[poll] How excited are you currently about Civ7? [vol 2 - November/December 24]

How excited are you currently about Civ7? (November/December 24)

  • 0 - Not excited at all, I hate what I've seen and will certainly never buy it

    Votes: 20 6.7%
  • 1

    Votes: 19 6.4%
  • 2

    Votes: 15 5.0%
  • 3

    Votes: 21 7.0%
  • 4

    Votes: 10 3.3%
  • 5

    Votes: 15 5.0%
  • 6

    Votes: 23 7.7%
  • 7

    Votes: 18 6.0%
  • 8

    Votes: 54 18.1%
  • 9

    Votes: 58 19.4%
  • 10 - Super excited, I love everything I've seen so far and have already pre-ordered

    Votes: 46 15.4%

  • Total voters
2. Unfortunately, they lost me with the Civ switching and changes to the Ages. I haven't seen anything that's made me reconsider my decision not to buy this.
I like how diverse the dedicated fans are. :) Some play deity, which I find absolutely horrible and unfun. Some play cheftain, which I find to be too easy and thus often becoming boring. Myself, I always played prince from Civ1 to Civ5. Later in 5 I went to king. Civ6 I ended up on emperor. I find the fun va challenge for me is somewhere around the king/emperor divide. It’s good we are diverse!
Someone should make a poll if one doesn’t exist already.
So half way through the last poll (30 September) we were at 66.3% 7+ votes

We are currently at 61.8% 7+ votes. No comparative data on total votes at this point last time, but that represents 136 of 220 votes right now

As an extra point of comparison, currently the last poll is at 356 total votes, 57.6% representing 205 votes were 7+. I think that's been relatively static most of this last month as the thread has slipped off the front page with a last post on 13 Nov. So these absolute figures and percentages should be reasonably comparable to this poll by 13 January.

Sorry, data nerd in me has slipped out 😁
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The reveal of Civ 7 reminds me more and more to the film "Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines", a race of early plane prototypes from London to Paris, and a special plane (the Dixon-Nipper ?) where nearly all was in contrast to all other planes, especially that the pilot was sitting against the flight direction. The pilot and inventor had this idea while sitting at the wrong side of his bathtub. When the race started, all planes flew in direction to Paris, but this one flew in direction to Scotland. :D

I still hope Civ 7 will fly to the correct direction and not in direction Scotland.

Not been active here for a while, still playing CCM, which is a great mod for Civ3. Yes Civ3, the Civ with the cleanest graphics and a real big empire feel. A civ game where the AI is as dumb as ever, but plays in the hands of certain game modes. Whatever has been said about Civ AI, it never really improved and the ever more convoluted rules just showed in a total lack of competition in Civ 6 and I assume Civ 7.
Civ 7 doesn't interest me at all, all decisions seem to be made for a new crowd, I am simply too old I guess
ThERat, great that you are back again and thank you very much for your kind words about CCM. :) I hope you and your family are very well. The CCM succession game players are always looking for reinforcements.
So half way through the last poll (30 September) we were at 66.3% 7+ votes

We are currently at 61.8% 7+ votes. No comparative data on total votes at this point last time, but that represents 136 of 220 votes right now

As an extra point of comparison, currently the last poll is at 356 total votes, 57.6% representing 205 votes were 7+. I think that's been relatively static most of this last month as the thread has slipped off the front page with a last post on 13 Nov. So these absolute figures and percentages should be reasonably comparable to this poll by 13 January.

Sorry, data nerd in me has slipped out 😁

So I got bored and started messing around with data again.

In the half a month since i posted this, we've had another 20 responses - 13 of which were 7+, 7 responses were below that.

If we assume that pattern holds up until 13 January when we have comparable raw figures, then we would have a further 40 responses added over the next month, 26 of which are positive.

On that assumption, by the 13 January we might have 280 responses - that would put us on the following % of 7+ results:

62.5% or 175 out of 280, compared to :
57.6% or 205 out of 356 in the last poll.

In the surface of it that % looks like it's gone up, but 76 voters have stopped engaging. I'm going to hypothesise that lower engagement with this forum since the first poll is not a sign that you are hyped for the game to a 7+ degree, so as a proposed methodology, if I count missing votes from the first poll as scoring under 7, that changes the projected voteshare for 7+ votes in this poll to:

49.2% or 175 out of 356, compared to:
57.6% or 205 out of 356 last time.

Now that's probably an overexaggeration to say everyone who hasn't engaged from before is under a 7+, but it's also probably an overexaggeration to assume we'll have another 40 engaged people before 13 January, so let's see where we land.

It does appear that interest in polling about the game has dropped on the forum, and this is starting to look like that translated into interest in the game itself. Personally I was expecting the 7+ votes to be much higher on both polls given this is a forum for fanatics, and it tells me that there are a lot of people here with reservations who just aren't voicing them, so we have an engagement bias on the forum as you might expect - people are more likely to talk about something they are excited about
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4 then, 3 now. I'm glad they're trying new things, but I'm not a fan of the changes they have announced so far.
I'll probably end buying the game near the release date because I love this franchise so much, but I'll be grumbling about it.
I think I now have 3 scores for excitement. For antiquity I'm an 8 or 9 - maybe even a 10 - exploration a 6 or 7, modern a 4 or 5. From what we've seen I'm liking fewer civs and finding the mechanics more prescriptive with each revealed age...

Firaxis have said that one of their design goals was to make people play each age, but In a year's time I wouldn't be surprised if marathon-speed (if there is such a thing) antiquity only is my favourite way to play... That's basically Old World isn't it?
9's holding steady, I like what we've seen with Diplomacy and Ideology. Everything looks like it would be especially fun in a multiplayer setting, so I'm looking forward to getting some friends together at some point.
I think multiplayer is going to be especially good this time.
I've not been following closely so they might have changed this, but haven't they said they've limited multiplayer to 5 players? Bit unfortunate for those of us with 6 player groups if they're sticking with that decision.
Voted 1 because I can't promise I'll never buy the game. Maybe for 2,99 or as part of a bundle or something. But nothing I've seen impresses me. The direction they're taking the franchise is opposite from what I like. I had thousands of hours in both Civ V and VI, and they've lost me. I'm curious to see how this game will be received.
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