Pls, HELP me to load saved multiplayer game


Jul 28, 2003
I am new in CIV3. I started to play CIV3: PTW in LAN multiplayer mode together with my neighbour. I saved the game and when I wanted to load the saved game and continue playing where we have stopped yesterday, I realized I don`t know how to LOAD MULTIPLAYER GAME? When I click on PTW main screen on LOAD GAME, the game loads in singleplayer mode only. If I click on multiplayer, there appears screen with the table of active games which I can join or the HOST button to create new game. I player CIV2GOLD for two years... I wouldn`t say I am such a lamer...or blind...
In PTW I can`t to find "load multiplayer game" button like it has been in CIV2 Gold....
So please, anybody having experience with playing CIV3:pTW, help me to solve this problem...
After you have chosen host (Under MP), you should be able to chose load game.
Fortunatelly, I`ve found it finally....
But still. If you save multiplayer game after one of human players retires, will the save game file be usable in multiplayer mode? In Civ2Gold it worked this way. WHen my friend exited the game, I finished my turn and saved the game at the end of my turn. It didn`t matter if the other Human player was connected or not.
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