if you are doing a mod first compare the standard warlords to the mods file, then after you know the differences there go from warlord mod to bts. but it still takes some trial and error like my barbarian mod required
also note for units - i havent done it yet but i think i'll have to copy the names and classes to match in the bts file before trying winmerge. winmerge tends to skip entries until they match.
I am glad to know that you intend to port your wonderful mod to BTS.
The simple tool in this thread: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=245177 can be quite helpful. Basically you compare your file to one bts file and notice the new tags and their default values. The tool will help you insert the required tags in each entry. This will save a lot of time. Also for many files this will be all you need to do for them as you won't need to use a value other than the default. The tool also works for removing tags that were omitted in bts.
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