(Potentially) Terrible Civ Suggestions


Jan 22, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
After much hemming and hah-ing over whether to actually make this thread, I finally went through with it.

Welcome to some (potentially) terrible civ suggestions for Dawn of Civilization. Now, if you're anything like me, you absolutely adore this modmod. It's virtually all I play whenever I open up Civ 4 these days, and a large part of the reason I barely put time into 5 or 6. Now, something I often do is come up with ideas for civs.

Do I want these civs to be included? Not necessarily, I just enjoy the random concepts I throw together. And that's what this thread is for: Civ ideas both great and terrible, anything that comes to mind. This is just so we can put them together and have some fun doing so, as I know many players feel (fairly) that there are too many civs already.

Without further ado, here are my (potentially) terrible suggestions. Please forgive anything that seems similar to ideas thrown around on suggestions and requests, I don't follow it as much as I should.

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Okay Tier
Some civs I would like to see in the game, but I don't expect to.
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Spawn: 1790 AD at Sioux Falls
Lifespan: 1790-1880 AD
LH: Sitting Bull
Core: Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Nebraska
Historical: Colorado, Kansas, Southern Alberta/Saskatchewan, Missouri
Contested: Iowa, Minnesota, Utah,
UP: Power of the Last Tribes
-Every time a Sioux city is conquered, units spawn at their capital
UU: Mounted Brave (Replaces Cavalry)
-Extra move, starts with Pinch and Guerilla I
UB: Buffalo Hunting Ground (replaces Barracks)
-+1 Food and +2 Production for Military Units
  1. Crazy Horse: Destroy 40 American, Canadian, Mexican or European Improvements/Units by 1900 AD
  2. Red Cloud: Control Western North America and 2 Gold resources in 1900 AD
  3. Sitting Bull: Be more stable than America, Canada and Mexico in 1930 AD
I think they'd provide a nice challenge to a human controlled America, Canada and Mexico, if only spawning as an NPC while playing as those civs.

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The Turks
Spawn: 30 AD at Samarkand
LH: Kanishka
Lifespan: 30-1066 AD
Core: Kazakhstan
Historical: Persia, Gobi Desert/Silk Road, Afghanistan, Pakistan
Contested: Indus Valley
UP: Power of the Steppelanders
-Horses spawn within the radius of newly settled cities
UU: Turkish Warrior (replaces Horse Archer)
-increased strength, starts with Drill I and Shock
UB: Silk Road Trading Post (replaces Market)
-+1 trade route, +2 Happiness from silk, +1 happiness from wine
  1. Pastoral Empires: Control 8% of the world in 600 AD
  2. The Silk Road: Have Open Borders with 7 Civilizations and 5000 gold in your treasury in 800 AD
  3. Steppe Raiders: Conquer the Capitals of 4 different Civilizations by 1100 AD

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Spawn: 1400 BC at Frankfurt
Lifespan: 1400-200 BC
LH: Brennus, Boudica
Core: Gaul, Southern Germany
Historical: Austria, Pannonia, North Italy, Central Iberia, the British Isles
UP: Power of Cultural Expansion
-A free settler spawns for every two cities settled before the Medieval Era
UU: Gallic Warrior (Replaces Swordsman)
-Enemy kills grant culture. Starts with Woodsman I and II.
UB: Dun (Replaces Walls)
-Cheaper to build, free Woodsman I promotion for units built in this city
  1. The Celtic Peoples: Control the British Isles, Gaul, Southern Germany, Pannonia and Central Iberia by 100 AD
  2. The Celtic Barbarians: Build 4 war chariots, 8 gallic swordsmen, 6 duns and raze one capital city by 100 AD
  3. The Celtic Culture: Reach 20,000 Culture by 400 AD

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Everything Else Tier
These are just random ideas I've had, good and bad.
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Spawn: 1420 AD at Niagara
LH: Thayendanega
Core: Great Lakes, New York
Historical: Quebec, Ontario, Michigan
Contested: New England
UP: Power of Exchange
-Techs already discovered by known civilizations are researched 50% faster
UU: Mohawk Warrior (replaces Musketman)
-starts with Woodsman I, cheaper to build than Musketman, less strength
UB: Longhouse (replaces Granary)
-+1 Science and +1 Statesman slot
  1. The Confederation: Discover Gunpowder and Constitution by 1650 AD
  2. The Allied Nation: Have friendly relations with either England, America or France and destroy 20 units from the other two by 1800 AD
  3. The Great Founders: Spawn 1 Great General and 2 other Great People by 1850 AD

