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playstation version...


Mar 19, 2002
Middle Earth
hi all... first post here ever... :) anyway, i play Civ II on the playstation cause i dont have a computer (this ones @uni) and Im thinking - half of these tactics dont seem to work.:confused: is the game all that different on the PC? 25 cities by 1AD? No way... unless there all size 1!. Is there a way to play Earth on the playstation version? like a cheat or something? And why is it so bloody slow? later in the game it can sometimes take 5 minutes for the CPU to go thru all the computer players, and you cant just leave it cause you have to press a button whenever something happens else it stops.

Sorry! I lurve playing CIv II as much as i can, but these annoyances (particularly the speed) are ruining it - try planning an invasion when it takes so long between turns you get frustrated and launch it way too early every time...:mad:
First the bad news: there is no way to play on an earth map, and the game is that slow - actually five minutes doesn't sound too bad, I've known turns be nearer 20.

PS Civ II is pretty similar to the PC version, not as many options in start up, but the game play is essentially the same. 25 cities by 1AD is possible if you have the right map conditions (plenty of food, a dab of luck with the goodie huts (especially the early ones), probably no close neighbours) though you are right to think they will all be very small. Many people go for maximum expansion of cities regardless of size in the early part of the game then develop them later (usually just growing one city, called a Super Science City or SSC - there are many threads on this in the forum).

And welcome to the forum!
Hi there. I also have the PS version, and it is possible to get 25 cities by 1AD. I built loads where it tells u to ("this seems like a good spot for a city, blah blah blah"), then get lots of research done, then take over loads of enemy cities and goody huts.
Its hard, but doable. Hey, do u know the cheat (as if you need it...) for PS version. Type city/ruler name as _CasH whhile pressing R1 while inputting the H.
Originally posted by sav
hi all... first post here ever... :) anyway, i play Civ II on the playstation cause i dont have a computer (this ones @uni) and Im thinking - half of these tactics dont seem to work.:confused: is the game all that different on the PC? 25 cities by 1AD? No way... unless there all size 1!. Is there a way to play Earth on the playstation version? like a cheat or something? And why is it so bloody slow? later in the game it can sometimes take 5 minutes for the CPU to go thru all the computer players, and you cant just leave it cause you have to press a button whenever something happens else it stops.

Sorry! I lurve playing CIv II as much as i can, but these annoyances (particularly the speed) are ruining it - try planning an invasion when it takes so long between turns you get frustrated and launch it way too early every time...:mad:

Computer tactics in PSX: I've been wondering about that myself. I played a couple of test games and it doesn't seem all that different from the PC version except its designed with the PSX in mind. So you may have a hard time finding out all the options and stuff once you're playing.

I'm now playing as China. 4 civs, large map, prince level, normal barbarians. In one great move early on :eek:, I took a diplomat and entered a hut with barbarians in it. 6 of them! Bribing was out of the ? as I had little money. The poor guy was surrounded. If you've ever seen the Daffy Duck cartoons where Daffy gets into trouble and says "Mother" before the dog gets him, the bomb blows up, whatever you'll really know how funny that was.

Everything is fine though. I also saw the blue swamp square with something on it. By pressing O of the D Pad I was able to look at the tile. A number caught my eye: 4 Trade. I plan to build a city there. This game grows on you.

Maps: No earth map was included in the game, to my greater disappointment. However the ability to randomize worlds w/each game helps a bit w/replay value. The biggest problem: W/the PSX, you don't get upgrades, special scenarios, etc. One can pretty much make their own scenarios after a while I reckon.

Slow: It does get slow when playing later on. For people w/not much time its a bit of a problem. Civ is not meant to be a quick game. After a while you get a rhythm w/your D pad. I find that "thinking" takes up most of the time playing. It really is like chess at times.
I've got the playstation version too and i don't like the fact that theres not as many options as the pc version:o
I play the PSX version as well. You're worried about taking so long (I agree PC has sooo many more options); use the cheat code posted earlier ^ by unknown spirit, use it repeatedly as you need the cash and just buy every improvement, unit (only when needed) and Wonder; although this is still a very long game - without the _CasH code I would have lost patience long ago

Playing Prince level with raging hordes (large map of course, I still managed to obtain ~80 nearly all fully developed cities - based on current technology (average citiy size ~8, not that great but I am an expansionist), and never losing one to an enemy or Barb (what pusses) even though I stay at War with nearly all the other tribes, and by far excel over my opponents.

Never been to space before (always quit when I conquer the all of enemy tribes, but this time I'm keeping one Peacefull Tribe [(hopefully) somehow I always end up at war with my allies, or they want some info I'm not willing to give and fore some reason they think they can take me out because I DO NOT share technology] to beat him to the stars (or I might just get bored and kill him off and start over at King level ;)
Originally posted by Darth Civ
I've got the playstation version too and i don't like the fact that theres not as many options as the pc version:o
Yahooooooo I got the PC version cheap for a shoking £1! of an old man...:lol:
(my first post too) I used to have the ps version but then got tired of it because the turns took too long and just like every one else says, not as many options. Me and my friends actually fell asleep playing it. But I dont do that now with the pc version, it is sooo much better. I just hope my parents get me Civ3 for the comp. The rest of my money is going towards a new ps2.
WooHoo recently got the CIV3 for my PC!!

