer and Throwing units are faster to train.
  • Distance Maintenance is Reduced since yours is a far reaching people.
  • All cities gain an extra trade route from your far ranging merchants.
  • Your city is slightly harder to bombard since your people are more well prepared to face threats from above.
  • Access to Parrots and Poultry makes your people happier. They like birds.
  • Overall Upkeep penalty since basics are often overlooked, leading to costly setbacks, and people resent the simpler tasks making them demand more for performing them.
  • The overall improvement upgrade rate is far slower.
  • Workers are much slower.
  • Higher Maintenance costs from Number of Cities. Your people work better with farther distances between cities than if they are packed in close.
  • The largest cities in your nation are less happy. Your people like having room to breathe.
  • Your people are more easily captured since they tend to go where the wind takes them.
  • Your cities suffer more Air Pollution since experimentation with vapors and a preference for burning trash into smoke is prevalent.

Aerial II

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Aerial Weaponry Promotion for Gunpowder, High Tech, Siege and Rocket Launcher units. Gives an extra chance for a first strike, a bonus to hit on distance assaults, and interception improvements.
  • All cities benefit from a higher Maximum cap on trade routes.
Unique Benefits:
  • All cities and forts can maintain an additional Air unit stationed there.
  • Air units gain an additional plot range they can reach with missions.
Side Benefits:
  • Aerial type Buildings are faster to construct.
  • Air based Improvements give more Commerce.
  • Air based Improvements are faster to upgrade if they can.
  • Air based Improvements are quicker to build for your workers.
  • Great Aviator (Pending - Generals for now) Specialists gain an additional Commerce yield.
  • Great Aviator (Pending - Generals for now) Specialists gain two additional Espionage.
  • Air Domain units gain an extra experience point when trained.
  • Air Domain units are faster to train.
  • Techs that represent advancements in Air and Space and Distance Weaponry are faster to discover.
  • Gunpowder, Siege, Rocket Launcher, Balloon, and Helicopter units gain an extra experience point when trained.
  • Gunpowder, Siege, Rocket Launcher, Balloon, and Helicopter units are faster to train.
  • Distance Maintenance is Reduced since yours is a far reaching people.
  • All cities gain an extra trade route from your far ranging merchants.
  • Great Aviators are significantly faster to birth. (Pending - for now it's Generals)
  • Your city is slightly harder to bombard since your people are more well prepared to face threats from above.
  • Overall Upkeep penalty since basics are often overlooked, leading to costly setbacks, and people resent the simpler tasks making them demand more for performing them.
  • The overall improvement upgrade rate is far slower.
  • Workers are much slower.
  • Higher Maintenance costs from Number of Cities. Your people work better with farther distances between cities than if they are packed in close.
  • The largest cities in your nation are less happy. Your people like having room to breathe.
  • Your people are more easily captured since they tend to go where the wind takes them.
  • Your cities suffer more Air Pollution since experimentation with vapors and a preference for burning trash into smoke is prevalent.

Aerial III

Primary Benefits:
  • Free Aerial Superiority Promotion for Air combat units. Gives a basic combat modifier bonus and increased chance to evade.
  • All cities benefit from a higher Maximum cap on trade routes.
Unique Benefits:
  • All cities and forts can maintain two additional Air units stationed there.
  • Missiles gain an additional two plots range they can target with an attack.
  • Air units gain an additional two plots range they can reach with missions.
Side Benefits:
  • Aerial type Buildings are faster to construct.
  • Great Aviator (Pending - Generals for now) Specialists gain an additional Production yield.
  • Great Aviator (Pending - Generals for now) Specialists gain two additional Gold.
  • Air Domain units gain extra experience points when trained.
  • Air Domain units are faster to train.
  • Techs that represent advancements in Air and Space and Distance Weaponry are faster to discover.
  • Distance Maintenance is Reduced since yours is a far reaching people.
  • All cities gain an extra trade route from your far ranging merchants.
  • Great Aviators are much faster to birth. (Pending - for now it's Generals)
  • Your city is slightly harder to bombard since your people are more well prepared to face threats from above.
  • Units that can carry missile units gain space for a few more than normal.
  • Overall Upkeep penalty since basics are often overlooked, leading to costly setbacks, and people resent the simpler tasks making them demand more for performing them.
  • The overall improvement upgrade rate is far slower.
  • Workers are much slower.
  • Higher Maintenance costs from Number of Cities. Your people work better with farther distances between cities than if they are packed in close.
  • The largest cities in your nation are less happy. Your people like having room to breathe.
  • Your people are more easily captured since they tend to go where the wind takes them.
  • Your cities suffer more Air Pollution since experimentation with vapors and a preference for burning trash into smoke is prevalent.
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Agile at switching religions and getting the most benefit from collecting as many religions as possible.

Positive Trait

"Knowing the nature of self is all important to achieving all things. Seek truth through fully understanding all religions."

It has been said that every religion is a different blind man reaching out and feeling different parts of God and their conflicts and disagreements purely stem from having a limited perspective, but all have elements of the truth infused in them, along with misinformation to cover up gaps in the extent of the understanding each possesses. All religions are efforts to explain those things that cannot be proven, things like the meaning of life and its purpose. This leader believes in exploring all deep spiritual thought, seeking deeper truth and benefits to be found in each outlook. To do so, they must completely accept the teachings of each spiritual path to gain the depth of insight each provides. The people agree that being open minded and embracing people of all beliefs is key in solving the greatest mysteries all seek the answers to.

Primary Benefits:
  • May completely eliminate Religions Anarchy time.
  • Your cities gain a happiness for each religion maintained in the city, whether it's a state religion or not.
  • Gain a significant Experience point modifier boost in any Holy City, whether a state religion or not.
Unique Benefits:
  • Even non-state religions give commerce benefits to cities as if they were the state religion.
  • A Golden Age begins whenever you birth a Great Prophet.
  • Gives a cause for all religions to be active when playing on the Religious Disabling option. Even if you HAVE a declared State Religion! With Civics alone, this is only possible when you can't have a State Religion.
Side Benefits:
  • On the Revolutions Option, Holy Cities and the presence of conflicting religions are less likely to cause problems.
  • Missionaries are trained much faster.
  • Priest type City Specialists give an additional Commerce yield.
  • Priest type City Specialists give an additional Gold, Research, Espionage AND Culture.
  • Religious and Spiritual technologies are discovered faster.
  • Great Prophets are more likely to be born.
  • All religions are easier to spread.
  • Reduced rate of earning Great Military People. The devout of most religions often eschew violence and find it personally paradoxical to make the mastery of warfare their profession.
  • Combatant units earn one less Experience point when trained.
  • Combatant units are slower to train.
  • War Weariness accumulates much faster in your nation since so many of your people conscientiously object.
  • Golden Ages are half as long since the society-wide elation of a spiritual breakthrough is more commonplace.

Spiritual I

Primary Benefits:
  • Reduction in Religions Anarchy time.
  • Your cities gain a happiness for each religion maintained in the city, whether it's a state religion or not.
  • Gain a significant Experience point modifier boost in any Holy City, whether a state religion or not.
Unique Benefits:
  • Even non-state religions give commerce benefits to cities as if they were the state religion.
  • A Golden Age begins whenever you birth a Great Prophet.
Side Benefits:
  • On the Revolutions Option, Holy Cities and the presence of conflicting religions are less likely to cause problems.
  • Missionaries are trained significantly faster.
  • Priest type City Specialists give an additional Food yield.
  • Priest type City Specialists give an additional Research and Culture.
  • Religious and Spiritual technologies are discovered faster.
  • Great Prophets are more likely to be born.
  • All religions are easier to spread.
  • Slightly reduced rate of earning Great Military People. The devout of most religions often eschew violence and find it personally paradoxical to make the mastery of warfare their profession.
  • Combatant units earn one less Experience point when trained.
  • Combatant units are slower to train.
  • War Weariness accumulates much faster in your nation since so many of your people conscientiously object.
  • Golden Ages are reduced in length by a quarter, since the society-wide elation of a spiritual breakthrough is more commonplace.

Spiritual II

Primary Benefits:
  • Strong reduction in Religions Anarchy time.
  • Your cities gain a happiness for each religion maintained in the city, whether it's a state religion or not.
  • Gain a significant Experience point modifier boost in any Holy City, whether a state religion or not.
Unique Benefits:
  • Gain a free Great Prophet with each new Era you enter.
  • Gives a cause for all religions to be active when playing on the Religious Disabling option. Even if you HAVE a declared State Religion! With Civics alone, this is only possible when you can't have a State Religion.
Side Benefits:
  • On the Revolutions Option, Holy Cities and the presence of conflicting religions are less likely to cause problems.
  • Missionaries are trained significantly faster.
  • Priest type City Specialists give an additional Commerce yield.
  • Priest type City Specialists give an additional Gold and Culture.
  • Religious and Spiritual technologies are discovered faster.
  • Great Prophets are significantly more likely to be born.
  • All religions are easier to spread.
  • Access to the Incense Resource gives an extra happiness in all cities in the trade network.
  • Slightly reduced rate of earning Great Military People. The devout of most religions often eschew violence and find it personally paradoxical to make the mastery of warfare their profession.
  • Combatant units earn one less Experience point when trained.
  • Combatant units are slower to train.
  • War Weariness accumulates much faster in your nation since so many of your people conscientiously object.
  • Golden Ages are significantly reduced in length, since the society-wide elation of a spiritual breakthrough is more commonplace.

Spiritual III

Primary Benefits:
  • Strong reduction in Religions Anarchy time.
  • Your cities gain a happiness for each religion maintained in the city, whether it's a state religion or not.
  • Gain a strong Experience point modifier boost in any Holy City, whether a state religion or not.
Unique Benefits:
  • No upkeep costs on any of the Religious Civics.
Side Benefits:
  • On the Revolutions Option, Holy Cities and the presence of conflicting religions are less likely to cause problems.
  • Missionaries are trained significantly faster.
  • Priest type City Specialists give an additional Production yield.
  • Priest type City Specialists give an additional Espionage and Culture.
  • Religious and Spiritual technologies are discovered faster.
  • Gain a diplomatic bonus since your exposure to so many different points of view has helped you to get into the minds of your rivals and deeply understand their motives.
  • Great Prophets are much more likely to be born.
  • All religions are much easier to spread.
  • Slightly reduced rate of earning Great Military People. The devout of most religions often eschew violence and find it personally paradoxical to make the mastery of warfare their profession.
  • Combatant units earn one less Experience point when trained.
  • Combatant units are slower to train.
  • War Weariness accumulates far faster in your nation since so many of your people conscientiously object.
  • Golden Ages are significantly reduced in length, since the society-wide elation of a spiritual breakthrough is more commonplace.


Greatly impedes any benefit from religions

Negative Trait

"Religion is a manipulative bane to the sanity of the people and a threat to our political power!"

Each negative trait is like tying one of your hands behind your back. This is a textbook example, as you and your people are equally suspicious of anyone trying to instill superstitious belief forms. You may select one to vaguely support, but it is wise to stick to that choice once you've made it and you will struggle to gain much benefit from it over the penalties it invites. There are some side benefits to this approach, but you do miss out on a lot of potential power in the game, though you may find you can achieve more in some ways by ignoring the religious strategy.

Primary Penalties:
  • Huge penalty to Religions Anarchy time, quadrupling the amount of turns you'd normally suffer to switch religions.
  • Your cities gain an added unhappiness for each religion maintained in the city, whether it's a state religion or not.
  • Holy Cities produce units that have a percentage less experience.
  • When playing with the Religious Disabling option, all Non-State Religions are inactive, and, depending on civics, if they also bar Non-State Religions, their buildings are destroyed rather than simply disabled.
Side Penalties:
  • On the Revolutions Option, Holy Cities and the presence of conflicting religions are more likely to cause problems.
  • Missionaries are trained much slower.
  • Priest type City Specialists are penalized a Commerce Yield.
  • Priest type City Specialists are penalized a Production Yield.
  • Priest type City Specialists lose an additional Gold, Research, Espionage AND Culture.
  • Religious and Spiritual technologies are discovered slower.
  • If you have a state religion defined, your cities lose the improved Great People birth rate benefit.
  • Presence of a state religion makes units there take longer to train, enough to counter the Military unit training speed benefit.
  • Presence of a state religion makes buildings there take longer to train, as worship services enforce breaks from labor.
  • You lose an experience point on units trained in any city that has the state religion, countering the overall bonus that normally stems from the self-reliance of being faithless.
  • Great Prophets are less likely to be born.
  • All religions are significantly harder to spread.
  • Increased Rate of Birthing Great People, as humility is not so strong a value in this spiritually untrusting society.
  • All cities gain a bonus base Production.
  • All cities gain a bonus base Commerce.
  • War Weariness accumulates slower in your nation as there is little guilt in war among your people, and they are hardened by minimal faith, expecting that their destiny can only lie in their own hands.
  • All units gain a bonus experience point, as your people often rely on themselves for help when they need it, rather than any deity.
  • All Military units are cheaper to build, which is enough to be a bonus if you have no state religion in the city.
  • Golden ages last a bit longer because the people take more personal pride in their achievements.
  • Allows the nation to produce Inquisitor units once technologically unlocked, that can remove all religions but the state religion in a city.

Anti-Clerical I

Primary Penalties:
  • Large penalty to Religions Anarchy time, doubling the amount of turns you'd normally suffer to switch religions.
  • Your cities gain an added unhappiness for each religion maintained in the city, whether it's a state religion or not.
  • Holy Cities produce units that have a percentage less experience.
  • When playing with the Religious Disabling option, all Non-State Religions are inactive, and, depending on civics, if they also bar Non-State Religions, their buildings are destroyed rather than simply disabled.
Side Penalties:
  • On the Revolutions Option, Holy Cities and the presence of conflicting religions are more likely to cause problems.
  • Missionaries are trained much slower.
  • Priest type City Specialists are penalized a Production Yield.
  • Priest type City Specialists lose an additional Research and Culture.
  • Religious and Spiritual technologies are discovered slower.
  • If you have a state religion defined, your cities lose the improved Great People birth rate benefit.
  • Presence of a state religion makes units there take longer to train, enough to counter the Military unit training speed benefit.
  • Presence of a state religion makes buildings there take longer to train, as worship services enforce breaks from labor.
  • You lose an experience point on units trained in any city that has the state religion, countering the overall bonus that normally stems from the self-reliance of being faithless.
  • Great Prophets are slightly less likely to be born.
  • All religions are harder to spread.
  • Increased Rate of Birthing Great People, as humility is not so strong a value in this spiritually untrusting society.
  • War Weariness accumulates slower in your nation as there is little guilt in war among your people, and they are hardened by minimal faith, expecting that their destiny can only lie in their own hands.
  • All units gain a bonus experience point, as your people often rely on themselves for help when they need it, rather than any deity.
  • All Military units are cheaper to build, which is enough to be a bonus if you have no state religion in the city.
  • Allows the nation to produce Inquisitor units once technologically unlocked, that can remove all religions but the state religion in a city.

Anti-Clerical II

Primary Penalties:
  • Large penalty to Religions Anarchy time, doubling the amount of turns you'd normally suffer to switch religions.
  • Your cities gain an added unhappiness for each religion maintained in the city, whether it's a state religion or not.
  • Holy Cities produce units that have a percentage less experience.
Side Penalties:
  • On the Revolutions Option, Holy Cities and the presence of conflicting religions are more likely to cause problems.
  • Missionaries are trained much slower.
  • Priest type City Specialists are penalized a Commerce Yield.
  • Priest type City Specialists lose an additional Research and Espionage.
  • Religious and Spiritual technologies are discovered slower.
  • If you have a state religion defined, your cities lose the improved Great People birth rate benefit.
  • Presence of a state religion makes units there take longer to train, enough to counter the Military unit training speed benefit.
  • Presence of a state religion makes buildings there take longer to train, as worship services enforce breaks from labor.
  • You lose an experience point on units trained in any city that has the state religion, countering the overall bonus that normally stems from the self-reliance of being faithless.
  • Great Prophets are significantly less likely to be born.
  • All religions are much harder to spread.
  • Increased Rate of Birthing Great People, as humility is not so strong a value in this spiritually untrusting society.
  • Increased Rate of Great Military People emergence, given the comfort with which this society has with warfare.
  • All cities gain a bonus base Production.
  • War Weariness accumulates slower in your nation as there is little guilt in war among your people, and they are hardened by minimal faith, expecting that their destiny can only lie in their own hands.
  • All units gain a bonus experience point, as your people often rely on themselves for help when they need it, rather than any deity.
  • All Military units are cheaper to build, which is enough to be a bonus if you have no state religion in the city.

Anti-Clerical III

Primary Penalties:
  • Large penalty to Religions Anarchy time, doubling the amount of turns you'd normally suffer to switch religions.
  • Your cities gain an added unhappiness for each religion maintained in the city, whether it's a state religion or not.
  • Holy Cities produce units that have a percentage less experience.
Side Penalties:
  • On the Revolutions Option, Holy Cities and the presence of conflicting religions are more likely to cause problems.
  • Missionaries are trained much slower.
  • Priest type City Specialists are penalized a Food Yield.
  • Priest type City Specialists lose an additional Research and Gold.
  • If you have a state religion defined, your cities lose the improved Great People birth rate benefit.
  • Presence of a state religion makes units there take longer to train, more than countering the Military unit training speed benefit.
  • Presence of a state religion makes buildings there take longer to train, as worship services enforce breaks from labor.
  • You lose a few experience points on units trained in any city that has the state religion, more than countering the overall bonus that normally stems from the self-reliance of being faithless.
  • Great Prophets are significantly less likely to be born.
  • All religions are much harder to spread.
  • Increased Rate of Birthing Great People, as humility is not so strong a value in this spiritually untrusting society.
  • Increased Rate of Great Military People emergence, given the comfort with which this society has with warfare.
  • All cities gain a bonus base Commerce.
  • War Weariness accumulates slower in your nation as there is little guilt in war among your people, and they are hardened by minimal faith, expecting that their destiny can only lie in their own hands.
  • All units gain a bonus experience point, as your people often rely on themselves for help when they need it, rather than any deity.
  • All Military units are cheaper to build, which is enough to be a bonus if you have no state religion in the city.


"A man who stands for nothing falls for anything. If you believe in a Religion, you MUST live what you believe, or you actually don't believe it at all. Devotion to a faith, mind, body, and soul, is the only way to find meaning in your life."

Extremely dedicated to one religion and is not agile at all at switching between them. Experiences very strong benefits for supporting the chosen state religion

Primary Benefits:
  • Units are significantly faster to train where you have your state religion.
  • Buildings are significantly faster to construct where you have your state religion.
  • Gain a significant Experience point modifier boost in the Holy City of your state religion.
  • Allows the nation to produce Inquisitor units once technologically unlocked, that can remove all religions but the state religion in a city.
  • All cities you found or capture are immediately given your state religion.
  • All combat capable units gain the Devotion promotion, which gives a strong religious combat modifier, which is a combat modifier that applies as a benefit to your unit if the opponent unit is not of your religion, but as a penalty if they are.
Side Benefits:
  • On the Revolutions Option, cities are more stable with your religion.
  • Priest type City Specialists give an additional Production yield.
  • Priest type City Specialists give an additional Gold, Research, Espionage AND Culture.
  • War Weariness is diminished due to strong faith that a higher power should favor them due to their devotion.
  • Gains a significant bonus to the rate of birthing Great People wherever your state religion has spread.
  • Cities with your state religion are happier.
  • Units trained in cities with your state religion gain a few extra base free Experience points.
  • Your state religion is easier to spread.
  • Gain a happiness wherever you have access to the Incense resource.
  • On the Revolutions Option, cities are less stable with multiple religions present.
  • A small overall Gold percent penalty in all cities. Even the government donates a percentage to the Church.
  • Religious and spiritual technologies are discovered slower. The dedication to the faith the people have blinds them to new religious thought.
  • Religious Anarchy periods are twice as long as it takes a lot for the citizens to change their perspectives on religion.
  • Each non-state Religion in a city makes the city less happy.
  • War Weariness accumulates slower for your foes because they may tend to see your society as a threat to their views so are invigorated to battle you.
  • Lose a significant amount of free experience on units trained in Holy Cities of non-state religions.
  • Non-state religions are more difficult to spread.

Pious I

Primary Benefits:
  • Units are faster to train where you have your state religion.
  • Buildings are faster to construct where you have your state religion.
  • Gain a significant Experience point modifier boost in the Holy City of your state religion.
  • Allows the nation to produce Inquisitor units once technologically unlocked, that can remove all religions but the state religion in a city.
  • All combat capable units gain the Devotion I Promotion, which gives a strong religious combat modifier, which is a combat modifier that applies as a benefit to your unit if the opponent unit is not of your religion, but as a penalty if they are.
Side Benefits:
  • On the Revolutions Option, cities are more stable with your religion.
  • Priest type City Specialists give an additional Production yield.
  • Priest type City Specialists give an additional Gold and Espionage.
  • War Weariness is diminished due to strong faith that a higher power should favor them due to their devotion.
  • Gains a significant bonus to the rate of birthing Great People wherever your state religion has spread.
  • Cities with your state religion are happier.
  • Units trained in cities with your state religion gain a few extra base free Experience points.
  • Your state religion is easier to spread.
  • Gain a happiness wherever you have access to the Incense resource.
  • On the Revolutions Option, cities are less stable with multiple religions present.
  • A small overall Gold percent penalty in all cities. Even the government donates a percentage to the Church.
  • Religious and spiritual technologies are discovered slower. The dedication to the faith the people have blinds them to new religious thought.
  • Each non-state Religion in a city makes the city less happy.
  • War Weariness accumulates slower for your foes because they may tend to see your society as a threat to their views so are invigorated to battle you.
  • Lose a small amount of free experience on units trained in Holy Cities of non-state religions.
  • Non-state religions are more difficult to spread.

Pious II

Primary Benefits:
  • Units are significantly faster to train where you have your state religion.
  • Buildings are significantly faster to construct where you have your state religion.
  • Gain a significant Experience point modifier boost in the Holy City of your state religion.
  • All cities you found or capture are immediately given your state religion.
  • All combat capable units gain the Devotion II Promotion, which gives a strong religious combat modifier, which is a combat modifier that applies as a benefit to your unit if the opponent unit is not of your religion, but as a penalty if they are.
Side Benefits:
  • On the Revolutions Option, cities are more stable with your religion.
  • Priest type City Specialists give an additional Commerce yield.
  • Priest type City Specialists give an additional Culture and Espionage.
  • War Weariness is diminished due to strong faith that a higher power should favor them due to their devotion.
  • Gains a significant bonus to the rate of birthing Great People wherever your state religion has spread.
  • Cities with your state religion are happier.
  • Units trained in cities with your state religion gain a few extra base free Experience points.
  • Your state religion is easier to spread.
  • On the Revolutions Option, cities are less stable with multiple religions present.
  • A small overall Gold percent penalty in all cities. Even the government donates a percentage to the Church.
  • Religious and spiritual technologies are discovered slower. The dedication to the faith the people have blinds them to new religious thought.
  • Religious Anarchy periods are twice as long as it takes a lot for the citizens to change their perspectives on religion.
  • War Weariness accumulates slower for your foes because they may tend to see your society as a threat to their views so are invigorated to battle you.
  • Lose a small amount of free experience on units trained in Holy Cities of non-state religions.
  • Non-state religions are more difficult to spread.

Pious III

Primary Benefits:
  • Units are much faster to train where you have your state religion.
  • Buildings are much faster to construct where you have your state religion.
  • Gain a significant Experience point modifier boost in the Holy City of your state religion.
  • All combat capable units gain the Devotion III Promotion, which gives a strong religious combat modifier, which is a combat modifier that applies as a benefit to your unit if the opponent unit is not of your religion, but as a penalty if they are.
Side Benefits:
  • On the Revolutions Option, cities are more stable with your religion.
  • Priest type City Specialists give an additional Food yield.
  • Priest type City Specialists give an additional Research and Espionage.
  • War Weariness is diminished due to strong faith that a higher power should favor them due to their devotion.
  • Gains a significant bonus to the rate of birthing Great People wherever your state religion has spread.
  • Cities with your state religion are happier.
  • Units trained in cities with your state religion gain a some extra base free Experience points.
  • Your state religion is easier to spread.
  • On the Revolutions Option, cities are less stable with multiple religions present.
  • A small overall Gold percent penalty in all cities. Even the government donates a percentage to the Church.
  • Religious Anarchy periods are twice as long as it takes a lot for the citizens to change their perspectives on religion.
  • War Weariness accumulates slower for your foes because they may tend to see your society as a threat to their views so are invigorated to battle you.
  • Lose a small amount of free experience on units trained in Holy Cities of non-state religions.
  • Non-state religions are more difficult to spread.


Gains some benefits for the state religion but severe penalties for non-state religions

Negative Trait

"Our gods are the ONLY gods and those who believe otherwise have earned their wrath and deserve to die!"

This leader takes his faith to a dramatically unhealthy level of devotion. He likely suffers from cognitive dissonance as he uses his faith to justify all manner of violence and hatred, even though his faith may at its core promote peace and harmony. His people live in fear that if they are not devout, they will run afoul of harsh laws and penalties. But they live in even greater fear of the extremely demanding role they can fall into as religious leaders.

Primary Penalties:
  • The anarchy time to change religions is absolutely prohibitive and should only be done once and/or during Golden Ages.
  • For every non-state religion in a city, you suffer from an additional unhappiness.
  • Gain a strong penalty to diplomacy since other leaders greatly fear, and find irritating, your desire to force your religious views on others.
  • Lose a significant amount of free experience on units trained in Holy Cities of non-state religions.
  • When playing with the Religious Disabling option, all Non-State Religions are inactive, and, depending on civics, if they also bar Non-State Religions, their buildings are destroyed rather than simply disabled.
  • All combat capable units gain the Devotion promotion, which gives a strong religious combat modifier, which is a combat modifier that applies as a benefit to your unit if the opponent unit is not of your religion, but as a penalty if they are.
Side Penalties:
  • You earn Great People slower since your people spend much of their lives humbly, and fearfully, devoted to the faith.
  • On the Revolutions Option, cities are less stable with multiple religions present.
  • Priest type City Specialists lose one Food yield.
  • A small overall Gold percent penalty in all cities. Even the government donates a percentage to the Church.
  • Priest type City Specialists give an additional Gold, Research, Espionage AND Culture.
  • Religious and Spiritual technologies are discovered slower. The people are terrified of new religious thought.
  • Non-state religions are much more difficult to spread.
  • Great Military People are generated faster since those with great fervor for the religion are heavily motivated to serve.
  • On the Revolutions Option, cities are more stable with your religion.
  • Wherever you have spread your State Religion, you produce Great People faster, enough to counter the penalty.
  • Wherever you have spread your State Religion, your units are trained a little faster.
  • Wherever you have spread your State Religion, buildings are constructed a bit faster.
  • Gain a significant Experience point modifier boost in the Holy City of your state religion.
  • Your state religion is easier to spread.
  • Allows the nation to produce Inquisitor units once technologically unlocked, that can remove all religions but the state religion in a city.
  • Gain a happiness wherever you have access to the Incense resource.

Zealous I

Primary Penalties:
  • The anarchy time to change religions is twice as long as normal.
  • For every non-state religion in a city, you suffer from an additional unhappiness.
  • Gain a penalty to diplomacy since other leaders fear, and find irritating, your desire to force your religious views on others.
  • Lose a percentage amount of free experience on units trained in Holy Cities of non-state religions.
  • When playing with the Religious Disabling option, all Non-State Religions are inactive, and, depending on civics, if they also bar Non-State Religions, their buildings are destroyed rather than simply disabled.
  • All combat capable units gain the Devotion I promotion, which gives a strong religious combat modifier, which is a combat modifier that applies as a benefit to your unit if the opponent unit is not of your religion, but as a penalty if they are.
Side Penalties:
  • On the Revolutions Option, cities are less stable with multiple religions present.
  • Priest type City Specialists lose one Food yield.
  • A small overall Gold percent penalty in all cities. Even the government donates a percentage to the Church.
  • Priest type City Specialists give an additional Gold and Research.
  • Religious and Spiritual technologies are discovered slower. The people are terrified of new religious thought.
  • Non-state religions are significantly more difficult to spread.
  • Great Military People are generated a little faster since those with great fervor for the religion are heavily motivated to serve.
  • On the Revolutions Option, cities are more stable with your religion.
  • Wherever you have spread your State Religion, you produce Great People faster.
  • Allows the nation to produce Inquisitor units once technologically unlocked, that can remove all religions but the state religion in a city.

Zealous II

Primary Penalties:
  • The anarchy time to change religions is prohibitive.
  • For every non-state religion in a city, you suffer from an additional unhappiness.
  • Gain a penalty to diplomacy since other leaders fear, and find irritating, your desire to force your religious views on others.
  • Lose a significant percentage amount of free experience on units trained in Holy Cities of non-state religions.
  • All combat capable units gain the Devotion II promotion, which gives a strong religious combat modifier, which is a combat modifier that applies as a benefit to your unit if the opponent unit is not of your religion, but as a penalty if they are.
Side Penalties:
  • You earn Great People slower since your people spend much of their lives humbly, and fearfully, devoted to the faith.
  • On the Revolutions Option, cities are less stable with multiple religions present.
  • Priest type City Specialists lose one Commerce yield.
  • An overall Gold percent penalty in all cities. Even the government donates a percentage to the Church.
  • Priest type City Specialists give an additional Gold and Culture.
  • Religious and Spiritual technologies are discovered slower. The people are terrified of new religious thought.
  • Non-state religions are much more difficult to spread.
  • Great Military People are generated a little faster since those with great fervor for the religion are heavily motivated to serve.
  • On the Revolutions Option, cities are more stable with your religion.
  • Wherever you have spread your State Religion, you produce Great People faster, enough to counter the usual penalty in all cities.
  • Wherever you have spread your State Religion, your units are trained a little faster.
  • Wherever you have spread your State Religion, buildings are constructed a bit faster.
  • Gain a significant Experience point modifier boost in the Holy City of your state religion.
  • Your state religion is easier to spread.
  • Gain a happiness wherever you have access to the Incense resource.

Zealous III

Primary Penalties:
  • The anarchy time to change religions is completely prohibitive.
  • For every non-state religion in a city, you suffer from two additional unhappiness.
  • Gain a penalty to diplomacy since other leaders fear, and find irritating, your desire to force your religious views on others.
  • Lose a significant percentage amount of free experience on units trained in Holy Cities of non-state religions.
  • All combat capable units gain the Devotion III promotion, which gives a strong religious combat modifier, which is a combat modifier that applies as a benefit to your unit if the opponent unit is not of your religion, but as a penalty if they are.
Side Penalties:
  • You earn Great People slower since your people spend much of their lives humbly, and fearfully, devoted to the faith.
  • On the Revolutions Option, cities are less stable with multiple religions present.
  • Priest type City Specialists lose one Production yield.
  • An overall Gold percent penalty in all cities. Even the government donates a percentage to the Church.
  • Priest type City Specialists give an additional Gold and Espionage.
  • Non-state religions are potentially impossible to spread.
  • Great Military People are generated a little faster since those with great fervor for the religion are heavily motivated to serve.
  • On the Revolutions Option, cities are more stable with your religion.
  • Wherever you have spread your State Religion, you produce Great People faster, enough to counter the usual penalty in all cities.
  • Wherever you have spread your State Religion, your units are trained a little faster.
  • Wherever you have spread your State Religion, buildings are constructed a bit faster.
  • Gain a significant Experience point modifier boost in the Holy City of your state religion.
  • Your state religion is significantly easier to spread.


Golden Age enhancement with secondary religious elements

Positive Trait

"Our leader stands at the side of the Divine. Divine forces are aligned with us, as we are the chosen people."

Your leader may or may not believe in what he claims but he surely understands the power of pumping the morale of the people with the idea of exceptionalism. Your people have been well convinced that they are special and blessed and while that might be insufferable to some, you can't deny that there is almost always a great sense of pride for being a citizen here.

Primary Benefits:
  • Yield benefits from being in a Golden Age are increased by half.
  • Commerce benefits from being in a Golden Age are increased by half.
  • Golden Ages last half again as long as normal.
  • Gain a percentage Experience point modifier boost in the Holy City of your state religion.
  • All cities you found or capture are immediately given your state religion.
Side Benefits:
  • World Wonders are constructed significantly faster in your cities.
  • National Wonders are constructed significantly faster in your cities.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy Cities of your state religion are more stable.
  • Religious Buildings are faster to build.
  • Cities where your State Religion is present are significantly faster at producing Great People.
  • Wherever you've spread your State Religion, your people are happier.
  • Reduction in the length of unhappiness from using slavery to rush builds. People are more willing to put in the sacrifice.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy Cities of non-state religions are less stable.
  • Religious Anarchy periods are doubled since the people are so proud of being central to the religion they believe.
  • You suffer an increase in the Maintenance from Number of Cities since spending on regular revelry creates significant expenses for each urban center.
  • The narcissism you've spread among your people has a labor demotivating effect, so you lose a Free Specialist.
  • Your people suffer a significant Education penalty, since your leader often misleads them into false claims to support the premise of their superiority.

Glorious I

Primary Benefits:
  • Yield benefits from being in a Golden Age are increased significantly.
  • Commerce benefits from being in a Golden Age are increased significantly.
  • Golden Ages last half again as long as normal.
  • Gain a percentage Experience point modifier boost in the Holy City of your state religion.
  • All cities you found or capture are immediately given your state religion.
Side Benefits:
  • World Wonders are constructed faster in your cities.
  • National Wonders are constructed faster in your cities.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy Cities of your state religion are more stable.
  • Religious Buildings are faster to build.
  • Cities where your State Religion is present are significantly faster at producing Great People.
  • Reduction in the length of unhappiness from using slavery to rush builds. People are more willing to put in the sacrifice.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy Cities of non-state religions are less stable.
  • The narcissism you've spread among your people has a labor demotivating effect, so you lose a Free Specialist.
  • Your people suffer an Education penalty, since your leader often misleads them into false claims to support the premise of their superiority.

Glorious II

Primary Benefits:
  • Yield benefits from being in a Golden Age are increased significantly.
  • Commerce benefits from being in a Golden Age are increased significantly.
  • Golden Ages last half again as long as normal.
  • Gain a percentage Experience point modifier boost in the Holy City of your state religion.
Side Benefits:
  • World Wonders are constructed faster in your cities.
  • National Wonders are constructed faster in your cities.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy Cities of your state religion are more stable.
  • Religious Buildings are faster to build.
  • Cities where your State Religion is present are significantly faster at producing Great People.
  • Wherever you've spread your State Religion, your people are happier.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy Cities of non-state religions are less stable.
  • Religious Anarchy periods much longer since the people are so proud of being central to the religion they believe.
  • You suffer an increase in the Maintenance from Number of Cities since spending on regular revelry creates significant expenses for each urban center.
  • The narcissism you've spread among your people has a labor demotivating effect, so you lose a Free Specialist.
  • Your people suffer an Education penalty, since your leader often misleads them into false claims to support the premise of their superiority.

Glorious III

Primary Benefits:
  • Yield benefits from being in a Golden Age are increased significantly.
  • Commerce benefits from being in a Golden Age are increased significantly.
  • Golden Ages last half again as long as normal.
  • Gain a significant percentage Experience point modifier boost in the Holy City of your state religion.
Side Benefits:
  • World Wonders are constructed significantly faster in your cities.
  • National Wonders are constructed significantly faster in your cities.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy Cities of your state religion are more stable.
  • Religious Buildings are faster to build.
  • Cities where your State Religion is present are much faster at producing Great People.
  • Wherever you've spread your State Religion, your people are happier.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy Cities of non-state religions are less stable.
  • Religious Anarchy periods twice as long since the people are so proud of being central to the religion they believe.
  • You suffer an significant increase in the Maintenance from Number of Cities since spending on regular revelry creates significant expenses for each urban center.
  • The narcissism you've spread among your people has a labor demotivating effect, so you lose a Free Specialist.
  • Your people suffer an Education penalty, since your leader often misleads them into false claims to support the premise of their superiority.


Golden Ages are much less valuable for this leader and his people, and there are some secondary impediments to religion.

Negative Trait

"Faith will not help us. It's just us against the world so we must stay very serious about this struggle and never give in to fantasy or imagined glory."

This dour downer tends to depress his nation but at least his people know he's taking things seriously. Pride is considered a dangerous thing to maintain here so morale can suffer in a number of ways and religion is not as valued, and for many is deeply resented, as it cannot be empirically proven so appears tremendously foolish to a good portion of the populace, who have adopted the views of their leader.

Primary Penalties:
  • Yield benefits from being in a Golden Age are strongly decreased.
  • Commerce benefits from being in a Golden Age are strongly decreased.
  • Golden Ages last far fewer rounds.
  • Lose a percentage Experience point modifier boost in the Holy City of your state religion.
Side Penalties:
  • World Wonders are constructed significantly slower in your cities.
  • National Wonders are constructed significantly slower in your cities.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy Cities of your state religion are less stable.
  • Religious Buildings are slower to build.
  • Cities where your State Religion is present are significantly slower at producing Great People, for it is often merely used to convince an even greater sense of the importance of toil.
  • Wherever you've spread your State Religion, your people are assigned a base unhappiness due to the conflict it creates in private lives.
  • Units take longer to build where the state religion has spread.
  • Buildings take longer to construct where the state religion has spread.
  • Using slavery to rush builds results in greater lengths of city unhappiness as people resent being asked to push even harder than they already must.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy Cities of non-state religions are more stable.
  • Workers are significantly faster. They accept lives of toil easier.
  • You enjoy a significant decrease in the Maintenance from Number of Cities since you do not allocate funds for revelry.
  • The value of labor is high here so you get a Free Specialist in each city.
  • Your people gain an Education bonus since nothing is glossed over for the sake of protecting innocence.

Gloomy I

Primary Penalties:
  • Yield benefits from being in a Golden Age are significantly decreased.
  • Commerce benefits from being in a Golden Age are significantly decreased.
  • Golden Ages last far fewer rounds.
  • Lose a percentage Experience point modifier boost in the Holy City of your state religion.
Side Penalties:
  • World Wonders are constructed slower in your cities.
  • National Wonders are constructed significantly slower in your cities.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy Cities of your state religion are less stable.
  • Religious Buildings are slower to build.
  • Cities where your State Religion is present are significantly slower at producing Great People, for it is often merely used to convince an even greater sense of the importance of toil.
  • Wherever you've spread your State Religion, your people are assigned a base unhappiness due to the conflict it creates in private lives.
  • Units take longer to build where the state religion has spread.
  • Buildings take longer to construct where the state religion has spread.
  • Using slavery to rush builds results in greater lengths of city unhappiness as people resent being asked to push even harder than they already must.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy Cities of non-state religions are more stable.
  • The value of labor is high here so you get a Free Specialist in each city.
  • Your people gain an Education bonus since nothing is glossed over for the sake of protecting innocence.

