Yes, in CTP there was Ecotopia. However, because it was created FOR the game, and not added as a MOD, the game could encorperate different unique features to go with it (like the reverse nukes, eco-ranger, etc.). Things like these i think would be fairly impossible to add into a MOD or a scenario. However, that doesn't mean a goverment that focuses on the environment can't (or shouldn't) be added. I think it would be a fairly good idea.
The idea that Reichsmarshal tried to suggest without using the words, (just click on his link), on a Southern Dixie-based government I think is repugnant, but the contribution to the discussion is appreciated.
The Holy Roman Empire was not a Theocracy, although the Church (which of course is) had such an enormous influence over it, and even more over the smaller petty-kingdoms, that at times in history it might as well have been. As for the Arabs, they were indeed governed by a theocracy, one that benefitted their society and encouraged scientific research rather than shunning it. Interesting, that. Did Christianity have something to hide? Ah, its good to be Protesant...
As for the Elder Council, it sounds more like a Copper Age form of government, in which a tribe, or group of tribes, are controlled by a Council of Elders. I'm basing this government on the Native North-Americans mostly, although pretty much every civilization, at one point in their distant history, was controled by Elders. The purpose of the elder council is to provide an equally insufficiant government alongside with Despotism, but inefficient in opposite ways. This means that civs from the onset of the game (Elder Council requires no research, it is pre-given) can decide whether or not to stick with despotism. It'll provide a much more divers and hopefully interesting First Era, rather than the uniform Despotism embrased by all. Just as a side note, does anyone know how to change the opening government? Making some civs start with Despotism, and others start with Elder Council, would be a large improvment in gameplay, I find.
Finally, as Carver reported, the existance of a "Supreme Government." One with low waste and corruption, as well as high productivity. One that has huge influence on other "lesser" governments, those of which have absolutly no impact on it whatsoever. I think if such a government is to be created, it should simply be named Utopia. However, such a government would absolutly rock the gameplay, in both positive and negative aspects. Whoever is a Utopia government would be like gods, and they'll know it and start assimilating other civs culturally at an alarming rate, or begin a military campaign that vertually no one alone could stop. This is why that is Utopia is to be created, it should be extreamly hard to get. Definatly, it should be viewed as a reward more than anything, and the research on it should be hard to attain, long, and arduous. Maybe, just to spice things up, it can be like the UN, where only ONE civ can have it. A government race. Definatly gets some getting used to. Actually, I like this portion of the post so much, I'm starting a new thread with it. Keep up the responces!
-Gil Galad