Originally posted by sav
hi all... first post here ever...
anyway, i play Civ II on the playstation cause i dont have a computer (this ones @uni) and Im thinking - half of these tactics dont seem to work.
is the game all that different on the PC? 25 cities by 1AD? No way... unless there all size 1!. Is there a way to play Earth on the playstation version? like a cheat or something? And why is it so bloody slow? later in the game it can sometimes take 5 minutes for the CPU to go thru all the computer players, and you cant just leave it cause you have to press a button whenever something happens else it stops.
Sorry! I lurve playing CIv II as much as i can, but these annoyances (particularly the speed) are ruining it - try planning an invasion when it takes so long between turns you get frustrated and launch it way too early every time...
Computer tactics in PSX: I've been wondering about that myself. I played a couple of test games and it doesn't seem all that different from the PC version except its designed with the PSX in mind. So you may have a hard time finding out all the options and stuff once you're playing.
I'm now playing as China. 4 civs, large map, prince level, normal barbarians. In one great move early on

, I took a diplomat and entered a hut with barbarians in it. 6 of them! Bribing was out of the ? as I had little money. The poor guy was surrounded. If you've ever seen the Daffy Duck cartoons where Daffy gets into trouble and says "Mother" before the dog gets him, the bomb blows up, whatever you'll really know how funny that was.
Everything is fine though. I also saw the blue swamp square with something on it. By pressing O of the D Pad I was able to look at the tile. A number caught my eye: 4 Trade. I plan to build a city there. This game grows on you.
Maps: No earth map was included in the game, to my greater disappointment. However the ability to randomize worlds w/each game helps a bit w/replay value. The biggest problem: W/the PSX, you don't get upgrades, special scenarios, etc. One can pretty much make their own scenarios after a while I reckon.
Slow: It does get slow when playing later on. For people w/not much time its a bit of a problem. Civ is not meant to be a quick game. After a while you get a rhythm w/your D pad. I find that "thinking" takes up most of the time playing. It really is like chess at times.