Gloomy II

Primary Penalties:
  • Yield benefits from being in a Golden Age are strongly decreased.
  • Commerce benefits from being in a Golden Age are strongly decreased.
  • Golden Ages last far fewer rounds.
  • Lose a percentage Experience point modifier boost in the Holy City of your state religion.
Side Penalties:
  • World Wonders are constructed slower in your cities.
  • National Wonders are constructed significantly slower in your cities.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy Cities of your state religion are less stable.
  • Religious Buildings are slower to build.
  • Cities where your State Religion is present are significantly slower at producing Great People, for it is often merely used to convince an even greater sense of the importance of toil.
  • Units take longer to build where the state religion has spread.
  • Buildings take longer to construct where the state religion has spread.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy Cities of non-state religions are more stable.
  • Workers are faster. They accept lives of toil easier.
  • You enjoy a decrease in the Maintenance from Number of Cities since you do not allocate funds for revelry.
  • The value of labor is high here so you get a Free Specialist in each city.
  • Your people gain an Education bonus since nothing is glossed over for the sake of protecting innocence.

Gloomy III

Primary Penalties:
  • Yield benefits from being in a Golden Age are strongly decreased.
  • Commerce benefits from being in a Golden Age are strongly decreased.
  • Golden Ages last far fewer rounds.
  • Lose a significant percentage Experience point modifier boost in the Holy City of your state religion.
Side Penalties:
  • World Wonders are constructed significantly slower in your cities.
  • National Wonders are constructed significantly slower in your cities.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy Cities of your state religion are less stable.
  • Religious Buildings are slower to build.
  • Cities where your State Religion is present are much slower at producing Great People, for it is often merely used to convince an even greater sense of the importance of toil.
  • Units take longer to build where the state religion has spread.
  • Buildings take longer to construct where the state religion has spread.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy Cities of non-state religions are more stable.
  • Workers are significantly faster. They accept lives of toil easier.
  • You enjoy a significant decrease in the Maintenance from Number of Cities since you do not allocate funds for revelry.
  • The value of labor is high here so you get a Free Specialist in each city.
  • Your people gain an Education bonus since nothing is glossed over for the sake of protecting innocence.


Benefits to both the Capital and any possessed Holy Cities but not as strongly expansive

Positive Trait

"Power starts at the center of the government and extends outwards. That which is closest to the source is the most nurtured."

Both political and religious centers of power are highly favored in this leader's preferences for funding and attention. He tends to let the exterior and less magnificent cities go underfunded and they actually end up costing more as a result. Those citizens who closest to these seats of power have stronger national pride and a fervor to protect the crown. A good trait for a super-city player.

Primary Benefits:
  • The Capital produces more Food, Production and Commerce.
  • The Capital produces more Gold, Research, Culture and Espionage.
  • Units trained in the capital get far more bonus Experience Points than normal.
  • Units Trained in the Holy City of your State Religion gain far more bonus Experience Points than normal.
Side Benefits:
  • Great Military People are generated faster from battles inside your borders.
  • National Wonders are constructed significantly faster in your cities.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy City instability is diminished.
  • Administrative and National Pride Buildings are faster to construct.
  • Administrative and National Pride Buildings generate extra happiness in your cities.
  • The largest cities in your empire are a little happier.
  • Your units gain more experience from combat within your borders.
  • Holy Cities of Non-State religions produce units with a significant bonus to Experience Points.
  • On the Revolution option, distance plays a larger role in creating instability.
  • You suffer a huge increase in Maintenance from Distance to Capital due to underfunding allowing problems needing attention to exacerbate.
  • You suffer a huge increase in the Maintenance from Number of Cities since you resent having to fund any cities that aren't of key importance and thus allows expenses to build to critical levels.
  • Get one less trade route in every city since your citizens even tend to only recognize the most influential cities of the world as being on their own radar for trade.
  • Foreign trade routes are significantly less productive since your people are less interested in what happens outside their borders.

Preeminent I

Primary Benefits:
  • The Capital produces more Food, Production and Commerce.
  • The Capital produces more Gold, Research, Culture and Espionage.
  • Units trained in the capital get significantly more bonus Experience Points than normal.
  • Units Trained in the Holy City of your State Religion gain significantly more bonus Experience Points than normal.
Side Benefits:
  • Great Military People are generated faster from battles inside your borders.
  • National Wonders are constructed faster in your cities.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy City instability is diminished.
  • Administrative and National Pride Buildings are faster to construct.
  • Administrative and National Pride Buildings generate extra happiness in your cities.
  • Your units gain more experience from combat within your borders.
  • Holy Cities of Non-State religions produce units with a bonus to Experience Points.
  • On the Revolution option, distance plays a larger role in creating instability.
  • You suffer a significant increase in Maintenance from Distance to Capital due to underfunding allowing problems needing attention to exacerbate.
  • You suffer a significant increase in the Maintenance from Number of Cities since you resent having to fund any cities that aren't of key importance and thus allows expenses to build to critical levels.
  • Get one less trade route in every city since your citizens even tend to only recognize the most influential cities of the world as being on their own radar for trade.
  • Foreign trade routes are less productive since your people are less interested in what happens outside their borders.

Preeminent II

Primary Benefits:
  • The Capital produces more Food, Production and Commerce.
  • The Capital produces more Gold, Research, Culture and Espionage.
  • Units trained in the capital get significantly more bonus Experience Points than normal.
  • Units Trained in the Holy City of your State Religion gain significantly more bonus Experience Points than normal.
Side Benefits:
  • Great Military People are generated faster from battles inside your borders.
  • National Wonders are constructed faster in your cities.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy City instability is diminished.
  • Administrative and National Pride Buildings are faster to construct.
  • Administrative and National Pride Buildings generate extra happiness in your cities.
  • The largest cities in your empire are a little happier.
  • Your units gain more experience from combat within your borders.
  • Holy Cities of Non-State religions produce units with a significant bonus to Experience Points.
  • On the Revolution option, distance plays a larger role in creating instability.
  • You suffer a large increase in Maintenance from Distance to Capital due to underfunding allowing problems needing attention to exacerbate.
  • You suffer a large increase in the Maintenance from Number of Cities since you resent having to fund any cities that aren't of key importance and thus allows expenses to build to critical levels.
  • Get one less trade route in every city since your citizens even tend to only recognize the most influential cities of the world as being on their own radar for trade.
  • Foreign trade routes are less productive since your people are less interested in what happens outside their borders.

Preeminent III

Primary Benefits:
  • The Capital produces more Food, Production and Commerce.
  • The Capital produces more Gold, Research, Culture and Espionage.
  • Units trained in the capital get much more bonus Experience Points than normal.
  • Units Trained in the Holy City of your State Religion gain much more bonus Experience Points than normal.
Side Benefits:
  • Great Military People are generated faster from battles inside your borders.
  • National Wonders are constructed significantly faster in your cities.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy City instability is diminished.
  • Administrative and National Pride Buildings generate extra happiness in your cities.
  • The largest cities in your empire are happier.
  • Your units gain more experience from combat within your borders.
  • Holy Cities of Non-State religions produce units with a significant bonus to Experience Points.
  • On the Revolution option, distance plays a larger role in creating instability.
  • You suffer a huge increase in Maintenance from Distance to Capital due to underfunding allowing problems needing attention to exacerbate.
  • You suffer a huge increase in the Maintenance from Number of Cities since you resent having to fund any cities that aren't of key importance and thus allows expenses to build to critical levels.
  • Get one less trade route in every city since your citizens even tend to only recognize the most influential cities of the world as being on their own radar for trade.
  • Foreign trade routes are less productive since your people are less interested in what happens outside their borders.
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Although there are dramatic decreases in upkeep for large empires, this Leader is highly penalized in his centers of power, the capital and holy cities

Negative Trait

"This annoying throng of bureaucrats that surround me are constantly trying to get my attention, embroil me in local politics, and get me to overlook the needs of the rest of the empire and beyond. So frustrating! A decentralized nation is better anyhow."

This leader is very poor at using a super city strategy and is far better at spreading out the efforts of his nation to as many decentralized cities as he can. This isn't that bad a negative trait for a player who prefers not to rely on a few high quality production centers. Your leader tries to avoid governing and prefers to think more on how he's going to expand.

Primary Penalties:
  • The Capital produces less Food, Production and Commerce.
  • The Capital produces less Gold, Research, Culture and Espionage.
  • Units trained in the capital gain far fewer bonus Experience Points than normal.
  • Units Trained in the Holy City of your State Religion gain far fewer bonus Experience Points than normal.
Side Penalties:
  • Great Military People are generated slower from battles inside your borders.
  • National Wonders are constructed significantly slower in your cities.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy City instability is increased.
  • Administrative and National Pride Buildings are slower to construct.
  • Administrative and National Pride Buildings generate less to no happiness in your cities.
  • The largest cities in your empire are a little less happy, feeling ignored by the leadership
  • Your units gain less experience from combat within your borders.
  • Holy Cities of Non-State religions produce units with a significant penalty to Experience Points.
  • On the Revolution option, distance plays a smaller role in creating instability.
  • Huge decrease in Maintenance from Distance to Capital as you like to spend your time considering how to make a nation that covers more land more efficient.
  • Huge decrease in the Maintenance from Number of Cities since you have found numerous ways to make a country with more decentralization work effectively.
  • Get one more trade route in every city since there is greater cooperation between cities in this sort of nation.
  • Foreign trade routes are significantly more productive since you and your people like to import more examples of what a larger nation can obtain.

Aloof I

Primary Penalties:
  • The Capital produces less Food, Production and Commerce.
  • The Capital produces less Gold, Research, Culture and Espionage.
  • Units trained in the capital gain fewer bonus Experience Points than normal.
  • Units Trained in the Holy City of your State Religion gain fewer bonus Experience Points than normal.
Side Penalties:
  • Great Military People are generated slower from battles inside your borders.
  • National Wonders are constructed slower in your cities.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy City instability is increased.
  • Administrative and National Pride Buildings are slower to construct.
  • Administrative and National Pride Buildings generate less to no happiness in your cities.
  • Your units gain a bit less experience from combat within your borders.
  • Holy Cities of Non-State religions produce units with a penalty to Experience Points.
  • On the Revolution option, distance plays a smaller role in creating instability.
  • Significant decrease in Maintenance from Distance to Capital as you like to spend your time considering how to make a nation that covers more land more efficient.
  • Significant decrease in the Maintenance from Number of Cities since you have found numerous ways to make a country with more decentralization work effectively.
  • Get one more trade route in every city since there is greater cooperation between cities in this sort of nation.
  • Foreign trade routes are more productive since you and your people like to import more examples of what a larger nation can obtain.

Aloof II

Primary Penalties:
  • The Capital produces less Food, Production and Commerce.
  • The Capital produces less Gold, Research, Culture and Espionage.
  • Units trained in the capital gain significantly fewer bonus Experience Points than normal.
  • Units Trained in the Holy City of your State Religion gain significantly fewer bonus Experience Points than normal.
Side Penalties:
  • Great Military People are generated slower from battles inside your borders.
  • National Wonders are constructed slower in your cities.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy City instability is increased.
  • Administrative and National Pride Buildings are slower to construct.
  • Administrative and National Pride Buildings generate less to no happiness in your cities.
  • The largest cities in your empire are a little less happy, feeling ignored by the leadership.
  • Your units gain a bit less experience from combat within your borders.
  • Holy Cities of Non-State religions produce units with a penalty to Experience Points.
  • On the Revolution option, distance plays a smaller role in creating instability.
  • Strong decrease in Maintenance from Distance to Capital as you like to spend your time considering how to make a nation that covers more land more efficient.
  • Strong decrease in the Maintenance from Number of Cities since you have found numerous ways to make a country with more decentralization work effectively.
  • Get one more trade route in every city since there is greater cooperation between cities in this sort of nation.
  • Foreign trade routes are more productive since you and your people like to import more examples of what a larger nation can obtain.

Aloof III

Primary Penalties:
  • The Capital produces less Food, Production and Commerce.
  • The Capital produces less Gold, Research, Culture and Espionage.
  • Units trained in the capital gain far fewer bonus Experience Points than normal.
  • Units Trained in the Holy City of your State Religion gain far fewer bonus Experience Points than normal.
Side Penalties:
  • Great Military People are generated slower from battles inside your borders.
  • National Wonders are constructed significantly slower in your cities.
  • On the Revolution option, Holy City instability is increased.
  • Administrative and National Pride Buildings generate less to no happiness in your cities.
  • The largest cities in your empire are less happy, feeling ignored by the leadership.
  • Your units gain significantly less experience from combat within your borders.
  • Holy Cities of Non-State religions produce units with a significant penalty to Experience Points.
  • On the Revolution option, distance plays a smaller role in creating instability.
  • Large decrease in Maintenance from Distance to Capital as you like to spend your time considering how to make a nation that covers more land more efficient.
  • Large decrease in the Maintenance from Number of Cities since you have found numerous ways to make a country with more decentralization work effectively.
  • Get one more trade route in every city since there is greater cooperation between cities in this sort of nation.
  • Foreign trade routes are more productive since you and your people like to import more examples of what a larger nation can obtain.


Strong production. Toil makes less happy folk though

Positive Trait

"Industry drives the strength of the nation."

This leader considers productivity to be the highest priority a nation can have and does all he can to drive his people to greater industrial achievement. Like any of the yield and commerce focused traits, it's a simple strategy, but shockingly effective.

Primary Benefits:
  • An additional Production is generated by any plot that generates as much as 7 or more.
  • All cities gain an additional base Production.
  • All cities gain a significant percentage modifier to Production.
Side Benefits:
  • Production focused improvements generate an additional Production.
  • Production focused improvements upgrade twice as fast as normal.
  • Production focused improvements are much faster for your workers to build.
  • Engineer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate an additional Production.
  • Techs that bring improvements to industry are faster to research.
  • Your workers are faster at building improvements overall.
  • Great Engineers are more likely to be born.
  • Less Health in each city since heavier industry often invites more injury causing accidents.
  • Less Happiness in each city since harder, longer work dulls the enjoyment in life.
  • Engineer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate one less Gold.
  • Suffers more Air Pollution.
  • Suffers more Water Pollution.

Industrious I

Primary Benefits:
  • An additional Production is generated by any plot that generates as much as 7 or more.
  • All cities gain an additional base Production.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Production.
Side Benefits:
  • Production focused improvements generate an additional Production.
  • Production focused improvements upgrade twice as fast as normal.
  • Production focused improvements are much faster for your workers to build.
  • Engineer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate an additional Production.
  • Techs that bring improvements to industry are faster to research.
  • Your workers are faster at building improvements overall.
  • Great Engineers are more likely to be born.
  • Less Health in each city since heavier industry often invites more injury causing accidents.
  • Engineer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate one less Gold.
  • Suffers a bit more Air Pollution.
  • Suffers a bit more Water Pollution.

Industrious II

Primary Benefits:
  • The threshold for a plot generating an additional production drops from 7 to 6.
  • All cities gain some additional base Production.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Production.
Side Benefits:
  • Production focused improvements generate an additional Production.
  • Production focused improvements upgrade twice as fast as normal.
  • Production focused improvements are much faster for your workers to build.
  • Engineer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate an additional Production.
  • Techs that bring improvements to industry are faster to research.
  • Your workers are faster at building improvements overall.
  • Great Engineers are significantly more likely to be born.
  • Less Happiness in each city since harder, longer work dulls the enjoyment in life.
  • Engineer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate one less Gold.
  • Suffers some more Air Pollution.
  • Suffers some more Water Pollution.

Industrious III

Primary Benefits:
  • The threshold for a plot generating an additional production drops from 6 to 5.
  • All cities gain a significant amount of additional base Production.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Production.
Side Benefits:
  • Production focused improvements generate an additional Production.
  • Production focused improvements are much faster for your workers to build.
  • Engineer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate an additional Production.
  • Techs that bring improvements to industry are faster to research.
  • Your workers are faster at building improvements overall.
  • Great Engineers are much more likely to be born.
  • Less Health in each city since heavier industry often invites more injury causing accidents.
  • Less Happiness in each city since harder, longer work dulls the enjoyment in life.
  • Engineer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate one less Gold.
  • Suffers a bit more Air Pollution.
  • Suffers a bit more Water Pollution.


Poor production but does gain some happiness out of it.

Negative Trait

"Relax and enjoy life before its all gone! Too much work is just a big buzz kill."

If you believe you can be successful with a lot less overall production, you may find this to be a softly penalizing negative trait, particularly if you aren't going to rely on Engineers, Citizens, and Slave specialist assignments much. Other traits may well be able to compensate the reduced core production while you benefit from some stronger health and happiness and hardly having any concerns with Pollution.

Primary Penalties:
  • One less Production is generated by any plot that generates as much as 7 or more.
  • All cities suffer one less base Production.
  • All cities suffer a significant percentage penalty to Production.
Side Penalties:
  • Production focused improvements generate less Production.
  • Production focused improvements upgrade far slower than normal.
  • Production focused improvements are much slower for your workers to build.
  • Engineer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate less Production.
  • Techs that bring improvements to industry are slower to research.
  • Your workers are slower at building improvements overall.
  • Great Engineers are less likely to be born.
  • More Health in each city since there are less injuries with a lighter workload.
  • More Happiness since people spend more time in play than laboring.
  • Engineer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate one more Culture.
  • Suffers less Air Pollution.
  • Suffers less Water Pollution.

Lazy I

Primary Penalties:
  • One less Production is generated by any plot that generates as much as 7 or more.
  • All cities suffer one less base Production.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Production.
Side Penalties:
  • Production focused improvements generate less Production.
  • Production focused improvements upgrade far slower than normal.
  • Production focused improvements are much slower for your workers to build.
  • Engineer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate less Production.
  • Techs that bring improvements to industry are slower to research.
  • Your workers are slower at building improvements overall.
  • Great Engineers are less likely to be born.
  • More Health in each city since there are less injuries with a lighter workload.
  • Engineer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate one more Culture.
  • Suffers somewhat less Air Pollution.
  • Suffers somewhat less Water Pollution.

Lazy II

Primary Penalties:
  • The threshold for a plot generating one less production drops from 7 to 6.
  • All cities suffer less base Production.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Production.
Side Penalties:
  • Production focused improvements generate less Production.
  • Production focused improvements upgrade far slower than normal.
  • Production focused improvements are much slower for your workers to build.
  • Engineer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate less Production.
  • Techs that bring improvements to industry are slower to research.
  • Your workers are slower at building improvements overall.
  • Great Engineers are significantly less likely to be born.
  • More Happiness since people spend more time in play than laboring.
  • Engineer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate one more Culture.
  • Suffers a bit less Air Pollution.
  • Suffers a bit less Water Pollution.

Lazy III

Primary Penalties:
  • The threshold for a plot generating one less production drops from 6 to 5.
  • All cities suffer much less base Production.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Production.
Side Penalties:
  • Production focused improvements generate less Production.
  • Production focused improvements are much slower for your workers to build.
  • Engineer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate less Production.
  • Techs that bring improvements to industry are slower to research.
  • Your workers are slower at building improvements overall.
  • Great Engineers are much less likely to be born.
  • More Health in each city since there are less injuries with a lighter workload.
  • More Happiness since people spend more time in play than laboring.
  • Engineer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate one more Culture.
  • Suffers somewhat less Air Pollution.
  • Suffers somewhat less Water Pollution.


Strong Commerce income. A little extra anarchy time from the added struggle of having to reallocate investments to suit the new legal structure

Positive Trait

"Make the most of what your nation provides you as a government. Cut corners in budget expenses so you have more to reinvest into high yield returns."

This leader runs the government like a very successful business that's not looking to profit so much as find out just how strong they can get the economy running overall. War is considered a little messy and undesirable for perfect function usually. Economic regulations are constantly perfected to a higher degree than most governments, making shifts in large scale policies more difficult to endure. Crime is a little higher here because there is the temptation of so much wealth to tap into and the economic competitiveness spurs more white-collar abuses.

Primary Benefits:
  • An additional Commerce is generated by any plot that generates as much as 7 or more.
  • All cities gain an additional base Commerce.
  • All cities gain a significant percentage modifier to Commerce.
Side Benefits:
  • All trade routes gain a percentage improvement to Commerce.
  • Commerce focused improvements generate an additional Commerce.
  • Commerce focused improvements upgrade twice as fast as normal.
  • Commerce focused improvements are much faster for your workers to build.
  • Lawyer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate an additional Commerce.
  • Corporation upkeep gets a significant reduction.
  • Gains an additional maximum Trade Route Cap in each city.
  • Great Statesmen are more likely to be born.
  • War Weariness accumulates faster for your people, as war is a nuisance to commerce.
  • Anarchy time from switching civics is far longer.
  • Suffers significantly more Crime.

Efficient I

Primary Benefits:
  • An additional Commerce is generated by any plot that generates as much as 7 or more.
  • All cities gain an additional base Commerce.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Commerce.
Side Benefits:
  • All trade routes gain a percentage improvement to Commerce.
  • Commerce focused improvements generate an additional Commerce.
  • Commerce focused improvements upgrade much faster than normal.
  • Commerce focused improvements are much faster for your workers to build.
  • Lawyer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate an additional Commerce.
  • Gains an additional maximum Trade Route Cap in each city.
  • Great Statesmen are more likely to be born.
  • War Weariness accumulates faster for your people, as war is a nuisance to commerce.
  • Anarchy time from switching civics is much longer.
  • Suffers more Crime.

Efficient II

Primary Benefits:
  • The threshold for a plot generating an additional Commerce drops from 7 to 6.
  • All cities gain additional base Commerce.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Commerce.
Side Benefits:
  • All trade routes gain a percentage improvement to Commerce.
  • Commerce focused improvements generate an additional Commerce.
  • Commerce focused improvements upgrade much faster than normal.
  • Commerce focused improvements are much faster for your workers to build.
  • Lawyer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate an additional Commerce.
  • Corporation upkeep gets a significant reduction.
  • Gains an additional maximum Trade Route Cap in each city.
  • Great Statesmen are significantly more likely to be born.
  • War Weariness accumulates faster for your people, as war is a nuisance to commerce.
  • Anarchy time from switching civics is much longer.
  • Suffers more Crime.

Efficient III

Primary Benefits:
  • The threshold for a plot generating an additional Commerce drops from 6 to 5.
  • All cities gain a significant amount of additional base Commerce.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Commerce.
Side Benefits:
  • All trade routes gain a percentage improvement to Commerce.
  • Commerce focused improvements generate an additional Commerce.
  • Commerce focused improvements upgrade much faster than normal.
  • Commerce focused improvements are much faster for your workers to build.
  • Lawyer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate an additional Commerce.
  • Corporation upkeep gets a large reduction.
  • Great Statesmen are much more likely to be born.
  • War Weariness accumulates significantly faster for your people, as war is a nuisance to commerce.
  • Anarchy time from switching civics is far longer.
  • Suffers more Crime.


Serious Commerce penalties. Wonders and Military are generated faster but people are malcontent.

Primary Penalties:
  • One less Commerce is generated by any plot that generates as much as 7 or more.
  • All cities lose a base Commerce.
  • All cities lose a significant percentage penalty to Commerce.
Side Penalties:
  • An extra unhappiness in every city.
  • All trade routes lose a percentage penalty to Commerce.
  • Commerce focused improvements generate less Commerce.
  • Commerce focused improvements upgrade much slower than normal.
  • Commerce focused improvements are much slower for your workers to build.
  • Lawyer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists lose a Commerce.
  • Great Statesmen are less likely to be born.
  • World Wonders are constructed significantly faster.
  • National Wonders are constructed significantly faster.
  • Team Projects are constructed significantly faster.
  • You can draft a few more citizens than normal during a conscript action in a city.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is significantly reduced due to allowing numerous budget debts to go unpaid.
  • Military units are trained significantly faster.
  • Gain an extra result from each Goody Hut you explore.

Excessive I

Primary Penalties:
  • One less Commerce is generated by any plot that generates as much as 7 or more.
  • All cities lose a base Commerce.
  • All cities lose a percentage penalty to Commerce.
Side Penalties:
  • An extra unhappiness in every city.
  • All trade routes lose a percentage penalty to Commerce.
  • Commerce focused improvements generate less Commerce.
  • Commerce focused improvements upgrade much slower than normal.
  • Commerce focused improvements are much slower for your workers to build.
  • Lawyer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists lose a Commerce.
  • Great Statesmen are less likely to be born.
  • World Wonders are constructed faster.
  • National Wonders are constructed faster.
  • Team Projects are constructed faster.
  • You can draft a few more citizens than normal during a conscript action in a city.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is significantly reduced due to allowing numerous budget debts to go unpaid.
  • Gain an extra result from each Goody Hut you explore.

Excessive II

Primary Penalties:
  • The threshold for a plot generating an additional Commerce drops from 7 to 6.
  • All cities lose base Commerce.
  • All cities lose a percentage penalty to Commerce.
Side Penalties:
  • An extra unhappiness in every city.
  • All trade routes lose a percentage penalty to Commerce.
  • Commerce focused improvements generate less Commerce.
  • Commerce focused improvements upgrade much slower than normal.
  • Commerce focused improvements are much slower for your workers to build.
  • Lawyer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists lose a Commerce.
  • Each city loses one from it's Maximum Trade Routes.
  • Great Statesmen are significantly less likely to be born.
  • World Wonders are constructed significantly faster.
  • National Wonders are constructed significantly faster.
  • Team Projects are constructed significantly faster.
  • You can draft a some more citizens than normal during a conscript action in a city.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is significantly reduced due to allowing numerous budget debts to go unpaid.
  • Military units are trained faster.

Excessive III

Primary Penalties:
  • The threshold for a plot generating an additional Commerce drops from 6 to 5.
  • All cities lose a significant amount of base Commerce.
  • All cities lose a percentage penalty to Commerce.
Side Penalties:
  • An extra unhappiness in every city.
  • All trade routes lose a percentage penalty to Commerce.
  • Commerce focused improvements generate less Commerce.
  • Commerce focused improvements upgrade much slower than normal.
  • Commerce focused improvements are much slower for your workers to build.
  • Lawyer, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists lose a Commerce.
  • Each city loses one from it's Maximum Trade Routes.
  • Great Statesmen are significantly less likely to be born.
  • World Wonders are constructed significantly faster.
  • National Wonders are constructed significantly faster.
  • Team Projects are constructed significantly faster.
  • You can draft a some more citizens than normal during a conscript action in a city.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is significantly reduced due to allowing numerous budget debts to go unpaid.
  • Military units are trained faster.


Strong Food production. Hard work in the fields can be a burden to happiness and your citizens prefer more rural lifestyles

Positive Trait

"Fertility is the essence of strength. By nurturing the land, you nurture your people and your forces will always be plentiful."

Your nation is bountiful but your people do work long and hard days to provide, leading to less time for more advanced pursuits. This is a simple but effective trait for growth but can also provide faster unit training.

Primary Benefits:
  • An additional Food is generated by any plot that generates as much as 7 or more.
  • All cities gain an additional base Food.
  • All cities gain a significant percentage modifier to Food.
Unique Abilities:
  • Food is converted to Production in any unit engaged in training a unit.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all more healthy thanks to more exercise in the outdoors.
  • Food focused improvements generate an additional Food.
  • Food focused improvements upgrade much faster as normal.
  • Food focused improvements are much faster for your workers to build.
  • Noble, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate an additional Food.
  • Technologies that enhance food production and storage are discovered faster.
  • Maintenance for Number of Cities is significantly reduced. Effective local gardening reduces maintenance needs.
  • Your cities are all less happy.
  • Great People are significantly slower to be born because your people spend more time laboring in the fields than on personal development.
  • Your largest cities are less happy since your people prefer rural living.
  • Suffers more Water Pollution.
  • Your citizens suffer Education penalties.

Agricultural I

Primary Benefits:
  • An additional Food is generated by any plot that generates as much as 7 or more.
  • All cities gain an additional base Food.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Food.
Unique Abilities:
  • Food is converted to Production in any unit engaged in training a unit.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all more healthy thanks to more exercise in the outdoors.
  • Food focused improvements generate an additional Food.
  • Food focused improvements upgrade much faster as normal.
  • Food focused improvements are much faster for your workers to build.
  • Noble, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate an additional Food.
  • Technologies that enhance food production and storage are discovered faster.
  • Maintenance for Number of Cities is reduced. Effective local gardening reduces maintenance needs.
  • Your cities are all less happy.
  • Great People are slower to be born because your people spend more time laboring in the fields than on personal development.
  • Suffers slightly more Water Pollution.
  • Your citizens suffer minor Education penalties.

Agricultural II

Primary Benefits:
  • The threshold for a plot generating an additional Commerce drops from 7 to 6.
  • All cities gain additional base Food.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Food.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all significantly more healthy thanks to more exercise in the outdoors.
  • Food focused improvements generate an additional Food.
  • Food focused improvements upgrade much faster as normal.
  • Food focused improvements are much faster for your workers to build.
  • Noble, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate an additional Food.
  • Technologies that enhance food production and storage are discovered faster.
  • Maintenance for Number of Cities is reduced. Effective local gardening reduces maintenance needs.
  • Your cities are all less happy.
  • Great People are slower to be born because your people spend more time laboring in the fields than on personal development.
  • Your largest cities are significantly less happy since your people prefer rural living.
  • Suffers slightly more Water Pollution.
  • Your citizens suffer minor Education penalties.

Agricultural III

Primary Benefits:
  • The threshold for a plot generating an additional Commerce drops from 6 to 5.
  • All cities gain a significant amount of additional base Food.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Food.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all significantly more healthy thanks to more exercise in the outdoors.
  • Food focused improvements generate an additional Food.
  • Food focused improvements upgrade much faster as normal.
  • Food focused improvements are much faster for your workers to build.
  • Noble, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists generate an additional Food.
  • Technologies that enhance food production and storage are discovered faster.
  • Maintenance for Number of Cities is reduced. Effective local gardening reduces maintenance needs.
  • Your cities are all less happy.
  • Great People are slower to be born because your people spend more time laboring in the fields than on personal development.
  • Your largest cities are much less happy since your people prefer rural living.
  • Suffers slightly more Water Pollution.
  • Your citizens suffer minor Education penalties.


Poor food, mostly due to extra consumption. Happier people thinking things are always plentiful when in reality they often deplete their food stores

Negative Trait

"Eat what we have while we have it for famine may strike any day."

Though you and your people may be unhealthy from being overweight and underworked, they tend to be blissful, particularly in urban lifestyles where they can be truly excessive with the nation's bounty.

Primary Penalty:
  • One less Food is generated by any plot that generates as much as 7 or more.
  • All cities lose one base Food.
  • All cities lose a significant percentage penalty to Food.
Unique Abilities:
  • Food is converted to Production in any unit engaged in training a unit.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are all less healthy thanks to eating in excess.
  • Food focused improvements generate less Food.
  • Food focused improvements upgrade much slower as normal.
  • Food focused improvements are much slower for your workers to build.
  • Noble, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists are penalized a Food.
  • Technologies that enhance food production and storage are discovered slower.
  • Maintenance for Number of Cities is significantly increased since communities often eat more than they are budgeted for.
  • Military units take significantly longer to train since they are often more overweight when they enlist and require more training to get in shape.
  • Your cities are all happier.
  • Great People are significantly faster to be born because your people feel more comfortable being themselves.
  • Satiated citizens are less argumentative, so Civic changes don't cause as much Anarchy time.
  • Corporation upkeep is diminished due to higher profits from food product sales.
  • Your largest cities are happier since your people prefer urban living.
  • Golden Ages last longer than usual because your people greatly enjoy times of prosperity.

Gluttonous I

Primary Penalty:
  • One less Food is generated by any plot that generates as much as 7 or more.
  • All cities lose one base Food.
  • All cities lose a percentage penalty to Food.
Unique Abilities:
  • Food is converted to Production in any unit engaged in training a unit.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are all less healthy thanks to eating in excess.
  • Food focused improvements generate less Food.
  • Food focused improvements upgrade much slower as normal.
  • Food focused improvements are much slower for your workers to build.
  • Noble, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists are penalized a Food.
  • Technologies that enhance food production and storage are discovered slower.
  • Maintenance for Number of Cities is increased since communities often eat more than they are budgeted for.
  • Military units take longer to train since they are often more overweight when they enlist and require more training to get in shape.
  • Your cities are all happier.
  • Great People are faster to be born because your people feel more comfortable being themselves.
  • Satiated citizens are less argumentative, so Civic changes don't cause as much Anarchy time.

Gluttonous II

Primary Penalty:
  • The threshold for a plot generating one less food drops from 7 to 6.
  • All cities lose some base Food.
  • All cities lose a percentage penalty to Food.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are all significantly less healthy thanks to eating in excess.
  • Food focused improvements generate less Food.
  • Food focused improvements upgrade much slower as normal.
  • Food focused improvements are much slower for your workers to build.
  • Noble, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists are penalized a Food.
  • Technologies that enhance food production and storage are discovered slower.
  • Maintenance for Number of Cities is increased since communities often eat more than they are budgeted for.
  • Your cities are all happier.
  • Great People are faster to be born because your people feel more comfortable being themselves.
  • Satiated citizens are less argumentative, so Civic changes don't cause as much Anarchy time.
  • Corporation upkeep is diminished due to higher profits from food product sales.
  • Your largest cities are happier since your people prefer urban living.
  • Golden Ages last longer than usual because your people greatly enjoy times of prosperity.

Gluttonous III

Primary Penalty:
  • The threshold for a plot generating one less food drops from 6 to 5.
  • All cities lose a significant amount of base Food.
  • All cities lose a percentage penalty to Food.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are all significantly less healthy thanks to eating in excess.
  • Food focused improvements generate less Food.
  • Food focused improvements upgrade much slower as normal.
  • Food focused improvements are much slower for your workers to build.
  • Noble, Citizen, and Slave type Specialists are penalized a Food.
  • Technologies that enhance food production and storage are discovered slower.
  • Maintenance for Number of Cities is increased since communities often eat more than they are budgeted for.
  • Your cities are all happier.
  • Great People are faster to be born because your people feel more comfortable being themselves.
  • Satiated citizens are less argumentative, so Civic changes don't cause as much Anarchy time.
  • Corporation upkeep is diminished due to higher profits from food product sales.
  • Your largest cities are significantly happier since your people prefer urban living.
  • Golden Ages last longer than usual because your people greatly enjoy times of prosperity.
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Strong Culture output. People are happy with their beautified society but are a little soft as a result, sometimes unable to cope with harsh realities

Positive Trait

"What good are a people that cannot diversely express the emotional experience of being?"

You are happy to invest national resources into art, music and dance. Your people are happier and more fulfilled, and embrace projects that will impress people around the world, but they have a hard time embracing the idea of combat and can tend to not work as hard.

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities produce a couple more base Culture.
  • All cities gain a significant percentage modifier to Culture.
  • All Specialists produce an extra Culture.
  • Cities start with a little Culture.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all happier feeling more fulfilled and welcome to express themselves.
  • Great People are significantly faster to be born in this society that values personal expression.
  • World Wonders are significantly faster to construct as the people get enthused by the idea of impressing the world with their accomplishments.
  • Buildings that are primarily for generating Culture are constructed faster.
  • Many buildings that are primarily for generating Culture and Entertainment make your people happier.
  • Celebrity type Specialists give an additional Commerce.
  • Artist type Specialists give an additional Production.
  • Artist and Celebrity type Specialists give a few additional Culture.
  • Citizen and Slave type Specialists give a few additional Culture.
  • Your Capital produces a percentage more Culture.
  • Technologies that lead to Cultural development are faster to discover.
  • Great Artists are more likely to be born.
  • Hit Musicals, Hit Singles, Hit Movies and Dye resources make your people happier.
  • Overall upkeep is significantly higher since you pour financial resources into the arts.
  • All Combatant units you train get one less Experience Point.
  • War Weariness affects your people more severely.
  • Your workers are significantly slower at building improvements, since they can't build anything without beautifying it.
  • Your draft actions conscript fewer citizens.
  • Your Military Units are slower to train.
  • Your enemies suffer less War Weariness since they tend to think of your people as too bohemian for effective warfare.
  • Your defenses in your cities are easier to bombard since form has been preferred over function in your fortifications.
  • Your units are easier to capture since your citizens value their lives more.

Creative I

Positive Trait

"What good are a people that cannot diversely express the emotional experience of being?"

You are happy to invest national resources into art, music and dance. Your people are happier and more fulfilled, and embrace projects that will impress people around the world, but they have a hard time embracing the idea of combat and can tend to not work as hard.

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities produce a couple more base Culture.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Culture.
  • All Specialists produce an extra Culture.
  • Cities start with a little Culture.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all happier feeling more fulfilled and welcome to express themselves.
  • Great People are faster to be born in this society that values personal expression.
  • World Wonders are faster to construct as the people get enthused by the idea of impressing the world with their accomplishments.
  • Buildings that are primarily for generating Culture are constructed faster.
  • Many buildings that are primarily for generating Culture and Entertainment make your people happier.
  • Artist type Specialists give an additional Production.
  • Citizen and Slave type Specialists give an additional Culture.
  • Your Capital produces a small percentage more Culture.
  • Technologies that lead to Cultural development are faster to discover.
  • Great Artists are more likely to be born.
  • Access to the Dye resource makes your people happier.
  • Overall upkeep is higher since you pour financial resources into the arts.
  • All Combatant units you train get one less Experience Point.
  • War Weariness affects your people more severely.
  • Your workers are significantly slower at building improvements, since they can't build anything without beautifying it.
  • Your draft actions conscript one less citizen.
  • Your Military Units are slightly slower to train.
  • Your enemies suffer less War Weariness since they tend to think of your people as too bohemian for effective warfare.
  • Your defenses in your cities are easier to bombard since form has been preferred over function in your fortifications.
  • Your units are easier to capture since your citizens value their lives more.

Creative II

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities produce more base Culture.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Culture.
  • All Specialists produce an extra Culture.
  • Cities start with some Culture.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all happier feeling more fulfilled and welcome to express themselves.
  • Great People are faster to be born in this society that values personal expression.
  • World Wonders are faster to construct as the people get enthused by the idea of impressing the world with their accomplishments.
  • Buildings that are primarily for generating Culture are constructed faster.
  • Many buildings that are primarily for generating Culture and Entertainment make your people happier.
  • Artist type Specialists give an additional Commerce.
  • Artist type Specialists give a few additional Culture.
  • Your Capital produces a small percentage more Culture.
  • Technologies that lead to Cultural development are faster to discover.
  • Great Artists are significantly more likely to be born.
  • Access to Hit Musicals and Hit Singles resources make your people happier.
  • Overall upkeep is higher since you pour financial resources into the arts.
  • All Combatant units you train get a few less Experience Points.
  • War Weariness affects your people more severely.
  • Your workers are significantly slower at building improvements, since they can't build anything without beautifying it.
  • Your draft actions conscript one less citizen.
  • Your Military Units are slightly slower to train.
  • Your enemies suffer less War Weariness since they tend to think of your people as too bohemian for effective warfare.
  • Your defenses in your cities are easier to bombard since form has been preferred over function in your fortifications.
  • Your units are easier to capture since your citizens value their lives more.