I sold my PSX to my cuz although I do miss my FF games and a couple others but he bought it for the CIV2 game (something about it ;) )

Quiet One - my advise is to go for an X-Box; not as many games available currently as the PS2 but they are of much better quality and they are developing rapidly. Besides, X-Box comes from the man, B.G himself and you know he's on top of things ;)
well.....I would but I am a die hard rather kill myself than miss the next FF kinda fanboy for the ps2. But ill miss ff11 because its a stinkin online game:mad: So unless my dad wants to give me back the 150 i have saved than rather get an xbox ill stay a playstation guy
I just found this post, after it was created nearly 3 years ago.

I play the ps version because my computer doesn't like computer games (I'm always missing some memory/sound/video card or something).

Although the comp game sounds awesome, I'm pretty happy with the ps game. Yes it lags bet. turns, but I tend to multitaks anyway so it gives me time.

I did notices a couple of differences between the games. The most notable being that the Great Wall does Not give you a city wall in all cities.

Anyone else notice any other differences?

Take care,

Kessey said:
I just found this post, after it was created nearly 3 years ago.

I play the ps version because my computer doesn't like computer games (I'm always missing some memory/sound/video card or something).

Although the comp game sounds awesome, I'm pretty happy with the ps game. Yes it lags bet. turns, but I tend to multitaks anyway so it gives me time.

I did notices a couple of differences between the games. The most notable being that the Great Wall does Not give you a city wall in all cities.

Anyone else notice any other differences?

Take care,


As far as I can remember, Caravans/Freights don't work properly. If you send one to another city you get the revenue alright, but it does not establish a trade route. Which lets you miss out on a lot of trade arrows, and with that research and money.



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Kessey said:
I did notices a couple of differences between the games. The most notable being that the Great Wall does Not give you a city wall in all cities.

Great Wall does work on the PS version. It counts as a City Wall in all cities but does not actually give you a city wall. (Just as Michaelangelo's Chapel counts as a cathredal in each city or Hoover Dam counts as a Hydro Plant in each city (but neither actually appear as one in each city menu).

Okay thanks Judge. It was just strange because I had the great wall, and yet I could still build city walls in my city, but the same was not true for Michaelangelo's Chapel/cathedrals.

Take care,

Interesting point about the city walls and how you can still build them when the Great Wall has been completed. I wonder if this is anything to do with the fact that the Great Wall will expire whereas Mike's chapel and Hoover Dam last forever.
Interesting observation The Judge. And right on target.

The following wonders give you the effect of an improvement in all your cities and do not expire:
1. Pyramids
2. Michelangelo
3. Hoover
5. Suffrage

In every case the ability to build the corresponding improvement (Granary, ...) is taken away.

The following wonders give you the effect of an improvement in all your cities and do expire:
1. Great Wall
2. Sun Tzu

In both cases one can build the corresponding improvement: City Walls and Barracks.

One can add to the above lists Marco Polo which expires and UN which does not. Marco does not prevent you from establishing embassies using a diplomat; UN does.
I am playing the game at deity and achieving world domination most of the time but i have some unanswered questions about the p.s version.

Firstly when a civilization offers you a "Secret" such as premier or consul in exchange for an alliance etc does it actually do anything? or is it a red herring? I was thinking it might boost your score, or improve your goverment etc. Also it might help when bribing units or cities? does anyone know.

Also do veterean engineers build faster?

Do key civs work on the p.s

Do trade routes although not visible still work? the booklet says they do but i'm not sure.

Any input would be greatly received.
Obie one kanobi said:
I am playing the game at deity and achieving world domination most of the time but i have some unanswered questions about the p.s version.

Firstly when a civilization offers you a "Secret" such as premier or consul in exchange for an alliance etc does it actually do anything? or is it a red herring? I was thinking it might boost your score, or improve your goverment etc. Also it might help when bribing units or cities? does anyone know.

Also do veterean engineers build faster?

Do key civs work on the p.s

Do trade routes although not visible still work? the booklet says they do but i'm not sure.

Any input would be greatly received.

I might be able to help with this.

Yes, another wonder counts as a police station in each of your cities that you can't build. Giving you a 'republic' effect. How many people forget that it is 'beyond the first'. I'm not sure if this overlapps though but by the time you build it, it hasn't been a problem for me.

I only know one time a computer asked me for an alliance but I refused. So for experience I should say yes next time, although I never need anyone's help in this game.

I think veteran status makes them more resistant to attacks, but I could be wrong. I haven't noticed anything better mining with vet engineers.

Not sure what you mean by key civs.

I think trade still works, I notices parenthesis around my supplies and demands.

Yes, it is very slow compared to computers because it is for an older kind of console. It is still fun for me and I play it because I have the patient, even if it takes me a hour a turn in the 1900's. Lots o cities.

The only thing I think I really hate is 'senate interference'. Or if my opponent is smart and builds a democracy gaining unbribeability.
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