Police take Revenge on supporters of Woman arrested for Videotaping Police

I am always in support of writing out tickets to lousy parkers, no matter the circumstances.

As for the arrest that started it... yeah, I might get pissed too if someone purposefully started videotaping me while I´m on public duty. That might be a sign s/he doesn't trust me or is preparing to frame me. However, letting myself actually be distracted by that or, moreover, attempting something completely illegal - like arresting him/her, is just about the stupidest thing to do. Plus, it proves s/he was actually very much right to distrust my competency and judgement.
Do know anything beyond what was on those tapes? I agree that the policemen could have handled it better, but what this really proves is that if you ever make a mistake while you're working, make sure no one gets it on tape. People will believe what the video shows no matter what the surrounding circumstances were. So, yeah, the cops were right to be annoyed.
Do know anything beyond what was on those tapes? I agree that the policemen could have handled it better, but what this really proves is that if you ever make a mistake while you're working, make sure no one gets it on tape. People will believe what the video shows no matter what the surrounding circumstances were. So, yeah, the cops were right to be annoyed.

The tape appears to have the start to the finish. Based on everything we know there was no law she violated and therefore cannot be arrested (by a competent cop). And the reason he cited to her was complete . As for "everyone will believe the video," unedited video is the best evidence we have, and making this kind of "mistake" (which looked completely willful, unless he is just an idiot), is not redeemable by "surrounding circumstances" when all relevant information is in the video.

By the way, being annoyed is a really bad defense for ignoring someone's civil rights.
Do know anything beyond what was on those tapes? I agree that the policemen could have handled it better, but what this really proves is that if you ever make a mistake while you're working, make sure no one gets it on tape. People will believe what the video shows no matter what the surrounding circumstances were. So, yeah, the cops were right to be annoyed.
The annoyance should be self-directed.
Charges dismissed.

"We believe that the incident that led to Ms. Good's arrest and the subsequent ticketing for parking violations of vehicles belonging to members of an organization associated with Ms. Good raise issues with respect to the conduct of Rochester Police Officers that require an internal review," the statement said. "A review into both matters has been initiated."

"Police officers must be able to cope with a high degree of stress while performing oftentimes dangerous duties, relying on their training and experience to guide their behavior. As routine as a traffic stop may appear, it has proven over time to be a potentially dangerous activity for police. Nonetheless, police must conduct themselves with appropriate respect for the rights of those involved or who are observing their actions."
The low down is she didn't intend harm to the officer by video taping him. The higher argument is that if people weren't meant to be video taped why were cameras invented?
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