Creative III

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities produce much more base Culture.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Culture.
  • All Specialists produce an extra Culture.
  • Cities start with a significant amount of Culture.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all happier feeling more fulfilled and welcome to express themselves.
  • Great People are faster to be born in this society that values personal expression.
  • World Wonders are faster to construct as the people get enthused by the idea of impressing the world with their accomplishments.
  • Buildings that are primarily for generating Culture are constructed faster.
  • Many buildings that are primarily for generating Culture and Entertainment make your people happier.
  • Celebrity type Specialists give an additional Commerce.
  • Celebrity type Specialists give a few additional Culture.
  • Your Capital produces a small percentage more Culture.
  • Technologies that lead to Cultural development are faster to discover.
  • Great Artists are much more likely to be born.
  • Access to the Hit Movies resource make your people happier.
  • Overall upkeep is higher since you pour financial resources into the arts.
  • All Combatant units you train get less Experience Points.
  • War Weariness affects your people more severely.
  • Your workers are significantly slower at building improvements, since they can't build anything without beautifying it.
  • Your draft actions conscript one less citizen.
  • Your Military Units are slightly slower to train.
  • Your enemies suffer less War Weariness since they tend to think of your people as too bohemian for effective warfare.
  • Your defenses in your cities are easier to bombard since form has been preferred over function in your fortifications.
  • Your units are easier to capture since your citizens value their lives more.


Poor Culture. People are unhappy lacking for identity and expression. But they are roughshod by nature as a result.

Negative Trait

"Arts and Culture are worthless distractions to achieving dominance."

If you've ever felt that you could forego the value of culture, you are welcome to try working with a leader with this negative trait. There are some benefits, like reduced upkeep, but the loss of cultural output should make it apparent how valuable culture can be.

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities produce a few less base Culture.
  • All cities lose a significant percentage penalty to Culture.
  • All Specialists produce one less Culture.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are less happy since artistic expression is devalued.
  • Great People are slower to emerge since personal expression is frowned upon.
  • World Wonders are significantly slower to construct since such projects seem frivolous.
  • Buildings that are primarily for generating Culture are constructed slower.
  • Celebrity type Specialists lose a Commerce.
  • Artist type Specialists produce one less Commerce.
  • Artist and Celebrity type Specialists lose a few Culture.
  • Citizen and Slave type Specialists are penalized a Culture.
  • Your Capital loses a percentage less Culture.
  • Technologies that lead to Cultural development are slower to discover.
  • Entertainer units are trained with one less Experience Point.
  • Entertainer units are trained slower.
  • Great Artists are less likely to be born.
  • Your cities suffer a bit more Crime.
  • Your people are more resistant to Education.
  • Overall upkeep is significantly lower since you deny funding anything that isn't absolutely functional.
  • All Combatant units you train gain an additional Experience Point.
  • Your nation suffers less War Weariness since they are a stoic folk.
  • Your workers are significantly faster at building improvements as they make them strong and simple.
  • Your draft actions conscript more citizens.
  • Your cities are harder to attack since architectural design considers structural integrity paramount.
  • Your Military Units are faster to train.
  • Your enemies suffer more War Weariness, knowing your people are tough and rugged.
  • When you defeat enemy units, you are more likely to capture them.

Unrefined I

Negative Trait

"Arts and Culture are worthless distractions to achieving dominance."

If you've ever felt that you could forego the value of culture, you are welcome to try working with a leader with this negative trait. There are some benefits, like reduced upkeep, but the loss of cultural output should make it apparent how valuable culture can be.

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities produce a few less base Culture.
  • All cities lose a percentage penalty to Culture.
  • All Specialists produce one less Culture.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are less happy since artistic expression is devalued.
  • Great People are slower to emerge since personal expression is frowned upon.
  • World Wonders are slower to construct since such projects seem frivolous.
  • Buildings that are primarily for generating Culture are constructed slower.
  • Artist type Specialists produce one less Commerce.
  • Citizen and Slave type Specialists are penalized a Culture.
  • Your Capital loses a small percentage less Culture.
  • Technologies that lead to Cultural development are slower to discover.
  • Entertainer units are trained with one less Experience Point.
  • Entertainer units are trained slower.
  • Great Artists are less likely to be born.
  • Your cities suffer a bit more Crime.
  • Overall upkeep is lower since you deny funding anything that isn't absolutely functional.
  • All Combatant units you train gain an additional Experience Point.
  • Your nation suffers less War Weariness since they are a stoic folk.
  • Your workers are significantly faster at building improvements as they make them strong and simple.
  • Your draft actions conscript an additional citizen.
  • Your cities are a little harder to attack since architectural design considers structural integrity paramount.
  • Your Military Units are a little faster to train.
  • Your enemies suffer more War Weariness, knowing your people are tough and rugged.
  • When you defeat enemy units, you are a bit more likely to capture them.

Unrefined II

Negative Trait

"Arts and Culture are worthless distractions to achieving dominance."

If you've ever felt that you could forego the value of culture, you are welcome to try working with a leader with this negative trait. There are some benefits, like reduced upkeep, but the loss of cultural output should make it apparent how valuable culture can be.

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities produce less base Culture.
  • All cities lose a percentage penalty to Culture.
  • All Specialists produce one less Culture.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are less happy since artistic expression is devalued.
  • Great People are slower to emerge since personal expression is frowned upon.
  • World Wonders are slower to construct since such projects seem frivolous.
  • Buildings that are primarily for generating Culture are constructed slower.
  • Artist type Specialists produce one less Production.
  • Artist type Specialists are penalized a Culture.
  • Your Capital loses a small percentage less Culture.
  • Technologies that lead to Cultural development are slower to discover.
  • Entertainer units are trained with a few less Experience Points.
  • Entertainer units are trained slower.
  • Great Artists are significantly less likely to be born.
  • Your cities are a bit harder to Educate.
  • Overall upkeep is lower since you deny funding anything that isn't absolutely functional.
  • All Combatant units you train gain a few additional Experience Points.
  • Your nation suffers less War Weariness since they are a stoic folk.
  • Your workers are significantly faster at building improvements as they make them strong and simple.
  • Your draft actions conscript an additional citizen.
  • Your cities are a little harder to attack since architectural design considers structural integrity paramount.
  • Your Military Units are a little faster to train.
  • Your enemies suffer more War Weariness, knowing your people are tough and rugged.
  • When you defeat enemy units, you are a bit more likely to capture them.

Unrefined III

Negative Trait

"Arts and Culture are worthless distractions to achieving dominance."

If you've ever felt that you could forego the value of culture, you are welcome to try working with a leader with this negative trait. There are some benefits, like reduced upkeep, but the loss of cultural output should make it apparent how valuable culture can be.

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities produce much less base Culture.
  • All cities lose a percentage penalty to Culture.
  • All Specialists produce one less Culture.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are less happy since artistic expression is devalued.
  • Great People are slower to emerge since personal expression is frowned upon.
  • World Wonders are slower to construct since such projects seem frivolous.
  • Buildings that are primarily for generating Culture are constructed slower.
  • Celebrity type Specialists produce one less Commerce.
  • Artist type Specialists are penalized a Culture.
  • Your Capital loses a small percentage less Culture.
  • Technologies that lead to Cultural development are slower to discover.
  • Entertainer units are trained with fewer Experience Points.
  • Entertainer units are trained slower.
  • Great Artists are much less likely to be born.
  • Your cities suffer from a little more Crime.
  • Your cities are a slightly harder to Educate.
  • Overall upkeep is lower since you deny funding anything that isn't absolutely functional.
  • All Combatant units you train gain some additional Experience Points.
  • Your nation suffers less War Weariness since they are a stoic folk.
  • Your workers are significantly faster at building improvements as they make them strong and simple.
  • Your draft actions conscript an additional citizen.
  • Your cities are a little harder to attack since architectural design considers structural integrity paramount.
  • Your Military Units are a little faster to train.
  • Your enemies suffer more War Weariness, knowing your people are tough and rugged.
  • When you defeat enemy units, you are a bit more likely to capture them.


Strong Gold generation. People are happy the leader efficiently utilizes their taxes. Budget cutting leads to less quality in some areas such as training and defense

Positive Trait

"Nothing can't be bought so proper investments cannot fail to achieve victory."

Few nations like to think their rulers waste the taxes that are collected and this one can show a nicely balanced budget that plans each measure of spending quite carefully to get the maximum results. The leader is a genius when it comes to finances but may shave corners in a few areas that could lead to some dangerous results for the nation. Regardless, wealth is clearly more easily obtained within these borders, which is an envious position to be in.

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities produce a couple more base Gold.
  • All cities gain a significant percentage modifier to Gold.
  • All Specialists produce an extra Gold.
  • The cost of rushing buildings and units is reduced significantly.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all happier with greater wealth going around and more fiscal responsibility in government.
  • The overall upkeep expense for this nation is reduced significantly.
  • More Great People are born here because financial opportunities to invest into personal achievements are more readily available.
  • Buildings that are focused on wealth generation are faster to build.
  • Merchant and Noble type Specialists generate an additional Commerce.
  • Merchant and Noble type Specialists generate a few more Gold.
  • Citizen and Slave type Specialists give an additional Gold.
  • Your Capital produces a percentage more Gold.
  • Technologies that lead to wealth improvements are faster to discover.
  • Corporate Maintenance is significantly reduced. Corporations benefit from more relaxed policies that help them get more out of their investments.
  • Great Merchants are more likely to be born.
  • Civic Anarchy times are a bit longer. It takes longer to figure out how to optimize spending in a new governmental structure.
  • All Improvements take a lot longer to upgrade naturally since your nation refuses to budget for such projects until absolutely necessary.
  • Workers take longer to place Improvements because they tend to get things done on a shoestring budget.
  • All units receive a little less investment into training thus lose an Experience when trained.
  • Shaving costs on defensive preparations leads to a reduced City Defense Modifier.
  • Espionage Defense is reduced due to underspending on security monitoring.
  • Your defenses are more easily bombarded due to cutting costs in material expenses when constructing your fortifications.
  • It takes more food to grow your cities. With less government funding for family support programs, there is more reluctance to raise children until the providers have more firmly established their careers.
  • Slightly higher Crime rate. More wealth circulating in your communities means there is a bit more to commit crimes.

Financial I

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities produce a couple more base Gold.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Gold.
  • All Specialists produce an extra Gold.
  • The cost of rushing buildings and units is reduced significantly.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all happier with greater wealth going around and more fiscal responsibility in government.
  • The overall upkeep expense for this nation is reduced.
  • More Great People are born here because financial opportunities to invest into personal achievements are more readily available.
  • Buildings that are focused on wealth generation are faster to build.
  • Merchant type Specialists generate an additional Commerce.
  • Citizen and Slave type Specialists give an additional Gold.
  • Your Capital produces a small percentage more Gold.
  • Technologies that lead to wealth improvements are faster to discover.
  • Corporate Maintenance is reduced. Corporations benefit from more relaxed policies that help them get more out of their investments.
  • Great Merchants are more likely to be born.
  • Civic Anarchy times are a bit longer. It takes longer to figure out how to optimize spending in a new governmental structure.
  • All Improvements take a lot longer to upgrade naturally since your nation refuses to budget for such projects until absolutely necessary.
  • Workers take longer to place Improvements because they tend to get things done on a shoestring budget.
  • All units receive a little less investment into training thus lose an Experience when trained.
  • Shaving costs on defensive preparations leads to a slightly reduced City Defense Modifier.
  • Espionage Defense is slightly reduced due to underspending on security monitoring.
  • Your defenses are somewhat more easily bombarded due to cutting costs in material expenses when constructing your fortifications.
  • It takes slightly more food to grow your cities. With less government funding for family support programs, there is more reluctance to raise children until the providers have more firmly established their careers.
  • Slightly higher Crime rate. More wealth circulating in your communities means there is a bit more to commit crimes.

Financial II

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities produce more base Gold.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Gold.
  • All Specialists produce an extra Gold.
  • The cost of rushing buildings and units is reduced significantly.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all happier with greater wealth going around and more fiscal responsibility in government.
  • The overall upkeep expense for this nation is reduced.
  • More Great People are born here because financial opportunities to invest into personal achievements are more readily available.
  • Buildings that are focused on wealth generation are faster to build.
  • Noble type Specialists generate an additional Commerce.
  • Merchant type Specialists give a few additional Gold.
  • Your Capital produces a small percentage more Gold.
  • Technologies that lead to wealth improvements are faster to discover.
  • Corporate Maintenance is significantly reduced. Corporations benefit from more relaxed policies that help them get more out of their investments.
  • Great Merchants are significantly more likely to be born.
  • Civic Anarchy times are a bit longer. It takes longer to figure out how to optimize spending in a new governmental structure.
  • All Improvements take a lot longer to upgrade naturally since your nation refuses to budget for such projects until absolutely necessary.
  • Workers take longer to place Improvements because they tend to get things done on a shoestring budget.
  • All units receive a little less investment into training thus lose an Experience when trained.
  • Shaving costs on defensive preparations leads to a slightly reduced City Defense Modifier.
  • Espionage Defense is slightly reduced due to underspending on security monitoring.
  • Your defenses are somewhat more easily bombarded due to cutting costs in material expenses when constructing your fortifications.
  • It takes slightly more food to grow your cities. With less government funding for family support programs, there is more reluctance to raise children until the providers have more firmly established their careers.
  • A bit higher Crime rate. More wealth circulating in your communities means there is a bit more to commit crimes.

Financial III

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities produce a significant amount more base Gold.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Gold.
  • All Specialists produce an extra Gold.
  • The cost of rushing buildings and units is reduced significantly.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all happier with greater wealth going around and more fiscal responsibility in government.
  • The overall upkeep expense for this nation is significantly reduced.
  • More Great People are born here because financial opportunities to invest into personal achievements are more readily available.
  • Buildings that are focused on wealth generation are faster to build.
  • Merchant type Specialists generate an additional Production.
  • Noble type Specialists give a few additional Gold.
  • Your Capital produces a small percentage more Gold.
  • Technologies that lead to wealth improvements are faster to discover.
  • Corporate Maintenance is significantly reduced. Corporations benefit from more relaxed policies that help them get more out of their investments.
  • Great Merchants are much more likely to be born.
  • Civic Anarchy times are a bit longer. It takes longer to figure out how to optimize spending in a new governmental structure.
  • All Improvements take a lot longer to upgrade naturally since your nation refuses to budget for such projects until absolutely necessary.
  • Workers take longer to place Improvements because they tend to get things done on a shoestring budget.
  • All units receive a little less investment into training thus lose an Experience when trained.
  • Shaving costs on defensive preparations leads to a slightly reduced City Defense Modifier.
  • Espionage Defense is slightly reduced due to underspending on security monitoring.
  • Your defenses are somewhat more easily bombarded due to cutting costs in material expenses when constructing your fortifications.
  • It takes more food to grow your cities. With less government funding for family support programs, there is more reluctance to raise children until the providers have more firmly established their careers.
  • A higher Crime rate. More wealth circulating in your communities means there is a bit more to commit crimes.


Weak Gold generation and increased upkeep. Some construction projects are completed faster.

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities produce a couple less base Gold.
  • All cities suffer a significant percentage penalty to Gold.
  • All Specialists cost a Gold.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are all less happy, knowing of your excesses with their taxed earnings.
  • The overall upkeep expense is higher due to skimming.
  • Fewer Great People are born here because financial opportunity is more scarce.
  • Buildings that are focused on wealth generation are slower to build.
  • Merchant and Noble type Specialists are penalized a Commerce.
  • Merchant and Noble type Specialists generate a few less Gold.
  • Citizen and Slave type Specialists cost a Gold penalty.
  • Your Capital generates a percentage less Gold.
  • Technologies that lead to wealth improvements are slower to discover.
  • Corporate Maintenance is significantly increased. Corporations suffer from higher taxation and thus do not run as efficiently.
  • Great Merchants are less likely to be born.
  • Public financial desperation increases the Crime rate.
  • World Wonders are constructed faster due to increased spending on anything the leader wants.
  • National Wonders are constructed faster since local governing bodies are happy to overspend to match the leader's budgets for impressive works.
  • Civic Anarchy time is reduced since palms are quickly greased to adapt to the leader's whims.
  • Improvements upgrade faster naturally since the leader is happy to spend to excess to make this happen.
  • Workers complete improvements on plots faster since the crews are overfunded.
  • A few more citizens can be drafted with a conscription action because more people are desperate to find ways to support their families.
  • Underpaying the salaries for your military gives you some extra free units.
  • The cost of rushing buildings and units is reduced significantly as people are willing to work for less where money is scarce.

Greedy I

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities produce a couple less base Gold.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Gold.
  • All Specialists cost a Gold.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are all less happy, knowing of your excesses with their taxed earnings.
  • The overall upkeep expense is higher due to skimming.
  • Fewer Great People are born here because financial opportunity is more scarce.
  • Buildings that are focused on wealth generation are slower to build.
  • Merchant type Specialists are penalized a Commerce.
  • Citizen and Slave type Specialists cost a Gold penalty.
  • Your Capital generates a small percentage less Gold.
  • Technologies that lead to wealth improvements are slower to discover.
  • Corporate Maintenance is increased. Corporations suffer from higher taxation and thus do not run as efficiently.
  • Great Merchants are less likely to be born.
  • Public financial desperation increases the Crime rate.
  • World Wonders are constructed faster due to increased spending on anything the leader wants.
  • National Wonders are constructed faster since local governing bodies are happy to overspend to match the leader's budgets for impressive works.
  • Civic Anarchy time is slightly reduced since palms are quickly greased to adapt to the leader's whims.
  • Improvements upgrade faster naturally since the leader is happy to spend to excess to make this happen.
  • Workers complete improvements on plots faster since the crews are overfunded.
  • An extra citizens can be drafted with a conscription action because more people are desperate to find ways to support their families.
  • Underpaying the salaries for your military gives you some extra free units.
  • The cost of rushing buildings and units is reduced significantly as people are willing to work for less where money is scarce.

Greedy II

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities produce less base Gold.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Gold.
  • All Specialists cost a Gold.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are all less happy, knowing of your excesses with their taxed earnings.
  • The overall upkeep expense is higher due to skimming.
  • Fewer Great People are born here because financial opportunity is more scarce.
  • Buildings that are focused on wealth generation are slower to build.
  • Noble type Specialists are penalized a Commerce.
  • Merchant type Specialists cost a few Gold penalty.
  • Your Capital generates a small percentage less Gold.
  • Technologies that lead to wealth improvements are slower to discover.
  • Corporate Maintenance is increased. Corporations suffer from higher taxation and thus do not run as efficiently.
  • Great Merchants are less likely to be born.
  • Public financial desperation increases the Crime rate.
  • World Wonders are constructed faster due to increased spending on anything the leader wants.
  • National Wonders are constructed faster since local governing bodies are happy to overspend to match the leader's budgets for impressive works.
  • Civic Anarchy time is slightly reduced since palms are quickly greased to adapt to the leader's whims.
  • Improvements upgrade faster naturally since the leader is happy to spend to excess to make this happen.
  • Workers complete improvements on plots faster since the crews are overfunded.
  • A couple extra citizens can be drafted with a conscription action because more people are desperate to find ways to support their families.
  • Underpaying the salaries for your military gives you some extra free units.
  • The cost of rushing buildings and units is reduced significantly as people are willing to work for less where money is scarce.

Greedy III

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities produce much less base Gold.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Gold.
  • All Specialists cost a Gold.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are all less happy, knowing of your excesses with their taxed earnings.
  • The overall upkeep expense is significantly higher due to skimming.
  • Fewer Great People are born here because financial opportunity is more scarce.
  • Buildings that are focused on wealth generation are slower to build.
  • Merchant type Specialists cost a Food penalty.
  • Noble type Specialists cost a few extra Gold penalty.
  • Your Capital generates a small percentage less Gold.
  • Technologies that lead to wealth improvements are slower to discover.
  • Corporate Maintenance is significantly increased. Corporations suffer from higher taxation and thus do not run as efficiently.
  • Great Merchants are much less likely to be born.
  • Public financial desperation increases the Crime rate.
  • World Wonders are constructed faster due to increased spending on anything the leader wants.
  • National Wonders are constructed faster since local governing bodies are happy to overspend to match the leader's budgets for impressive works.
  • Civic Anarchy time is slightly reduced since palms are quickly greased to adapt to the leader's whims.
  • Improvements upgrade faster naturally since the leader is happy to spend to excess to make this happen.
  • Workers complete improvements on plots faster since the crews are overfunded.
  • A couple extra citizens can be drafted with a conscription action because more people are desperate to find ways to support their families.
  • Underpaying the salaries for your military gives you some extra free units.
  • The cost of rushing buildings and units is reduced significantly as people are willing to work for less where money is scarce.


Strong Espionage. People mistrust your leader

Positive Trait

"What sets man apart from the animals is his ability to deceive. The only way to be a step ahead of the enemy is to know them well, and let them know only of you what you want them to believe. Misdirection is the path to victory!"

While you are a clever leader who often misdirects his foes into strategic traps, and your spies are top notch, your people don't appreciate being lied to and being subject to intrusive investigations. Other nations are particularly suspicious of you and your people.

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities produce a couple more base Espionage.
  • All cities gain a significant percentage modifier to Espionage.
  • All Specialists produce an extra Espionage.
  • Your Spy units are assigned the Deceiver Promotion, making them harder to catch and giving them improved chances of escape.
Side Benefits:
  • Buildings that are focused on Investigations and Security are faster to build.
  • Spy and Investigator type Specialists generate an additional Commerce.
  • Spy and Investigator type Specialists generate a few more Espionage.
  • Citizen and Slave type Specialists give an additional Espionage.
  • Your Capital produces a percentage more Espionage.
  • Technologies that lead to Investigation and Security improvements are faster to discover.
  • Espionage units are trained with a few extra Experience Points.
  • Espionage units are trained faster.
  • Espionage missions are harder to perform against your nation.
  • Great Spies are more likely to be born.
  • Your units are harder to capture since they fear the kind of interrogation practices they would use on captured foes.
  • Your cities are less happy thanks to a lack of privacy.
  • Civic Anarchy times are a little longer since the people are more suspicious of the intentions behind any change in policy.
  • You take a diplomacy penalty since leaders have a hard time trusting you.
  • Enemies suffer less War Weariness since their people often feel justified in being at war with you.
  • Your cities suffer a bit more Crime since the people tend to follow your example of dishonest behavior.
  • Your cities are harder to Educate since a lot of misinformation is circulating about.

Deceiver I

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities produce a couple more base Espionage.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Espionage.
  • All Specialists produce an extra Espionage.
  • Your Spy units are assigned the Deceiver I Promotion, making them harder to catch and giving them improved chances of escape.
Side Benefits:
  • Buildings that are focused on Investigations and Security are faster to build.
  • Spy type Specialists generate an additional Commerce.
  • Citizen and Slave type Specialists generate an additional Espionage.
  • Your Capital produces a small percentage more Espionage.
  • Technologies that lead to Investigation and Security improvements are faster to discover.
  • Espionage units are trained with a few extra Experience Points.
  • Espionage units are trained faster.
  • Espionage missions are harder to perform against your nation.
  • Great Spies are more likely to be born.
  • Your cities are less happy thanks to a lack of privacy.
  • Civic Anarchy times are a little longer since the people are more suspicious of the intentions behind any change in policy.
  • You take a diplomacy penalty since leaders have a hard time trusting you.
  • Enemies suffer less War Weariness since their people often feel justified in being at war with you.
  • Your cities suffer a bit more Crime since the people tend to follow your example of dishonest behavior.

Deceiver II

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities produce more base Espionage.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Espionage.
  • All Specialists produce an extra Espionage.
  • Your Spy units are assigned the Deceiver II Promotion, making them harder to catch and giving them improved chances of escape.
Side Benefits:
  • Buildings that are focused on Investigations and Security are faster to build.
  • Investigator type Specialists generate an additional Commerce.
  • Spy type Specialists generate a few more Espionage.
  • Your Capital produces a small percentage more Espionage.
  • Technologies that lead to Investigation and Security improvements are faster to discover.
  • Espionage units are trained with a few extra Experience Points.
  • Espionage units are trained faster.
  • Espionage missions are significantly harder to perform against your nation.
  • Great Spies are significantly more likely to be born.
  • Your units are harder to capture since they fear the kind of interrogation practices they would use on captured foes.
  • Your cities are less happy thanks to a lack of privacy.
  • Civic Anarchy times are a little longer since the people are more suspicious of the intentions behind any change in policy.
  • You take a diplomacy penalty since leaders have a hard time trusting you.
  • Enemies suffer less War Weariness since their people often feel justified in being at war with you.
  • Your cities are harder to Educate since a lot of misinformation is circulating about.

Deceiver III

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities produce much more base Espionage.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Espionage.
  • All Specialists produce an extra Espionage.
  • Your Spy units are assigned the Deceiver III Promotion, making them harder to catch and giving them improved chances of escape and they will never reveal nationality.
Side Benefits:
  • Buildings that are focused on Investigations and Security are faster to build.
  • Spy type Specialists generate an additional Commerce.
  • Investigator type Specialists generate a few more Espionage.
  • Your Capital produces a small percentage more Espionage.
  • Technologies that lead to Investigation and Security improvements are faster to discover.
  • Espionage units are trained with a few extra Experience Points.
  • Espionage units are trained faster.
  • Espionage missions are much harder to perform against your nation.
  • Great Spies are much more likely to be born.
  • Your units are harder to capture since they fear the kind of interrogation practices they would use on captured foes.
  • Your cities are less happy thanks to a lack of privacy.
  • Civic Anarchy times are a little longer since the people are more suspicious of the intentions behind any change in policy.
  • You take a diplomacy penalty since leaders have a hard time trusting you.
  • Enemies suffer less War Weariness since their people often feel justified in being at war with you.
  • Your cities suffer a bit more Crime since the people tend to follow your example of dishonest behavior.
  • Your cities are harder to Educate since a lot of misinformation is circulating about.


Poor Espionage. People are happy with an honest leader

Negative Trait

"Surely people, even world leaders, can be trusted. I don't understand all this paranoia from all my advisers!"

While you are a clever leader who often misdirects his foes into strategic traps, and your spies are top notch, your people don't appreciate being lied to and being subject to intrusive investigations. Other nations are particularly suspicious of you and your people.

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities produce a few less Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a significant percentage penalty to Espionage.
  • All Specialists are penalized an Espionage.
  • Your Spy units are assigned the Naive Promotion, making them easier to catch and giving them reduced chances of escape.
Side Penalties:
  • Buildings that are focused on Investigations and Security are slower to build.
  • Spy and Investigator type Specialists cost a Commerce.
  • Spy and Investigator type Specialists generate a few less Espionage.
  • Citizen and Slave type Specialists are penalized an Espionage.
  • Your Capital produces a small percentage less Espionage.
  • Technologies that lead to Investigation and Security improvements are slower to discover.
  • Espionage units are trained with a few less Experience Points.
  • Espionage units are trained slower.
  • Espionage missions are easier to perform against your nation.
  • Great Spies are less likely to be born.
  • Your cities are happier since they enjoy more privacy.
  • Your people suffer less War Weariness since they trust the accounts of war that they receive from the government.
  • Civic Anarchy times are a little shorter since the people accept explanations of the need for change faster.
  • You gain a diplomacy bonus since leaders can rely on your word.
  • Your cities suffer a bit less Crime since the people tend to follow your example of honest behavior.
  • Your cities are easier to Educate since the truth is delivered in a straightforward manner.

Naive I

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities produce a few less Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Espionage.
  • All Specialists are penalized an Espionage.
  • Your Spy units are assigned the Naive I Promotion, making them easier to catch and giving them reduced chances of escape.
Side Penalties:
  • Buildings that are focused on Investigations and Security are slower to build.
  • Spy and Investigator type Specialists cost a Commerce.
  • Citizen and Slave type Specialists are penalized an Espionage.
  • Your Capital produces a small percentage less Espionage.
  • Technologies that lead to Investigation and Security improvements are slower to discover.
  • Espionage units are trained with a few less Experience Points.
  • Espionage units are trained slower.
  • Espionage missions are easier to perform against your nation.
  • Great Spies are less likely to be born.
  • Your cities are happier since they enjoy more privacy.
  • Your people suffer less War Weariness since they trust the accounts of war that they receive from the government.
  • Civic Anarchy times are a little shorter since the people accept explanations of the need for change faster.
  • You gain a diplomacy bonus since leaders can rely on your word.
  • Your cities suffer a bit less Crime since the people tend to follow your example of honest behavior.

Naive II

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities produce less Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Espionage.
  • All Specialists are penalized an Espionage.
  • Your Spy units are assigned the Naive II Promotion, making them easier to catch and giving them reduced chances of escape.
Side Penalties:
  • Buildings that are focused on Investigations and Security are slower to build.
  • Investigator type Specialists cost a Commerce.
  • Spy type Specialists generate a few less Espionage.
  • Your Capital produces a small percentage less Espionage.
  • Technologies that lead to Investigation and Security improvements are slower to discover.
  • Espionage units are trained with a few less Experience Points.
  • Espionage units are trained slower.
  • Espionage missions are easier to perform against your nation.
  • Great Spies are significantly less likely to be born.
  • Your cities are happier since they enjoy more privacy.
  • Your people suffer less War Weariness since they trust the accounts of war that they receive from the government.
  • Civic Anarchy times are a little shorter since the people accept explanations of the need for change faster.
  • You gain a diplomacy bonus since leaders can rely on your word.
  • Your cities are easier to Educate since the truth is delivered in a straightforward manner.

Naive III

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities produce much less Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Espionage.
  • All Specialists are penalized an Espionage.
  • Your Spy units are assigned the Naive III Promotion, making them easier to catch and giving them reduced chances of escape and one less movement.
Side Penalties:
  • Buildings that are focused on Investigations and Security are slower to build.
  • Spy type Specialists cost a Commerce.
  • Investigator type Specialists generate a few less Espionage.
  • Your Capital produces a small percentage less Espionage.
  • Technologies that lead to Investigation and Security improvements are slower to discover.
  • Espionage units are trained with a few less Experience Points.
  • Espionage units are trained slower.
  • Espionage missions are easier to perform against your nation.
  • Great Spies are much less likely to be born.
  • Your cities are happier since they enjoy more privacy.
  • Your people suffer less War Weariness since they trust the accounts of war that they receive from the government.
  • Civic Anarchy times are a little shorter since the people accept explanations of the need for change faster.
  • You gain a diplomacy bonus since leaders can rely on your word.
  • Your cities suffer a bit less Crime since the people tend to follow your example of honest behavior.
  • Your cities are easier to Educate since the truth is delivered in a straightforward manner.


Strong Research and Team Project construction. Suffers some Religious and Military penalties and can be challenged with extra Air Pollution

Positive Trait

"Knowledge is the true source of all power. Understand the way the world works to find your destiny in it."

Is there anything more obviously beneficial than accelerating your research rate? Out-performing your rivals in technological progress is the most fundamental strategy for victory in any game of Civilization throughout all of its versions. However, there ARE some nuisances you'll have to deal with here and you may find some other leaders with other traits that find ways to compensate this difference can challenge and threaten you regardless of your small scientific edge here.

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities produce a couple more base Research.
  • All cities gain a significant percentage modifier to Research.
  • All Specialists produce an extra Research.
  • Team Projects are built far faster since they often represent major scientific achievements.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are Healthier since knowledge of best health practices is valued higher in this society.
  • Your nation generates Great People faster since it is seen as a positive thing to be smart.
  • Buildings that are focused on Science and Research are faster to build.
  • Archaeological plot Improvements are built much faster.
  • Scientist and Doctor type Specialists generate an additional Commerce.
  • Scientist and Doctor type Specialists generate a few more Research.
  • Citizen and Slave type Specialists give an additional Research.
  • Your Capital produces a percentage more Research.
  • Technologies that lead to developments in Science and Research are faster to discover.
  • Great Scientists are more likely to be born.
  • Your units that can carry missiles can carry an additional such cargo.
  • Your flying units possess an extra plot of operational range.
  • Your people suffer more War Weariness as war tends to become a major distraction from scientific funding.
  • Religious Anarchy time is greatly increased since your people have a hard time adopting new ideas on faith alone.
  • Non-state religions are even more difficult for your people to tolerate so each adds an unhappiness wherever it is found among your cities.
  • Military units are significantly slower to train. Your citizens are reluctant to be considered brutish warriors.
  • All Religions are harder to spread, a bit moreso if not your State Religion.
  • Your cities suffer an increased amount of Air Pollution. A lot of experiments involve exotic gasses and chemicals and technology is often based on ways to apply fire.

Scientific I

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities produce a couple more base Research.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Research.
  • All Specialists produce an extra Research.
  • Team Projects are built significantly faster since they often represent major scientific achievements.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are Healthier since knowledge of best health practices is valued higher in this society.
  • Your nation generates Great People faster since it is seen as a positive thing to be smart.
  • Buildings that are focused on Science and Research are faster to build.
  • Scientist type Specialists generate an additional Commerce.
  • Citizen and Slave type Specialists give an additional Research.
  • Your Capital produces a percentage more Research.
  • Technologies that lead to developments in Science and Research are faster to discover.
  • Great Scientists are more likely to be born.
  • Your people suffer more War Weariness as war tends to become a major distraction from scientific funding.
  • Religious Anarchy time is greatly increased since your people have a hard time adopting new ideas on faith alone.
  • Non-state religions are even more difficult for your people to tolerate so each adds an unhappiness wherever it is found among your cities.
  • Military units are slower to train. Your citizens are reluctant to be considered brutish warriors.
  • All Religions are harder to spread.
  • Your cities suffer an increased amount of Air Pollution. A lot of experiments involve exotic gasses and chemicals and technology is often based on ways to apply fire.
  • Your cities are a little more Educated since knowledge is a social value in your nation.

Scientific II

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities produce more base Research.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Research.
  • All Specialists produce an extra Research.
  • Team Projects are built significantly faster since they often represent major scientific achievements.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are Healthier since knowledge of best health practices is valued higher in this society.
  • Your nation generates Great People faster since it is seen as a positive thing to be smart.
  • Buildings that are focused on Science and Research are faster to build.
  • Archaeological plot Improvements are built much faster.
  • Doctor type Specialists generate an additional Commerce.
  • Scientist type Specialists generate a few more Research.
  • Your Capital produces a small percentage more Research.
  • Technologies that lead to developments in Science and Research are faster to discover.
  • Great Scientists are significantly more likely to be born.
  • Your flying units possess an extra plot of operational range.
  • Your people suffer more War Weariness as war tends to become a major distraction from scientific funding.
  • Religious Anarchy time is greatly increased since your people have a hard time adopting new ideas on faith alone.
  • Even your State Religion elicits an additional unhappiness wherever it has spread.
  • Non-state religions are even more difficult for your people to tolerate so each adds an unhappiness wherever it is found among your cities.
  • Military units are slower to train. Your citizens are reluctant to be considered brutish warriors.
  • All Religions are harder to spread, non-State Religions a bit tougher still.
  • Your cities suffer an increased amount of Air Pollution. A lot of experiments involve exotic gasses and chemicals and technology is often based on ways to apply fire.
  • Your cities are a little more Educated since knowledge is a social value in your nation.

Scientific III

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities produce far more base Research.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Research.
  • All Specialists produce an extra Research.
  • Team Projects are built significantly faster since they often represent major scientific achievements.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are Healthier since knowledge of best health practices is valued higher in this society.
  • Your nation generates Great People faster since it is seen as a positive thing to be smart.
  • Buildings that are focused on Science and Research are faster to build.
  • Archaeological plot Improvements are built much faster.
  • Scientist type Specialists generate an additional Production.
  • Doctor type Specialists generate a few more Research.
  • Your Capital produces a small percentage more Research.
  • Technologies that lead to developments in Science and Research are faster to discover.
  • Great Scientists are much more likely to be born.
  • Your units that can carry missiles can carry a few additional such cargo.
  • Your flying units possess an extra plot of operational range.
  • Your people suffer more War Weariness as war tends to become a major distraction from scientific funding.
  • Religious Anarchy time is greatly increased since your people have a hard time adopting new ideas on faith alone.
  • Even your State Religion elicits a few additional unhappiness wherever it has spread.
  • Non-state religions are even more difficult for your people to tolerate so each adds an unhappiness wherever it is found among your cities.
  • Military units are slower to train. Your citizens are reluctant to be considered brutish warriors.
  • All Religions are harder to spread, non-State Religions a bit tougher still.
  • Your cities suffer an increased amount of Air Pollution. A lot of experiments involve exotic gasses and chemicals and technology is often based on ways to apply fire.
  • Your cities are a little more Educated since knowledge is a social value in your nation.
Last edited:

Poor Research, slow to recover from anarchy inducing changes, and Great People emergence is weak, as pushing in a new direction is frowned upon. But the people feel content and secure and do get efficient, being well practiced with the existing knowledge and methods, resulting in free specialists and some education benefit

Negative Trait

"We already know everything we need to know! Stick to tradition or we'll lose our way!"

You might feel this is clearly the worst selection for all Negative Traits but it's actually been a historically common way to see things for people. Change can be frightening and discoveries bring change. There are some significant benefits to offset the obvious hindrance of researching slower, but you can also overcome your impediment in other ways, such as enhanced Commerce levels elsewhere, taking the scientific achievements from your conquered enemy cities, stealing technologies with espionage, or simply out-expanding your rivals. This is a fairly happy people that can be much more stable for you if you give them the reliability they desire.

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities are penalized a couple less base Research.
  • All cities suffer a significant percentage penalty to Research.
  • All Specialists cost a Research.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are less Healthy since the people tend to stoically deny any need for treatment, not trusting what they don't understand.
  • Your nation generates Great People significantly slower. Those with new ideas tend to suffer mockery and mistrust.
  • Buildings that are focused on Science and Research are slower to build.
  • Archaeological plot Improvements are built much slower.
  • Scientist and Doctor type Specialists generate one less Commerce.
  • Scientist and Doctor type Specialists generate a few less Research.
  • Citizen and Slave type Specialists cost a Research.
  • Your Capital generates a percentage less Research.
  • Technologies that lead to developments in Science and Research are slower to discover.
  • Civic Anarchy time is significantly increased since your people resent any changes.
  • Religious Anarchy time is greatly increased since your people are stubbornly fixed in their ways.
  • Great Scientists are less likely to be born.
  • Your people are Happier, with the idea that they have found reliable ways to thrive.
  • Your largest cities are happier since urban living promises more reliable patterns day to day.
  • All cities gain an extra free specialist because the people obtain a higher degree of mastery through reliable routines.
  • Military units are faster to train since the people embrace a regimented style of living.
  • Your cities are a bit easier to Educate since your people don't fear their knowledge being obsoleted by new discoveries.