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Mamluks (Egyptian Respawn)
Spawn: 1260 AD at Cairo
Lifespan: 1260-2000+ AD
LH: Baibars, Nasser
Core: Egypt
Historical: Libya, Tunis
Contested: Levant, Arabia
UP: Power of Archaeological Interest:
-Wonders never become obsolete OR Obsolete wonders produce commerce equal to their cultural output (haven't decided)
UU: Mamluk (replaces Cavalry)
-increased strength in desert?
UB: ??
  1. Ensure only Muslim States control the Middle East and North Africa and have only Islam in your cities by 1600 AD,
  2. Never lose a city before 1850 AD
  3. Have friendly relations with 4 Muslim nations, build a “Suez Canal”* and control Jerusalem by 1980 AD
*Potentially add a Canal tile improvement for spots like Panama and Suez instead of using forts. Could require railroad or steam power as a req.

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Saudi (Arabian Respawn)
Spawn: 1750 AD at Al Riyadh
Lifespan: 1750-2000+ AD
LH: Ibn Saud
Core: Western Arabia
Historical: Arabia, Somalia
Contested: Iraq, Syria
UP: The Power of Oil Barons
-Oil resources provide +4 Commerce and +2 production
UU: ??
UB: ??
  1. Black Gold: Be the wealthiest country in the world in 2000 AD OR Receive at least 300 gold per turn in trade deals in 2000 AD
  2. United Arab Emirates: Complete 6 Wonders by 2025 AD
  3. ??

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Modern India (Indian Respawn)
Spawn: 1946 AD at Delhi
LH: Gandhi
Core: Northern India
Historical: Southern India
Contested: Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh
UP: ??
UU: ??
UB: ??
  1. Bollywood: Control 3 cities with 20,000 culture and 2 Hit Movie resources in 2010 AD
  2. Have a total population of 125 in 2015 AD
  3. Build 10 Bombers, 16 Fighters, 2 ICBMS, 4 Guided Missiles and reach the “Future” Era by 2020 AD

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Pakistan (Mughal Respawn)
Spawn: 1947 at Islamabad
Lifespan: 1947-present
LH: Bhutto
Core: Pakistan
Historical: Bangladesh
Contested: Afghanistan, Northern India
UP: ??
UU: SSG (Replaces Marine)
-cheaper and weaker, starts with Drill I and Guerilla II
UB: Arts Council (Replaces Broadcast Tower)
-+10% Research, +2 Great Person Points
  1. Settle four different Great People in your cities by 2030 AD.
  2. ?
  3. ?

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Peru (Inca Respawn)
Spawn: 1824 AD at Lima
Lifespan: 1824-2000+ AD
LH: Fujirmori, Castilla
Core: Peru
Historical: Bolivia, Northern Chile, Southern Colombia, Venezuela, Easter Island
UP: The Power of Local Tradition
-+50% culture from culture buildings, Settled Great Artists provide additional culture
  1. Pacific Immigration: Be friendly with 5 civilizations with cities on the Pacific Coast outside of Latin America by 1950 AD
  2. The Incan Successor: Have more culture than Colombia, Brazil and Argentina in 2000 AD
  3. Destroy the Shining Path: Ensure no nation in the Americas is Communist in 2000 AD

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Scotland (Celtic Respawn)
Spawn: 1120 AD at Edinburgh (if Independent)
Lifespan: 1120-1500 AD
LH: Robert the Bruce, Mary I
Core: Scotland
Historical: Ireland, Nova Scotia
Contested: Wales, Northumbria, Brittany
UP: The Power of Defiance
-Scottish cities that are conquered provide a larger stability hit to the conqueror and are more likely to flip back
UU: Sheltron (replaces Pikeman)
-less strength, +150% versus cavalry
UB: Shieling (replaces Smokehouse)
-+1 Happiness from Cow, Sheep, Pig
  1. No One Cuts Me With Impunity: Lose no cities and build 4 castles by 1525 AD
  2. The King James Bible: Spread Protestantism to 30% of the world population by 1760 AD
  3. Forgotten Innovations: Be the first to discover Replaceable Parts, Refrigeration and Mass Media

