Possum vs Gorilla

Lord Parkin

aka emperor
Apr 27, 2004
New Zealand
"Possum vs Gorilla" has arrived, and in both a clean and resourced version as a bonus! The map wasn't easy - I constantly edited tiny details in both the possum and the gorilla to get them both looking just right. Also, because there is a severely limited choice of terrain in civ3, texturing the animals is a bit difficult - but I think I did okay on that. Finally, there was the difficultly of striking the right balance: the map had to look great but still be playable (and not monotonously grassland!). I reckon I did pretty well on that front, too. But don't take my word for it - take a look for yourself! Enjoy - I sure did!!! :D

This map was made for pesoloco and Possum von Richtofen's Noah's Arc mod - check it out!



Cool! :lol:
The idea for this map just sort of came out of nowhere during a web-conversation between me, pesoloco, and Possum von Richtofen. ;) I thought it was pretty funny and cool, so I went ahead and made it. :D
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