Traditional I

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities are penalized a couple less base Research.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Research.
  • All Specialists cost a Research.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are less Healthy since the people tend to stoically deny any need for treatment, not trusting what they don't understand.
  • Your nation generates Great People slower. Those with new ideas tend to suffer mockery and mistrust.
  • Buildings that are focused on Science and Research are slower to build.
  • Scientist type Specialists generate one less Commerce.
  • Citizen and Slave type Specialists cost a Research.
  • Your Capital generates a percentage less Research.
  • Technologies that lead to developments in Science and Research are slower to discover.
  • Civic Anarchy time is increased since your people resent any changes.
  • Religious Anarchy time is greatly increased since your people are stubbornly fixed in their ways.
  • Great Scientists are less likely to be born.
  • Your largest cities are happier since urban living promises more reliable patterns day to day.
  • All cities gain an extra free specialist because the people obtain a higher degree of mastery through reliable routines.
  • Your cities are a bit easier to Educate since your people don't fear their knowledge being obsoleted by new discoveries.

Traditional II

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities are penalized with less base Research.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Research.
  • All Specialists cost a Research.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are less Healthy since the people tend to stoically deny any need for treatment, not trusting what they don't understand.
  • Your nation generates Great People slower. Those with new ideas tend to suffer mockery and mistrust.
  • Buildings that are focused on Science and Research are slower to build.
  • Archaeological plot Improvements are built much slower.
  • Doctor type Specialists generate one less Commerce.
  • Scientist type Specialists generate a few less Research.
  • Your Capital generates a small percentage less Research.
  • Technologies that lead to developments in Science and Research are slower to discover.
  • Civic Anarchy time is significantly increased since your people resent any changes.
  • Religious Anarchy time is greatly increased since your people are stubbornly fixed in their ways.
  • Great Scientists are significantly less likely to be born.
  • Your people are Happier, with the idea that they have found reliable ways to thrive.
  • All cities gain an extra free specialist because the people obtain a higher degree of mastery through reliable routines.
  • Military units are faster to train since the people embrace a regimented style of living.

Traditional III

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities are penalized with much base Research.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Research.
  • All Specialists cost a Research.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are less Healthy since the people tend to stoically deny any need for treatment, not trusting what they don't understand.
  • Your nation generates Great People significantly slower. Those with new ideas tend to suffer mockery and mistrust.
  • Buildings that are focused on Science and Research are slower to build.
  • Archaeological plot Improvements are built much slower.
  • Scientist type Specialists generate one less Production.
  • Doctor type Specialists generate a few less Research.
  • Your Capital generates a small percentage less Research.
  • Technologies that lead to developments in Science and Research are slower to discover.
  • Civic Anarchy time is significantly increased since your people resent any changes.
  • Religious Anarchy time is greatly increased since your people are stubbornly fixed in their ways.
  • Great Scientists are much less likely to be born.
  • Your people are Happier, with the idea that they have found reliable ways to thrive.
  • All cities gain an extra free specialist because the people obtain a higher degree of mastery through reliable routines.
  • Military units are faster to train since the people embrace a regimented style of living.
  • Your cities are a bit easier to Educate since your people don't fear their knowledge being obsoleted by new discoveries.


Strong Trade benefits. A little lax on warfare, an impediment to trade. Reductions in anarchy time and upkeep. Diplomatic benefit. Espionage defense reduced as enhanced trade efforts opens up potential for infiltration. Tourism grows as you appear friendly to visitors

Positive Trait

"Through trade and negotiation comes the leverage for world dominance."

This leader knows how to win friends and influence people and the public learns by his example. This makes trade and tourism your forte, as well as diplomacy and politics. War really isn't your 'thing' much since you usually find more cooperative ways to address matters rather than direct conflict.

Primary Benefits:
  • All Trade Routes are significantly more productive with yields generated.
  • Your cities may maintain 2 more Trade Routes than the normal limit.
  • All Foreign Trade Routes are even more productive with yields generated.
Side Benefits:
  • Merchant Type Specialists generate an additional Production, Food, and Commerce.
  • Trade Units are trained with a bonus Experience Point.
  • Trade Units are trained faster.
  • Civic changes cause fewer rounds of Anarchy.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is reduced since your people are fast and effective at shipping and trade.
  • Maintenance from the Number of Cities is reduced since you are able to use your diplomatic talents to keep other cities more self-sustaining with less funding from the national coffers.
  • Corporation Maintenance is reduced since your people are very skilled merchants and advertisers who can maximize profits by driving more sales and finding where they're services are most needed.
  • All your cities gain an additional Trade Route.
  • You gain a Diplomatic bonus with other Leaders. They like working with someone who quickly finds strong cooperative solutions.
  • Gains additional Tourism in all your cities.
  • Great Generals are slower to emerge since the military is not a heavily relied on bargaining point.
  • War Weariness accumulates faster since war interrupts trade routes.
  • Fewer citizens may be drafted during a conscription action.
  • Cities are less defensible since they are built more for effective routing of travel than for defense.
  • Military units are trained significantly slower.
  • Your cities are easier to perform Espionage Missions in for your enemies. Your people are a talkative bunch.

Negotiator I

Primary Benefits:
  • All Trade Routes are significantly more productive with yields generated.
  • Your cities may maintain an additional Trade Route than the normal limit.
  • All Foreign Trade Routes are even more productive with yields generated.
Side Benefits:
  • Merchant Type Specialists generate an additional Commerce.
  • Trade Units are trained with a bonus Experience Point.
  • Trade Units are trained faster.
  • Civic changes cause slightly fewer rounds of Anarchy.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is reduced since your people are fast and effective at shipping and trade.
  • Maintenance from the Number of Cities is reduced since you are able to use your diplomatic talents to keep other cities more self-sustaining with less funding from the national coffers.
  • All your cities gain an additional Trade Route.
  • You gain a Diplomatic bonus with other Leaders. They like working with someone who quickly finds strong cooperative solutions.
  • Gains additional Tourism in all your cities.
  • Great Generals are a little slower to emerge since the military is not a heavily relied on bargaining point.
  • War Weariness accumulates faster since war interrupts trade routes.
  • One less citizen may be drafted during a conscription action.
  • Cities are less defensible since they are built more for effective routing of travel than for defense.
  • Military units are trained slower.
  • Your cities are easier to perform Espionage Missions in for your enemies. Your people are a talkative bunch.

Negotiator II

Primary Benefits:
  • All Trade Routes are significantly more productive with yields generated.
  • Your cities may maintain a few additional Trade Routes than the normal limit.
  • All Foreign Trade Routes are even more productive with yields generated.
Side Benefits:
  • Merchant Type Specialists generate an additional Food.
  • Trade Units are trained with a bonus Experience Point.
  • Trade Units are trained faster.
  • Civic changes cause slightly fewer rounds of Anarchy.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is reduced since your people are fast and effective at shipping and trade.
  • Maintenance from the Number of Cities is reduced since you are able to use your diplomatic talents to keep other cities more self-sustaining with less funding from the national coffers.
  • Corporation Maintenance is reduced since your people are very skilled merchants and advertisers who can maximize profits by driving more sales and finding where they're services are most needed.
  • All your cities gain an additional Trade Route.
  • You gain a Diplomatic bonus with other Leaders. They like working with someone who quickly finds strong cooperative solutions.
  • Gains additional Tourism in all your cities.
  • Great Generals are a little slower to emerge since the military is not a heavily relied on bargaining point.
  • War Weariness accumulates faster since war interrupts trade routes.
  • One less citizen may be drafted during a conscription action.
  • Cities are less defensible since they are built more for effective routing of travel than for defense.
  • Military units are trained slower.
  • Your cities are easier to perform Espionage Missions in for your enemies. Your people are a talkative bunch.

Negotiator III

Primary Benefits:
  • All Trade Routes are significantly more productive with yields generated.
  • Your cities may maintain additional Trade Routes than the normal limit.
  • All Foreign Trade Routes are even more productive with yields generated.
Side Benefits:
  • Merchant Type Specialists generate an additional Production.
  • Trade Units are trained with a bonus Experience Point.
  • Trade Units are trained faster.
  • Civic changes cause slightly fewer rounds of Anarchy.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is reduced since your people are fast and effective at shipping and trade.
  • Maintenance from the Number of Cities is reduced since you are able to use your diplomatic talents to keep other cities more self-sustaining with less funding from the national coffers.
  • Corporation Maintenance is significantly reduced since your people are very skilled merchants and advertisers who can maximize profits by driving more sales and finding where they're services are most needed.
  • All your cities gain an additional Trade Route.
  • You gain a Diplomatic bonus with other Leaders. They like working with someone who quickly finds strong cooperative solutions.
  • Gains additional Tourism in all your cities.
  • Great Generals are a little slower to emerge since the military is not a heavily relied on bargaining point.
  • War Weariness accumulates faster since war interrupts trade routes.
  • One less citizen may be drafted during a conscription action.
  • Cities are less defensible since they are built more for effective routing of travel than for defense.
  • Military units are trained slower.
  • Your cities are significantly easier to perform Espionage Missions in for your enemies. Your people are a talkative bunch.


Takes serious trade and diplomacy penalties but is a touch better internally

Negative Trait

"All those other nations are only out to take advantage of us and even their trades are barbed with deception and entrapment!"

Some nations throughout history have thrived with a xenophobic focus on themselves and internal matters and doing their best to block out the rest of the world and its affairs. This leader certainly tries this approach as much as possible and has convinced his people to adopt similar views. They frown on travel and tourism and are a defensive breed. This serves them in many ways but also impedes the nation from benefiting much from trade.

Primary Penalties:
  • All Trade Routes are significantly less productive with yields generated.
  • Your cities may maintain 2 fewer Trade Routes than the normal limit.
  • All Foreign Trade Routes are even less productive with yields generated.
Side Penalties:
  • Merchant Type Specialists generate one less Production, Food, and Commerce.
  • Trade Units are trained with one less Experience Point.
  • Trade Units are trained slower.
  • Civic changes cause more rounds of Anarchy as cooperation is not a cultural strong suit here.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is significantly increased since your people don't like to travel.
  • Maintenance from the Number of Cities is significantly increased since your people prefer a smaller nation with fewer cultural differences and the wider they are spread, the more they conflict internally, leading to unique support costs.
  • Corporation Maintenance is significantly increased since your people are terrible at selling their products, preferring to be as impersonal as possible.
  • Each of your cities lose a Trade Route.
  • You gain a Diplomatic penalty with other Leaders since you simply don't like spending time with them and would prefer they stay home rather than visit.
  • Loses some Tourism in all your cities.
  • Great Generals are faster to emerge from battles in your borders since your people are more deeply offended by intrusions.
  • National Wonders are faster to construct since anything intended to support the nation is a higher priority than usual.
  • More citizens may be drafted during a conscription action.
  • Your units gain significantly more experience during combat inside your borders since your people are highly territorial.
  • Cities have higher City Defense levels since they are cleverly designed to keep others out.
  • Your cities are harder to perform Espionage Missions in for your enemies. Your xenophobic citizens rarely offer any trust to outsiders.

Isolationist I

Primary Penalties:
  • All Trade Routes are significantly less productive with yields generated.
  • Your cities may maintain one less Trade Route than the normal limit.
  • All Foreign Trade Routes are even less productive with yields generated.
Side Penalties:
  • Merchant Type Specialists generate one less Commerce.
  • Trade Units are trained with one less Experience Point.
  • Trade Units are trained slower.
  • Civic changes cause more rounds of Anarchy as cooperation is not a cultural strong suit here.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is increased since your people don't like to travel.
  • Maintenance from the Number of Cities is increased since your people prefer a smaller nation with fewer cultural differences and the wider they are spread, the more they conflict internally, leading to unique support costs.
  • Each of your cities lose a Trade Route.
  • You gain a Diplomatic penalty with other Leaders since you simply don't like spending time with them and would prefer they stay home rather than visit.
  • Loses some Tourism in all your cities.
  • Great Generals are faster to emerge from battles in your borders since your people are more deeply offended by intrusions.
  • National Wonders are faster to construct since anything intended to support the nation is a higher priority than usual.
  • An additional citizen may be drafted during a conscription action.
  • Your units gain more experience during combat inside your borders since your people are highly territorial.
  • Cities have higher City Defense levels since they are cleverly designed to keep others out.
  • Your cities are harder to perform Espionage Missions in for your enemies. Your xenophobic citizens rarely offer any trust to outsiders.

Isolationist II

Primary Penalties:
  • All Trade Routes are significantly less productive with yields generated.
  • Your cities may maintain a few less Trade Routes than the normal limit.
  • All Foreign Trade Routes are even less productive with yields generated.
Side Penalties:
  • Merchant Type Specialists generate one less Food.
  • Trade Units are trained with one less Experience Point.
  • Trade Units are trained slower.
  • Civic changes cause more rounds of Anarchy as cooperation is not a cultural strong suit here.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is increased since your people don't like to travel.
  • Maintenance from the Number of Cities is increased since your people prefer a smaller nation with fewer cultural differences and the wider they are spread, the more they conflict internally, leading to unique support costs.
  • Corporation Maintenance is increased since your people are terrible at selling their products, preferring to be as impersonal as possible.
  • Each of your cities lose a Trade Route.
  • You gain a Diplomatic penalty with other Leaders since you simply don't like spending time with them and would prefer they stay home rather than visit.
  • Loses some Tourism in all your cities.
  • Great Generals are faster to emerge from battles in your borders since your people are more deeply offended by intrusions.
  • National Wonders are faster to construct since anything intended to support the nation is a higher priority than usual.
  • An additional citizen may be drafted during a conscription action.
  • Your units gain more experience during combat inside your borders since your people are highly territorial.
  • Cities have higher City Defense levels since they are cleverly designed to keep others out.
  • Your cities are harder to perform Espionage Missions in for your enemies. Your xenophobic citizens rarely offer any trust to outsiders.

Isolationist III

Primary Penalties:
  • All Trade Routes are significantly less productive with yields generated.
  • Your cities may maintain fewer Trade Routes than the normal limit.
  • All Foreign Trade Routes are even less productive with yields generated.
Side Penalties:
  • Merchant Type Specialists generate one less Production.
  • Trade Units are trained with one less Experience Point.
  • Trade Units are trained slower.
  • Civic changes cause more rounds of Anarchy as cooperation is not a cultural strong suit here.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is increased since your people don't like to travel.
  • Maintenance from the Number of Cities is increased since your people prefer a smaller nation with fewer cultural differences and the wider they are spread, the more they conflict internally, leading to unique support costs.
  • Corporation Maintenance is significantly increased since your people are terrible at selling their products, preferring to be as impersonal as possible.
  • Each of your cities lose a Trade Route.
  • You gain a Diplomatic penalty with other Leaders since you simply don't like spending time with them and would prefer they stay home rather than visit.
  • Loses some Tourism in all your cities.
  • Great Generals are significantly faster to emerge from battles in your borders since your people are more deeply offended by intrusions.
  • National Wonders are faster to construct since anything intended to support the nation is a higher priority than usual.
  • An additional citizen may be drafted during a conscription action.
  • Your units gain more experience during combat inside your borders since your people are highly territorial.
  • Cities have higher City Defense levels since they are cleverly designed to keep others out.
  • Your cities are significantly harder to perform Espionage Missions in for your enemies. Your xenophobic citizens rarely offer any trust to outsiders.


Takes advantage of trade to improve espionage and is compelled to stay on the tech forefront.

Positive Trait

"Our nation should be a forerunner, creating and discovering new and valuable things to share with the rest of the world at a profit."

Previously known as 'Progressist', this leader is enamored by new things and quickly tires of 'yesterday's news'. This can be problematic for the leader on an interpersonal level but it serves his people rather well, who are inspired to press the bounds of known design and function and to apply the latest developments as quickly as they can nation-wide. As a result, the nation always has neat things to trade to other countries and between its own cities, and it’s always on the lookout for a way to impress the world with new wondrous things, including buildings. All this does enhance the overall upkeep expenses a bit. The leader and his people can also suffer some from impatience.

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Research and Culture.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Production and Commerce.
Unique Benefits:
  • Your units can upgrade wherever they are as long as they do have access where they are to any required buildings and resources.
Side Benefits:
  • World Wonders and Team Projects are constructed significantly faster.
  • All cities gain an additional base Research and Culture.
  • All cities gain an additional base Production and Commerce.
  • All cities get an additional Trade Route since they generate such unique items other locales desire.
  • Foreign Trade Routes are more profitable.
  • Overall Upkeep is significantly higher as operating a nation on the constant cutting edge makes for an expensive policy.
  • National Wonders are slower to be constructed since they aren't as impressive since all nations can get something like it.
  • Your nation accumulates War Weariness faster since war can distract from innovation.
  • Anarchy time when changing Civics is a little longer since the impatience your people have for policy changes, and the constant suggestion of new ways to address little issues that a new policy introduces, adds to the frustration to getting things smoothed out.
  • Improvements upgrade much slower than normal because the people are impatiently waiting for workers to get it done immediately rather than taking the time themselves to update the land they operate themselves.
  • Workers are a bit slower because they are always looking for ways to do things in a new and improved fashion and have a hard time focusing on repetitive processes involved in getting things done.
  • Your nation gets fewer base free military units because even your soldiers balk at getting hand-me-down equipment.
  • The constant need to make sure that everything is as fully considered for new adjustments during times of policy change ensures that any Anarchy Period takes at least a few rounds at minimum, which may be adjusted by gamespeed.

Innovative I

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Research and Culture.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Production and Commerce.
Unique Benefits:
  • Your units can upgrade wherever they are as long as they do have access where they are to any required buildings and resources.
Side Benefits:
  • All cities gain an additional base Research and Culture.
  • All cities gain an additional base Production and Commerce.
  • Overall Upkeep is higher as operating a nation on the constant cutting edge makes for an expensive policy.
  • National Wonders are slower to be constructed since they aren't as impressive since all nations can get something like it.
  • Your nation accumulates War Weariness faster since war can distract from innovation.
  • Anarchy time when changing Civics is a little longer since the impatience your people have for policy changes, and the constant suggestion of new ways to address little issues that a new policy introduces, adds to the frustration to getting things smoothed out.
  • Improvements upgrade much slower than normal because the people are impatiently waiting for workers to get it done immediately rather than taking the time themselves to update the land they operate themselves.
  • Workers are a bit slower because they are always looking for ways to do things in a new and improved fashion and have a hard time focusing on repetitive processes involved in getting things done.
  • Your nation gets fewer base free military units because even your soldiers balk at getting hand-me-down equipment.
  • The constant need to make sure that everything is as fully considered for new adjustments during times of policy change ensures that any Anarchy Period takes at least a round at minimum, which may be adjusted by gamespeed.

Innovative II

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Research and Culture.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Production and Commerce.
Side Benefits:
  • World Wonders and Team Projects are constructed significantly faster.
  • All cities gain an additional base Research and Culture.
  • All cities gain an additional base Production and Commerce.
  • All cities get an additional Trade Route since they generate such unique items other locales desire.
  • Foreign Trade Routes are more profitable.
  • Cities start with a little culture.
  • Overall Upkeep is higher as operating a nation on the constant cutting edge makes for an expensive policy.
  • National Wonders are slower to be constructed since they aren't as impressive since all nations can get something like it.
  • Your nation accumulates War Weariness faster since war can distract from innovation.
  • Anarchy time when changing Civics is a little longer since the impatience your people have for policy changes, and the constant suggestion of new ways to address little issues that a new policy introduces, adds to the frustration to getting things smoothed out.
  • Improvements upgrade much slower than normal because the people are impatiently waiting for workers to get it done immediately rather than taking the time themselves to update the land they operate themselves.
  • Workers are a bit slower because they are always looking for ways to do things in a new and improved fashion and have a hard time focusing on repetitive processes involved in getting things done.
  • Your nation gets fewer base free military units because even your soldiers balk at getting hand-me-down equipment.
  • The constant need to make sure that everything is as fully considered for new adjustments during times of policy change ensures that any Anarchy Period takes at least a few rounds at minimum, which may be adjusted by gamespeed.

Innovative III

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Research and Culture.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Production and Commerce.
Side Benefits:
  • World Wonders and Team Projects are constructed significantly faster.
  • All cities gain an additional base Research and Culture.
  • All cities gain an additional base Production and Commerce.
  • All cities get a few additional Trade Routes, since they generate such unique items other locales desire.
  • Foreign Trade Routes are more profitable.
  • Cities start with some culture.
  • Overall Upkeep is higher as operating a nation on the constant cutting edge makes for an expensive policy.
  • National Wonders are slower to be constructed since they aren't as impressive since all nations can get something like it.
  • Your nation accumulates War Weariness faster since war can distract from innovation.
  • Anarchy time when changing Civics is a little longer since the impatience your people have for policy changes, and the constant suggestion of new ways to address little issues that a new policy introduces, adds to the frustration to getting things smoothed out.
  • Improvements upgrade much slower than normal because the people are impatiently waiting for workers to get it done immediately rather than taking the time themselves to update the land they operate themselves.
  • Workers are slower because they are always looking for ways to do things in a new and improved fashion and have a hard time focusing on repetitive processes involved in getting things done.
  • Your nation gets fewer base free military units because even your soldiers balk at getting hand-me-down equipment.
  • The constant need to make sure that everything is as fully considered for new adjustments during times of policy change ensures that any Anarchy Period takes at least three rounds at minimum, which may be adjusted by gamespeed.


Some trade and diplomatic benefits but loses a lot of strength at home and is weak against espionage

Negative Trait

"Everything they have is better than what we have. We need to spend our time trying to emulate them so we can have those things too! Trade with them to learn their superior ways!"

The jealousy this leader feels impedes his ability to inspire his people to opening up to their own creativity, instead always looking to have the shiny new objects circulating through other nations. He's always disappointed with the accomplishments of his own nation and fails to recognize their achievements, leaving them demoralized in their efforts and feeling like it's just not their role to generate the new things in the world but to collect what others have made instead.

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer from a percentage penalty to Research and Culture.
  • All cities suffer from a percentage penalty to Production and Commerce.
Side Penalties:
  • World Wonders and Team Projects are constructed significantly slower. It is unmotivating to think nothing will impress their leader despite their best efforts.
  • All cities suffer a penalty of a base Research and Culture.
  • All cities suffer a penalty of a base Production and Commerce.
  • The largest cities in your nation are a little less happy since they live with such strong envy of other metropolitan centers they could never possibly be as impressive as.
  • Anarchy periods last at least as long as a few rounds, possibly scaled by game speed. Although quick to adopt a solution when it is found, an exhaustive research of the best ways to implement a policy that have been shown by other nations must be undertaken first.
  • Golden Ages don't last as long thanks to the underlying feeling of inner disappointment that drags down the mood of the people.
  • Anger from using slavery to whip rush construction and training lasts significantly longer than normal due to resent by the people for being apparently so poor at getting things done that they must be pushed to such suffering.
  • Rushing construction and training with gold costs significantly more, as the people are not capable of responding to money motivation in their demoralized state.
  • Units are more expensive to train because you always want to make sure they have the best weaponry, even if it costs you more for ineffective gains.
  • War Weariness is not as strong against your people who see war as an opportunity to take the works of others.
  • Civic Anarchy time is diminished since your bureaucrats are quick to settle on sufficient solutions to policy decisions that are as close to a copy of what others have established elsewhere as possible.
  • Improvements upgrade naturally much faster since best practices are rapidly adopted once invented.
  • Workers are faster since they keep designs as basic and functional as possible.
  • All cities get an additional trade route since your merchants are always looking to get what others have.
  • Foreign Trade Routes are more profitable since your people are always hungry to buy things from foreign lands.

Covetous I

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer from a percentage penalty to Research and Culture.
  • All cities suffer from a percentage penalty to Production and Commerce.
Side Penalties:
  • World Wonders are constructed slower. It is unmotivating to think nothing will impress their leader despite their best efforts.
  • All cities suffer a penalty of a base Research and Culture.
  • All cities suffer a penalty of a base Production and Commerce.
  • The largest cities in your nation are a little less happy since they live with such strong envy of other metropolitan centers they could never possibly be as impressive as.
  • Anarchy periods last at least as long as a round, possibly scaled by game speed. Although quick to adopt a solution when it is found, an exhaustive research of the best ways to implement a policy that have been shown by other nations must be undertaken first.
  • Golden Ages don't last as long thanks to the underlying feeling of inner disappointment that drags down the mood of the people.
  • Anger from using slavery to whip rush construction and training lasts longer than normal due to resent by the people for being apparently so poor at getting things done that they must be pushed to such suffering.
  • Rushing construction and training with gold costs more, as the people are not capable of responding to money motivation in their demoralized state.
  • Units are a little more expensive to train because you always want to make sure they have the best weaponry, even if it costs you more for ineffective gains.
  • War Weariness is not as strong against your people who see war as an opportunity to take the works of others.
  • Civic Anarchy time is diminished since your bureaucrats are quick to settle on sufficient solutions to policy decisions that are as close to a copy of what others have established elsewhere as possible.
  • Workers are faster since they keep designs as basic and functional as possible.
  • All cities get an additional trade route since your merchants are always looking to get what others have.
  • Foreign Trade Routes are more profitable since your people are always hungry to buy things from foreign lands.

Covetous II

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer from a percentage penalty to Research and Culture.
  • All cities suffer from a percentage penalty to Production and Commerce.
Side Penalties:
  • World Wonders and Team Projects are constructed significantly slower. It is unmotivating to think nothing will impress their leader despite their best efforts.
  • All cities suffer a penalty of a base Research and Culture.
  • All cities suffer a penalty of a base Production and Commerce.
  • The largest cities in your nation are a little less happy since they live with such strong envy of other metropolitan centers they could never possibly be as impressive as.
  • Anarchy periods last at least as long as a few rounds, possibly scaled by game speed. Although quick to adopt a solution when it is found, an exhaustive research of the best ways to implement a policy that have been shown by other nations must be undertaken first.
  • Golden Ages don't last as long thanks to the underlying feeling of inner disappointment that drags down the mood of the people.
  • Anger from using slavery to whip rush construction and training lasts significantly longer than normal due to resent by the people for being apparently so poor at getting things done that they must be pushed to such suffering.
  • Rushing construction and training with gold costs significantly more, as the people are not capable of responding to money motivation in their demoralized state.
  • Units are a little more expensive to train because you always want to make sure they have the best weaponry, even if it costs you more for ineffective gains.
  • War Weariness is not as strong against your people who see war as an opportunity to take the works of others.
  • Civic Anarchy time is diminished since your bureaucrats are quick to settle on sufficient solutions to policy decisions that are as close to a copy of what others have established elsewhere as possible.
  • Improvements upgrade naturally much faster since best practices are rapidly adopted once invented.
  • Workers are faster since they keep designs as basic and functional as possible.
  • All cities get an additional trade route since your merchants are always looking to get what others have.
  • Foreign Trade Routes are more profitable since your people are always hungry to buy things from foreign lands.

Covetous III

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer from a percentage penalty to Research and Culture.
  • All cities suffer from a percentage penalty to Production and Commerce.
Side Penalties:
  • World Wonders and Team Projects are constructed much slower. It is unmotivating to think nothing will impress their leader despite their best efforts.
  • All cities suffer a penalty of a base Research and Culture.
  • All cities suffer a penalty of a base Production and Commerce.
  • The largest cities in your nation are a little less happy since they live with such strong envy of other metropolitan centers they could never possibly be as impressive as.
  • Anarchy periods last at least as long as three rounds, possibly scaled by game speed. Although quick to adopt a solution when it is found, an exhaustive research of the best ways to implement a policy that have been shown by other nations must be undertaken first.
  • Golden Ages don't last as long thanks to the underlying feeling of inner disappointment that drags down the mood of the people.
  • Anger from using slavery to whip rush construction and training lasts much longer than normal due to resent by the people for being apparently so poor at getting things done that they must be pushed to such suffering.
  • Rushing construction and training with gold costs much more, as the people are not capable of responding to money motivation in their demoralized state.
  • Units are more expensive to train because you always want to make sure they have the best weaponry, even if it costs you more for ineffective gains.
  • War Weariness is not as strong against your people who see war as an opportunity to take the works of others.
  • Civic Anarchy time is diminished since your bureaucrats are quick to settle on sufficient solutions to policy decisions that are as close to a copy of what others have established elsewhere as possible.
  • Improvements upgrade naturally much faster since best practices are rapidly adopted once invented.
  • Workers are faster since they keep designs as basic and functional as possible.
  • All cities get an additional trade route since your merchants are always looking to get what others have.
  • Foreign Trade Routes are more profitable since your people are always hungry to buy things from foreign lands.


Generically good in almost all areas of governing. Investment strategies and warnings are followed (+Gold) and Intelligence Advisors are often sought for advice (+Espionage). However, lacks for some aggression and in times of great disagreements can greatly struggle to find a good solution to make all sides happy

Positive Trait

"All ideas should be heard and respected. I judge all things down the middle of any disagreement to make the best determinations."

This leader enjoys a nation that is very productive in gold, espionage, food and production. His people don't seek glory, which is as helpful with diplomacy. In fact, this is one of the most beneficial traits for working with other leaders. However, on the downside, impressive works and the personal achievements that make individuals great are not all that important to this society and are therefore harder to generate.

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Gold and Espionage.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Food and Production.
  • Gains a strong bonus to Diplomacy.
Side Benefits:
  • All cities are a bit happier since citizens are more comfortable with their limitations and are not as harmfully competitive with one another.
  • Overall upkeep is reduced since there is improved cooperative efforts among governmental factions with competing needs.
  • National Wonders and Team Projects are significantly faster to build due to the degree of cohesive cooperation and willingness to enhance local support functions that your citizens display.
  • All cities get an additional base Gold and Espionage.
  • All cities get an additional base Food and Production.
  • Your cities are harder to perform espionage missions against since your people are naturally reserved and don't brag openly about what they are involved in.
  • Your cities suffer less from Crime since egotism drives a lot of criminal behavior and that isn't as problematic here.
  • Great People are slower to be born since achieving greatness is not highly important to people who see their leader as a role model.
  • Great Military People don't emerge as fast since competitive dominance is not a supported value here.
  • World Wonders take significantly longer to build because the nation doesn't feel it has anything to prove.
  • Anarchy time when changing Civics is significantly longer since all voices in the policy discussion are heard and decisions aren't made until solutions all sides can settle on are found.
  • Military units take significantly longer to train since the warrior's natural competitiveness is a rare personality to find here.
  • Your units are more easily captured when defeated because they don't see surrender as a strike against their pride.

Humble I

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Gold and Espionage.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Food and Production.
Side Benefits:
  • Overall upkeep is reduced a little since there is improved cooperative efforts among governmental factions with competing needs.
  • National Wonders and Team Projects are faster to build due to the degree of cohesive cooperation and willingness to enhance local support functions that your citizens display.
  • All cities get an additional base Gold and Espionage.
  • All cities get an additional base Food and Production.
  • Gains a bonus to Diplomacy.
  • Your cities are a little harder to perform espionage missions against since your people are naturally reserved and don't brag openly about what they are involved in.
  • Your cities suffer a little less from Crime since egotism drives a lot of criminal behavior and that isn't as problematic here.
  • Great People are a little slower to be born since achieving greatness is not highly important to people who see their leader as a role model.
  • Great Military People don't emerge quite as fast since competitive dominance is not a supported value here.
  • World Wonders take longer to build because the nation doesn't feel it has anything to prove.
  • Anarchy time when changing Civics is significantly longer since all voices in the policy discussion are heard and decisions aren't made until solutions all sides can settle on are found.
  • Military units take longer to train since the warrior's natural competitiveness is a rare personality to find here.
  • Your units are more easily captured when defeated because they don't see surrender as a strike against their pride.

Humble II

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Gold and Espionage.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Food and Production.
Side Benefits:
  • All cities are a bit happier since citizens are more comfortable with their limitations and are not as harmfully competitive with one another.
  • Overall upkeep is reduced since there is improved cooperative efforts among governmental factions with competing needs.
  • National Wonders and Team Projects are faster to build due to the degree of cohesive cooperation and willingness to enhance local support functions that your citizens display.
  • All cities get an additional base Gold and Espionage.
  • All cities get an additional base Food and Production.
  • Gains a bonus to Diplomacy.
  • Your cities are harder to perform espionage missions against since your people are naturally reserved and don't brag openly about what they are involved in.
  • Your cities suffer a little less from Crime since egotism drives a lot of criminal behavior and that isn't as problematic here.
  • Great People are slower to be born since achieving greatness is not highly important to people who see their leader as a role model.
  • Great Military People don't emerge as fast since competitive dominance is not a supported value here.
  • World Wonders take longer to build because the nation doesn't feel it has anything to prove.
  • Anarchy time when changing Civics is significantly longer since all voices in the policy discussion are heard and decisions aren't made until solutions all sides can settle on are found.
  • Military units take longer to train since the warrior's natural competitiveness is a rare personality to find here.
  • Your units are more easily captured when defeated because they don't see surrender as a strike against their pride.

Humble III

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Gold and Espionage.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Food and Production.
  • Gains a strong bonus to Diplomacy.
Side Benefits:
  • All cities are a bit happier since citizens are more comfortable with their limitations and are not as harmfully competitive with one another.
  • Overall upkeep is reduced since there is improved cooperative efforts among governmental factions with competing needs.
  • National Wonders and Team Projects are faster to build due to the degree of cohesive cooperation and willingness to enhance local support functions that your citizens display.
  • All cities get an additional base Gold and Espionage.
  • All cities get an additional base Food and Production.
  • Your cities are harder to perform espionage missions against since your people are naturally reserved and don't brag openly about what they are involved in.
  • Your cities suffer a little less from Crime since egotism drives a lot of criminal behavior and that isn't as problematic here.
  • Great People are slower to be born since achieving greatness is not highly important to people who see their leader as a role model.
  • Great Military People don't emerge as fast since competitive dominance is not a supported value here.
  • World Wonders take longer to build because the nation doesn't feel it has anything to prove.
  • Anarchy time when changing Civics is significantly longer since all voices in the policy discussion are heard and decisions aren't made until solutions all sides can settle on are found.
  • Military units take longer to train since the warrior's natural competitiveness is a rare personality to find here.
  • Your units are more easily captured when defeated because they don't see surrender as a strike against their pride.


Generically bad in almost all areas of governing. Bad investments due to arrogance (-Gold) and Intelligence advisers know they will not be heard (-Espionage).

Negative Trait

"I was born to rule the Earth! None shall stand in my way! Advisers? Bah! Nobody knows better than I!"

Some of your people may be enamored with this leader's unshakable projection of confidence. But one of the problems in the world is that stupid people have the confidence to take the lead while the intelligent ones are often too cautious with responsibility. This nation suffers from overspending and impulsiveness and an inability to get their leader to see reason when it can be desperately important that he understands he doesn't have all the answers all the time. Intelligent people who live under this rule are deeply embarrassed by this leader.

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Gold and Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Food and Production.
  • Gains a strong penalty to Diplomacy.
Side Penalties:
  • All cities are less happy with the embarrassments this leader often leads them into.
  • Overall upkeep is increased due to unwise spending and policies.
  • National Wonders and Team Projects are significantly slower to construct since sharing in the glory of an accomplishment and construction projects that support local needs are not inspiring to this leader.
  • All cities suffer a reduction in base Gold and Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a reduction in base Food and Production.
  • Your cities are easier to perform espionage missions against since your leader often publicizes secrets in the act of bragging.
  • Your people take more time in resent for being whipped to rush constructions and training during slavery since many do not approve of the leader's choices in the first place.
  • Your cities suffer more from Crime since the people are resistant to this leader's laws.
  • Great People are faster to be born because the people are inspired to have confidence in themselves.
  • Great Military People emerge faster because the military gets frustrated with being led poorly so those who want to improve things rise to the occasion faster.
  • World Wonders are faster to build since the leader loves to budget for anything that assuages his ego.
  • Anarchy time when changing Civics is significantly shorter since this leader does not tolerate delays in his policy decisions.
  • Military units are significantly faster to train since the leader pushes his training programs with immense impatience.

Megalomaniac I

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Gold and Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Food and Production.
Side Penalties:
  • Overall upkeep is a little increased due to unwise spending and policies.
  • National Wonders and Team Projects are slower to construct since sharing in the glory of an accomplishment and construction projects that support local needs are not inspiring to this leader.
  • All cities suffer a reduction in base Gold and Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a reduction in base Food and Production.
  • Gains a penalty to Diplomacy.
  • Your cities are easier to perform espionage missions against since your leader often publicizes secrets in the act of bragging.
  • Your people take more time in resent for being whipped to rush constructions and training during slavery since many do not approve of the leader's choices in the first place.
  • Your cities suffer a little more from Crime since the people are resistant to this leader's laws.
  • Great People are slightly faster to be born because the people are inspired to have confidence in themselves.
  • Great Military People emerge slightly faster because the military gets frustrated with being led poorly so those who want to improve things rise to the occasion faster.
  • World Wonders are faster to build since the leader loves to budget for anything that assuages his ego.
  • Anarchy time when changing Civics is significantly shorter since this leader does not tolerate delays in his policy decisions.
  • Military units are faster to train since the leader pushes his training programs with immense impatience.

Megalomaniac II

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Gold and Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Food and Production.
Side Penalties:
  • All cities are less happy with the embarrassments this leader often leads them into.
  • Overall upkeep is a little increased due to unwise spending and policies.
  • National Wonders and Team Projects are slower to construct since sharing in the glory of an accomplishment and construction projects that support local needs are not inspiring to this leader.
  • All cities suffer a reduction in base Gold and Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a reduction in base Food and Production.
  • Gains a penalty to Diplomacy.
  • Your cities are easier to perform espionage missions against since your leader often publicizes secrets in the act of bragging.
  • Your people take more time in resent for being whipped to rush constructions and training during slavery since many do not approve of the leader's choices in the first place.
  • Your cities suffer a little more from Crime since the people are resistant to this leader's laws.
  • Great People are faster to be born because the people are inspired to have confidence in themselves.
  • Great Military People emerge faster because the military gets frustrated with being led poorly so those who want to improve things rise to the occasion faster.
  • World Wonders are faster to build since the leader loves to budget for anything that assuages his ego.
  • Anarchy time when changing Civics is significantly shorter since this leader does not tolerate delays in his policy decisions.
  • Military units are faster to train since the leader pushes his training programs with immense impatience.

