It seems that Polygon doesn't really give a rating to their reviews.
The conclusion reads:
"I think the test of whether or not one of these games “works” is always the same. Does it have that gravitational pull? Do you always want one more turn? Last night, I looked down and it was 1:05 AM. I was supposed to be in bed hours ago, but I just wanted to dig up my Relics and maybe rush the cultural victory. Everything was humming along, and I could see the finish line right in front of me, especially given the fact that I was absolutely crushing Charlemagne militarily at the same time. That’s the Civ experience for me — that loss of time and that chasing feeling — and there I was again, wrapped up in what I was doing. Civilization 7, even if it’s a little rough, has me hooked."

The conclusion reads:
"I think the test of whether or not one of these games “works” is always the same. Does it have that gravitational pull? Do you always want one more turn? Last night, I looked down and it was 1:05 AM. I was supposed to be in bed hours ago, but I just wanted to dig up my Relics and maybe rush the cultural victory. Everything was humming along, and I could see the finish line right in front of me, especially given the fact that I was absolutely crushing Charlemagne militarily at the same time. That’s the Civ experience for me — that loss of time and that chasing feeling — and there I was again, wrapped up in what I was doing. Civilization 7, even if it’s a little rough, has me hooked."