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Timurids (Turkic Respawn)
Spawn: 1370 AD at Samarkand
Lifespan: 1370-1550 AD
LH: Timur
Core: Kazakhstan, Afghanistan
Historical: Iran, Mesopotamia, Caucuses, Pakistan
Contested: Indus Valley
UP: Power of Syncretism
-reduced instability from non-state religions, cities with multiple religions receive +10% culture per religion
UU: Siege Engineer (replaces Trebuchet)
-extra move, +125% against cities
UB: Yam (replaces Grocer)
- -10% City Maintenance
  1. Timur’s Empire: Control Persia, Kazakhstan, the Indus Valley and Mesopotamia by 1500 AD
  2. The Central Melting Pot: Have 4 religions in your capital city and 7 religions in your empire by 1600 AD, as well as 20,000 culture
  3. Stolen Glory: Destroy or Vassalize the Mongols, Mughals and Arabs by 1700 AD

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Spawn: 1949 AD at Jerusalem
Lifespan: 1949-2000+ AD
LH: David Ben-Gurrion, Moshe Dayan (?)
Core: Israel
Contested: Sinai, Medina, Levant
UP: Power of Sympathy
-Nations not sharing a border with Israel have a relations boost and are significantly less likely to declare war, even in spite of defensive pacts
UU: Merkava (replaces Main Battle Tank)
-Increased strength in cultural borders, can bombard units
UB: Knesset (replaces Palace)
-can draft 1 unit per turn, triples science, commerce and production, allows training of Jewish Rabbis
  1. Zion: Make Jerusalem the most cultured city in the world in 2010 AD
  2. The Little Power: Have a higher score than Egypt, Arabia, Turkey and Iran, and control three nuclear weapons in 2015 AD
  3. The Restoration: Convert 15% of the world’s population to Judaism by 2020 AD
Basically a one-city-challenge, DOC style, haha.

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People's Republic of China
Spawn: 1946 AD at Beijing
Lifespan: 1946-2000+ AD
LH: Mao Zedong
Core: North China
Historical: China, Manchuria, Vietnam, Tibet, Xinjiang
Contested: Taiwan
UP: The Power of Manufacturing
-Factories provide double boost to production, each level of population adds +1 production
UU: ?
UB: ?
  1. Sphere of Influence: Control or vassalize Korea, Mongolia, Tibet, Thailand, Iran and Kongo by 2020 AD
  2. Made in China: Have more production than the second and third place combined in 2020 AD

Feel free to critique or debate the civs suggested, but I don't know if arguing about inclusion or not will be integral to this thread. Ultimately, it's up to Leoreth to decide what is good and what isn't. I thought about including some modmodmods on the list (like Merijin's Sweden or Novicenoble's Australia/South Africa) but left it up to the creators to add them here or not.
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Reserved for my further ideas and those of other posters so we can have them all stay collected.

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People's Republic of China (soul-breathing)
Spawn: 1935 AD in Xi'an(in fact it's Yan'an, 1 or 2 tiles north to Xi'an. In 1935 the Red Army finished the Long March and arrive in Yan'an)
Lifespan: 1935-2000+ AD
LH: Mao Zedong(turns to Deng Xiaoping when running Capitalism)
Core: recent China core and Manchuria, and two lines plus to south.
Historical: rest of China, Tibet, Xinjiang(maybe needs a hidden UP: No city resistance on conquest in core and historical when run Central Planning+Secularism, like Colombia)
Contested: Taiwan, Viet Nam, Mongolia(Taiwan turns to Historical after PRC conquer it)
UP: The Power of “Made in China”: Each 2 level of population adds +1 production, tech which has been discovered by 2 other civs only need 80% :science:
UU: PLA, replace infantry, can build after Macroeconomics, -1 strength, can use rival's road and railroad, cause collateral damages(-50% max.)
UB: radio station, replace broadcast tower, can draft units in city, and only -1 population, +2 :mad:
1. Two Bombs & One Satellites: Have 2 ICBM and satellites before 1984ad.
2. World Factory: Have more production than the second and third place combined before 2010ad.
3. The First Island Chain: Control or Vassellize or have friendly relation with area inside of the first island chain(include Japan, Korea, Philippines, Indochina, Indonesia) before 2020ad.
x. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence: have friendly relation with the last five civs in scoreboard, and make sure they're not vassal states.
Initial techs: Column 15 and Macroeconomics, Radio, Flight, without Assembly Line and Consumerism.
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I have my own rankings of potential new civs and some of your mentions here are in there too :mischief:
The Haudenosaunee doesn't even sound bad...
My suggestion about PRC

