I was wandering what you guys like the most in Civ games. I'm actually city management guy and I love looking how my cities grow. In the result diplomacy and warfare are just minor aspects of the game. Seriously, they could make civ game without warfare and I'd still like it very much
What do you like the most in Civilization games?
Please share your view on the poll. Maybe it will help devs to prioritize things on the "to be fixed" lists.
a) Warfare - everything related to conducting wars on the map, so army placement, AI behaviour on the battlefield, AI using broad range of units (not focusing solely on land units), units' specialization, domination/conquest victory
b) Diplomacy - interaction with other civiliziations, politics, diplomatic AI, possibilities of trading or making pacts with others
c) Technology and research - tech tree, progressing through ages, new units/buildings, variety of techs/civics, space race victory. But also culture, religion spread.
d) City management - tweaking city output, managing its population/culture/research/commerce/happiness, improving tiles, going tall
e) City placement and exploration - like d) but more strategic view, placement of cities on the map, managing borders, managing strategic/luxury resources, claiming new lands, colonization of islands, new continents, exploration, going wide
I was wandering what you guys like the most in Civ games. I'm actually city management guy and I love looking how my cities grow. In the result diplomacy and warfare are just minor aspects of the game. Seriously, they could make civ game without warfare and I'd still like it very much
What do you like the most in Civilization games?
Please share your view on the poll. Maybe it will help devs to prioritize things on the "to be fixed" lists.
a) Warfare - everything related to conducting wars on the map, so army placement, AI behaviour on the battlefield, AI using broad range of units (not focusing solely on land units), units' specialization, domination/conquest victory
b) Diplomacy - interaction with other civiliziations, politics, diplomatic AI, possibilities of trading or making pacts with others
c) Technology and research - tech tree, progressing through ages, new units/buildings, variety of techs/civics, space race victory. But also culture, religion spread.
d) City management - tweaking city output, managing its population/culture/research/commerce/happiness, improving tiles, going tall
e) City placement and exploration - like d) but more strategic view, placement of cities on the map, managing borders, managing strategic/luxury resources, claiming new lands, colonization of islands, new continents, exploration, going wide
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