Megalomaniac III

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Gold and Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Food and Production.
  • Gains a strong penalty to Diplomacy.
Side Penalties:
  • All cities are less happy with the embarrassments this leader often leads them into.
  • Overall upkeep is a little increased due to unwise spending and policies.
  • National Wonders and Team Projects are slower to construct since sharing in the glory of an accomplishment and construction projects that support local needs are not inspiring to this leader.
  • All cities suffer a reduction in base Gold and Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a reduction in base Food and Production.
  • Your cities are easier to perform espionage missions against since your leader often publicizes secrets in the act of bragging.
  • Your people take more time in resent for being whipped to rush constructions and training during slavery since many do not approve of the leader's choices in the first place.
  • Your cities suffer a little more from Crime since the people are resistant to this leader's laws.
  • Great People are faster to be born because the people are inspired to have confidence in themselves.
  • Great Military People emerge faster because the military gets frustrated with being led poorly so those who want to improve things rise to the occasion faster.
  • World Wonders are faster to build since the leader loves to budget for anything that assuages his ego.
  • Anarchy time when changing Civics is significantly shorter since this leader does not tolerate delays in his policy decisions.
  • Military units are faster to train since the leader pushes his training programs with immense impatience.
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Weak at war but strong at research and culture. Builds Wonders faster.

Positive Trait

"We must rise above our savage roots. Only a refined civilization can prosper. We must not live like barbarians."

This leader values refinement and calm, rational, restrained behavior. He loves the advancements and developments that his civilization achieves. Excellence and discipline are of value, as well as intelligence and competence and this value system spreads throughout his empire. War itself is considered a barbaric practice and is avoided by he and his people, though they approach combat with more discipline, which serves them well against chaotic opponents.

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Research and Espionage.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Food and Commerce.
Unique Benefits:
  • The most anarchy this nation can experience is limited to 4 rounds, possibly modified by gamespeed. Civilized people find agreement faster and hate ineffective governance so puts an end so only tolerates it for so long.
  • All Combatant and Naval Combatant units gain the Civilized Promotion, which gives a solid bonus to Defense, a small penalty to Attack, and a large bonus against Barbarians and Hidden Nationality units.
Side Benefits:
  • World Wonders are far faster to build since these are a huge statement that shows your society to be advanced and effective.
  • You earn Great People significantly faster than normal since being the best at what you do is very important to this excellence valuing society.
  • National Wonders and Team Projects are significantly faster to build because anything that displays your degree of civilized achievement is of strong importance to this leader.
  • All cities get an additional base Research and Espionage.
  • All cities get an additional base Food and Commerce.
  • Routes are built significantly faster by your workers. Infrastructure is the foundation of a society.
  • Improvements upgrade faster on their own since it is very unrefined for you to be operating on outdated systems.
  • Upkeep in general is significantly more expensive here due to more spending to ensure quality in all operations.
  • It takes a bit more experience for your units to gain levels since they lack the basal aggression of more savage types.
  • Your people suffer from significantly more War Weariness since violence, though sometimes necessary, is disturbingly uncivilized.
  • Military units take significantly longer to train. The people have a hard time embracing their more violent and savage natures.
  • Your people take longer to get over being whipped to rush construction or training since that is just not refined behavior.
  • Your cities require a bit more food to grow since carnal activities are more private and restrained here.

Civilized I

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Research and Espionage.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Food and Commerce.
Unique Benefits:
  • The most anarchy this nation can experience is limited to 10 rounds, possibly modified by gamespeed. Civilized people find agreement faster and hate ineffective governance so puts an end so only tolerates it for so long.
  • All Combatant and Naval Combatant units gain the Civilized I Promotion, which gives a solid bonus to Defense, a small penalty to Attack, and a large bonus against Barbarians and Hidden Nationality units.
Side Benefits:
  • You earn Great People slightly faster than normal since being the best at what you do is very important to this excellence valuing society.
  • World Wonders are faster to build since these are a huge statement that shows your society to be advanced and effective.
  • National Wonders and Team Projects are faster to build because anything that displays your degree of civilized achievement is of strong importance to this leader.
  • All cities get an additional base Research and Espionage.
  • All cities get an additional base Food and Commerce.
  • Routes are built significantly faster by your workers. Infrastructure is the foundation of a society.
  • Improvements upgrade faster on their own since it is very unrefined for you to be operating on outdated systems.
  • Upkeep in general is more expensive here due to more spending to ensure quality in all operations.
  • It takes a bit more experience for your units to gain levels since they lack the basal aggression of more savage types.
  • Your people suffer from more War Weariness since violence, though sometimes necessary, is disturbingly uncivilized.
  • Military units take longer to train. The people have a hard time embracing their more violent and savage natures.
  • Your people take longer to get over being whipped to rush construction or training since that is just not refined behavior.
  • Your cities require a bit more food to grow since carnal activities are more private and restrained here.

Civilized II

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Research and Espionage.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Food and Commerce.
Unique Benefits:
  • The most anarchy this nation can experience is limited to 6 rounds, possibly modified by gamespeed. Civilized people find agreement faster and hate ineffective governance so puts an end so only tolerates it for so long.
  • All Combatant and Naval Combatant units gain the Civilized II Promotion, which gives a solid bonus to Defense, a small penalty to Attack, and a large bonus against Ruffian units.
Side Benefits:
  • You earn Great People faster than normal since being the best at what you do is very important to this excellence valuing society.
  • World Wonders are significantly faster to build since these are a huge statement that shows your society to be advanced and effective.
  • National Wonders and Team Projects are faster to build because anything that displays your degree of civilized achievement is of strong importance to this leader.
  • All cities get an additional base Research and Espionage.
  • All cities get an additional base Food and Commerce.
  • Routes are built significantly faster by your workers. Infrastructure is the foundation of a society.
  • Improvements upgrade faster on their own since it is very unrefined for you to be operating on outdated systems.
  • Upkeep in general is more expensive here due to more spending to ensure quality in all operations.
  • It takes a bit more experience for your units to gain levels since they lack the basal aggression of more savage types.
  • Your people suffer from more War Weariness since violence, though sometimes necessary, is disturbingly uncivilized.
  • Military units take longer to train. The people have a hard time embracing their more violent and savage natures.
  • Your people take longer to get over being whipped to rush construction or training since that is just not refined behavior.
  • Your cities require a bit more food to grow since carnal activities are more private and restrained here.

Civilized III

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Research and Espionage.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Food and Commerce.
Unique Benefits:
  • The most anarchy this nation can experience is limited to a few rounds, possibly modified by gamespeed. Civilized people find agreement faster and hate ineffective governance so puts an end so only tolerates it for so long.
  • All Combatant and Naval Combatant units gain the Civilized III Promotion, which gives a solid bonus to Defense, a small penalty to Attack, and a large bonus against Criminal units.
Side Benefits:
  • You earn Great People significantly faster than normal since being the best at what you do is very important to this excellence valuing society.
  • World Wonders are significantly faster to build since these are a huge statement that shows your society to be advanced and effective.
  • National Wonders and Team Projects are faster to build because anything that displays your degree of civilized achievement is of strong importance to this leader.
  • All cities get an additional base Research and Espionage.
  • All cities get an additional base Food and Commerce.
  • Routes are built significantly faster by your workers. Infrastructure is the foundation of a society.
  • Improvements upgrade faster on their own since it is very unrefined for you to be operating on outdated systems.
  • Upkeep in general is more expensive here due to more spending to ensure quality in all operations.
  • It takes a bit more experience for your units to gain levels since they lack the basal aggression of more savage types.
  • Your people suffer from more War Weariness since violence, though sometimes necessary, is disturbingly uncivilized.
  • Military units take longer to train. The people have a hard time embracing their more violent and savage natures.
  • Your people take significantly longer to get over being whipped to rush construction or training since that is just not refined behavior.
  • Your cities require a bit more food to grow since carnal activities are more private and restrained here.


Horrible for research and gold but strong with military production and units are decent. Builds wonders slower.

Negative Trait

"Kill, loot, pillage and burn! What else is being alive for?"

While this leader may not actually BE a barbarian, he certainly prefers being a crude and unrefined type, who sees his more violent and animalistic nature as being the strength he relies on to succeed. He prides himself on it and his people are empowered to let themselves live more wild as a result. This does make for a little stronger military, but generates some serious penalties in the overall results for this nation, primarily penalizing Research, Espionage, Food and Commerce.

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Research and Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Food and Commerce.
Unique Benefits:
  • All Combatant and Naval Combatant units gain the Barbaric Promotion, which gives a solid bonus to Attack, a small penalty to Defense, and improvements to pillaging.
Side Penalties:
  • You earn Great People significantly slower than normal since your people often spend their time and resources on simpler pursuits.
  • World Wonders are much slower to construct. The planning and execution required to construct these impressive works usually requires more focus and attention than these citizens have the capacity for.
  • National Wonders and Team Projects are significantly slower to construct because these larger achievements are very difficult for unrefined people to stive for.
  • All cities suffer a penalty to base Research and Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a penalty to base Food and Commerce.
  • Routes are built significantly slower by your workers. Who needs roads?
  • Improvements upgrade slower on their own since taking the time to improve their operations is not something the citizenry tends to spend their time investing into.
  • You suffer a Diplomatic penalty due to your inability to take care with your expressions.
  • The least anarchy this nation can experience when making policy changes is three rounds. It's hard to get this rabble to get back to work after periods of unrest until their enjoyment of unstructured experience runs its course.
  • Units are more expensive to update as getting them to focus during retraining is difficult.
  • It takes a bit less experience for your units to gain levels since they are naturally savage fighters.
  • Your people suffer from significantly less War Weariness since violence and combat are second nature.
  • Military units are significantly faster to train. The people are easily invited into military service since it lets them unleash their wild sides.
  • Your people forgive being whipped to rush construction and training under slavery faster than usual since it's more understandable to them that people only listen to threats of force.

Barbaric I

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Research and Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Food and Commerce.
Unique Benefits:
  • All Combatant and Naval Combatant units gain the Barbaric I Promotion, which gives a solid bonus to Attack, a small penalty to Defense, and improvements to pillaging.
Side Penalties:
  • You earn Great People significantly slower than normal since your people often spend their time and resources on simpler pursuits.
  • World Wonders are slower to construct. The planning and execution required to construct these impressive works usually requires more focus and attention than these citizens have the capacity for.
  • All cities suffer a penalty to base Research and Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a penalty to base Food and Commerce.
  • Routes are built significantly slower by your workers. Who needs roads?
  • Improvements upgrade slower on their own since taking the time to improve their operations is not something the citizenry tends to spend their time investing into.
  • You suffer a Diplomatic penalty due to your inability to take care with your expressions.
  • The least anarchy this nation can experience when making policy changes is one round. It's hard to get this rabble to get back to work after periods of unrest until their enjoyment of unstructured experience runs its course.
  • Units are slightly more expensive to update as getting them to focus during retraining is difficult.
  • It takes a bit less experience for your units to gain levels since they are naturally savage fighters.
  • Your people suffer from slightly less War Weariness since violence and combat are second nature.
  • Military units are slightly faster to train. The people are easily invited into military service since it lets them unleash their wild sides.
  • Your people forgive being whipped to rush construction and training under slavery faster than usual since it's more understandable to them that people only listen to threats of force.

Barbaric II

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Research and Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Food and Commerce.
Unique Benefits:
  • All Combatant and Naval Combatant units gain the Barbaric II Promotion, which gives a solid bonus to Attack, a small penalty to Defense, and improvements to pillaging.
Side Penalties:
  • You earn Great People significantly slower than normal since your people often spend their time and resources on simpler pursuits.
  • World Wonders are significantly slower to construct. The planning and execution required to construct these impressive works usually requires more focus and attention than these citizens have the capacity for.
  • National Wonders and Team Projects are significantly slower to construct because these larger achievements are very difficult for unrefined people to strive for.
  • All cities suffer a penalty to base Research and Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a penalty to base Food and Commerce.
  • Routes are built significantly slower by your workers. Who needs roads?
  • Improvements upgrade slower on their own since taking the time to improve their operations is not something the citizenry tends to spend their time investing into.
  • You suffer a Diplomatic penalty due to your inability to take care with your expressions.
  • The least anarchy this nation can experience when making policy changes is a few rounds. It's hard to get this rabble to get back to work after periods of unrest until their enjoyment of unstructured experience runs its course.
  • Units are more expensive to update as getting them to focus during retraining is difficult.
  • It takes a bit less experience for your units to gain levels since they are naturally savage fighters.
  • Your people suffer from less War Weariness since violence and combat are second nature.
  • Military units are slightly faster to train. The people are easily invited into military service since it lets them unleash their wild sides.
  • Your people forgive being whipped to rush construction and training under slavery faster than usual since it's more understandable to them that people only listen to threats of force.

Barbaric III

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Research and Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Food and Commerce.
Unique Benefits:
  • All Combatant and Naval Combatant units gain the Barbaric III Promotion, which gives a solid bonus to Attack, a small penalty to Defense, and improvements to pillaging.
Side Penalties:
  • You earn Great People significantly slower than normal since your people often spend their time and resources on simpler pursuits.
  • World Wonders are much slower to construct. The planning and execution required to construct these impressive works usually requires more focus and attention than these citizens have the capacity for.
  • National Wonders and Team Projects are significantly slower to construct because these larger achievements are very difficult for unrefined people to strive for.
  • All cities suffer a penalty to base Research and Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a penalty to base Food and Commerce.
  • Routes are built significantly slower by your workers. Who needs roads?
  • Improvements upgrade slower on their own since taking the time to improve their operations is not something the citizenry tends to spend their time investing into.
  • You suffer a Diplomatic penalty due to your inability to take care with your expressions.
  • The least anarchy this nation can experience when making policy changes is three rounds. It's hard to get this rabble to get back to work after periods of unrest until their enjoyment of unstructured experience runs its course.
  • Units are more expensive to update as getting them to focus during retraining is difficult.
  • It takes a bit less experience for your units to gain levels since they are naturally savage fighters.
  • Your people suffer from less War Weariness since violence and combat are second nature.
  • Military units are slightly faster to train. The people are easily invited into military service since it lets them unleash their wild sides.
  • Your people forgive being whipped to rush construction and training under slavery faster than usual since it's more understandable to them that people only listen to threats of force.


Military benefit from loyalty and strong diplomatic benefits with foreign leaders and the people alike. Loose lips can sink ships, however, and this guy's got the loosest of all. Speaks passionately, persuasively, eloquently, and honestly to a fault as he thinks more about how to inspire and less about how to protect his secrets. Unfortunately, pre-eminent entertainers and politicians tend to follow his example of open expression. Production and Commerce thrive under the security of leadership industry believes in

Positive Trait

"A leader derives all power from his people. Persuasion is therefore the ultimate key."

The ability to earn respect and persuade others is one of the most critical skills to possess in any profession, most of all in being a leader. When your people WANT to obey your directives, and your rivals enjoy your company and respect your capacity for cooperative action and problem resolution, the world tends to respond to your will with much greater ease. You may tend to be overly chatty at times and let certain things slip that you shouldn't, however, and many who live under your rule may consider you so great a role model that they also have similar problems, so espionage is your primary drawback.

Primary Benefits:
  • Your units require a lot less experience points to level thanks to their high degree of morale and inspiration your leader's words have inspired.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Production and Commerce.
  • You gain a strong Diplomatic bonus.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all significantly happier thanks to your inspiring and rousing speeches making them confident in the leadership here.
  • All cities get an additional base Production and Commerce.
  • Celebrity and Noble Type Specialists cost an Espionage each. Influential people in this nation have a tendency to over-publicize the intentions of the nation's bureaucrats.
  • War Weariness is reduced for this nation because your leader is so good at selling the reasons for conflicts.
  • More citizens can be drafted during a conscription action in a city.
  • Each military unit staffed in a city always provides an additional happiness since the people trust that the intentions of the military are purely to protect and serve them.
  • Golden Ages last a bit longer in this proud nation.
  • All cities suffer from a reduction of a few base Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a significant percentage penalty to Espionage.
  • It is significantly easier for opponents to perform Espionage missions in your cities.

Charismatic I

Primary Benefits:
  • Your units require significantly less experience points to level thanks to their high degree of morale and inspiration your leader's words have inspired.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Production and Commerce.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all happier thanks to your inspiring and rousing speeches making them confident in the leadership here.
  • All cities get an additional base Production and Commerce.
  • Artist and Detective Type Specialists cost an Espionage each. Expressive and deeply connected citizens often give away more state secrets than they mean to.
  • War Weariness is reduced for this nation because your leader is so good at selling the reasons for conflicts.
  • An extra citizen can be drafted during a conscription action in a city.
  • Each military unit staffed in a city always provides an additional happiness since the people trust that the intentions of the military are purely to protect and serve them.
  • You gain a Diplomatic bonus.
  • Golden Ages last a bit longer in this proud nation.
  • All cities suffer from a reduction of a base Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Espionage.
  • It is easier for opponents to perform Espionage missions in your cities.

Charismatic II

Primary Benefits:
  • Your units require significantly less experience points to level thanks to their high degree of morale and inspiration your leader's words have inspired.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Production and Commerce.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all significantly happier thanks to your inspiring and rousing speeches making them confident in the leadership here.
  • All cities get an additional base Production and Commerce.
  • Noble and Lawyer Type Specialists cost an Espionage each. Expressive and deeply connected citizens often give away more state secrets than they mean to.
  • War Weariness is reduced for this nation because your leader is so good at selling the reasons for conflicts.
  • An extra citizen can be drafted during a conscription action in a city.
  • Each military unit staffed in a city always provides an additional happiness since the people trust that the intentions of the military are purely to protect and serve them.
  • You gain a Diplomatic bonus.
  • Golden Ages last a significantly longer in this proud nation.
  • All cities suffer from a reduction of a few base Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Espionage.
  • It is easier for opponents to perform Espionage missions in your cities.

Charismatic III

Primary Benefits:
  • Your units require significantly less experience points to level thanks to their high degree of morale and inspiration your leader's words have inspired.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Production and Commerce.
  • You gain a strong Diplomatic bonus.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all significantly happier thanks to your inspiring and rousing speeches making them confident in the leadership here.
  • All cities get an additional base Production and Commerce.
  • Celebrity and Scientist Type Specialists cost an Espionage each. Expressive and deeply connected citizens often give away more state secrets than they mean to.
  • War Weariness is significantly reduced for this nation because your leader is so good at selling the reasons for conflicts.
  • A few extra citizens can be drafted during a conscription action in a city.
  • Each military unit staffed in a city always provides an additional happiness since the people trust that the intentions of the military are purely to protect and serve them.
  • Golden Ages last a significantly longer in this proud nation.
  • All cities suffer from a reduction of a few base Espionage.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Espionage.
  • It is significantly easier for opponents to perform Espionage missions in your cities.


Diplomatically terrible and lacks for troop loyalty. Less Anarchy time as he has zero tolerance for disagreement. Less Crime because his punishments are severe.

Negative Trait

"What? You DARE to defy ME? Off with his head! Oh, he's a foreign leader is he? Well then... this means WAR!"

Sometimes leaders let the power really get to their heads and they start to act like insolent children, but since they are the ones defining the law and the direction of the nation, they have the authority to do tremendous damage with this abuse. Loyalties can be challenged and morale can suffer but the fear generated by this type of leader can serve them in a few ways.

Primary Penalties:
  • Your units require a lot more experience points to level since they so greatly resent the treatment they suffer.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Production and Commerce.
  • You suffer a strong Diplomatic penalty.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are all significantly less happy under your heavy handed rule.
  • All cities are penalized by one less base Production and Commerce.
  • War Weariness is significantly increased for this nation because your leader comes across as willing to fight without good cause.
  • Fewer citizens can be drafted during a conscription action in a city.
  • Golden Ages last a bit shorter in this fearful nation.
  • Your citizens resent being whipped to rush construction and training longer.
  • Civic Anarchy periods are greatly reduced in fear of your leader's wrath at any delays in establishing policy changes.
  • It is significantly harder for opponents to perform Espionage missions in your cities for fear of your leader's retribution.
  • Your enemies suffer from greater War Weariness since the people of rival nations find you frighteningly irrational.
  • Your cities suffer from a lot less crime than usual since punishments are severe.

Temperamental I

Primary Penalties:
  • Your units require significantly more experience points to level since they so greatly resent the treatment they suffer.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Production and Commerce.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are all less happy under your heavy handed rule.
  • All cities are penalized by one less base Production and Commerce.
  • War Weariness is significantly increased for this nation because your leader comes across as willing to fight without good cause.
  • Fewer citizens can be drafted during a conscription action in a city.
  • You suffer a Diplomatic penalty.
  • Golden Ages last a bit shorter in this fearful nation.
  • Your citizens resent being whipped to rush construction and training longer.
  • Civic Anarchy periods are significantly reduced in fear of your leader's wrath at any delays in establishing policy changes.
  • It is harder for opponents to perform Espionage missions in your cities for fear of your leader's retribution.
  • Your enemies suffer from greater War Weariness since the people of rival nations find you frighteningly irrational.
  • Your cities suffer from less crime than usual since punishments are severe.

Temperamental II

Primary Penalties:
  • Your units require significantly more experience points to level since they so greatly resent the treatment they suffer.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Production and Commerce.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are all significantly less happy under your heavy handed rule.
  • All cities are penalized by one less base Production and Commerce.
  • War Weariness is significantly increased for this nation because your leader comes across as willing to fight without good cause.
  • Fewer citizens can be drafted during a conscription action in a city.
  • You suffer a Diplomatic penalty.
  • Golden Ages last shorter in this fearful nation.
  • Your citizens resent being whipped to rush construction and training longer.
  • Civic Anarchy periods are greatly reduced in fear of your leader's wrath at any delays in establishing policy changes.
  • It is harder for opponents to perform Espionage missions in your cities for fear of your leader's retribution.
  • Your enemies suffer from greater War Weariness since the people of rival nations find you frighteningly irrational.
  • Your cities suffer from less crime than usual since punishments are severe.

Temperamental III

Primary Penalties:
  • Your units require significantly more experience points to level since they so greatly resent the treatment they suffer.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Production and Commerce.
  • You suffer a significant Diplomatic penalty.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are all significantly less happy under your heavy handed rule.
  • All cities are penalized by one less base Production and Commerce.
  • War Weariness is significantly increased for this nation because your leader comes across as willing to fight without good cause.
  • Fewer citizens can be drafted during a conscription action in a city.
  • The largest cities in your nation are tired of your leader's volatility and abuse and are less happy as a result. Your leader does tend to visit those metropolitan centers more than other cities.
  • Golden Ages last significantly shorter in this fearful nation.
  • Your citizens resent being whipped to rush construction and training longer.
  • Civic Anarchy periods are greatly reduced in fear of your leader's wrath at any delays in establishing policy changes.
  • It is significantly harder for opponents to perform Espionage missions in your cities for fear of your leader's retribution.
  • Your enemies suffer from greater War Weariness since the people of rival nations find you frighteningly irrational.
  • Your cities suffer from less crime than usual since punishments are severe.


Strong Great People Growth and improved specialists. Deep thought is encouraged (+Research) and the financially elite are in favor in governmental policy so are happy to invest (+Gold).

Positive Trait

"What is life for? Are we not here to discover our true purpose and live that purpose? We were all born for a reason, born to contribute something special. We should support and enable each other to bring each other's unique gifts to bear for the nation."

Your leader is a deep thinker who inspires the nation to produce individuals of the same nature. Some may suspect him of being a member of an elite secret society, and he may be. He certainly offers as much national support to the development of those with promise as he can. Unfortunately, smarter citizens are more likely to commit crime, thinking it to be a great way to test their intelligence against the system.

Primary Benefits:
  • Great People are born much faster in this nation.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Research and Gold.
  • All Specialists produce an extra Commerce.
Unique Benefits:
  • Your cities get a Free Specialist for each World Wonder constructed there.
  • Your cities get a Free Specialist for each National Wonder constructed there.
Side Benefits:
  • All cities get an additional base Research and Gold.
  • Engineer Type Specialists give an extra Production.
  • Law Type Specialists give an extra Commerce.
  • Artist and Celebrity Type Specialists give an extra Culture.
  • Detective and Spy Type Specialists give an extra Espionage.
  • Noble and Merchant Type Specialists give an extra Gold.
  • Scientist and Doctor Type Specialists give an extra Research.
  • All cities get a few more Great People rate points each round, not dedicated to any particular type of specialist.
  • Overall upkeep is higher due to some unusual programs supporting grants and other independent efforts that show promise.
  • Citizen and Slave Type Specialists lose the extra Commerce all other specialists give.
  • Civic Anarchy periods last a little longer since more thought goes into trying to find the best ways to establish policy.
  • The unhappiness from whip rushing construction and training lasts longer here than normal.
  • Since people here often try to take longer to establish themselves in their careers before forming families, cities take more food to grow.
  • Your cities suffer from extra Crime rates since even those with criminal minds feel empowered to find their calling as well.

Philosophical I

Primary Benefits:
  • Great People are born much faster in this nation.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Research and Gold.
  • All Specialists produce an extra Commerce.
Unique Benefits:
  • Your cities get a Free Specialist for each National Wonder constructed there.
Side Benefits:
  • All cities get an additional base Research and Gold.
  • Engineer Type Specialists give an extra Production.
  • All cities get a few more Great People rate points each round, not dedicated to any particular type of specialist.
  • Overall upkeep is higher due to some unusual programs supporting grants and other independent efforts that show promise.
  • Citizen and Slave Type Specialists lose the extra Commerce all other specialists give.
  • Civic Anarchy periods last a little longer since more thought goes into trying to find the best ways to establish policy.
  • The unhappiness from whip rushing construction and training lasts longer here than normal.
  • Since people here often try to take longer to establish themselves in their careers before forming families, cities take more food to grow.
  • Your cities suffer from extra Crime rates since even those with criminal minds feel empowered to find their calling as well.

Philosophical II

Primary Benefits:
  • Great People are born much faster in this nation.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Research and Gold.
  • All Specialists produce an extra Commerce.
Unique Benefits:
  • Your cities get a Free Specialist for each World Wonder constructed there.
Side Benefits:
  • Great Military People emerge faster here since even in the military, excellence is valued.
  • All cities get an additional base Research and Gold.
  • Law Type Specialists give an extra Production.
  • All cities get more Great People rate points each round, not dedicated to any particular type of specialist.
  • Overall upkeep is higher due to some unusual programs supporting grants and other independent efforts that show promise.
  • Civic Anarchy periods last a little longer since more thought goes into trying to find the best ways to establish policy.
  • The unhappiness from whip rushing construction and training lasts longer here than normal.
  • Since people here often try to take longer to establish themselves in their careers before forming families, cities take more food to grow.
  • All Religions are a little harder to spread since people are more inclined to think for themselves.
  • Your cities suffer from extra Crime rates since even those with criminal minds feel empowered to find their calling as well.

Philosophical III

Primary Benefits:
  • Great People are born much faster in this nation.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Research and Gold.
  • All Specialists produce an extra Commerce.
Unique Benefits:
  • Your cities get a Free Specialist for each Team Project constructed there.
Side Benefits:
  • Great Military People emerge significantly faster here since even in the military, excellence is valued.
  • All cities get an additional base Research and Gold.
  • Artist and Celebrity Type Specialists give an extra Culture.
  • Detective and Spy Type Specialists give an extra Espionage.
  • Noble and Merchant Type Specialists give an extra Gold.
  • Scientist and Doctor Type Specialists give an extra Research.
  • All cities get much more Great People rate points each round, not dedicated to any particular type of specialist.
  • Overall upkeep is higher due to some unusual programs supporting grants and other independent efforts that show promise.
  • Civic Anarchy periods last a little longer since more thought goes into trying to find the best ways to establish policy.
  • The unhappiness from whip rushing construction and training lasts longer here than normal.
  • Since people here often try to take longer to establish themselves in their careers before forming families, cities take more food to grow.
  • All Religions are a little harder to spread since people are more inclined to think for themselves.
  • Your cities suffer from extra Crime rates since even those with criminal minds feel empowered to find their calling as well.


Great People rates and specialists are impacted heavily here. Experts are disdained (-Research) and the Wealthy are compelled to keep a low profile (-Gold) but this keeps government streamlined for the people's needs somewhat.

Positive Trait

"Societal elite are all in cahoots with each other forming a master plot to take over all sovereign nations for themselves and only I seem to understand this!"

It may seem strange that any leader would want to ensure that people in his society don't try to stand out as strongly valuable contributors but when people of high quality come under immediate suspicion of being potential threats, rivals, and conspirators, folks tend to keep a low profile and achieve more silently if at all. That's what happens in this leader's nation, but on the plus side, the truly common person actually does benefit a bit more from some of the programs designed to benefit the masses, so long as they stay in their lanes.

Primary Penalties:
  • Great People are born much slower in this nation.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Research and Gold.
  • All Specialists cost one Commerce.
Side Penalties:
  • All cities get a reduction in base Research and Gold.
  • Engineer Type Specialists lose a Production.
  • Law Type Specialists lose a Commerce.
  • Artist and Celebrity Type Specialists lose a Culture.
  • Detective and Spy Type Specialists lose a Espionage.
  • Noble and Merchant Type Specialists lose a Gold.
  • Scientist and Doctor Type Specialists lose a Research.
  • All cities get one less Free Specialist. Nobody wants to stand out for doing more than their fair share.
  • All cities have their Great People accumulation points reduced by a few.
  • Education levels are penalized. Your citizens are conditioned to feel that being overly educated is a form of arrogance that attracts the wrong kind of attention.
  • General Upkeep is significantly reduced since the funds usually channeled to elite members of society and education grants are withheld.
  • Citizen and Slave Type Specialists gain back the Commerce all other specialists lose.
  • Civic Anarchy periods don't last as long since fewer people feel they should contribute to the policy debates.
  • You can draft a significant amount more citizens than normal since people are happy to abandon individualism to be a part of something greater than themselves.
  • Your largest cities are a bit happier since urban living allows folks to blend into the crowd more easily.
  • Your cities require less food to grow as your citizens tend to have larger families. The more the merrier.
  • Your cities suffer from somewhat reduced Crime levels.

Populist I

Primary Penalties:
  • Great People are born much slower in this nation.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Research and Gold.
  • All Specialists cost one Commerce.
Side Penalties:
  • All cities get a reduction in base Research and Gold.
  • Engineer Type Specialists lose a Production.
  • All cities get one less Free Specialist. Nobody wants to stand out for doing more than their fair share.
  • All cities have their Great People accumulation points reduced by a few.
  • Education levels are somewhat penalized. Your citizens are conditioned to feel that being overly educated is a form of arrogance that attracts the wrong kind of attention.
  • General Upkeep is reduced since the funds usually channeled to elite members of society and education grants are withheld.
  • Citizen and Slave Type Specialists gain back the Commerce all other specialists lose.
  • Civic Anarchy periods don't last quite as long since fewer people feel they should contribute to the policy debates.
  • You can draft an extra citizen than normal since people are happy to abandon individualism to be a part of something greater than themselves.
  • Your largest cities are a bit happier since urban living allows folks to blend into the crowd more easily.
  • Your cities require a little less food to grow as your citizens tend to have larger families. The more the merrier.
  • Your cities suffer from somewhat reduced Crime levels.

Populist II

Primary Penalties:
  • Great People are born much slower in this nation.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Research and Gold.
  • All Specialists cost one Commerce.
Side Penalties:
  • Great Military People emerge more slowly here.
  • All cities get a reduction in base Research and Gold.
  • Law Type Specialists lose a Commerce.
  • All cities get one less Free Specialist. Nobody wants to stand out for doing more than their fair share.
  • All cities have their Great People accumulation points reduced.
  • Education levels are somewhat penalized. Your citizens are conditioned to feel that being overly educated is a form of arrogance that attracts the wrong kind of attention.
  • General Upkeep is reduced since the funds usually channeled to elite members of society and education grants are withheld.
  • Civic Anarchy periods don't last as long since fewer people feel they should contribute to the policy debates.
  • You can draft a few extra citizens than normal since people are happy to abandon individualism to be a part of something greater than themselves.
  • Your largest cities are a bit happier since urban living allows folks to blend into the crowd more easily.
  • Your cities require less food to grow as your citizens tend to have larger families. The more the merrier.
  • Your cities suffer from somewhat reduced Crime levels.

Populist III

Primary Penalties:
  • Great People are born much slower in this nation.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Research and Gold.
  • All Specialists cost one Commerce.
Side Penalties:
  • Great Military People emerge significantly more slowly here.
  • All cities get a reduction in base Research and Gold.
  • Artist and Celebrity Type Specialists lose a Culture.
  • Detective and Spy Type Specialists lose a Espionage.
  • Noble and Merchant Type Specialists lose a Gold.
  • Scientist and Doctor Type Specialists lose a Research.
  • All cities have their Great People accumulation points significantly reduced.
  • Education levels are somewhat penalized. Your citizens are conditioned to feel that being overly educated is a form of arrogance that attracts the wrong kind of attention.
  • General Upkeep is reduced since the funds usually channeled to elite members of society and education grants are withheld.
  • Civic Anarchy periods don't last as long since fewer people feel they should contribute to the policy debates.
  • You can draft extra citizens than normal since people are happy to abandon individualism to be a part of something greater than themselves.
  • Your largest cities are a bit happier since urban living allows folks to blend into the crowd more easily.
  • Your cities require less food to grow as your citizens tend to have larger families. The more the merrier.
  • Your cities suffer from somewhat reduced Crime levels.
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Very good at minimizing/eliminating anarchy from civic changes. Good diplomacy and is compelled to present the nation as a leader on the international scene (+culture) and is savvy of other leader's machinations (+Espionage). Spends more on upkeep to ensure the best possible governmental functioning.

Positive Trait

"Government is a complex machine, which requires constant tweaking and adjusting to get the best performance. The most adaptable government will survive."

If you really hate anarchy periods after changing civics, this is your go-to pick. And although you will have very strong culture and espionage, you will also suffer from greatly increased maintenance struggles. Diplomacy with other leaders is also a strong suit.

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Culture and Espionage.
  • Anarchy Time from changing Civics is dramatically reduced.
  • You gain a significant Diplomatic bonus.
  • Units trained in the capital gain a percentage adjustment to their starting Experience Points.
Side Benefits:
  • National Wonders are constructed significantly faster since they are a reflection of good governing.
  • All cities gain an extra base Culture and Espionage.
  • Noble and Law Type Specialists give an extra Food, Production and Commerce.
  • Your capital gets a small percentage bonus to Food, Production and Commerce.
  • Spy Type Specialists gain an extra Gold, Research, Culture and Espionage.
  • Your Capital gains a percentage modifier to Culture and Espionage.
  • General Upkeep is astronomically higher since this leader finds it very important to uphold all of his many promises to his people.
  • World Wonders are significantly slower to construct since such projects are always secondary in priority to more local needs being met first.
  • War Weariness accumulates faster for this nation, which likes to believe that proper governing involves avoiding warfare.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Palace is significantly higher due to never shortcutting on costs to keep the government running at peak condition.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is significantly higher since the costs normally associated with this upkeep are intensified by attempts to spare no expense for quality results.
  • This nation suffers a small Education penalty. True politicians are a little too aware that citizens are more easily swayed when not as Educated.

Politician I

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Culture and Espionage.
  • Anarchy Time from changing Civics is dramatically reduced.
  • Units trained in the capital gain a percentage adjustment to their starting Experience Points.
Side Benefits:
  • National Wonders are constructed significantly faster since they are a reflection of good governing.
  • All cities gain an extra base Culture and Espionage.
  • Your capital gets a small percentage bonus to Food, Production and Commerce.
  • Spy Type Specialists gain an extra Espionage.
  • Your Capital gains a percentage modifier to Culture and Espionage.
  • You gain a Diplomatic bonus.
  • General Upkeep is significantly higher since this leader finds it very important to uphold all of his many promises to his people.
  • World Wonders are significantly slower to construct since such projects are always secondary in priority to more local needs being met first.
  • War Weariness accumulates faster for this nation, which likes to believe that proper governing involves avoiding warfare.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Palace is higher due to never shortcutting on costs to keep the government running at peak condition.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is higher since the costs normally associated with this upkeep are intensified by attempts to spare no expense for quality results.
  • This nation suffers a small Education penalty. True politicians are a little too aware that citizens are more easily swayed when not as Educated.

Politician II

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Culture and Espionage.
  • Anarchy Time from changing Civics is dramatically reduced.
  • Units trained in the capital gain a percentage adjustment to their starting Experience Points.
Side Benefits:
  • National Wonders are constructed significantly faster since they are a reflection of good governing.
  • All cities gain an extra base Culture and Espionage.
  • Noble and Law Type Specialists give an extra Food, Production and Commerce.
  • Your capital gets a small percentage bonus to Food, Production and Commerce.
  • Spy Type Specialists gain an extra Research.
  • Your Capital gains a percentage modifier to Culture and Espionage.
  • You gain a Diplomatic bonus.
  • General Upkeep is significantly higher since this leader finds it very important to uphold all of his many promises to his people.
  • World Wonders are significantly slower to construct since such projects are always secondary in priority to more local needs being met first.
  • War Weariness accumulates faster for this nation, which likes to believe that proper governing involves avoiding warfare.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Palace is significantly higher due to never shortcutting on costs to keep the government running at peak condition.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is significantly higher since the costs normally associated with this upkeep are intensified by attempts to spare no expense for quality results.
  • This nation suffers a small Education penalty. True politicians are a little too aware that citizens are more easily swayed when not as Educated.

Politician III

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Culture and Espionage.
  • Anarchy Time from changing Civics is dramatically reduced.
  • You gain a strong Diplomatic bonus.
  • Units trained in the capital gain a percentage adjustment to their starting Experience Points.
Side Benefits:
  • National Wonders are constructed significantly faster since they are a reflection of good governing.
  • All cities gain an extra base Culture and Espionage.
  • Your capital gets a percentage bonus to Food, Production and Commerce.
  • Spy Type Specialists gain an extra Gold and Culture.
  • Your Capital gains a percentage modifier to Culture and Espionage.
  • General Upkeep is much higher since this leader finds it very important to uphold all of his many promises to his people.
  • World Wonders are significantly slower to construct since such projects are always secondary in priority to more local needs being met first.
  • War Weariness accumulates faster for this nation, which likes to believe that proper governing involves avoiding warfare.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Palace is significantly higher due to never shortcutting on costs to keep the government running at peak condition.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is significantly higher since the costs normally associated with this upkeep are intensified by attempts to spare no expense for quality results.
  • This nation suffers a small Education penalty. True politicians are a little too aware that citizens are more easily swayed when not as Educated.


Has difficulty with resistance to his authority and government doesn't function very well as a result. Others resist any changes he wishes to implement. National Pride is lacking (-Culture) and foreign sympathies leaves him blinded (-Espionage).

Negative Trait

"I know not everyone understands where I'm coming from here. But if you can see our nation the way I do, from the unique perspective I have here, you would understand why I support these policies."

The people aren't entirely behind this Leader. He is an outsider, probably due to being born in another country, or from a severe minority, always suspicious of his intentions and resentful of his heritage. In some cases, this leader may be an outsider due to an unusual arrangement of loyalty to another nation.