People's Republic of China

Spawn: 1935 AD in Xi'an(in fact it's Yan'an, 1 or 2 tiles north to Xi'an. In 1935 the Red Army finished the Long March and arrive in Yan'an)
Lifespan: 1935-2000+ AD
LH: Mao Zedong(turns to Deng Xiaoping when running Capitalism)
Core: recent China core and Manchuria, and two lines plus to south.
Historical: rest of China, Tibet, Xinjiang(maybe needs a hidden UP: No city resistance on conquest in core and historical when run Central Planning+Secularism, like Colombia)
Contested: Taiwan, Viet Nam, Mongolia(Taiwan turns to Historical after PRC conquer it)
UP: The Power of “Made in China”: Each 2 level of population adds +1 production, tech which has been discovered by 2 other civs only need 80% :science:
UU: PLA, replace infantry, can build after Macroeconomics, -1 strength, can use rival's road and railroad, cause collateral damages(-50% max.)
UB: radio station, replace broadcast tower, can draft units in city, and only -1 population, +2 :mad:
1. Two Bombs & One Satellites: Have 2 ICBM and satellites before 1984ad.
2. World Factory: Have more production than the second and third place combined before 2010ad.
3. The First Island Chain: Control or Vassellize or have friendly relation with area inside of the first island chain(include Japan, Korea, Philippines, Indochina, Indonesia) before 2020ad.
x. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence: have friendly relation with the last five civs in scoreboard, and make sure they're not vassal states.
Initial techs: Column 15 and Macroeconomics, Radio, Flight, without Assembly Line and Consumerism.
My suggestion about PRC

People's Republic of China

Spawn: 1935 AD in Xi'an(in fact it's Yan'an, 1 or 2 tiles north to Xi'an. In 1935 the Red Army finished the Long March and arrive in Yan'an)
Lifespan: 1935-2000+ AD
LH: Mao Zedong(turns to Deng Xiaoping when running Capitalism)
Core: recent China core and Manchuria, and two lines plus to south.
Historical: rest of China, Tibet, Xinjiang(maybe needs a hidden UP: No city resistance on conquest in core and historical when run Central Planning+Secularism, like Colombia)
Contested: Taiwan, Viet Nam, Mongolia(Taiwan turns to Historical after PRC conquer it)
UP: The Power of “Made in China”: Each 2 level of population adds +1 production, tech which has been discovered by 2 other civs only need 80% :science:
UU: PLA, replace infantry, can build after Macroeconomics, -1 strength, can use rival's road and railroad, cause collateral damages(-50% max.)
UB: radio station, replace broadcast tower, can draft units in city, and only -1 population, +2 :mad:
1. Two Bombs & One Satellites: Have 2 ICBM and satellites before 1984ad.
2. World Factory: Have more production than the second and third place combined before 2010ad.
3. The First Island Chain: Control or Vassellize or have friendly relation with area inside of the first island chain(include Japan, Korea, Philippines, Indochina, Indonesia) before 2020ad.
x. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence: have friendly relation with the last five civs in scoreboard, and make sure they're not vassal states.
Initial techs: Column 15 and Macroeconomics, Radio, Flight, without Assembly Line and Consumerism.
I can tell someone noticed my knowledge of the PRC is very limited :lol: I'll add this
Sorry for the double post, I haven't "forumed" in awhile.
I have my own rankings of potential new civs and some of your mentions here are in there too :mischief:
I know the Turks are at least in there. Excited to see what else pops up too.
The Haudenosaunee doesn't even sound bad...
The reason I think they're kind of meh as a suggestion is they definitely clutter a region that's already a bit cramped with stuff going on, and might settle less-than desirable city sites.
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