This guide is based ongame experience on Standard map size, standard speed, pangea map and deity difficulty. BUT it works for every setting, espacially u dont need the additional gold you can possibly get from deity, all what u need is room for 4 cities, so maybe its not perfect for a achi map.
Idea: Make best use out of Poland special ability to get overal 7 free social policies and create very fast a ECONOMICAL, CULTURAL AND SCIENCE SUPERPOWER, which allows you to go for every victory condition you want later on with having a strong flourishing empire backing your science, diplo or culture win. I tried play this approach with france in G+K but with Poland it works just so much better:
Basicllay u want mix Tradition and Liberty early on to get the best out of each tree just at the point when u can make best use out if its stuff
You will have 4 BIG cities in like no time!!!
Later on you go usually right into Rationalism but u can mix it up also with aestetics if u really want this culture win.
BO: scout scout scout (shrine if no pantheon without) Monument worker granny caravan library (2x settler when colletive rule kicks in (usually when discovering Philo for Classical age) Oracle (possibly Pyras in between if not built yet) NC. When having enough gold buy another worker.
Obviously focus on working lux tiles and selling those lux
With these scouts you just want find all these ruins around, espacially you r looking for the cultre and the pop ones, also meeting 2 religios CS gives u free pantheon - try go really all round map with your 3 scouts and the warrior - if u r afraid to be pillaged get a 4th scout once your worker is out.
You can also steal a worker from either ONE (dont do multiple dows) civ or one CS - it wont ruin your relations long term, just make peace later.
Sp order:
Traditon starter --> 3x Liberty to colective rule --> +15% wonder bonus (should come about when u start oracle --> rest of tradition --> liberty till GA --> rationalism
Right when collective rule kicked in build 2 more settlers, this strategy is based around 4! cities. When u get these additional cities up you might get into happynes problems as u should have sold all your other lux before, really look out to do barb quests with your early units which might be archers now and get few CS alies ( this is around turn 35-45)
Build order in new cities: Monument --> library (buy them if u got enough gold from selling your lux) --> caravan --> worker --> granny
Get these monuments up before taking legalism, time legalism to get after all 4 monument are up and u reasearched Poetry, u might get oligarchy before legalism aswell and then pick legalism with oracle
Tech order: Pottery, animal, mining, Philo, Drama, (possible constrution for coloseum and pyras) Theocracy (allows u get another free sp which should be tradition finisher and a possible hagia --> --> education
Religion: Religion isnt very important for this strategy, but obviously it helps, if your land dont support some special pantheon (like u r not on desert or dont have 5 gold tiles) get the +10% growth. Hagia to get a religion and then spread with 200 faith missionar right d be great, but dont prio it over Oracle and NC.
You ll want prio eith +15% groth or + food from temples and shrines otherwise +production for follower is nice too and obviously faster spreading if u can get another prophet later
City Placement: you want as many lux tiles as possible in 3 ring range - Place cities like 7 tiles appart you dont want to much city overlapping but u dont want have em spread all around map either. Your cities will all be big, so have lot of good tiles for them!
With all this culture from Liberty, Munument and Amphitheatres u ll have up quickly your baorders do expand pretty fast.
Buildings: After you got these settlers out your cap will want to be concentrating on key wonders: Oracle, NC, hagia, Pyras, sistine, CI (if not deity), PT - but wage carefuly if you can get them before starting!
After you got Monument and libraries up in other ciites look out for caravans, the caravan booster, stables and possibly units (but u ll usually want play peaceful) Make sure to have enough workers, Pyras at some point d help this matter but its not early in your tech tree so u ll not get them if a ai wants them.
Also obviously look out for possible natural wonders - you could really use a faith one
Another thing worth mentioning:
With ignoring the lower tech tree for very long (maybe even untill ren age) all your trade routes will generate lot of +bakkers as ais will usually have those techs. I had 2 +8 bakker routes for very long making teching those key techs even faster
The screenshot attached is at turn 156, I just reached modern age with all tradition, liberty and Rati tree filled.
I lead deity stats without conquering anything with both 200+ production and 200+ food.