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Culture and Espionage.
  • Anarchy Times are dramatically increased.
  • Units trained in the capital gain a percentage penalty to their starting Experience Points.
Side Penalties:
  • Happiness is reduced by one in all cities.
  • Great Military People emerge slower here due to some lack of loyalty felt in the military.
  • National Wonders are constructed significantly slower since the people don't feel this leader has the right to spearhead this sort of domestic program.
  • All cities suffer a reduction in base Culture and Espionage.
  • Noble and Law Type Specialists cost an extra Food, Production and Commerce.
  • Your capital loses a percentage penalty to Food, Production and Commerce.
  • Spy Type Specialists earn one less Gold, Research, Espionage and Culture.
  • Your Capital suffers a percentage penalty to Culture and Espionage.
  • You can conscript fewer citizens with a draft action in a city.
  • World Wonders and Team Projects are significantly faster to construct. Your leader is always looking for ways to build up how his people perceive him and therefore budgets more for this sort of project.
  • Corporation Maintenance is significantly reduced since your leader is against international tariffs.
  • You gain a strong Diplomatic bonus. World leaders respect your mixed heritage and some may even feel they have a special inroad with you as a result.
  • Foreign Trade Routes are much more profitable since you are strongly in favor of international trade-friendly policies.

Foreigner I

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Culture and Espionage.
  • Civic Anarchy Times are dramatically increased while Religious Anarchy periods are significantly longer.
  • Units trained in the capital gain a percentage penalty to their starting Experience Points.
Side Penalties:
  • Great Military People emerge slightly slower here due to some lack of loyalty felt in the military.
  • National Wonders are constructed slower since the people don't feel this leader has the right to spearhead this sort of domestic program.
  • All cities suffer a reduction in base Culture and Espionage.
  • Your capital loses a percentage penalty to Food, Production and Commerce.
  • Spy Type Specialists earn one less Gold, Research, Espionage and Culture.
  • Your Capital suffers a percentage penalty to Culture and Espionage.
  • You can conscript one less citizen with a draft action in a city.
  • World Wonders and Team Projects are faster to construct. Your leader is always looking for ways to build up how his people perceive him and therefore budgets more for this sort of project.
  • Corporation Maintenance is reduced since your leader is against international tariffs.
  • You gain a Diplomatic bonus. World leaders respect your mixed heritage and some may even feel they have a special inroad with you as a result.
  • Foreign Trade Routes are much more profitable since you are strongly in favor of international trade-friendly policies.

Foreigner II

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Culture and Espionage.
  • Civic Anarchy Times are dramatically increased while Religious Anarchy periods are significantly longer.
  • Units trained in the capital gain a percentage penalty to their starting Experience Points.
Side Penalties:
  • Happiness is reduced by one in all cities.
  • Great Military People emerge slightly slower here due to some lack of loyalty felt in the military.
  • National Wonders are constructed slower since the people don't feel this leader has the right to spearhead this sort of domestic program.
  • All cities suffer a reduction in base Culture and Espionage.
  • Noble and Law Type Specialists cost an extra Food, Production and Commerce.
  • Your capital loses a percentage penalty to Food, Production and Commerce.
  • Your Capital suffers a percentage penalty to Culture and Espionage.
  • You can conscript one less citizen with a draft action in a city.
  • World Wonders and Team Projects are faster to construct. Your leader is always looking for ways to build up how his people perceive him and therefore budgets more for this sort of project.
  • Corporation Maintenance is significantly reduced since your leader is against international tariffs.
  • You gain a Diplomatic bonus. World leaders respect your mixed heritage and some may even feel they have a special inroad with you as a result.
  • Foreign Trade Routes are much more profitable since you are strongly in favor of international trade-friendly policies.

Foreigner III

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Culture and Espionage.
  • Civic Anarchy Times are dramatically increased while Religious Anarchy periods are significantly longer.
  • Units trained in the capital gain a percentage penalty to their starting Experience Points.
Side Penalties:
  • Happiness is reduced by one in all cities.
  • Great Military People emerge slower here due to some lack of loyalty felt in the military.
  • National Wonders are constructed slower since the people don't feel this leader has the right to spearhead this sort of domestic program.
  • All cities suffer a reduction in base Culture and Espionage.
  • Your capital loses a percentage penalty to Food, Production and Commerce.
  • Your Capital suffers a percentage penalty to Culture and Espionage.
  • You can conscript one less citizen with a draft action in a city.
  • World Wonders and Team Projects are faster to construct. Your leader is always looking for ways to build up how his people perceive him and therefore budgets more for this sort of project.
  • Corporation Maintenance is significantly reduced since your leader is against international tariffs.
  • You gain a Diplomatic bonus. World leaders respect your mixed heritage and some may even feel they have a special inroad with you as a result.
  • Foreign Trade Routes are much more profitable since you are strongly in favor of international trade-friendly policies.


Good Happiness, Strong Specialists, Extremely good at avoiding revolt. A little less productive but compensates when building military. Extra expenses in setting up government. National Pride is high (+Culture) and innovative traders are enjoying their new freedoms (+Gold).

Positive Trait

"Freedom is our heritage and our right. Freedom enables the purest expression of each individual to become his highest self. This creates a strong nation."

This Leader earned his position with a strong grass-roots movement, sometimes a violent one, driven by the frustrations of the people. He is held up as the solution that will bring the change they all feel they need. A lot of hopes ride on this individual and he is seen as the hero of the people.

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Gold and Culture.
  • War Weariness is strongly reduced. Your people are prepared to fight for their country.
  • Citizen Type Specialists gain an extra Food, Production, and Commerce.
  • Citizen Type Specialists gain an extra Gold, Research, Culture and Espionage.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are happier since people feel you are leading them to a better lifestyle.
  • National Wonders are significantly faster to construct since there is a strong sense of national pride under this leadership.
  • On the Revolutions option, your cities are more stable and less likely to revolt.
  • Your cities gain an extra base Gold and Culture.
  • Your Capital gains a percentage modifier to Food, Production and Commerce.
  • Your Capital gains a percentage modifier to Gold and Culture.
  • Military units are trained faster in your cities.
  • Your cities are harder to perform Espionage Missions against as they are more alert, knowing the national plans go against the grain.
  • Your units are harder to capture by enemies that defeat them as they are fiercely loyal to the cause.
  • General Upkeep is significantly higher since upholding his promises to the people can be expensive.
  • Civic Anarchy times are significantly longer since your people have deep disagreements on what policies will be best to move forward with.
  • You gain a Diplomatic penalty for being headstrong and projecting a willingness to fight for what you want.
  • Anger from whip rushing constructions and training lasts a lot longer than normal since the people feel deeply betrayed by this act.
  • Foreign trade routes are significantly less profitable since other nations see you as an upstart they don't want to trade as agreeably with.
  • Your cities suffer from a bit more Crime since rebels are empowered by your cause.

Revolutionary I

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Gold and Culture.
  • Citizen Type Specialists gain an extra Production.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are happier since people feel you are leading them to a better lifestyle.
  • National Wonders are significantly faster to construct since there is a strong sense of national pride under this leadership.
  • On the Revolutions option, your cities are more stable and less likely to revolt.
  • Your cities gain an extra base Gold and Culture.
  • Your Capital gains a percentage modifier to Food, Production and Commerce.
  • Your Capital gains a percentage modifier to Gold and Culture.
  • War Weariness is significantly reduced. Your people are prepared to fight for their country.
  • Military units are trained faster in your cities.
  • Your cities are harder to perform Espionage Missions against as they are more alert, knowing the national plans go against the grain.
  • Your units are harder to capture by enemies that defeat them as they are fiercely loyal to the cause.
  • General Upkeep is higher since upholding his promises to the people can be expensive.
  • Civic Anarchy times are longer since your people have deep disagreements on what policies will be best to move forward with.
  • You gain a Diplomatic penalty for being headstrong and projecting a willingness to fight for what you want.
  • Anger from whip rushing constructions and training lasts significantly longer than normal since the people feel deeply betrayed by this act.
  • Foreign trade routes are less profitable since other nations see you as an upstart they don't want to trade as agreeably with.
  • Your cities suffer from a bit more Crime since rebels are empowered by your cause.

Revolutionary II

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Gold and Culture.
  • Citizen Type Specialists gain an extra Food.
  • Citizen Type Specialists gain an extra Gold, and Culture.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are happier since people feel you are leading them to a better lifestyle.
  • National Wonders are significantly faster to construct since there is a strong sense of national pride under this leadership.
  • On the Revolutions option, your cities are more stable and less likely to revolt.
  • Your cities gain an extra base Gold and Culture.
  • Your Capital gains a percentage modifier to Food, Production and Commerce.
  • Your Capital gains a percentage modifier to Gold and Culture.
  • War Weariness is significantly reduced. Your people are prepared to fight for their country.
  • Military units are trained significantly faster in your cities.
  • Your cities are harder to perform Espionage Missions against as they are more alert, knowing the national plans go against the grain.
  • Your units are harder to capture by enemies that defeat them as they are fiercely loyal to the cause.
  • General Upkeep is higher since upholding his promises to the people can be expensive.
  • Civic Anarchy times are longer since your people have deep disagreements on what policies will be best to move forward with.
  • You gain a Diplomatic penalty for being headstrong and projecting a willingness to fight for what you want.
  • Anger from whip rushing constructions and training lasts significantly longer than normal since the people feel deeply betrayed by this act.
  • Foreign trade routes are significantly less profitable since other nations see you as an upstart they don't want to trade as agreeably with.
  • Your cities suffer from a bit more Crime since rebels are empowered by your cause.

Revolutionary III

Primary Benefits:
  • National Wonders are far faster to construct since there is a strong sense of national pride under this leadership.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Gold and Culture.
  • War Weariness is strongly reduced. Your people are prepared to fight for their country.
  • Citizen Type Specialists gain an extra Commerce.
  • Citizen Type Specialists gain an extra Espionage, and Research.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are happier since people feel you are leading them to a better lifestyle.
  • On the Revolutions option, your cities are more stable and less likely to revolt.
  • Your cities gain an extra base Gold and Culture.
  • Your Capital gains a percentage modifier to Food, Production and Commerce.
  • Your Capital gains a percentage modifier to Gold and Culture.
  • Military units are trained significantly faster in your cities.
  • Your cities are harder to perform Espionage Missions against as they are more alert, knowing the national plans go against the grain.
  • Your units are much harder to capture by enemies that defeat them as they are fiercely loyal to the cause.
  • General Upkeep is higher since upholding his promises to the people can be expensive.
  • Civic Anarchy times are longer since your people have deep disagreements on what policies will be best to move forward with.
  • You gain a Diplomatic penalty for being headstrong and projecting a willingness to fight for what you want.
  • Anger from whip rushing constructions and training lasts significantly longer than normal since the people feel deeply betrayed by this act.
  • Foreign trade routes are significantly less profitable since other nations see you as an upstart they don't want to trade as agreeably with.
  • Your cities suffer from a bit more Crime since rebels are empowered by your cause.


Large national instability problems. Less government expenses as bureaucracy has been eliminated so all authority is focused on new leader. The nation is ashamed of itself (-Culture) and economic uncertainty is high (-Gold).

Negative Trait

"Let the people of the land rejoice! For I have liberated them from the weak leaders they relied upon before my arrival. The power of this position is now mine to wield and we have a lot more conquering ahead of us!"

This leader has taken command by force and the people resent him for bypassing due process and disposing of the original leadership. You may be able to enjoy some very strong military benefits, but if you select this trait, do ALL you can to avoid running out of specialist slots and land to work because citizens will cost you far more than they generate thanks to the will to undermine and rebel that exists among those who don't have much to lose to oppose you. Better to keep your population whipped down to a manageable size, or at least openly angry and unhappy than pretending to do you any favors.

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Gold and Culture.
  • Citizen Type Specialists cost a Food, Production, and Commerce.
  • Citizen Type Specialists cost a Gold, Research, Culture and Espionage.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are less happy, resentful of the way your leader took power.
  • National Wonders are significantly slower to construct due to a complete lack of national pride.
  • On the Revolutions option, your cities are less stable and more likely to revolt.
  • Your cities lose a base Gold and Culture.
  • Your Capital suffers a percentage penalty to Food, Production and Commerce.
  • Your Capital suffers a percentage penalty to Gold and Culture.
  • Your cities are easier to perform Espionage Missions against since many citizens would help your foes if they feel they can get away with it.
  • Your units are easier to capture by enemies that defeat them because many such captives feel liberated from military service to your leader.
  • Your cities suffer from a bit more Crime since many citizens wish to foment revolt against you.
  • General Upkeep is significantly reduced due to the elimination of a lot of government staff.
  • Great Military People emerge far faster in this nation since your leader came to power relying on some key military figures.
  • Civic Anarchy time is greatly reduced since resistance to policy changes is met with the punishment of death.

Usurper I

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Gold and Culture.
  • Citizen Type Specialists cost a Production.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are less happy, resentful of the way your leader took power.
  • National Wonders are slower to construct due to a complete lack of national pride.
  • On the Revolutions option, your cities are less stable and more likely to revolt.
  • Your cities lose a base Gold and Culture.
  • Your Capital suffers a percentage penalty to Food, Production and Commerce.
  • Your Capital suffers a percentage penalty to Gold and Culture.
  • Your cities are slightly easier to perform Espionage Missions against since many citizens would help your foes if they feel they can get away with it.
  • Your cities suffer from a bit more Crime since many citizens wish to foment revolt against you.
  • General Upkeep is reduced due to the elimination of a lot of government staff.
  • Great Military People emerge significantly faster in this nation since your leader came to power relying on some key military figures.
  • Civic Anarchy time is greatly reduced since resistance to policy changes is met with the punishment of death.

Usurper II

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Gold and Culture.
  • Citizen Type Specialists cost a Food.
  • Citizen Type Specialists cost a Gold and Culture.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are less happy, resentful of the way your leader took power.
  • National Wonders are slower to construct due to a complete lack of national pride.
  • On the Revolutions option, your cities are less stable and more likely to revolt.
  • Your cities lose a base Gold and Culture.
  • Your Capital suffers a percentage penalty to Food, Production and Commerce.
  • Your Capital suffers a percentage penalty to Gold and Culture.
  • Your cities are easier to perform Espionage Missions against since many citizens would help your foes if they feel they can get away with it.
  • Your units are easier to capture by enemies that defeat them because many such captives feel liberated from military service to your leader.
  • Your cities suffer from a bit more Crime since many citizens wish to foment revolt against you.
  • General Upkeep is reduced due to the elimination of a lot of government staff.
  • Great Military People emerge significantly faster in this nation since your leader came to power relying on some key military figures.
  • Civic Anarchy time is greatly reduced since resistance to policy changes is met with the punishment of death.

Usurper III

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Gold and Culture.
  • Citizen Type Specialists cost a Commerce.
  • Citizen Type Specialists cost a Espionage and Research.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are less happy, resentful of the way your leader took power.
  • National Wonders are significantly slower to construct due to a complete lack of national pride.
  • On the Revolutions option, your cities are less stable and more likely to revolt.
  • Your cities lose a base Gold and Culture.
  • Your Capital suffers a percentage penalty to Food, Production and Commerce.
  • Your Capital suffers a percentage penalty to Gold and Culture.
  • Military units are slower to train since you have to be more selective with who you allow to graduate training.
  • Your cities are significantly easier to perform Espionage Missions against since many citizens would help your foes if they feel they can get away with it.
  • Your units are much easier to capture by enemies that defeat them because many such captives feel liberated from military service to your leader.
  • Your cities suffer from a bit more Crime since many citizens wish to foment revolt against you.
  • General Upkeep is reduced due to the elimination of a lot of government staff.
  • Great Military People emerge far faster in this nation since your leader came to power relying on some key military figures.
  • Civic Anarchy time is greatly reduced since resistance to policy changes is met with the punishment of death.


Fast Development of the land and seeding of new cities.

Positive Trait

"Only a large and populace nation can command great power. Land is the only real commodity."

For players that race other nations to capture and develop as much real estate as they can as fast as they can, this trait is the perfect selection. It supercharges workers and settlers and even supports a larger empire with reduced size based maintenance factors. Your people, just as your leader, are impatient to branch out, so patient research and impressive works are less important here.

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Food and Production.
  • Settlers are trained twice as fast as normal.
  • Workers are trained far faster than normal.
  • Improvements organically upgrade astronomically faster than usual.
  • Workers are incredibly faster at improving your territory.
Side Benefits:
  • On the Revolutions option, instability from the distance to capital is reduced.
  • Your cities all produce an extra base Food and Production.
  • Upkeep from the Distance to Capital is greatly reduced.
  • Upkeep from Number of Cities is greatly reduced.
  • You get a bonus amount of Free Units derived from a small percentage of your overall Population.
  • Your Largest Cities are much happier since your citizens feel a sense of accomplishment in a highly populated area.
  • World Wonders are constructed significantly slower than normal since these large projects greatly delay expansion efforts.
  • Your cities are all penalized with a few less base Research.
  • Your cities all suffer from a percentage reduction to Research.
  • Celebrity and Noble type Specialists like to promote dreams of the frontier so end up costing you one less Research.
  • Your cities are a little less defensible because your cities are constructed with haste.

Expansive I

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Food and Production.
  • Settlers are trained much faster than normal.
  • Workers are trained significantly faster than normal.
  • Improvements organically upgrade twice as fast as usual.
  • Workers are far faster at improving your territory.
Side Benefits:
  • On the Revolutions option, instability from the distance to capital is reduced.
  • Your cities all produce an extra base Food and Production.
  • Upkeep from the Distance to Capital is reduced.
  • Upkeep from Number of Cities is reduced.
  • You get a bonus amount of Free Units derived from a small percentage of your overall Population.
  • Your Largest Cities are happier since your citizens feel a sense of accomplishment in a highly populated area.
  • World Wonders are constructed slower than normal since these large projects greatly delay expansion efforts.
  • Your cities are all penalized with one less base Research.
  • Your cities all suffer from a percentage reduction to Research.
  • Scientist and Doctor type Specialists spend their time supporting the frontier more and thus produce one less Research.
  • Your cities are a little less defensible because your cities are constructed with haste.

Expansive II

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Food and Production.
  • Settlers are trained much faster than normal.
  • Workers are trained significantly faster than normal.
  • Improvements organically upgrade twice as fast as usual.
  • Workers are far faster at improving your territory.
Side Benefits:
  • On the Revolutions option, instability from the distance to capital is reduced.
  • Your cities all produce an extra base Food and Production.
  • Upkeep from the Distance to Capital is reduced.
  • Upkeep from Number of Cities is reduced.
  • You get a bonus amount of Free Units derived from a percentage of your overall Population.
  • Your Largest Cities are much happier since your citizens feel a sense of accomplishment in a highly populated area.
  • World Wonders are constructed significantly slower than normal since these large projects greatly delay expansion efforts.
  • Your cities are all penalized with one less base Research.
  • Your cities all suffer from a percentage reduction to Research.
  • Priest and Noble type Specialists promote expansive efforts more than studies and thus cost a Research each.
  • Your cities are less defensible because your cities are constructed with haste.

Expansive III

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Food and Production.
  • Settlers are trained much faster than normal.
  • Workers are trained significantly faster than normal.
  • Improvements organically upgrade twice as fast as usual.
  • Workers are far faster at improving your territory.
Side Benefits:
  • On the Revolutions option, instability from the distance to capital is reduced.
  • Your cities all produce an extra base Food and Production.
  • Upkeep from the Distance to Capital is reduced.
  • Upkeep from Number of Cities is reduced.
  • You get a bonus amount of Free Units derived from a significant percentage of your overall Population.
  • Your Largest Cities are far happier since your citizens feel a sense of accomplishment in a highly populated area.
  • World Wonders are constructed far slower than normal since these large projects greatly delay expansion efforts.
  • Your cities are all penalized with one less base Research.
  • Your cities all suffer from a percentage reduction to Research.
  • Law and Celebrity type Specialists favor settling efforts and land management more than studies and thus cost a Research each.
  • Your cities are less defensible because your cities are constructed with haste.


Poor land development and city seeding speed.

Negative Trait

"Large nations are impossible to manage. Better to have a small, compact one that can be kept under close wraps."

It might be possible that with the Win for Losing game option on, this may actually be closer to a positive trait than a negative one, despite being primarily Negative in modifiers. This leader would prefer to focus on managing a small nation well than trying much to build out that nation and expand it into an empire. It will take you a lot more effort to tame your lands. The people are slower to grow and expand and if you are too effective at it, you'll be saddled with huge expenses for doing so. However, you do benefit from people that are better at focusing on the problems they face and finding solutions to them, and on wondrous works.

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer from a percentage penalty to Food and Production.
  • Settlers are trained far slower than normal.
  • Workers are trained much slower than normal.
  • Improvements organically upgrade astronomically slower than usual, if at all.
  • Workers are incredibly slower at improving your territory.
Side Penalties:
  • On the Revolutions option, instability from the distance to capital is increased.
  • Your cities all generate one less base Food and Production.
  • Upkeep from Distance to Capital is greatly increased.
  • Upkeep from Number of Cities is greatly increased.
  • You get penalized an amount of Free Units derived from a small percentage of your overall Population.
  • Your Largest Cities are less happy since your citizens feel burdened in highly populated areas.
  • Your Military Units are slower to be trained since your people are in no hurry.
  • World Wonders are constructed significantly faster than normal since these large projects represent highly focused local efforts.
  • Your cities are all given an additional few base Research.
  • Your cities all benefit from a percentage modifier to Research.
  • Celebrity and Noble type Specialists invest into and promote study projects and thus add a Research each.
  • Your cities are a little more defensible because your cities are constructed with patient care.

Minimalist I

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer from a percentage penalty to Food and Production.
  • Settlers are trained much slower than normal.
  • Workers are trained much slower than normal.
  • Improvements organically upgrade incredibly slower than usual, if at all.
  • Workers are far slower at improving your territory.
Side Penalties:
  • On the Revolutions option, instability from the distance to capital is increased.
  • Your cities all generate one less base Food and Production.
  • Upkeep from Distance to Capital is moderately increased.
  • Upkeep from Number of Cities is moderately increased.
  • You get penalized an amount of Free Units derived from a small percentage of your overall Population.
  • Your Largest Cities are less happy since your citizens feel burdened in highly populated areas.
  • Your Military Units are a little slower to be trained since your people are in no hurry.
  • World Wonders are constructed faster than normal since these large projects represent highly focused local efforts.
  • Your cities are all given an additional base Research.
  • Your cities all benefit from a percentage modifier to Research.
  • Scientist and Doctor type Specialists take their time in patient studies and thus add a Research each.
  • Your cities are a little more defensible because your cities are constructed with patient care.

Minimalist II

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer from a percentage penalty to Food and Production.
  • Settlers are trained much slower than normal.
  • Workers are trained much slower than normal.
  • Improvements organically upgrade incredibly slower than usual, if at all.
  • Workers are far slower at improving your territory.
Side Penalties:
  • On the Revolutions option, instability from the distance to capital is increased.
  • Your cities all generate one less base Food and Production.
  • Upkeep from Distance to Capital is moderately increased.
  • Upkeep from Number of Cities is moderately increased.
  • You get penalized an amount of Free Units derived from a percentage of your overall Population.
  • Your Largest Cities are significantly less happy since your citizens feel burdened in highly populated areas.
  • Your Military Units are slower to be trained since your people are in no hurry.
  • World Wonders are constructed significantly faster than normal since these large projects represent highly focused local efforts.
  • Your cities are all given an additional base Research.
  • Your cities all benefit from a percentage modifier to Research.
  • Priest and Noble type Specialists inspire patience as a virtue and invest into finding solutions and thus add a Research each.
  • Your cities are more defensible because your cities are constructed with patient care.

Minimalist III

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer from a percentage penalty to Food and Production.
  • Settlers are trained much slower than normal.
  • Workers are trained much slower than normal.
  • Improvements organically upgrade incredibly slower than usual, if at all.
  • Workers are far slower at improving your territory.
Side Penalties:
  • On the Revolutions option, instability from the distance to capital is increased.
  • Your cities all generate one less base Food and Production.
  • Upkeep from Distance to Capital is moderately increased.
  • Upkeep from Number of Cities is moderately increased.
  • You get penalized an amount of Free Units derived from a significant percentage of your overall Population.
  • Your Largest Cities are much less happy since your citizens feel burdened in highly populated areas.
  • Your Military Units are slower to be trained since your people are in no hurry.
  • World Wonders are constructed much faster than normal since these large projects represent highly focused local efforts.
  • Your cities are all given an additional base Research.
  • Your cities all benefit from a percentage modifier to Research.
  • Law and Celebrity type Specialists favor policies of patient development and inspire people to create new ways to overcome problems and thus add a Research each.
  • Your cities are significantly more defensible because your cities are constructed with patient care.


Population growth benefits with some Gold penalties

Positive Trait

"Our most sacred duty is to spread our people across the face of the Earth. Swell in numbers and we shall outperform all other competitors. Fertility and health are our greatest resources."

This trait gives your city a powerful head start in population and culture and then backs that up by making your cities require less food to grow and supports greater population with happiness benefits and faster unit training. However, it can cost you directly in gold expenses, which can already be a strain on fast growing nations, and make sure you aren't just placing these faster sprouting assets for others to easily capture.

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Food and Commerce.
  • Cities require much less food to grow.
  • Newly placed cities are given a significant amount of immediate culture.
  • Cities start with an additional population.
Side Benefits:
  • All cities are healthier because the people are inspired to nurture one another.
  • Your cities all produce an extra base Food and Commerce.
  • Your Largest Cities are happier since the people in large communities feel deeply interconnected as many are related.
  • Your Military units are trained faster since your family oriented folk are quick to offer themselves into service to their kin.
  • Your cities are all penalized with a few less base Gold.
  • Your cities all suffer from a percentage reduction to Gold.
  • Celebrity and Noble type Specialists promote family development early in life and thus end up costing you one Gold each.
  • Hurrying construction and training through whipping is a travesty to population development and therefore your people hang on to anger for this for a long time.

Prolific I

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Food and Commerce.
  • Cities start with an additional population.
Side Benefits:
  • All cities are healthier because the people are inspired to nurture one another.
  • Your cities all produce an extra base Food and Commerce.
  • Cities require a bit less food to grow.
  • Newly placed cities are given a small amount of immediate culture.
  • Your cities are all penalized a base Gold.
  • Your cities all suffer from a percentage reduction to Gold.
  • Merchant and Noble type Specialists maintain enormous family clans themselves and thus end up costing you one Gold each.
  • Hurrying construction and training through whipping is a travesty to population development and therefore your people hang on to anger for this for a long time.

Prolific II

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Food and Commerce.
  • Cities require less food to grow.
  • Cities start with an additional population.
Side Benefits:
  • All cities are healthier because the people are inspired to nurture one another.
  • Your cities all produce an extra base Food and Commerce.
  • Your Largest Cities are happier since the people in large communities feel deeply interconnected as many are related.
  • Your Military units are trained faster since your family oriented folk are quick to offer themselves into service to their kin.
  • Newly placed cities are given a small amount of immediate culture.
  • Your cities are all penalized a base Gold.
  • Your cities all suffer from a percentage reduction to Gold.
  • Citizen and Slave type Specialists maintain enormous family clans and often need help supporting them thus end up costing you one Gold each.
  • Hurrying construction and training through whipping is a travesty to population development and therefore your people hang on to anger for this for a long time.
  • Hurrying construction and training with Gold is more expensive than normal.

Prolific III

Primary Benefits:
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Food and Commerce.
  • Cities require much less food to grow.
  • Cities start with an additional population.
Side Benefits:
  • All cities are healthier because the people are inspired to nurture one another.
  • Your cities all produce an extra base Food and Commerce.
  • Your Largest Cities are much happier since the people in large communities feel deeply interconnected as many are related.
  • Your Military units are trained significantly faster since your family oriented folk are quick to offer themselves into service to their kin.
  • Your cities are all penalized a base Gold.
  • Your cities all suffer from a percentage reduction to Gold.
  • Priest and Law type Specialists promote large family clans that often need help supporting, thus end up costing you one Gold each.
  • Hurrying construction and training through whipping is a travesty to population development and therefore your people hang on to anger for this for a long time.
  • Hurrying construction and training with Gold is significantly more expensive than normal.
Last edited:

Poor Food and Commerce and Population growth but improved Gold income

Negative Trait

"This is a harsh world. Raising children in this environment is a major risk to the community even if it is necessary to our future. Aside from it being quite possible to end up with too many mouths to feed, we can also quickly end up with too many voices to contend with. I urge restraint so that we may provide for those in our care while retaining as much focus on more important matters as we can. It is THIS generation that is my concern, much moreso than the next."

This Leader is worried that if his people overgrow their infrastructure to support them that he will be faced with starvation and be saddled with added expenses to the nation's coffers. He therefore promotes smaller families that wait to grow until they are financially secure and well prepared to support their kids. It may not be unwise, but it does impede population expansion and ultimately the strength of the nation.

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Food and Commerce.
  • Cities require much more food to grow.
Side Penalties:
  • All cities are less happy with this dour outlook.
  • Great People are born much slower here due to the expressed lack of confidence in people to provide and excel.
  • Your cities all produce one less base Food and Commerce.
  • War Weariness accumulates faster since your people invest more into their young and feel they have less people to sacrifice to a war.
  • You get fewer citizens drafted with each conscription action in a city.
  • Maintenance from Distance to City is enhanced due to greater investments into more vulnerable regions.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is increased since your Leader tends to overspend to insure additional communities against fears for their wellbeing.
  • Your largest cities are less happy because you show more worry for your most populous centers.
  • Military units are trained slower since there is a reluctance among families to allow their children to enlist.
  • Golden Ages don't last as long thanks to the more serious outlook people take here tending to dampen spirits.
  • Anger for rushing construction and training lasts longer here since life is held at a high value.
  • Units you defeat are less likely to be captured because of concerns of bringing potential enemies home.
  • Your units are significantly more likely to be captured when defeated because they have been taught to value self preservation.
  • Great Generals emerge faster since it is of the utmost importance that militaries from smaller populations are led more effectively.
  • Your cities generate an extra few base Gold.
  • Your cities all gain a percentage modifier to Gold.
  • Engineer and Noble type Specialists watch their investments carefully and earn an extra Gold each.
  • Your cities have improved defenses thanks to your added investments into their safety.

Grim I

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Food and Commerce.
  • Cities require a little more food to grow.
Side Penalties:
  • All cities are less happy with this dour outlook.
  • Great People are born slower here due to the expressed lack of confidence in people to provide and excel.
  • Your cities all produce one less base Food and Commerce.
  • War Weariness accumulates faster since your people invest more into their young and feel they have less people to sacrifice to a war.
  • You get fewer citizens drafted with each conscription action in a city.
  • Maintenance from Distance to City is enhanced due to greater investments into more vulnerable regions.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is increased since your Leader tends to overspend to insure additional communities against fears for their wellbeing.
  • Military units are trained somewhat slower since there is a reluctance among families to allow their children to enlist.
  • Golden Ages don't last as long thanks to the more serious outlook people take here tending to dampen spirits.
  • Anger for rushing construction and training lasts longer here since life is held at a high value.
  • Units you defeat are somewhat less likely to be captured because of concerns of bringing potential enemies home.
  • Your units are more likely to be captured when defeated because they have been taught to value self preservation.
  • Great Generals emerge a little faster since it is of the utmost importance that militaries from smaller populations are led more effectively.
  • Your cities generate an extra base Gold.
  • Your cities all gain a percentage modifier to Gold.
  • Citizen and Slave type Specialists work harder to produce for their employers since there are fewer of them to go around, so earn an extra Gold each.
  • Your cities have slightly improved defenses thanks to your added investments into their safety.

Grim II

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Food and Commerce.
  • Cities require more food to grow.
Side Penalties:
  • All cities are less happy with this dour outlook.
  • Great People are born slower here due to the expressed lack of confidence in people to provide and excel.
  • Your cities all produce one less base Food and Commerce.
  • War Weariness accumulates faster since your people invest more into their young and feel they have less people to sacrifice to a war.
  • You get fewer citizens drafted with each conscription action in a city.
  • Maintenance from Distance to City is enhanced due to greater investments into more vulnerable regions.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is increased since your Leader tends to overspend to insure additional communities against fears for their wellbeing.
  • Your largest cities are less happy because you show more worry for your most populous centers.
  • Military units are trained slower since there is a reluctance among families to allow their children to enlist.
  • Golden Ages don't last as long thanks to the more serious outlook people take here tending to dampen spirits.
  • Anger for rushing construction and training lasts longer here since life is held at a high value.
  • Units you defeat are somewhat less likely to be captured because of concerns of bringing potential enemies home.
  • Your units are significantly more likely to be captured when defeated because they have been taught to value self preservation.
  • Great Generals emerge faster since it is of the utmost importance that militaries from smaller populations are led more effectively.
  • Your cities generate an extra base Gold.
  • Your cities all gain a percentage modifier to Gold.
  • Engineer and Merchant type Specialists take greater care with their investments so earn an extra Gold each.
  • Your cities have improved defenses thanks to your added investments into their safety.

Grim III

Primary Penalties:
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Food and Commerce.
  • Cities require much more food to grow.
Side Penalties:
  • All cities are less happy with this dour outlook.
  • Great People are born slower here due to the expressed lack of confidence in people to provide and excel.
  • Your cities all produce one less base Food and Commerce.
  • War Weariness accumulates faster since your people invest more into their young and feel they have less people to sacrifice to a war.
  • You get fewer citizens drafted with each conscription action in a city.
  • Maintenance from Distance to City is enhanced due to greater investments into more vulnerable regions.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is increased since your Leader tends to overspend to insure additional communities against fears for their wellbeing.
  • Your largest cities are less happy because you show more worry for your most populous centers.
  • Military units are trained moderately slower since there is a reluctance among families to allow their children to enlist.
  • Golden Ages don't last as long thanks to the more serious outlook people take here tending to dampen spirits.
  • Anger for rushing construction and training lasts longer here since life is held at a high value.
  • Units you defeat are somewhat less likely to be captured because of concerns of bringing potential enemies home.
  • Your units are significantly more likely to be captured when defeated because they have been taught to value self preservation.
  • Great Generals emerge faster since it is of the utmost importance that militaries from smaller populations are led more effectively.
  • Your cities generate an extra base Gold.
  • Your cities all gain a percentage modifier to Gold.
  • Noble and Law type Specialists promote policies that help families earn more thus produce an extra Gold each.
  • Your cities have improved defenses thanks to your added investments into their safety.


Gains a highly lubricated government. Low upkeep and faster results. Leader and his followers are not as mentally agile so since war is chaotic it is irritating to the habit driven people, and it takes longer to reorganize the government properly after a change in policies.

Positive Trait

"A well-ordered hierarchy established throughout the nation will lead to streamlined efforts and balanced budgets."

Everything is done in a careful and well-planned manner here. This can slow things down but also leads to extreme efficiency in providing quality services to the nation. The most powerful aspect of this trait is how greatly it diminishes upkeep costs. Your military is a bit more restrained than it should be and therefore suffers for your organizational efforts. The longest projects are made faster with this approach and overall, more tends to get done by your people. Putting such a high value on planning and execution does diminish creativity some. Obviously, some trying times of preparation can take longer since your government is instructed to do what it must to prepare for new ways to be introduced.

Primary Benefits:
  • Overall Upkeep is reduced by half.
  • All specialists give an extra Production.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is tremendously diminished.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is hugely reduced.
Side Benefits:
  • Team Projects are completed significantly faster since proper planning at the beginning of the project leads to efficiencies that help the project finish ahead of time.
  • Improvements naturally upgrade far faster due to preparations for improvement being taken all along.
  • Workers are much faster at building improvements since things are well planned out before they even begin.
  • Corporations require significantly less upkeep.
  • You gain a number of Free Units that require no support.
  • You gain yet more Free Units that require no support from a moderate percentage of your overall population.
  • Your largest cities are happier than normal due to impressive urban planning making life easier on its citizens.
  • Military Units are faster to train because the training regimen is so well planned out.
  • It takes a bit more experience for your units to level and thus gain promotions.
  • Great Military People are slower to emerge since your people rarely take inspired action without careful consideration.
  • Celebrity and Noble type Specialists are less inspired so produce one less Culture each.
  • Civic Anarchy time is much longer due to the patient planning your leader insists on being taken with any policy changes.
  • It costs significantly more to rush construction and training because doing things faster than projected is not the forte of your people.

Organized I

Primary Benefits:
  • Overall Upkeep is strongly reduced.
  • All specialists give an extra Production.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is tremendously diminished.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is hugely reduced.
Side Benefits:
  • Team Projects are completed significantly faster since proper planning at the beginning of the project leads to efficiencies that help the project finish ahead of time.
  • Improvements naturally upgrade far faster due to preparations for improvement being taken all along.
  • Workers are much faster at building improvements since things are well planned out before they even begin.
  • You gain a number of Free Units that require no support.
  • You gain yet more Free Units that require no support from a small percentage of your overall population.
  • Your largest cities are happier than normal due to impressive urban planning making life easier on its citizens.
  • Military Units are faster to train because the training regimen is so well planned out.
  • It takes a bit more experience for your units to level and thus gain promotions.
  • Great Military People are somewhat slower to emerge since your people rarely take inspired action without careful consideration.
  • Artist and Slave type Specialists are less inspired so produce one less Culture each.
  • Civic Anarchy time is longer due to the patient planning your leader insists on being taken with any policy changes.

Organized II

Primary Benefits:
  • Overall Upkeep is strongly reduced.
  • All specialists give an extra Production.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is tremendously diminished.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is hugely reduced.
Side Benefits:
  • Team Projects are completed significantly faster since proper planning at the beginning of the project leads to efficiencies that help the project finish ahead of time.
  • Improvements naturally upgrade far faster due to preparations for improvement being taken all along.
  • Workers are much faster at building improvements since things are well planned out before they even begin.
  • Corporations require significantly less upkeep.
  • You gain a number of Free Units that require no support.
  • You gain yet more Free Units that require no support from a percentage of your overall population.
  • Your largest cities are happier than normal due to impressive urban planning making life easier on its citizens.
  • Military Units are faster to train because the training regimen is so well planned out.
  • It takes a bit more experience for your units to level and thus gain promotions.
  • Great Military People are slower to emerge since your people rarely take inspired action without careful consideration.
  • Noble and Celebrity type Specialists are less inspired so produce one less Culture each.
  • Civic Anarchy time is significantly longer due to the patient planning your leader insists on being taken with any policy changes.

