Portuguese Bug???


Feb 18, 2006
So I hit 1650 with Open Borders with more than 7 other civilizations. And it said that I failed to complete it. Is it supposed to be exactly seven civilizations??? This is very frustrating as I have been playing this game for many hours now and I have greatly exceeded the minimum requirement of Open Borders. At a minimum I would appreciate it if you could fix my save files so I can finish the game.

Thanks Rhye! I love your mod, which is why I get so flustered when it doesn't work.


Um, I just realized I never thanked you for your fix. That was incredibly rude of me. Thank you very much for your help! It worked like a charm and I was able to finish (and win, I might add) my game.
this is a helpful fix!

Thanks Rhye!
This is a bit off topic, but why is it that the Portuguese always seem to keep virtually all their units parked outside Lisbon, rather than in it? I noticed this both playing as Spain and as Rome.

In my Spanish game, I decide to attack Lisbon near their spawning date just to see what would happen (they respawn a few turns later, with a new force of units. Not as good as all the crossbows and ships you knocked out by destroying them, but still quite enough to give you problems, given they will now be very cheesed off with you...). I can't see any good reason for this behaviour.

So I just ignored them in my Roman game. The Spanish in that game didn't seem to take advantage of them Portuguese keeping only a single defender in Lisbon either.

Cheers, Luke
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