hello, first time poster, long time lurker, ive looked, or at the very least i think i have haha, for a woeking link for the 4.15 verion? if anyone has a working link for it or can send me it? thank you very much for any help.
In 10+ years of posting here, this was the first time I ever heard about this utility, so I went searching in the C&C subforum. Looks like its heyday was around 2006/Win XP, not sure if it would even work with modern Win versions.
Personally, I never saw the point of so-called "trainers" that basically just hack a game to provide infinite money / production / units. How does that help "train" any player to improve their skill?
In my eyes this trainer is not needed, as you can create a biq in Debug mode, allowing you most of the (not needed) cheats in C3C. There even exists a civilopedia entry for the cheats in Debug mode in the CCM mod. I sometimes use it for testing settings in my C3C mods and scenarios:
A biq in Debug mode can be simply created by the click in the editor shown below:
thanks anyway, i posted here because i figured someone might have it or know about it, i'll keep searching, i used it in its heyday just for messing around
Personally, I never saw the point of so-called "trainers" that basically just hack a game to provide infinite money / production / units. How does that help "train" any player to improve their skill?
I played some debug starts where I would just spawn in units when enemies came into my territory. The idea was something like Sid pangea Always War. But, I felt it kind of hard to figure out some limitation of when to spawn in units. In my own territory and no more advanced than I could make with my technology and resources. Also, kind of seemed to lack a general sort of goal. Kind of fun for a bit, though also slow in spawning in units a bunch. One of them I put my settler(s) and worker(s) near higher food territory. But some AI, maybe it was The Vikings, was close. Soon enough their border city was size one with an entertainer suggesting heavy use of pop rushing. One time I also got an MGL easily before having 4 cities.
But yea, I definitely agree. It's one thing to take all gold, technologies, maps, etc. that the AIs have and pay a little in not as many road tiles or more worker moves. You can still run out of gold or have some sort of technological progression... and wonder building still can fail. But, it seems another to have no limitations on "everything" relevant to the game.
hello, first time poster, long time lurker, ive looked, or at the very least i think i have haha, for a woeking link for the 4.15 verion? if anyone has a working link for it or can send me it? thank you very much for any help.
I found the thread, and just https-ized the download links so they'll work seamlessly in modern web browsers.
I've yet to try it myself, but it likely requires the CD version to work, which means Windows 8.1 (minus the SecuROM patch) or earlier. This thread contains discussion of using it with the Steam version. I'm assuming you already have Civ III itself up and working, but if you need assistance on getting the CD version working on Win7/8.1, I can probably find the relevant thread for that as well.
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