Organized III

Primary Benefits:
  • Overall Upkeep is strongly reduced.
  • All specialists give an extra Production.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is tremendously diminished.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is hugely reduced.
Side Benefits:
  • Team Projects are completed significantly faster since proper planning at the beginning of the project leads to efficiencies that help the project finish ahead of time.
  • Improvements naturally upgrade far faster due to preparations for improvement being taken all along.
  • Workers are much faster at building improvements since things are well planned out before they even begin.
  • Corporations require significantly less upkeep.
  • You gain a number of Free Units that require no support.
  • You gain yet more Free Units that require no support from a percentage of your overall population.
  • Your largest cities are much happier than normal due to impressive urban planning making life easier on its citizens.
  • Military Units are faster to train because the training regimen is so well planned out.
  • It takes a bit more experience for your units to level and thus gain promotions.
  • Great Military People are significantly slower to emerge since your people rarely take inspired action without careful consideration.
  • Law and Investigation type Specialists drag down the inspirations of others with intense intellectual property laws which protect plans and organizations, so produce one less Culture each.
  • Civic Anarchy time is significantly longer due to the patient planning your leader insists on being taken with any policy changes.


You suffer from a lot more upkeep and your people aren't as productive and suffer from a lack of organization. However, your military isn't as scared to specialize in whatever seems needed at the time.

Negative Trait

"The time taken to plan carefully is the time in which you lose the initiative. Act now or lose out! Sure, it leads to lots of mistakes but it’s better than sitting still!"

Gains a highly lubricated government. Low upkeep and faster results. Leader and his followers are not as mentally agile so since war is chaotic it is irritating to the habit driven people, and it takes longer to reorganize the government properly after a change in policies.

Primary Penalties:
  • Overall Upkeep is increased tremendously.
  • All specialists lose a Production.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is tremendously increased.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is hugely increased.
Side Penalties:
  • Improvements naturally upgrade far slower since your people demand work crews come and get them upgraded immediately whenever an upgrade is available.
  • Workers are much slower since they tend to start projects without plans and make a lot of time costly mistakes.
  • Corporations require significantly more upkeep.
  • Your units start with one less Experience point since your leader is impatient to get them out of training.
  • You lose a number of Free Units if you were getting any.
  • You suffer a penalty to the number of Free Units you get based on a moderate percentage of your overall population.
  • Your largest cities are less happy thanks to sloppy urban planning making life harder on folks.
  • Military Units are slower to train because training curriculums are whatever the trainers feel like that day.
  • It takes a bit less experience for your units to level and thus gain promotions.
  • Great Military People are faster to emerge since your people find it natural to jump into leadership roles.
  • Celebrity and Noble type Specialists are more freely creative and thus give an additional Culture.
  • Civic Anarchy time is much shorter since your Leader is impatient to implement new policies.
  • It costs significantly less to rush construction and training because it's totally normal to expedite things with a greater investment.

Impulsive I

Primary Penalties:
  • Overall Upkeep is increased tremendously.
  • All specialists lose a Production.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is tremendously increased.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is hugely increased.
Side Penalties:
  • Improvements naturally upgrade far slower since your people demand work crews come and get them upgraded immediately whenever an upgrade is available.
  • Workers are much slower since they tend to start projects without plans and make a lot of time costly mistakes.
  • Your units start with one less Experience point since your leader is impatient to get them out of training.
  • You lose a number of Free Units if you were getting any.
  • You suffer a penalty to the number of Free Units you get based on a small percentage of your overall population.
  • Your largest cities are less happy thanks to sloppy urban planning making life harder on folks.
  • Military Units are slower to train because training curriculums are whatever the trainers feel like that day.
  • It takes a bit less experience for your units to level and thus gain promotions.
  • Great Military People are slightly faster to emerge since your people find it natural to jump into leadership roles.
  • Artist and Slave type Specialists are more freely creative and thus give an additional Culture.
  • Civic Anarchy time is shorter since your Leader is impatient to implement new policies.

Impulsive II

Primary Penalties:
  • Overall Upkeep is increased tremendously.
  • All specialists lose a Production.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is tremendously increased.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is hugely increased.
Side Penalties:
  • Team Projects take longer to complete because the Leader is reluctant to invest in any project that must take so long to complete.
  • Improvements naturally upgrade far slower since your people demand work crews come and get them upgraded immediately whenever an upgrade is available.
  • Workers are much slower since they tend to start projects without plans and make a lot of time costly mistakes.
  • Corporations require significantly more upkeep.
  • Your units start with one less Experience point since your leader is impatient to get them out of training.
  • You lose a number of Free Units if you were getting any.
  • You suffer a penalty to the number of Free Units you get based on a percentage of your overall population.
  • Your largest cities are less happy thanks to sloppy urban planning making life harder on folks.
  • Military Units are slower to train because training curriculums are whatever the trainers feel like that day.
  • It takes a bit less experience for your units to level and thus gain promotions.
  • Great Military People are faster to emerge since your people find it natural to jump into leadership roles.
  • Noble and Celebrity type Specialists are quicker to invest into what inspires them and thus give an additional Culture.
  • Civic Anarchy time is significantly shorter since your Leader is impatient to implement new policies.

Impulsive III

Primary Penalties:
  • Overall Upkeep is increased tremendously.
  • All specialists lose a Production.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is tremendously increased.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is hugely increased.
Side Penalties:
  • Team Projects take longer to complete because the Leader is reluctant to invest in any project that must take so long to complete.
  • Improvements naturally upgrade far slower since your people demand work crews come and get them upgraded immediately whenever an upgrade is available.
  • Workers are much slower since they tend to start projects without plans and make a lot of time costly mistakes.
  • Corporations require significantly more upkeep.
  • Your units start with one less Experience point since your leader is impatient to get them out of training.
  • You lose a number of Free Units if you were getting any.
  • You suffer a penalty to the number of Free Units you get based on a percentage of your overall population.
  • Your largest cities are much less happy thanks to sloppy urban planning making life harder on folks.
  • Military Units are slower to train because training curriculums are whatever the trainers feel like that day.
  • It takes a bit less experience for your units to level and thus gain promotions.
  • Great Military People are moderately faster to emerge since your people find it natural to jump into leadership roles.
  • Law and Investigator type Specialists are faster to protect expressive rights and thus create a Culture each.
  • Civic Anarchy time is significantly shorter since your Leader is impatient to implement new policies.


Production bonuses and efficiency benefits but can lack for quality and can lead to long term unnecessary expenses due to accounting errors in the system. Runs out of patience even with positive things. Fast wonder builder.

Positive Trait

"I push my nation to operate as quickly as it can, for there is much work to be done. We will take the initiative and beat all others to the goals only one may ever obtain. I have many plans and goals and all of them build onto one another, are interconnected. So many working parts and I keep them all spinning. I WILL leave a legacy!"

The goal of this leader is for he and his people to leave behind as incredible a legacy as possible in the amount of time he has to achieve it. He pushes his people hard to find great accomplishments but cuts some corners on some things to achieve this, like trade investments. Any buildings and techs that increase productivity are faster to come together as they get higher priority resources. Units are trained with a little less quality.

Primary Benefits:
  • World Wonders, National Wonders, and Team Projects are constructed far faster than usual.
  • Rushing construction and training costs half as much as normal.
Unique Benefits:
  • Buildings that speed up construction and training are constructed faster.
  • Techs that give benefits for being first to research them are discovered faster.
Side Benefits:
  • Civic Anarchy periods don't last as long because your Leader more rapidly addresses the problems with new policy shifts.
  • Improvements naturally upgrade twice as fast.
  • Workers are much faster than normal.
  • Your people are more efficient at their jobs and thus you gain a Free Specialist in all cities to represent that added amount of labor.
  • Military Units are significantly faster to train due to streamlined training regimens.
  • The people are faster to forgive whipping to rush construction and training.
  • Units are significantly cheaper to upgrade since they are faster to learn new ways to fight.
  • Trade Route profits are reduced for all yield types.
  • This nation suffers more from War Weariness since war slows down development projects and enhances achievement stress.
  • Units begin with one less Experience Point due to streamlined training procedures.
  • Your nation naturally supports a reduced amount of Free Units based on a small percentage of the overall total population.
  • Your cities are harder to defend since they are built for efficiency rather than holding invaders out.
  • Golden Ages don't last as long because people get back to a sense of normal faster.

Dynamic I

Primary Benefits:
  • World Wonders, National Wonders, and Team Projects are constructed significantly faster than usual.
  • Rushing construction and training costs much less than normal.
Unique Benefits:
  • Buildings that speed up construction and training are constructed faster.
  • Techs that give benefits for being first to research them are discovered faster.
Side Benefits:
  • Civic Anarchy periods don't last as long because your Leader more rapidly addresses the problems with new policy shifts.
  • Improvements naturally upgrade twice as fast.
  • Workers are much faster than normal.
  • Your people are more efficient at their jobs and thus you gain a Free Specialist in all cities to represent that added amount of labor.
  • Military Units are faster to train due to streamlined training regimens.
  • The people are faster to forgive whipping to rush construction and training.
  • Units are cheaper to upgrade since they are faster to learn new ways to fight.
  • Trade Route profits are reduced for Food yields.
  • Units begin with one less Experience Point due to streamlined training procedures.
  • Your nation naturally supports a reduced amount of Free Units based on a small percentage of the overall total population.
  • Golden Ages don't last as long because people get back to a sense of normal faster.

Dynamic II

Primary Benefits:
  • World Wonders, National Wonders, and Team Projects are constructed significantly faster than usual.
  • Rushing construction and training costs much less than normal.
Unique Benefits:
  • Buildings that speed up construction and training are constructed faster.
  • Techs that give benefits for being first to research them are discovered faster.
Side Benefits:
  • Civic Anarchy periods don't last as long because your Leader more rapidly addresses the problems with new policy shifts.
  • Improvements naturally upgrade twice as fast.
  • Workers are much faster than normal.
  • Your people are more efficient at their jobs and thus you gain a Free Specialist in all cities to represent that added amount of labor.
  • Military Units are moderately faster to train due to streamlined training regimens.
  • The people are faster to forgive whipping to rush construction and training.
  • Units are moderately cheaper to upgrade since they are faster to learn new ways to fight.
  • Trade Route profits are reduced for Commerce yields.
  • This nation suffers more from War Weariness since war slows down development projects and enhances achievement stress.
  • Units begin with one less Experience Point due to streamlined training procedures.
  • Your nation naturally supports a reduced amount of Free Units based on a small percentage of the overall total population.
  • Your cities are a little harder to defend since they are built for efficiency rather than holding invaders out.
  • Golden Ages don't last as long because people get back to a sense of normal faster.

Dynamic III

Primary Benefits:
  • World Wonders, National Wonders, and Team Projects are constructed significantly faster than usual.
  • Rushing construction and training costs much less than normal.
Unique Benefits:
  • Buildings that speed up construction and training are constructed faster.
  • Techs that give benefits for being first to research them are discovered faster.
Side Benefits:
  • Civic Anarchy periods don't last nearly as long because your Leader more rapidly addresses the problems with new policy shifts.
  • Improvements naturally upgrade twice as fast.
  • Workers are much faster than normal.
  • Your people are more efficient at their jobs and thus you gain a Free Specialist in all cities to represent that added amount of labor.
  • Military Units are significantly faster to train due to streamlined training regimens.
  • The people are faster to forgive whipping to rush construction and training.
  • Units are significantly cheaper to upgrade since they are faster to learn new ways to fight.
  • Trade Route profits are reduced for Production yields.
  • This nation suffers significantly more from War Weariness since war slows down development projects and enhances achievement stress.
  • Units begin with one less Experience Point due to streamlined training procedures.
  • Your nation naturally supports a reduced amount of Free Units based on a small percentage of the overall total population.
  • Your cities are harder to defend since they are built for efficiency rather than holding invaders out.
  • Golden Ages don't last as long because people get back to a sense of normal faster.


A lot gets done a lot slower in this empire but there are a few places where the extra care and attention can pay off. This leader almost seems to balk at all suggestions and thus avoid good decisions specifically because others want him to make them.

Negative Trait

"It requires careful, meticulous planning to run an empire and all these people wanting me to focus on all of these things need to just quiet down on their enthusiasm. I'll get to it all when I'm damned good and ready!"

This leader has his own way of doing things and puts importance on the most basic things taking place in his empire. He does not care to try to leave a huge legacy and is very patient when making his demands. People often resist doing what he wishes and go about those things with less exuberance, and the results show in the end. He more thoroughly trains his military and it makes them hard to improve with later developments.

Primary Penalties:
  • World Wonders, National Wonders, and Team Projects are constructed far slower than usual.
  • Rushing construction and training costs much more than normal.
Unique Penalties:
  • Buildings that speed up construction and training are constructed slower.
  • Techs that give benefits for being first to research them are discovered slower.
Side Penalties:
  • Civic Anarchy periods last longer because your Leader won't tolerate any disagreements and must root out all resistance to his policy changes.
  • Improvements naturally upgrade far slower.
  • Workers are much slower than normal.
  • Thanks to difficulties working under your policies, your workforce is less effective and you are penalized a Free Specialist as a result.
  • Military Units are significantly slower to train due to thorough training regimens.
  • Units are significantly more expensive to upgrade since they are harder to teach new ways to fight.
  • Trade Route profits are increased for all yield types.
  • This nation suffers less War Weariness since this leader has unshakable confidence.
  • Units begin with one more Experience Point due to thorough training.
  • Your nation naturally supports an increased amount of Free Units based on a small percentage of the overall total population.
  • Your cities are easier to defend since the defenses are built to respond to all possible threats.
  • Golden Ages last longer because the Leader is slower to let things get back to normal.

Stubborn I

Primary Penalties:
  • World Wonders, National Wonders, and Team Projects are constructed far slower than usual.
  • Rushing construction and training costs much more than normal.
Unique Penalties:
  • Buildings that speed up construction and training are constructed slower.
  • Techs that give benefits for being first to research them are discovered slower.
Side Penalties:
  • Civic Anarchy periods last longer because your Leader won't tolerate any disagreements and must root out all resistance to his policy changes.
  • Improvements naturally upgrade far slower.
  • Workers are much slower than normal.
  • Thanks to difficulties working under your policies, your workforce is less effective and you are penalized a Free Specialist as a result.
  • Military Units are slower to train due to thorough training regimens.
  • Units are more expensive to upgrade since they are harder to teach new ways to fight.
  • Trade Route profits are increased for Food yields.
  • Units begin with one more Experience Point due to thorough training.
  • Your nation naturally supports an increased amount of Free Units based on a small percentage of the overall total population.
  • Golden Ages last longer because the Leader is slower to let things get back to normal.

Stubborn II

Primary Penalties:
  • World Wonders, National Wonders, and Team Projects are constructed far slower than usual.
  • Rushing construction and training costs much more than normal.
Unique Penalties:
  • Buildings that speed up construction and training are constructed slower.
  • Techs that give benefits for being first to research them are discovered slower.
Side Penalties:
  • Civic Anarchy periods last significantly longer because your Leader won't tolerate any disagreements and must root out all resistance to his policy changes.
  • Improvements naturally upgrade far slower.
  • Workers are much slower than normal.
  • Thanks to difficulties working under your policies, your workforce is less effective and you are penalized a Free Specialist as a result.
  • Military Units are moderately slower to train due to thorough training regimens.
  • Units are moderately more expensive to upgrade since they are harder to teach new ways to fight.
  • Trade Route profits are increased for Commerce yields.
  • This nation suffers less War Weariness since this leader has unshakable confidence.
  • Units begin with one more Experience Point due to thorough training.
  • Your nation naturally supports an increased amount of Free Units based on a small percentage of the overall total population.
  • Your cities are marginally easier to defend since the defenses are built to respond to all possible threats.
  • Golden Ages last longer because the Leader is slower to let things get back to normal.

Stubborn III

Primary Penalties:
  • World Wonders, National Wonders, and Team Projects are constructed far slower than usual.
  • Rushing construction and training costs much more than normal.
Unique Penalties:
  • Buildings that speed up construction and training are constructed slower.
  • Techs that give benefits for being first to research them are discovered slower.
Side Penalties:
  • Civic Anarchy periods last much longer because your Leader won't tolerate any disagreements and must root out all resistance to his policy changes.
  • Improvements naturally upgrade far slower.
  • Workers are much slower than normal.
  • Thanks to difficulties working under your policies, your workforce is less effective and you are penalized a Free Specialist as a result.
  • Military Units are significantly slower to train due to thorough training regimens.
  • Units are significantly more expensive to upgrade since they are harder to teach new ways to fight.
  • Trade Route profits are increased for Production yields.
  • This nation suffers significantly less War Weariness since this leader has unshakable confidence.
  • Units begin with one more Experience Point due to thorough training.
  • Your nation naturally supports an increased amount of Free Units based on a small percentage of the overall total population.
  • Your cities are easier to defend since the defenses are built to respond to all possible threats.
  • Golden Ages last longer because the Leader is slower to let things get back to normal.


Gains wide ranging benefits but can be unpopular with his people as he seems to be a bit of a downer. Invests a little more than he could but gets what he pays for.

Positive Trait

"People are counting on their leaders to do things right. That requires the ability to make the tough choices and to always be willing to look your real challenges right in the face without a shred of denial. Take them head on and don't pussyfoot around the fact that there will always be wolves nipping at the heels of your society. Stay away from the indulgences that plague others."

This leader gets a percent bonus to all Commerces and Yields, the primary properties, Crime, Disease, and Education, are all improved, and there are some simple but effective military benefits, making this trait a solid selection for nearly any strategy or playstyle. However, there are some added expenses and delays and this trait gives the most direct and the strongest total happiness penalties among all positive traits. Nevertheless, for the Pragmatic player, this can be a good, no-frills, no bells and whistles, simple generic choice.

Primary Benefits:
  • Your Cities all gain a percentage modifier to Food, Production, and Commerce.
  • Your Cities all gain a percentage modifier to Gold, Research, Culture, and Espionage.
Side Benefits:
  • Your units are more thoroughly trained and start with a few extra Experience Points.
  • Your cities are more well defended by practical design.
  • Your cities enjoy less Crime.
  • Your cities enjoy less Disease.
  • Your cities benefit from more Education.
  • Your cities are all significantly less happy since the leader does not sugarcoat the problems the nation faces and pushes his nation to achieve as much as it possibly can despite the stress it causes.
  • Overall Upkeep is higher because this leader overlooks nothing and spends everything he must to get the best out of his nation.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is significantly higher.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is significantly higher.
  • Corporation Maintenance is significantly higher.
  • Your largest cities are less happy because you put a lot of strain on your strongest centers of activity to perform.
  • Your Military units take longer to train due to the quality you insist on in their training.

Pragmatic I

Primary Benefits:
  • Your Cities all gain a minor percentage modifier to Food, Production, and Commerce.
  • Your Cities all gain a minor percentage modifier to Gold, Research, Culture, and Espionage.
Side Benefits:
  • Your units are more thoroughly trained and start with an extra Experience Point.
  • Your cities are slightly more well defended by practical design.
  • Your cities enjoy a little less Crime.
  • Your cities enjoy a little less Disease.
  • Your cities benefit from a touch more Education.
  • Your cities are all less happy since the leader does not sugarcoat the problems the nation faces and pushes his nation to achieve as much as it possibly can despite the stress it causes.
  • Overall Upkeep is higher because this leader overlooks nothing and spends everything he must to get the best out of his nation.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is higher.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is higher.
  • Corporation Maintenance is higher.
  • Your largest cities are less happy because you put a lot of strain on your strongest centers of activity to perform.
  • Your Military units take slightly longer to train due to the quality you insist on in their training.

Pragmatic II

Primary Benefits:
  • Your Cities all gain a percentage modifier to Food, Production, and Commerce.
  • Your Cities all gain a minor percentage modifier to Gold, Research, Culture, and Espionage.
Side Benefits:
  • Your units are more thoroughly trained and start with an extra Experience Point.
  • Your cities are slightly more well defended by practical design.
  • Your cities enjoy a little less Crime.
  • Your cities enjoy a little less Disease.
  • Your cities benefit from a touch more Education.
  • Your cities are all less happy since the leader does not sugarcoat the problems the nation faces and pushes his nation to achieve as much as it possibly can despite the stress it causes.
  • Overall Upkeep is higher because this leader overlooks nothing and spends everything he must to get the best out of his nation.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is higher.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is higher.
  • Corporation Maintenance is higher.
  • Your largest cities are less happy because you put a lot of strain on your strongest centers of activity to perform.
  • Your Military units take somewhat longer to train due to the quality you insist on in their training.

Pragmatic III

Primary Benefits:
  • Your Cities all gain a percentage modifier to Food, Production, and Commerce.
  • Your Cities all gain a percentage modifier to Gold, Research, Culture, and Espionage.
Side Benefits:
  • Your units are more thoroughly trained and start with an extra Experience Point.
  • Your cities are more well defended by practical design.
  • Your cities enjoy a little less Crime.
  • Your cities enjoy a little less Disease.
  • Your cities benefit from a touch more Education.
  • Your cities are all less happy since the leader does not sugarcoat the problems the nation faces and pushes his nation to achieve as much as it possibly can despite the stress it causes.
  • Overall Upkeep is higher because this leader overlooks nothing and spends everything he must to get the best out of his nation.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is higher.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is higher.
  • Corporation Maintenance is higher.
  • Your largest cities are less happy because you put a lot of strain on your strongest centers of activity to perform.
  • Your Military units take longer to train due to the quality you insist on in their training.


Suffers penalties in almost all areas but minor ones, and gains a few benefits in the process, such as in diplomacy and happiness.

Negative Trait

"There's no problems in MY empire! Everything is rosy over here! I'm quite certain everything is going perfectly according to plan…"

Some people believe that if they imagine problems away, they won't really exist. That's how this Leader approaches challenges, and as a result, he runs an inefficient empire. He takes major upkeep hits for letting the organization go lax. The rosy attitude does well in diplomacy and often promotes a view on war that everything's going just fine (even when it’s not but it helps the public morale) and lackadaisical approach to assigning policies streamlines anarchy times.

Primary Penalties:
  • Your Cities all suffer a percentage penalty to Food, Production, and Commerce.
  • Your Cities all suffer a percentage penalty to Gold, Research, Culture, and Espionage.
Side Penalties:
  • Your units are more lackadaisically trained and start with a few less Experience Points
  • Your cities aren't as well defended since dangers are ignored.
  • Your cities suffer more Crime.
  • Your cities suffer more Disease.
  • Your cities struggle with less Education.
  • Your cities are all significantly more happy since the leader always paints a pretty picture of how things are.
  • Overall Upkeep is reduced because this leader tends to underspend with the optimism that problems will take care of themselves.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is significantly lower.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is significantly lower.
  • Corporation Maintenance is significantly lower.
  • Your largest cities are happier because you like to heap praise on your leading metropolitan centers.
  • Your Military units are faster to train since training isn't taken as seriously.

Idealistic I

Primary Penalties:
  • Your Cities all suffer a minor percentage penalty to Food, Production, and Commerce.
  • Your Cities all suffer a minor percentage penalty to Gold, Research, Culture, and Espionage.
Side Penalties:
  • Your units are more lackadaisically trained and start with a one less Experience Point.
  • Your cities are a little less defended since dangers are ignored.
  • Your cities suffer a touch more Crime.
  • Your cities suffer a touch more Disease.
  • Your cities struggle with a tiny bit less Education.
  • Your cities are all happier since the leader always paints a pretty picture of how things are.
  • Overall Upkeep is reduced because this leader tends to underspend with the optimism that problems will take care of themselves.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is lower.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is lower.
  • Corporation Maintenance is lower.
  • Your largest cities are happier because you like to heap praise on your leading metropolitan centers.
  • Your Military units are slightly faster to train since training isn't taken as seriously.

Idealistic II

Primary Penalties:
  • Your Cities all suffer a percentage penalty to Food, Production, and Commerce.
  • Your Cities all suffer a minor percentage penalty to Gold, Research, Culture, and Espionage.
Side Penalties:
  • Your units are more lackadaisically trained and start with a one less Experience Point.
  • Your cities are less defended since dangers are ignored.
  • Your cities suffer a touch more Crime.
  • Your cities suffer a touch more Disease.
  • Your cities struggle with a tiny bit less Education.
  • Your cities are all happier since the leader always paints a pretty picture of how things are.
  • Overall Upkeep is reduced because this leader tends to underspend with the optimism that problems will take care of themselves.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is lower.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is lower.
  • Corporation Maintenance is lower.
  • Your largest cities are happier because you like to heap praise on your leading metropolitan centers.
  • Your Military units are slightly faster to train since training isn't taken as seriously.

Idealistic III

Primary Penalties:
  • Your Cities all suffer a percentage penalty to Food, Production, and Commerce.
  • Your Cities all suffer a percentage penalty to Gold, Research, Culture, and Espionage.
Side Penalties:
  • Your units are more lackadaisically trained and start with a few less Experience Points.
  • Your cities are less defended since dangers are ignored.
  • Your cities suffer a touch more Crime.
  • Your cities suffer a touch more Disease.
  • Your cities struggle with a tiny bit less Education.
  • Your cities are all happier since the leader always paints a pretty picture of how things are.
  • Overall Upkeep is reduced because this leader tends to underspend with the optimism that problems will take care of themselves.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is lower.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is lower.
  • Corporation Maintenance is lower.
  • Your largest cities are happier because you like to heap praise on your leading metropolitan centers.
  • Your Military units are faster to train since training isn't taken as seriously.
Last edited:

Strong Happiness and Health and well insulated against revolution and reduces both Crime and Disease. Powerful Healers. Takes a slight production hit for redirected efforts of kindness.

Positive Trait

"Kindness and compassion are not optional. To be otherwise is to make all achievement worthless. Our people will be well taken care of and all others will envy this treatment."

This truly good person is a Leader many would love to live under. His nation is well cared for and nurtured and he spends time considering how to make life better and longer for the citizens in his charge. As a result, the whole culture of the nation comes together in support of one another. They aren't very willing warriors, but if they do go to war, as it is sometimes necessary, they make sure to have the most competent sources of healing support available at the front. It can also be a little expensive to run a country this way, but usually a lot more population can be supported, which can make up for the costs.

Primary Benefits:
  • Your Cities are a great deal Healthier.
Unique Benefits:
  • Your Healer and Recon units gain the Humanitarian Promotion for free. It enhances healing support skills for the unit and reduces local disease a little.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all Happier knowing their leader truly cares for their wellbeing.
  • Great People are born faster in this uplifting nation.
  • Your cities are more stable on the Revolution option.
  • Priest, Citizen, and Slave Type Specialists gain a Food each because they spend more of their time gardening for the community.
  • Citizen, and Slave Type Specialists gain a Culture and a Gold.
  • Doctor Type Specialists gain an additional Research and Espionage.
  • Your Largest cities are happier because you are able to reach more people in need with support programs in the largest urban centers.
  • You gain a Diplomatic bonus for being well known to have good intentions.
  • Your cities enjoy reduced Crime levels.
  • Your cities enjoy reduced Disease levels.
  • Generic Upkeep is significantly higher as it can be expensive ensuring the adequate care of all citizens.
  • Priest, Citizen, and Slave Type Specialists lose a Production each because they spend more of their time gardening for the community.
  • Military Training Type Specialists cost a Gold and a Culture.
  • This nation suffers from significantly more War Weariness because they value well-being and care about people.
  • You can draft a few less citizens than normal with a conscript action.
  • Your Military units take longer to train because many of your people are squeamish about violence and require more conditioning than normal.
  • Your cities resent being whipped to rush construction and training significantly longer than normal.

Humanitarian I

Primary Benefits:
  • Your Cities are much Healthier.
Unique Benefits:
  • Your Healer and Recon units gain the Humanitarian I Promotion for free. It enhances healing support skills for the unit and reduces local disease a little.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all Happier knowing their leader truly cares for their wellbeing.
  • Great People are born a little faster in this uplifting nation.
  • Your cities are more stable on the Revolution option.
  • Priest Type Specialists gain a Food each because they spend more of their time gardening for the community.
  • Citizen, and Slave Type Specialists gain a Culture.
  • Priest Type Specialists gain an additional Research.
  • Your Largest cities are happier because you are able to reach more people in need with support programs in the largest urban centers.
  • You gain a Diplomatic bonus for being well known to have good intentions.
  • Your cities enjoy somewhat reduced Crime levels.
  • Your cities enjoy somewhat reduced Disease levels.
  • Generic Upkeep is higher as it can be expensive ensuring the adequate care of all citizens.
  • Priest Type Specialists lose a Production each because they spend more of their time gardening for the community.
  • Military Training Type Specialists generate a Gold less each.
  • This nation suffers from more War Weariness because they value well-being and care about people.
  • You can draft a few less citizens than normal with a conscript action.
  • Your Military units take longer to train because many of your people are squeamish about violence and require more conditioning than normal.
  • Your cities resent being whipped to rush construction and training significantly longer than normal.

Humanitarian II

Primary Benefits:
  • Your Cities are a great deal Healthier.
Unique Benefits:
  • Your Healer and Recon units gain the Humanitarian II Promotion for free. It enhances healing support skills for the unit and reduces local disease a little.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all Happier knowing their leader truly cares for their wellbeing.
  • Great People are born moderately faster in this uplifting nation.
  • Your cities are more stable on the Revolution option.
  • Slave Type Specialists gain a Food each because they spend more of their time gardening for the community.
  • Citizen and Slave Type Specialists gain a Gold.
  • Doctor Type Specialists gain an additional Research.
  • Your Largest cities are happier because you are able to reach more people in need with support programs in the largest urban centers.
  • You gain a Diplomatic bonus for being well known to have good intentions.
  • Your cities enjoy somewhat reduced Crime levels.
  • Your cities enjoy somewhat reduced Disease levels.
  • Generic Upkeep is moderately higher as it can be expensive ensuring the adequate care of all citizens.
  • Slave Type Specialists lose a Production each because they spend more of their time gardening for the community.
  • Military Training Type Specialists cost a Culture each.
  • This nation suffers from significantly more War Weariness because they value well-being and care about people.
  • You can draft a few less citizens than normal with a conscript action.
  • Your Military units take longer to train because many of your people are squeamish about violence and require more conditioning than normal.
  • Your cities resent being whipped to rush construction and training significantly longer than normal.

Humanitarian III

Primary Benefits:
  • Your Cities are incredibly Healthier.
  • Your cities are all much Happier knowing their leader truly cares for their wellbeing.
Side Benefits:
  • Great People are born much faster in this uplifting nation.
  • Your cities are more stable on the Revolution option.
  • Citizen Type Specialists gain a Food each because they spend more of their time gardening for the community.
  • Citizen and Slave Type Specialists gain a Research.
  • Doctor Type Specialists gain an additional Espionage.
  • Your Largest cities are happier because you are able to reach more people in need with support programs in the largest urban centers.
  • You gain a Diplomatic bonus for being well known to have good intentions.
  • Your cities enjoy somewhat reduced Crime levels.
  • Your cities enjoy somewhat reduced Disease levels.
  • Generic Upkeep is significantly higher as it can be expensive ensuring the adequate care of all citizens.
  • Citizen Type Specialists lose a Production each because they spend more of their time gardening for the community.
  • Military Training Type Specialists cost a Gold each.
  • This nation suffers from much more War Weariness because they value well-being and care about people.
  • You can draft a few less citizens than normal with a conscript action.
  • Your Military units take significantly longer to train because many of your people are squeamish about violence and require more conditioning than normal.


Gets some small production benefit at the cost of less happiness, health, and empire stability.

Negative Trait

"Who cares what the people think or feel? All that matters is that they perform for me. If they fear me, they will perform."

Perhaps the most loathsome leaders of all time have been ones that clearly show a disdain for any concern for his subjects. It has been said that leaders can influence with love or fear and this one certainly relies on fear, favoring huge punishments and public displays of torture. He spends time and government resources on inventing new ways to toy with people to show how powerless they are against the authority this leader wields. His people have been taught to bully one another and establish strong hierarchies of leadership that actively look for reasons to flaunt their power.

Primary Penalties:
  • Your Cities are a great deal less Healthy.
Unique Abilities:
  • Most combat capable units gain the Cruel Promotion. It diminishes withdrawal, gives a solid combat modifier and causes the unit to spread a bit of crime.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are all less Happy, fearing running afoul of the authorities.
  • Great People are born less frequently in this oppressed country.
  • Your cities are less stable on the Revolution option.
  • Priest, Citizen, and Slave Type Specialists cost a Food each because they push, or are pushed, to produce harder, and thus people require more sustenance.
  • Citizen, and Slave Type Specialists cost a Culture and a Gold each.
  • Your Largest cities are much less happy because they tend to catch the brunt of it.
  • You gain a Diplomatic penalty since even other leaders see you as a demon to be dispatched.
  • Golden Ages don't last as long when you or those you know are suffering.
  • Your cities suffer from increased Crime levels.
  • Your cities suffer from increased Disease levels.
  • World Wonders are constructed faster under threats of great pain if project timeline goals are not met.
  • Priest, Citizen, and Slave Type Specialists gain a Production each because they push, or are pushed, to produce harder.
  • Doctor Type Specialists gain an additional Research and Espionage by putting their talents to torture and direct testing on Humans.
  • This nation suffers from significantly less War Weariness because they embrace opportunities to make others suffer.
  • You can draft a few more citizens than normal with a conscript action.
  • Your Military units are faster to train because many of your people are well prepared to unleash their pain on others.
  • Your cities tolerate being whipped to rush construction and training significantly faster than normal since this is low-grade taking place constantly.

Cruel I

Primary Penalties:
  • Your Cities are much less Healthy.
Unique Abilities:
  • Most combat capable units gain the Cruel I Promotion. It diminishes withdrawal, gives a solid combat modifier and causes the unit to spread a bit of crime.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are all less Happy, fearing running afoul of the authorities.
  • Great People are born less frequently in this oppressed country.
  • Your cities are less stable on the Revolution option.
  • Priest Type Specialists cost a Food each because they push others to work harder, and thus people require more sustenance.
  • Citizen and Slave Type Specialists cost a Culture each.
  • Your Largest cities are less happy because they tend to catch the brunt of it.
  • You gain a Diplomatic penalty since even other leaders see you as a demon to be dispatched.
  • Golden Ages don't last as long when you or those you know are suffering.
  • Your cities suffer from somewhat increased Crime levels.
  • Your cities suffer from somewhat increased Disease levels.
  • World Wonders are constructed faster under threats of great pain if project timeline goals are not met.
  • Priest Type Specialists gain a Production each because they push others to work harder.
  • Priest Type Specialists gain an additional Espionage by putting their talents to torture.
  • This nation suffers from less War Weariness because they embrace opportunities to make others suffer.
  • You can draft a few more citizens than normal with a conscript action.
  • Your Military units are slightly faster to train because many of your people are well prepared to unleash their pain on others.
  • Your cities tolerate being whipped to rush construction and training significantly faster than normal since this is low-grade taking place constantly.

Cruel II

Primary Penalties:
  • Your Cities are severely less Healthy.
Unique Abilities:
  • Most combat capable units gain the Cruel II Promotion. It diminishes withdrawal, gives a solid combat modifier and causes the unit to spread a bit of crime.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are all less Happy, fearing running afoul of the authorities.
  • Great People are born moderately less frequently in this oppressed country.
  • Your cities are less stable on the Revolution option.
  • Slave Type Specialists cost a Food each because they are pushed to work harder, and thus require more sustenance.
  • Citizen and Slave Type Specialists cost a Gold each.
  • Your Largest cities are less happy because they tend to catch the brunt of it.
  • You gain a Diplomatic penalty since even other leaders see you as a demon to be dispatched.
  • Golden Ages don't last as long when you or those you know are suffering.
  • Your cities suffer from somewhat increased Crime levels.
  • Your cities suffer from somewhat increased Disease levels.
  • World Wonders are constructed significantly faster under threats of great pain if project timeline goals are not met.
  • Slave Type Specialists gain a Production each because they are pushed to work harder.
  • Doctor Type Specialists gain an additional Research by putting their talents to direct testing on Humans.
  • This nation suffers from significantly less War Weariness because they embrace opportunities to make others suffer.
  • You can draft a few more citizens than normal with a conscript action.
  • Your Military units are faster to train because many of your people are well prepared to unleash their pain on others.
  • Your cities tolerate being whipped to rush construction and training faster than normal since this is low-grade taking place constantly.

Cruel III

Primary Penalties:
  • Your Cities are critically less Healthy.
  • Your cities are all much less Happy, fearing running afoul of the authorities.
Side Penalties:
  • Great People are born much less frequently in this oppressed country.
  • Your cities are less stable on the Revolution option.
  • Citizen Type Specialists cost a Food each because they are pushed to work harder, and thus require more sustenance.
  • Citizen and Slave Type Specialists cost a Research each.
  • Your Largest cities are less happy because they tend to catch the brunt of it.
  • You gain a Diplomatic penalty since even other leaders see you as a demon to be dispatched.
  • Golden Ages don't last as long when you or those you know are suffering.
  • Your cities suffer from somewhat increased Crime levels.
  • Your cities suffer from somewhat increased Disease levels.
  • World Wonders are constructed much faster under threats of great pain if project timeline goals are not met.
  • Citizen Type Specialists gain a Production each because they are pushed to work harder.
  • Doctor Type Specialists gain an additional Espionage by putting their talents to causing pain to extract information.
  • This nation suffers from much less War Weariness because they embrace opportunities to make others suffer.
  • You can draft a few more citizens than normal with a conscript action.
  • Your Military units are significantly faster to train because many of your people are well prepared to unleash their pain on others.


No society is fit to function until all of its people can learn to follow the laws as established. Enforcing them is of the utmost importance.

Positive Trait

"No society is fit to function until all of its people can learn to follow the laws as established. Enforcing them is of the utmost importance."

Ruling his nation with an Iron Fist, this leader is not as concerned with whether the law is liberating or oppressive so much as that it is followed. He spends the resources needed on rooting out corruption, wherever it may exist.

Primary Benefits:
  • Each Military unit you staff in a city adds more happiness. It's a comfort to know that if you can't get away with anything here, nobody else will either.
  • Crime is significantly reduced in your cities.
Unique Benefits:
  • Your Law Enforcement units all gain the Lawful Promotion, which enhances Crime Control and other benefits possessed by Law Enforcement units.
Side Benefits:
  • Battles inside your borders produce Great Military People faster due to the increased discipline required here.
  • Your cities are a touch more stable on the Revolution option.
  • Buildings involving Crime Fighting are constructed faster.
  • Spy, Investigator and Law Type Specialists gain a Commerce each.
  • Merchant Type Specialists gain an additional Gold.
  • Investigator Type Specialists gain an additional Espionage.
  • Law Type Specialists gain an additional Research.
  • Technologies that represent advancements in Law Enforcement methods are faster to discover.
  • Your Law Enforcement units are trained with an additional few Experience Points.
  • Your Law Enforcement units are trained significantly faster.
  • Your nation suffers significantly less War Weariness since the public is less likely to offer resistance.
  • Your largest cities are Happier since there is less fear of hidden threats in the crowd.
  • Combat inside your borders produces significantly more Experience thanks to heightened discipline within your lands.
  • Your cities are built to control everything, so are significantly easier to defend.
  • It is significantly harder to perform Espionage Missions against your cities thanks to a high degree of authoritative monitoring.
  • Your cities are less happy living under the rule of this total square who allows no naughty fun to be had.
  • Generic Upkeep is significantly higher since budget is poured into Law Enforcement without restraint.
  • Great People aren't born as frequently here because people are heavily conditioned to stay within the lines.
  • All cities are penalized a base Culture.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is significantly higher.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is significantly higher.
  • Corporations are significantly more expensive to maintain due to stiff regulations.
  • Access to Cannabis, Opium, Peyote, LSD, Meth or Ecstasy creates an unhappiness each as it really freaks people out to be exposed to the great personal risk involved in being associated with these substances.

