out of the last 4 games ive played i chose a militaristic civ 1 time, china. i played a relatively aggressive game and pulled in 4 leaders. i also recently played the americans in a very aggressive game and received 3 leaders. (btw georgians must hate sherman as a great leader). in both games i received my first leaders early, made an army and built the herioc epic.
the last 2 games i played were with the eqyptians and most recently the french. with the egyptians i fought 2 land wars, 1 against the germans to unify my continent and 1 against the english to take a nearby mini-continent/island. i received no leaders thru the game.
with the french i fought a minor early war against the persians to unify my continent and got nothing. i then took 2 small continents from the brits but got no leaders. I got to the point where i would harass civs on the main continent hoping for a war to try out my elites. i got in a couple of skirmishes but no leaders.
all in all, i think the heroic epic really helps out leader production.