Poll: Renaming C7 (Part Zero? Stepping Back)

What kind of name should we use? (see post for explanations)

  • Mononym

    Votes: 8 40.0%
  • Thematic

    Votes: 12 60.0%
  • Creative

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • FOSS-style

    Votes: 6 30.0%
  • Obscure

    Votes: 2 10.0%

  • Total voters


Carthago Creanda Est
Jul 14, 2003
Polling will continue until nomenclature improves!

Since the previous polls had so many options and were very inconclusive, I want to take a step back and ask first what kind of name we should use to see if there is a signal in the noise. Of all those mentioned, I see them falling into the 5 broad categories below. Pick your preferences, and we'll go from there.

Of course, non-binding poll as we're still under Despotism! :hammer:

Explanation of the choices:

Mononym: In the style of Civilization, a one-word title describing the concept.
Examples: Polity, Civitas, Holocene, Statecraft, Millennia, HUMANKIND

Thematic: A few words or brief phrase that evokes the historical 4X theme.
Examples: "C&C" format, Epic History, Vox Populi, Rise of Nations

Creative: A longer and/or more unique title that isn't as literal.
Examples: One Turn Deserves Another, From Stone Age to Space Age, Past is Prologue, Weight of the Crown, Call to Power

FOSS-style: Following the common pattern of open-source clones, just add a stylistic prefix/suffix.
Examples: ReCiv, OpenCiv, CiviLibre, CivPi, UnCiv

Obscure: A codename that makes no attempt to be marketable.
Examples: C7, Threepeat, Project 312
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I favor '80s rock bands over 90s rock bands (yes, I realize it's a new song, but still not my preferred style of rock or metal). But Heavy is the Crown is not a bad name at all, much better than C7. Might be even better with an increased political focus than Civ-like games have traditionally had. Creative with hints of thematic.

The other name I thought of a while back is Strategikon, after the Byzantine military manual. Mononym with hints of thematic.

Both appear to be available from a not-used-for-other-games standpoint.
Like most of what I say on this topic I'm mostly joking, but when I had a conversation about the naming situation shortly after hearing the song for the first time, it struck me that not only is Heavy Is The Crown a perfectly cromulent name, but the lines "cause I'm tired of explaining what the joke is, this is what you asked for: heavy is the crown" would be a very apt narrative to announce the new name. Not to mention a real banger of a trailer intro.

Anyway, more votes
Is it worth switching from C7 to Heavy Is The Crown just so one day we can start a teaser trailer with the line (click for timestamp) -

....maybe. :rockon:
Unfortunately someone else picked that name in the mean time - see "Thrive: Heavy Lies The Crown" on Steam.
Interestingly there is a clear split between the votes here and on Discord. I opened another poll there and asked people to vote in one or the other since many of them do not use the forum. They overwhelmingly favor Mononym and FOSS. As of now the sum totals are (updated)
Mononym 25, FOSS 23, Thematic 18, Obscure 11, Creative 8.
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I can think of a few indie games which became popular, having thematic names (eg Risk of Rain). Is there any one which had a mononym? (assuming the mononym is not a uniquely coined term).
Edit: there are some, but arguably in spirit they are thematic, just thematic with one word. eg Banished. The name evokes things not just more generally but arguably also not strictly tied to the genre of the game (city-builder).
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Just had this thought for a name, "civ 3 reborn" or "c3 reborn" thought I'd throw that out there.
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