Lawful I

Primary Benefits:
  • Each Military unit you staff in a city adds more happiness. It's a comfort to know that if you can't get away with anything here, nobody else will either.
  • Crime is significantly reduced in your cities.
Unique Benefits:
  • Your Law Enforcement units all gain the Lawful I Promotion, which enhances Crime Control and other benefits possessed by Law Enforcement units.
Side Benefits:
  • Battles inside your borders produce Great Military People faster due to the increased discipline required here.
  • Your cities are a touch more stable on the Revolution option.
  • Buildings involving Crime Fighting are constructed faster.
  • Spy Type Specialists gain a Commerce each.
  • Merchant Type Specialists gain an additional Gold.
  • Technologies that represent advancements in Law Enforcement methods are faster to discover.
  • Your Law Enforcement units are trained with an additional few Experience Points.
  • Your Law Enforcement units are trained significantly faster.
  • Your nation suffers less War Weariness since the public is less likely to offer resistance.
  • Your largest cities are Happier since there is less fear of hidden threats in the crowd.
  • Combat inside your borders produces slightly more Experience thanks to heightened discipline within your lands.
  • Your cities are built to control everything, so are slightly easier to defend.
  • It is moderately harder to perform Espionage Missions against your cities thanks to a high degree of authoritative monitoring.
  • Your cities are less happy living under the rule of this total square who allows no naughty fun to be had.
  • Generic Upkeep is higher since budget is poured into Law Enforcement without restraint.
  • All cities are penalized a base Culture.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is higher.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is higher.
  • Access to Cannabis, Opium, Peyote, LSD, Meth or Ecstasy creates an unhappiness each as it really freaks people out to be exposed to the great personal risk involved in being associated with these substances.

Lawful II


Primary Benefits:
  • Each Military unit you staff in a city adds more happiness. It's a comfort to know that if you can't get away with anything here, nobody else will either.
  • Crime is significantly reduced in your cities.
Unique Benefits:
  • Your Law Enforcement units all gain the Lawful II Promotion, which enhances Crime Control and other benefits possessed by Law Enforcement units.
Side Benefits:
  • Battles inside your borders produce Great Military People faster due to the increased discipline required here.
  • Your cities are a touch more stable on the Revolution option.
  • Buildings involving Crime Fighting are constructed faster.
  • Investigator Type Specialists gain a Commerce each.
  • Investigator Type Specialists gain an additional Espionage.
  • Technologies that represent advancements in Law Enforcement methods are faster to discover.
  • Your Law Enforcement units are trained with additional Experience Points.
  • Your Law Enforcement units are trained significantly faster.
  • Your nation suffers significantly less War Weariness since the public is less likely to offer resistance.
  • Your largest cities are Happier since there is less fear of hidden threats in the crowd.
  • Combat inside your borders produces more Experience thanks to heightened discipline within your lands.
  • Your cities are built to control everything, so are easier to defend.
  • It is significantly harder to perform Espionage Missions against your cities thanks to a high degree of authoritative monitoring.
  • Your cities are less happy living under the rule of this total square who allows no naughty fun to be had.
  • Generic Upkeep is significantly higher since budget is poured into Law Enforcement without restraint.
  • Great People aren't born as frequently here because people are heavily conditioned to stay within the lines.
  • All cities are penalized a base Culture.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is higher.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is higher.

Lawful III

Primary Benefits:
  • Each Military unit you staff in a city adds more happiness. It's a comfort to know that if you can't get away with anything here, nobody else will either.
  • Crime is significantly reduced in your cities.
Unique Benefits:
  • Your Law Enforcement units all gain the Lawful III Promotion, which enhances Crime Control and other benefits possessed by Law Enforcement units.
Side Benefits:
  • Battles inside your borders produce Great Military People faster due to the increased discipline required here.
  • Your cities are a touch more stable on the Revolution option.
  • Buildings involving Crime Fighting are constructed faster.
  • Law Type Specialists gain a Commerce each.
  • Law Type Specialists gain an additional Espionage.
  • Technologies that represent advancements in Law Enforcement methods are faster to discover.
  • Your Law Enforcement units are trained with a strong amount of additional Experience Points.
  • Your Law Enforcement units are trained significantly faster.
  • Your nation suffers much less War Weariness since the public is less likely to offer resistance.
  • Your largest cities are Happier since there is less fear of hidden threats in the crowd.
  • Combat inside your borders produces more Experience thanks to heightened discipline within your lands.
  • Your cities are built to control everything, so are easier to defend.
  • It is significantly harder to perform Espionage Missions against your cities thanks to a high degree of authoritative monitoring.
  • Your cities are less happy living under the rule of this total square who allows no naughty fun to be had.
  • Generic Upkeep is much higher since budget is poured into Law Enforcement without restraint.
  • Great People aren't born as frequently here because people are heavily conditioned to stay within the lines.
  • All cities are penalized a base Culture.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is higher.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is higher.


Suffers great crime for some small benefits. Does train more potent criminals.

Negative Trait

"A sucker is born every minute and I'm nobody's fool. Those who get ahead are those who take advantage of others."

There is an underlying lazy cowardliness in this leader and his people. Although they are quite aggressive at breaking down others when they can stay hidden, operating in the shadows, if attacked, they prove poor at defending themselves, tending to shrink away and flee, finding to their terror that they cannot flee from their homes without being lost forever. They pay heavy economic costs for promoting an every man for himself society.

Primary Penalties:
  • Crime is significantly increased in your cities.
Unique Penalties:
  • Your Criminal units all gain the Crooked Promotion, which enhances Crime Spreading and other benefits normally possessed by Criminal units.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are less happy since the good people are plagued by these thugs and hoodlums.
  • Generic Upkeep is more expensive thanks to the coffers being commonly pilfered.
  • Your cities are a touch less stable on the Revolution option.
  • Spy, Investigator and Law Type Specialists are penalized a Commerce each.
  • Merchant and Noble Type Specialists generate one less Gold.
  • Investigator Type Specialists generate one less Espionage.
  • Your Law Enforcement units are trained with a few less Experience Points.
  • Your Law Enforcement units are trained significantly slower.
  • Your nation suffers significantly more War Weariness since your Leader and his people are privately very cowardly types.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is significantly higher.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is significantly higher.
  • Corporations are significantly more expensive to maintain due to internal theft.
  • Your largest cities are less Happy since there is a reduced sense of personal security in the ghettos of the inner cities.
  • Combat inside your borders produces less Experience thanks to a lack of national pride and loyalty.
  • Your cities are less defensible since people here are reluctant to help take a stand in the small ways the citizenry often does.
  • You suffer a Diplomatic penalty since other Leaders often understand your Leader is probably only looking for ways to take advantage of them for personal gain.
  • It is significantly easier to perform Espionage Missions against your cities since information is up for sale by anyone.
  • Great Military People are less frequent to emerge since people here are naturally inspired by their Leader to be less disciplined.
  • Great People are born more frequently since personal freedom without restraint is highly valued here.
  • Buildings that tend to spread Crime, even if overall more beneficial that penalizing, are constructed faster. Overall this is a benefit because it doesn't require you build them, only saves you production expense if you do.
  • Technologies that represent advancements in Criminal thinking are faster to discover. A benefit because you do need these for later prerequisites at least.
  • Your Criminal units are trained with an additional few Experience Points.
  • Your Criminal units are trained significantly faster.
  • Access to Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis, Opium, Peyote, LSD, Meth or Ecstasy creates a happiness each since your people take great pleasure in indulgences.

Crooked I

Primary Penalties:
  • Crime is significantly increased in your cities.
Unique Penalties:
  • Your Criminal units all gain the Crooked I Promotion, which enhances Crime Spreading and other benefits normally possessed by Criminal units.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are less happy since the good people are plagued by these thugs and hoodlums.
  • Generic Upkeep is more expensive thanks to the coffers being commonly pilfered.
  • Great Military People are less frequent to emerge since people here are naturally inspired by their Leader to be less disciplined.
  • Your cities are a touch less stable on the Revolution option.
  • Spy Type Specialists are penalized a Commerce each.
  • Merchant Type Specialists generate one less Gold.
  • Your Law Enforcement units are trained with a few less Experience Points.
  • Your Law Enforcement units are trained significantly slower.
  • Your nation suffers more War Weariness since your Leader and his people are privately very cowardly types.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is higher.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is higher.
  • Your largest cities are less Happy since there is a reduced sense of personal security in the ghettos of the inner cities.
  • Combat inside your borders produces a bit less Experience thanks to a lack of national pride and loyalty.
  • Your cities are somewhat less defensible since people here are reluctant to help take a stand in the small ways the citizenry often does.
  • You suffer a Diplomatic penalty since other Leaders often understand your Leader is probably only looking for ways to take advantage of them for personal gain.
  • It is moderately easier to perform Espionage Missions against your cities since information is up for sale by anyone.
  • All cities generate an additional base Culture. Creativity is stronger among those who seek ways to get the most they can for the least effort.
  • Buildings that tend to spread Crime, even if overall more beneficial that penalizing, are constructed faster. Overall this is a benefit because it doesn't require you build them, only saves you production expense if you do.
  • Technologies that represent advancements in Criminal thinking are faster to discover. A benefit because you do need these for later prerequisites at least.
  • Your Criminal units are trained with an additional few Experience Points.
  • Your Criminal units are trained significantly faster.

Crooked II

Primary Penalties:
  • Crime is significantly increased in your cities.
Unique Penalties:
  • Your Criminal units all gain the Crooked II Promotion, which enhances Crime Spreading and other benefits normally possessed by Criminal units.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are less happy since the good people are plagued by these thugs and hoodlums.
  • Generic Upkeep is significantly more expensive thanks to the coffers being commonly pilfered.
  • Great Military People are less frequent to emerge since people here are naturally inspired by their Leader to be less disciplined.
  • Your cities are a touch less stable on the Revolution option.
  • Investigator Type Specialists are penalized a Commerce each.
  • Noble Type Specialists generate one less Gold.
  • Your Law Enforcement units are trained with a few less Experience Points.
  • Your Law Enforcement units are trained significantly slower.
  • Your nation suffers significantly more War Weariness since your Leader and his people are privately very cowardly types.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is higher.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is higher.
  • Corporations are more expensive to maintain due to internal theft.
  • Your largest cities are less Happy since there is a reduced sense of personal security in the ghettos of the inner cities.
  • Combat inside your borders produces less Experience thanks to a lack of national pride and loyalty.
  • Your cities are somewhat less defensible since people here are reluctant to help take a stand in the small ways the citizenry often does.
  • You suffer a Diplomatic penalty since other Leaders often understand your Leader is probably only looking for ways to take advantage of them for personal gain.
  • It is significantly easier to perform Espionage Missions against your cities since information is up for sale by anyone.
  • Great People are born more frequently since personal freedom without restraint is highly valued here.
  • All cities generate an additional base Culture. Creativity is stronger among those who seek ways to get the most they can for the least effort.
  • Buildings that tend to spread Crime, even if overall more beneficial that penalizing, are constructed faster. Overall this is a benefit because it doesn't require you build them, only saves you production expense if you do.
  • Technologies that represent advancements in Criminal thinking are faster to discover. A benefit because you do need these for later prerequisites at least.
  • Your Criminal units are trained with an additional few Experience Points.
  • Your Criminal units are trained significantly faster.

Crooked III

Primary Penalties:
  • Crime is significantly increased in your cities.
Unique Penalties:
  • Your Criminal units all gain the Crooked III Promotion, which enhances Crime Spreading and other benefits normally possessed by Criminal units.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are less happy since the good people are plagued by these thugs and hoodlums.
  • Generic Upkeep is significantly more expensive thanks to the coffers being commonly pilfered.
  • Great Military People are less frequent to emerge since people here are naturally inspired by their Leader to be less disciplined.
  • Your cities are a touch less stable on the Revolution option.
  • Lawyer Type Specialists are penalized a Commerce each.
  • Investigator Type Specialists generate one less Espionage.
  • Your Law Enforcement units are trained with a few less Experience Points.
  • Your Law Enforcement units are trained significantly slower.
  • Your nation suffers far more War Weariness since your Leader and his people are privately very cowardly types.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is higher.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is higher.
  • Corporations are significantly more expensive to maintain due to internal theft.
  • Your largest cities are less Happy since there is a reduced sense of personal security in the ghettos of the inner cities.
  • Combat inside your borders produces less Experience thanks to a lack of national pride and loyalty.
  • Your cities are less defensible since people here are reluctant to help take a stand in the small ways the citizenry often does.
  • You suffer a Diplomatic penalty since other Leaders often understand your Leader is probably only looking for ways to take advantage of them for personal gain.
  • It is much easier to perform Espionage Missions against your cities since information is up for sale by anyone.
  • Great People are born more frequently since personal freedom without restraint is highly valued here.
  • All cities generate an additional base Culture. Creativity is stronger among those who seek ways to get the most they can for the least effort.
  • Buildings that tend to spread Crime, even if overall more beneficial that penalizing, are constructed faster. Overall this is a benefit because it doesn't require you build them, only saves you production expense if you do.
  • Technologies that represent advancements in Criminal thinking are faster to discover. A benefit because you do need these for later prerequisites at least.
  • Your Criminal units are trained with an additional few Experience Points.
  • Your Criminal units are trained significantly faster.


Strong Disease Fighting and Health. A little expensive to maintain. Focused more on the clinical side of healing than overall caring for the people. Powerful healers and inspiring Doctors.

Positive Trait

"A sick society is doomed to fail. Diseases, not other nations, are humanity's greatest threat and the role of government is to protect the people from their greatest threats"

Extremely good at com combating disease. Most people in this nation are as fascinated by medicine as the Leader is. Problem is, providing such excellent care and subsidizing medical research is expensive for the nation. But people are a bit more productive, being sick less often, and it’s easier to find healthy recruits for the military when you've been keeping them healthy all their lives. The nation doesn't weary of war quite so quickly when they feel confident their loved ones will be well cared for if injured.

Primary Benefits:
  • Significantly more Health in all cities.
  • You enter a Golden Age whenever a Great Doctor is born in your nation.
  • Disease is significantly reduced in all cities.
Unique Benefits:
  • Your Healer units all gain the Medical Promotion, which enhances Healing benefits a bit and reduces Disease locally by a lot.
Side Benefits:
  • Buildings that improve your capacity to combat Disease are faster to build.
  • Doctor Type Specialists get an additional Food, Commerce and Production.
  • Scientist and Doctor Type Specialists get an additional Research.
  • Technologies that open up medical knowledge are faster to discover.
  • Your Healer units are trained with an additional few Experience Points.
  • Your Healer units are trained significantly faster.
  • Your Largest Cities are Happier since there is more focus on ensuring the people are healthy where there is more population to benefit from these programs.
  • Great Doctors are more likely to be born in your cities.
  • Generic Upkeep is significantly higher since budget is poured into Medical care and research without restraint.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is significantly higher.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is significantly higher.
  • Your cities lose one trade route due to being more selective about who they allow to enter with stronger health regulations.
  • Golden ages don't last as long since they are so frequent.
  • Your people hang on longer to the anger they feel when you whip to rush construction and training projects.

Medical I

Primary Benefits:
  • You enter a Golden Age whenever a Great Doctor is born in your nation.
  • Disease is significantly reduced in all cities.
Unique Benefits:
  • Your Healer units all gain the Medical I Promotion, which enhances Healing benefits a bit and reduces Disease locally by a lot.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all healthier.
  • Buildings that improve your capacity to combat Disease are faster to build.
  • Doctor Type Specialists get an additional Food.
  • Priest and Doctor Type Specialists get an additional Research.
  • Technologies that open up medical knowledge are faster to discover.
  • Your Healer units are trained with an additional Experience Point.
  • Your Healer units are trained faster.
  • Great Doctors are more likely to be born in your cities.
  • Generic Upkeep is higher since budget is poured into Medical care and research without restraint.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is higher.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is higher.
  • Golden ages don't last as long since they are so frequent.
  • Your people hang on far longer to the anger they feel when you whip to rush construction and training projects.

Medical II

Primary Benefits:
  • Your cities are all significantly healthier.
  • Disease is significantly reduced in all cities.
Unique Benefits:
  • Your Healer units all gain the Medical II Promotion, which enhances Healing benefits a bit and reduces Disease locally by a lot.
Side Benefits:
  • Buildings that improve your capacity to combat Disease are faster to build.
  • Doctor Type Specialists get an additional Production.
  • Doctor Type Specialists get an additional Espionage and Gold.
  • Technologies that open up medical knowledge are faster to discover.
  • Your Healer units are trained with an additional few Experience Points.
  • Your Healer units are trained significantly faster.
  • Your nation suffers from significantly less War Weariness since by taking care of their Health, they have complete faith in their Leadership to keep them safe.
  • Your Largest Cities are Happier since there is more focus on ensuring the people are healthy where there is more population to benefit from these programs.
  • Great Doctors are significantly more likely to be born in your cities.
  • Generic Upkeep is significantly higher since budget is poured into Medical care and research without restraint.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is higher.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is higher.
  • Your cities lose one trade route due to being more selective about who they allow to enter with stronger health regulations.
  • Golden ages don't last as long since they are so frequent.

Medical III

Primary Benefits:
  • Your cities are all significantly healthier.
  • Disease is significantly reduced in all cities.
Unique Benefits:
  • Your Healer units all gain the Medical III Promotion, which enhances Healing benefits a bit and reduces Disease locally by a lot.
Side Benefits:
  • Buildings that improve your capacity to combat Disease are faster to build.
  • Doctor Type Specialists get an additional Commerce.
  • Doctor Type Specialists get an additional Culture.
  • Scientist Type Specialists get an additional Research.
  • Technologies that open up medical knowledge are faster to discover.
  • Your Healer units are trained with an additional few Experience Points.
  • Your Healer units are trained significantly faster.
  • Your nation suffers from significantly less War Weariness since by taking care of their Health, they have complete faith in their Leadership to keep them safe.
  • Your Largest Cities are much Happier since there is more focus on ensuring the people are healthy where there is more population to benefit from these programs.
  • Great Doctors are significantly much more likely to be born in your cities.
  • Generic Upkeep is significantly higher since budget is poured into Medical care and research without restraint.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is significantly higher.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is significantly higher.
  • Your cities lose one trade route due to being more selective about who they allow to enter with stronger health regulations.
  • Golden ages don't last as long since they are so frequent.


Suffers from high disease rates. People worry about becoming sick without proper medical care.

Negative Trait

"Let the people get sick so they can figure out how not to. Besides, we can turn our diseased against our enemies who are weak in their sterile environments."

There can be an advantage to allowing disease to plague your nation without offering it much resistance. The people CAN end up stronger, those who survive the outbreaks anyhow. Generally speaking, it is not considered a great way to run things in a country, however, and it certainly leads to public resentment. It's certainly cheaper at least.

Primary Penalties:
  • A lot more Unhealth in all cities.
  • Your cities require more food to grow thanks to a much higher mortality rate.
  • Disease is significantly increased in all cities.
Unique Abilities:
  • Most stealthy unit types and animal units all gain the Unsanitary Promotion, which causes the promoted units to spread the Disease Property.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are less happy thanks to resent for the toll that frequent rampant disease takes on their lives and those of loved ones.
  • Buildings that improve your capacity to combat Disease are slower to build.
  • Citizen, Slave and Engineer Type Specialists produce one less Production.
  • Scientist and Doctor Type Specialists generate one less Research.
  • Technologies that open up medical knowledge are slower to discover.
  • Your Healer units are trained with a few less Experience Points.
  • Your Healer units are trained significantly slower.
  • Your nation suffers from more War Weariness since your people don't feel you have their best interests at heart.
  • Your Largest Cities are less Happy since infectious diseases hit larger populations more regularly.
  • Great Doctors are less likely to be born in your cities.
  • Generic Upkeep is significantly cheaper since budgeting for medical care is of no governmental concern.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is significantly lower.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is significantly lower.
  • Your cities gain one trade route since there is no effort to control travel.
  • Your people let go of anger much faster from whip rushing construction and training since life has much less meaning in a sick society.

Unsanitary I

Primary Penalties:
  • Your cities are significantly more Unhealthy.
  • Disease is significantly increased in all cities.
Unique Abilities:
  • Most stealthy unit types and animal units all gain the Unsanitary I Promotion, which causes the promoted units to spread the Disease Property.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are less Happy thanks to resent for the toll that frequent rampant disease takes on their lives and those of loved ones.
  • Buildings that improve your capacity to combat Disease are slower to build.
  • Citizen Type Specialists produce one less Production.
  • Scientist and Doctor Type Specialists generate one less Research.
  • Technologies that open up medical knowledge are slower to discover.
  • Your Healer units are trained with one less Experience Point.
  • Your Healer units are trained slower.
  • Your nation suffers from more War Weariness since your people don't feel you have their best interests at heart.
  • Great Doctors are less likely to be born in your cities.
  • Your cities require a little more food to grow thanks to a much higher mortality rate.
  • Generic Upkeep is cheaper since budgeting for medical care is of no governmental concern.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is lower.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is lower.
  • Your people let go of anger tremendously faster from whip rushing construction and training since life has much less meaning in a sick society.

Unsanitary II

Primary Penalties:
  • Your cities are significantly more Unhealthy.
  • Disease is significantly increased in all cities.
Unique Abilities:
  • Most stealthy unit types and animal units all gain the Unsanitary II Promotion, which causes the promoted units to spread the Disease Property.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are less Happy thanks to resent for the toll that frequent rampant disease takes on their lives and those of loved ones.
  • Buildings that improve your capacity to combat Disease are slower to build.
  • Slave Type Specialists produce one less Production.
  • Doctor Type Specialists generate one less Espionage and Gold.
  • Technologies that open up medical knowledge are slower to discover.
  • Your Healer units are trained with a few less Experience Points.
  • Your Healer units are trained significantly slower.
  • Your nation suffers from significantly more War Weariness since your people don't feel you have their best interests at heart.
  • Your Largest Cities are less Happy since infectious diseases hit larger populations more regularly.
  • Great Doctors are significantly less likely to be born in your cities.
  • Your cities require a little more food to grow thanks to a much higher mortality rate.
  • Generic Upkeep is significantly cheaper since budgeting for medical care is of no governmental concern.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is lower.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is lower.
  • Your cities gain one trade route since there is no effort to control travel.

Unsanitary III

Primary Penalties:
  • Your cities are significantly more Unhealthy.
  • Disease is significantly increased in all cities.
Unique Abilities:
  • Most stealthy unit types and animal units all gain the Unsanitary III Promotion, which causes the promoted units to spread the Disease Property.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are less Happy thanks to resent for the toll that frequent rampant disease takes on their lives and those of loved ones.
  • Buildings that improve your capacity to combat Disease are slower to build.
  • Engineer Type Specialists produce one less Production.
  • Doctor Type Specialists generate one less Culture.
  • Scientist Type Specialists generate one less Research.
  • Technologies that open up medical knowledge are slower to discover.
  • Your Healer units are trained with a few less Experience Points.
  • Your Healer units are trained significantly slower.
  • Your nation suffers from significantly more War Weariness since your people don't feel you have their best interests at heart.
  • Your Largest Cities are significantly less Happy since infectious diseases hit larger populations more regularly.
  • Great Doctors are a lot less likely to be born in your cities.
  • Your cities require a little more food to grow thanks to a much higher mortality rate.
  • Generic Upkeep is significantly cheaper since budgeting for medical care is of no governmental concern.
  • Maintenance from Distance to Capital is significantly lower.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is significantly lower.
  • Your cities gain one trade route since there is no effort to control travel.


Very good at combating pollution. People are happy living in cleanliness.

Positive Trait

"Walk gently upon Mother Earth for our health is hers. I will not tolerate a messy society that disposes of its wastes haphazardly. We have enough to worry about without poisoning ourselves in the process of achieving our goals."

Although the benefits from this trait may not be as strong for your nation in the immediate beginning of the game, being able to hit the mid-game developments without having pollution going out of control would be quite a benefit. Pollution is normally very difficult, if not impossible, to fully manage throughout certain eras, and perhaps no property can create as crippling an impact as pollution. Besides, respect for your environment pays off with happier and healthier people all throughout the game. You may see a little reduced Production but you can make up for it with creative solutions and your people know how to nurture the land so can produce a lot more food. Your people don't produce as many things for sale since they try not to take so much from the land, so Commerce is impacted some. But if you can make this trait work for you, you should feel good about yourself and your nation, for while many real cultures have attempted to possess this outlook, unfortunately many proved to lack the aggression necessary to survive the test of time. Yet today, we turn to their ways and wish greatly that we had been adopting them ourselves all along. And perhaps we will really lament not adopting these views much earlier.

Primary Benefits:
  • All specialists produce an extra Food.
  • Your cities benefit from less Air Pollution.
  • Your cities benefit from less Water Pollution.
Unique Benefits:
  • All your units gain the Naturalist Promotion, which makes all your units perform cleanup tasks in their downtime, therefore causing them to reduce both water and air pollution a little each.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all healthier.
  • Your cities are all happier.
  • Improvements that represent forest planting naturally upgrade far faster.
  • Improvements that represent green power and revitalizing the land are built faster.
  • Artist Type Specialists gain an additional Production.
  • Priest Type Specialists gain an additional Research.
  • Celebrity and Artist Type Specialists gain an additional Culture.
  • Your workers are more effective at working with the land rather than against it and thus complete their builds significantly faster.
  • Your Largest cities are Happier since community cleanup efforts are stronger where there are more citizens there to chip in and usually big cities are festering in garbage - not here!
  • Generic Upkeep is significantly higher since being responsible with industry is expensive.
  • All cities suffer from one less base Production.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Commerce.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is significantly higher since patrols do regular garbage collections.
  • Corporations are significantly more expensive to operate under stiff emissions and waste regulations.
  • The expense of rushing constructions and training is moderately higher when your industries refuse to cut corners on cleanup.
  • Access to Whales, Fur, and Lead all generate an unhappiness each since they all arouse the ire of your citizens.

Naturalist I

Primary Benefits:
  • Your cities benefit from less Air Pollution.
  • Your cities benefit from less Water Pollution.
Unique Benefits:
  • All your units gain the Naturalist I Promotion, which makes all your units perform cleanup tasks in their downtime, therefore causing them to reduce both water and air pollution a little each.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all healthier.
  • Your cities are all happier.
  • Improvements that represent green power and revitalizing the land are built faster.
  • Artist Type Specialists gain an additional Production.
  • Priest Type Specialists gain an additional Research.
  • Celebrity and Artist Type Specialists gain an additional Culture.
  • Your workers are more effective at working with the land rather than against it and thus complete their builds significantly faster.
  • Your Largest cities are Happier since community cleanup efforts are stronger where there are more citizens there to chip in and usually big cities are festering in garbage - not here!
  • Generic Upkeep is higher since being responsible with industry is expensive.
  • All cities suffer from one less base Production.
  • All cities suffer a small percentage penalty to Commerce.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is higher since patrols do regular garbage collections.
  • Corporations are more expensive to operate under stiff emissions and waste regulations.
  • The expense of rushing constructions and training is higher when your industries refuse to cut corners on cleanup.
  • Access to Whales, Fur, and Lead all generate an unhappiness each since they all arouse the ire of your citizens.

Naturalist II

Primary Benefits:
  • All specialists produce an extra Food.
  • Your cities benefit from less Air Pollution.
  • Your cities benefit from less Water Pollution.
Unique Benefits:
  • All your units gain the Naturalist II Promotion, which makes all your units perform cleanup tasks in their downtime, therefore causing them to reduce both water and air pollution a little each.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all healthier.
  • Your cities are all happier.
  • Improvements that represent forest planting naturally upgrade far faster.
  • Improvements that represent green power and revitalizing the land are built faster.
  • Your workers are more effective at working with the land rather than against it and thus complete their builds significantly faster.
  • Your Largest cities are Happier since community cleanup efforts are stronger where there are more citizens there to chip in and usually big cities are festering in garbage - not here!
  • Generic Upkeep is higher since being responsible with industry is expensive.
  • All cities suffer from a few less base Production.
  • All cities suffer a small percentage penalty to Commerce.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is higher since patrols do regular garbage collections.
  • Corporations are more expensive to operate under stiff emissions and waste regulations
  • The expense of rushing constructions and training is moderately higher when your industries refuse to cut corners on cleanup.

Naturalist III

Primary Benefits:
  • All specialists produce an extra Food.
  • Your cities benefit from significantly less Air Pollution.
  • Your cities benefit from significantly less Water Pollution.
Unique Benefits:
  • All your units gain the Naturalist III Promotion, which makes all your units perform cleanup tasks in their downtime, therefore causing them to reduce both water and air pollution a little each.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all healthier.
  • Your cities are all happier.
  • Improvements that represent forest planting naturally upgrade far faster.
  • Improvements that represent green power and revitalizing the land are built faster.
  • Your workers are more effective at working with the land rather than against it and thus complete their builds significantly faster.
  • Your Largest cities are Happier since community cleanup efforts are stronger where there are more citizens there to chip in and usually big cities are festering in garbage - not here!
  • Generic Upkeep is higher since being responsible with industry is expensive.
  • All cities suffer a percentage penalty to Commerce.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is higher since patrols do regular garbage collections.
  • Corporations are more expensive to operate under stiff emissions and waste regulations
  • The expense of rushing constructions and training is significantly higher when your industries refuse to cut corners on cleanup.
Last edited:

Suffers from high pollution. People are often disgusted with their own nation.

Negative Trait

"It’s too much effort to clean up and it gets in the way of progress to worry about it. Nature will sort it out eventually."

When your rivers run neon blue due to pollutants and air stations are installed for citizens to refill their tanks, you know you might have allowed a bit too much 'freedom' for the good of the world. But hey, you probably made a lot of money doing it so hopefully you're happy with what you've earned. Your people certainly aren't. They probably miss the trees and healthy grasslands that once produced so much food for them but now struggles to sprout weeds, let alone crops. OK, it might not start off that bad, but hey... let's see just how many dunes we can spread across the Earth and still manage to survive as a species!

Primary Penalties:
  • All specialists cost an extra Food.
  • Your cities suffer from more Air Pollution.
  • Your cities suffer from more Water Pollution.
Unique Penalties:
  • All your units gain the Slob Promotion, which makes all your units leave garbage wherever they go, thus spreading an additional Air and Water pollution in their wake each round.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are all more unhealthy.
  • Your cities are all more unhappy.
  • Artist Type Specialists cost a Production.
  • Celebrity and Artist Type Specialists produce one less Culture.
  • Your workers are less effective at working the land and thus complete their builds significantly slower.
  • Your Largest cities are less Happy since these Urban communities are festering in garbage.
  • You get a Diplomatic penalty since your waste tends to find and disturb the rest of the world.
  • Generic Upkeep is significantly reduced since being irresponsible with industry is cheap.
  • All cities gain an additional base Production.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Commerce.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is significantly reduced.
  • Corporations are significantly cheaper to operate without emissions and waste regulations.
  • The cost of upkeep for each Military Unit is reduced since you don't care to cover the labor costs of cleaning up after them.
  • The expense of rushing constructions and training is moderately reduced since your industries are skilled at cutting corners to get faster results.

Slob I

Primary Penalties:
  • Your cities suffer from more Air Pollution.
  • Your cities suffer from more Water Pollution.
Unique Penalties:
  • All your units gain the Slob I Promotion, which makes all your units leave garbage wherever they go, thus spreading an additional Air and Water pollution in their wake each round.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are all more unhealthy.
  • Your cities are all more unhappy.
  • Artist Type Specialists cost a Production.
  • Celebrity and Artist Type Specialists produce one less Culture.
  • You get a Diplomatic penalty since your waste tends to find and disturb the rest of the world.
  • Generic Upkeep is reduced since being irresponsible with industry is cheap.
  • All cities gain a small percentage modifier to Commerce.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is reduced.
  • Corporations are cheaper to operate without emissions and waste regulations.
  • The cost of upkeep for each Military Unit is reduced since you don't care to cover the labor costs of cleaning up after them.
  • The expense of rushing constructions and training is reduced since your industries are skilled at cutting corners to get faster results.

Slob II

Primary Penalties:
  • All specialists cost an extra Food.
  • Your cities suffer from more Air Pollution.
  • Your cities suffer from more Water Pollution.
Unique Penalties:
  • All your units gain the Slob II Promotion, which makes all your units leave garbage wherever they go, thus spreading an additional Air and Water pollution in their wake each round.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are all more unhealthy.
  • Your cities are all more unhappy.
  • Your Largest cities are less Happy since these Urban communities are festering in garbage.
  • You get a Diplomatic penalty since your waste tends to find and disturb the rest of the world.
  • Generic Upkeep is reduced since being irresponsible with industry is cheap.
  • All cities gain a small percentage modifier to Commerce.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is reduced.
  • Corporations are cheaper to operate without emissions and waste regulations.
  • The cost of upkeep for each Military Unit is reduced since you don't care to cover the labor costs of cleaning up after them.
  • The expense of rushing constructions and training is moderately reduced since your industries are skilled at cutting corners to get faster results.

Slob III

Primary Penalties:
  • All specialists cost an extra Food.
  • Your cities suffer from significantly more Air Pollution.
  • Your cities suffer from significantly more Water Pollution.
Unique Penalties:
  • All your units gain the Slob III Promotion, which makes all your units leave garbage wherever they go, thus spreading an additional Air and Water pollution in their wake each round.
Side Penalties:
  • Your cities are all more unhealthy.
  • Your cities are all more unhappy.
  • Your Largest cities are much less Happy since these Urban communities are festering in garbage.
  • You get a Diplomatic penalty since your waste tends to find and disturb the rest of the world.
  • Generic Upkeep is reduced since being irresponsible with industry is cheap.
  • All cities gain a percentage modifier to Commerce.
  • Maintenance from Number of Cities is significantly reduced.
  • Corporations are significantly cheaper to operate without emissions and waste regulations.
  • The expense of rushing constructions and training is moderately reduced since your industries are skilled at cutting corners to get faster results.


Education benefits. Political and trade benefits. Nation is much more powerful during Golden Ages, though those are a bit shorter. Popular. Can suffer with some Espionage penalties

Positive Trait

"One is judged by the integrity of their word. The state needs to be upfront and share our knowledge with the people."

Some may question whether an honest, forthright, straightforward Leader is a wise one. But this Leader knows how to use his honesty in a manner that serves him, proverbially throwing himself on his sword when necessary to prove the point that he will always be open with people, even when it would be more convenient not to be. He's not all that great with Espionage, rather his people aren't thanks to not being quite as clever as their Leader when adopting him as a role-model. He is well loved by all and his policy of truth pays off with many dividends in trade and diplomacy, most powerfully to strongly motivate his people when he can clearly show that the nation is on the right track. He is no fool and is not hobbled strategically by his nature. He may be honest, but he also knows how to time the release of information in the most effective manner possible. More often, his tactic to achieve this strategy is to avoid having things to hide in the first place.

Primary Benefits:
  • Your people are significantly easier to Educate.
  • Golden Ages are significantly more profitable for all Yields.
  • Golden Ages are much more profitable for all Commerces.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all happier, able to believe their Leader.
  • Civic Anarchy periods are reduced significantly.
  • You gain a Free Specialist in all cities. Your people are more effective in this honest and cooperative society.
  • All of your cities gain an additional trade route. Merchants love the straightforward deals they get here.
  • You gain a Diplomatic bonus since other Leaders feel they can take you at your word.
  • Foreign Trade Routes are more profitable since your people's fair dealings lead to improved results with foreign businessmen who are normally reluctant to trust.
  • All Specialists cost an Espionage.
  • Your cities are significantly easier to perform Espionage Missions in.
  • The length of Golden Ages is significantly reduced since your society takes so much advantage of the time they have in their exuberance.
  • Your people take significantly longer to forgive being whipped to rush construction and training projects.
  • All religions are significantly harder to spread, a touch moreso if it is not your state religion.

Honest I

Primary Benefits:
  • Your people are significantly easier to Educate.
  • Golden Ages are significantly more profitable for all Yields.
  • Golden Ages are significantly more profitable for all Commerces.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all happier, able to believe their Leader.
  • Civic Anarchy periods are reduced.
  • All of your cities gain an additional trade route. Merchants love the straightforward deals they get here.
  • You gain a Diplomatic bonus since other Leaders feel they can take you at your word.
  • Foreign Trade Routes are more profitable since your people's fair dealings lead to improved results with foreign businessmen who are normally reluctant to trust.
  • Your cities are significantly easier to perform Espionage Missions in.
  • The length of Golden Ages is significantly reduced since your society takes so much advantage of the time they have in their exuberance.
  • Your people take significantly longer to forgive being whipped to rush construction and training projects.
  • All non-state religions are significantly harder to spread.

Honest II

Primary Benefits:
  • Your people are significantly easier to Educate.
  • Golden Ages are significantly more profitable for all Yields.
  • Golden Ages are significantly more profitable for all Commerces.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all happier, able to believe their Leader.
  • Civic Anarchy periods are reduced.
  • You gain a Free Specialist in all cities. Your people are more effective in this honest and cooperative society.
  • You gain a Diplomatic bonus since other Leaders feel they can take you at your word.
  • Foreign Trade Routes are significantly more profitable since your people's fair dealings lead to improved results with foreign businessmen who are normally reluctant to trust.
  • All Specialists cost an Espionage.
  • Your cities are easier to perform Espionage Missions in.
  • The length of Golden Ages is significantly reduced since your society takes so much advantage of the time they have in their exuberance.
  • Your State Religion is significantly harder to spread.

Honest III

Primary Benefits:
  • Your people are significantly easier to Educate.
  • Golden Ages are significantly more profitable for all Yields.
  • Golden Ages are significantly more profitable for all Commerces.
Side Benefits:
  • Your cities are all happier, able to believe their Leader.
  • Civic Anarchy periods are significantly reduced.
  • You gain a Free Specialist in all cities. Your people are more effective in this honest and cooperative society.
  • All of your cities gain an additional trade route. Merchants love the straightforward deals they get here.
  • You gain a Diplomatic bonus since other Leaders feel they can take you at your word.
  • Foreign Trade Routes are significantly more profitable since your people's fair dealings lead to improved results with foreign businessmen who are normally reluctant to trust.
  • All Specialists cost an Espionage.
  • Your cities are significantly easier to perform Espio