Lighting the way...
Okay, this is for Poser artists who want a few generic animations. I made a ten frame run, and will make more animations available, so I decided to make a library. If you want your animation added here, just post a link and preview, and I'll post it,

Ten Frame Run Animation
Author: Odintheking
-This is basically Kinboat's run animation, but seeing as how it was 15 frames, I made a new one. The reason I did this is because this way sounds will now link up well with civ 3 .amb sound files, which are based off of ten frames. This will make it easier to add sounds for your unit's run animation. I deleted every third frame, moved them over, and deleted the third frame again, and now it is a ten frame run animation.

Swordsman Animations
Author: Plotinus
-Some basic swordsman animations; really meant to be used as a template or example to look off of for your unit.
Complete Swordsman and Halberdier Animations
Author: CamJH
-Since CamJH is such as kickass guy, he offered all the animations from his Empire Swordsman and Chaos Halberdier units! Thanks, man!

Javelineer Throwing Motion
Author: Plotinus
-The javelin throwing animation from Plotinus' Ethiopian Javelineer unit.

Pikeman Attack Sequence
Author: Plotinus
-The complete attack sequence from Plotinus' Pikeman unit.
Worker Unit Complete Animation Set
Author: Plotinus
-The template for workers, including all animations and props. Sweet!

Ten Frame Run Animation
Author: Odintheking
-This is basically Kinboat's run animation, but seeing as how it was 15 frames, I made a new one. The reason I did this is because this way sounds will now link up well with civ 3 .amb sound files, which are based off of ten frames. This will make it easier to add sounds for your unit's run animation. I deleted every third frame, moved them over, and deleted the third frame again, and now it is a ten frame run animation.

Swordsman Animations
Author: Plotinus
-Some basic swordsman animations; really meant to be used as a template or example to look off of for your unit.

Complete Swordsman and Halberdier Animations
Author: CamJH
-Since CamJH is such as kickass guy, he offered all the animations from his Empire Swordsman and Chaos Halberdier units! Thanks, man!

Javelineer Throwing Motion
Author: Plotinus
-The javelin throwing animation from Plotinus' Ethiopian Javelineer unit.

Pikeman Attack Sequence
Author: Plotinus
-The complete attack sequence from Plotinus' Pikeman unit.
Worker Unit Complete Animation Set
Author: Plotinus
-The template for workers, including all animations and props. Sweet!