Polygon pre-order article includes additional information on DLC


Oct 25, 2005
Knoxville, TN
Saw the image on reddit, dug up the link on polygon:

Credit to reddit poster:

Relevant details:

Leaders: Tecumseh, Ada Lovelace, Simón Bolívar, Xerxes (Achaemenid persona), Friedrich (Baroque persona)
Civilizations: Shawnee, Great Britain, Carthage, Bulgaria, Nepal

Edited to add: Also includes lower prices for all editions at a particular retailer, for those looking for deals. Also lists the wonders as: "Natural Wonders: Machapuchare, Mount Fuji, Vihren, Vinicunca"

I imagine Firaxis was planning on listing this info tomorrow, with the stream, but this is seems like a tiny bit early leak.
"The Deluxe Edition of Civilization 7 gives you access to a substantial number of extra leaders and civilizations at launch, along with a handful of cosmetic items to customize your profile and units in-game. But one of the most exciting benefits of the Deluxe Edition is the ability to play the game starting on Feb. 6, up to five days ahead of launch. The Deluxe Edition is currently discounted to $87.99 on Fanatical (was $99.99) and below, you’ll find a bulleted list of all of the in-game extras.
  • Leaders: Tecumseh, Ada Lovelace, Simón Bolívar, Xerxes (Achaemenid persona), Friedrich (Baroque persona)
  • Civilizations: Shawnee, Great Britain, Carthage, Bulgaria, Nepal
  • Natural Wonders: Machapuchare, Mount Fuji, Vihren, Vinicunca
  • Four profile customizations
  • Unique badge cosmetic
  • Alternate scout skin"
Given that it's Polygon, I'm just going to assume and hope it's wrong until proven otherwise...
These are probably scheduled to be announced before the release of the game at one of the two livestreams. I'm most happy about Carthage, although I would have preferred the name Phoenicia or Carthaginian Empire. Great Britain was a given. I want to see how Bulgaria will look. I hope Bulgaria's inclusion in the Exploration Age won't stop Thrace's possible inclusion in the Antiquity Age. These civilizations were different despite living in the same area at different points in history.
These are probably scheduled to be announced before the release of the game at one of the two livestreams. I'm most happy about Carthage. Great Britain was a given. I want to see how Bulgaria will look. I hope Bulgaria's inclusion in the Exploration Age won't stop Thrace's possible inclusion in the Antiquity Age. These civilizations were different despite living in the same area at different points in history.
Thrace—great idea!! Hope to see them added to Antiquity as well.
Though the article links to a retailer, the info on the pack contents is not present on the retailer's page as far as I can tell. So the info seems to come from a Polygon source. I'd bet on a press pack as well.
Given the fact that we’re hearing about the DLC roadmap tomorrow, it’s very very likely Polygon got a press pack from FXS and accidentally jumped the gun. I believe it.
Crossroads has no wonders. There are Nepalese, Phoenician, or Bulgarian wonders in the game. It also seems like a very strange lineup for Right to Rule.

I'm most happy about Carthage.
I'm most unhappy about Carthage. Unless we're getting a Magna Graecia and Roman Africa civ, too.
Poor Firaxis, hard to keep a lid on all these!

I was actually hoping for a female but non-royal leader for England, though my money was on Florence Nightingale. But Ada Lovelace is an inspired choice! Carthage is a welcome return, and Bulgaria and Nepal intriguing additions. Really happy with these!
Crossroads has no wonders. There are Nepalese, Phoenician, or Bulgarian wonders in the game. It also seems like a very strange lineup for Right to Rule.

I'm most unhappy about Carthage. Unless we're getting a Magna Graecia and Roman Africa civ, too.
I would play a Magna Graecia Civ! :p

But, my condolences for your Phoenician loss. I’m hoping it’s another case like “French Empire” where the name is barely reflective of the actual design.
I love to see Ada Lovelace, but please, Charles Babbage needs to make it in the game somehow as well. Even if that’s just a reference in an achievement, it would feel wrong not to have the other half of this computing pair.
But, my condolences for your Phoenician loss. I’m hoping it’s another case like “French Empire” where the name is barely reflective of the actual design.
Hopefully. And hopefully it can easily be amended with mods. Oh...and if it is Phoenicia, then this also means we'll probably never see a Phoenician leader. Not even Hannibal. :( Also...it means that Mesopotamia is still empty. If this leak is accurate, it's leaving me extremely confused. Happy to see Bulgaria...annoyed but tentatively happy to see misnamed Phoenicia...annoyed to see Mesopotamia still empty...annoyed to still have no Ancient Middle Eastern leaders...
I've been thinking this for a while, but when Firaxis says 4 Natural Wonders, maybe they forgot about the civ-associated wonders, and maybe they don't want to give away information (like when they say 4 civs added, but only 2 new wonders, we would be able to guess based on the wonders already in game without an associated civ)? I mean, in GS, they also mis-counted the number of unique units that would be featured, considering there were multiple civs with 2 UUs.
So this is everything in the Crossroads of the World Collection
Also, it makes sense that Assyria isn't here in March. Crossroads must have been planned together with the base game, there is no chance Assyria is made an IP just to be changed a month later. Remember when Trung Trac was released as a GG in Civ6 one month before Vietnam and there were still people playing a What If game, like somehow TT was released like that just to be changed one month later so that she could still be VN's leader? Just not impossible. Right to Rule, maybe Assyria is there, but not in Crossroads.
there is no chance Assyria is made an IP just to be changed a month later.
Considering that replacing it would probably take someone two minutes of coding, I don't think that's a compelling argument, especially since not everyone will buy Crossroads.
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