I m down to +76 gold from +180 as I just did borrow 3000 gold for factories (which was unneeded as there still is this Order idiology giving +50% production)
This guide is based ongame experience on Standard map size, standard speed, pangea map and deity difficulty. BUT it works for every setting, espacially u dont need the additional gold you can possibly get from deity, all what u need is room for 4 cities, so maybe its not perfect for a achi map.
Idea: Make best use out of Poland special ability to get overal 7 free social policies and create very fast a ECONOMICAL, CULTURAL AND SCIENCE SUPERPOWER, which allows you to go for every victory condition you want later on with having a strong flourishing empire backing your science, diplo or culture win. I tried play this approach with france in G+K but with Poland it works just so much better:
Basicllay u want mix Tradition and Liberty early on to get the best out of each tree just at the point when u can make best use out if its stuff
You will have 4 BIG cities in like no time!!!
Later on you go usually right into Rationalism but u can mix it up also with aestetics if u really want this culture win.
BO: scout scout scout (shrine if no pantheon without) Monument worker granny caravan library (2x settler when colletive rule kicks in (usually when discovering Philo for Classical age) Oracle (possibly Pyras in between if not built yet) NC. When having enough gold buy another worker.
Obviously focus on working lux tiles and selling those lux
With these scouts you just want find all these ruins around, espacially you r looking for the cultre and the pop ones, also meeting 2 religios CS gives u free pantheon - try go really all round map with your 3 scouts and the warrior - if u r afraid to be pillaged get a 4th scout once your worker is out.
You can also steal a worker from either ONE (dont do multiple dows) civ or one CS - it wont ruin your relations long term, just make peace later.
Sp order:
Traditon starter --> 3x Liberty to colective rule --> +15% wonder bonus (should come about when u start oracle --> rest of tradition --> liberty till GA --> rationalism
Right when collective rule kicked in build 2 more settlers, this strategy is based around 4! cities. When u get these additional cities up you might get into happynes problems as u should have sold all your other lux before, really look out to do barb quests with your early units which might be archers now and get few CS alies ( this is around turn 35-45)
Build order in new cities: Monument --> library (buy them if u got enough gold from selling your lux) --> caravan --> worker --> granny
Get these monuments up before taking legalism, time legalism to get after all 4 monument are up and u reasearched Poetry, u might get oligarchy before legalism aswell and then pick legalism with oracle
Tech order: Pottery, animal, mining, Philo, Drama, (possible constrution for coloseum and pyras) Theocracy (allows u get another free sp which should be tradition finisher and a possible hagia --> --> education
Religion: Religion isnt very important for this strategy, but obviously it helps, if your land dont support some special pantheon (like u r not on desert or dont have 5 gold tiles) get the +10% growth. Hagia to get a religion and then spread with 200 faith missionar right d be great, but dont prio it over Oracle and NC.
You ll want prio eith +15% groth or + food from temples and shrines otherwise +production for follower is nice too and obviously faster spreading if u can get another prophet later
City Placement: you want as many lux tiles as possible in 3 ring range - Place cities like 7 tiles appart you dont want to much city overlapping but u dont want have em spread all around map either. Your cities will all be big, so have lot of good tiles for them!
With all this culture from Liberty, Munument and Amphitheatres u ll have up quickly your baorders do expand pretty fast.
Buildings: After you got these settlers out your cap will want to be concentrating on key wonders: Oracle, NC, hagia, Pyras, sistine, CI (if not deity), PT - but wage carefuly if you can get them before starting!
After you got Monument and libraries up in other ciites look out for caravans, the caravan booster, stables and possibly units (but u ll usually want play peaceful) Make sure to have enough workers, Pyras at some point d help this matter but its not early in your tech tree so u ll not get them if a ai wants them.
Also obviously look out for possible natural wonders - you could really use a faith one
Another thing worth mentioning:
With ignoring the lower tech tree for very long (maybe even untill ren age) all your trade routes will generate lot of +bakkers as ais will usually have those techs. I had 2 +8 bakker routes for very long making teching those key techs even faster
The screenshot attached is at turn 156, I just reached modern age with all tradition, liberty and Rati tree filled.
I lead deity stats without conquering anything with both 200+ production and 200+ food.
I m down to +76 gold from +180 as I just did borrow 3000 gold for factories (which was unneeded as there still is this Order idiology giving +50% production)