King of the Britons
Countdown to Game Launch (Theoretically)
[TIMER=11/8/2014 12:00 AM PST; Pre-Planning, Rule Creation, and World Creation Over]Timer[/TIMER]
Hey guys. So I recently came back after roughly...8(?) months of inactivity. Right in time to see recent events regarding a somewhat mass Exodus of NES players to The Frontier. While I respect their decision, I will not follow. I for one plan to stay on CFC. And, given that many active moderators moved their games over there, there is a distressing lack of games at CFC, with the only active ones I see right now being Botwawki and StockNES. Perhaps a couple others in the process of updating, but still precious few. And while it is possible that NESing may not last long here anymore, I would rather it not be because we did not try to keep it alive. Therefore, this is a preplanning thread for a new NES.
Before going any farther I wish to establish a few things regarding the nature of this NES. First. I am not a reliable or consistent person when it comes to deadlines, at least with regards to (relatively) unimportant projects, which NESing certainly is. What this means is that while I will attempt to update this NES regularly, there WILL be more than one instance of the game lapsing for weeks at a time or being updated with very sub-par updates. I recognize this and expect all players to as well.
Second. If all goes according to plan, this game will simultaneously be both story-driven AND stat-driven. That is to say that I interpret stories as orders best I can, and will generally be quite generous to those that write stories in updates with regards to randomized events. However, should one choose to never write stories and purely play the game like EU, Civ, or something like that, I intend for it to be fully possible as well. The best players will hopefully do both stories and good ordersets, but of course, not everyone has time for this all the time.
Third. This NES will be of the players, by the players, for the players. As mod I merely seek to interpret your actions on an equal field and to resolve disputes. That is to purpose of this thread. I DON'T know what game mechanics I want to implement, because I don't know what YOU, as the player, wants to see. The lore, while I will write some, it is perfectly acceptable for you guys to write the lore as you want it. You think there should be magic in the game? Make it. You want to play were-unicorns? go for it. You would rather have the ability to create crazy and ingenious experiments for your people to use to their advantage? Be my guest. This game is a living experiment. If there is an action that does not have a game system supporting it effectively, I will make a system for it. All I ask is that you maintain consistency within the established system and lore. Do not try to contradict something already set. Should there be a conflict of interest, I will side with the original unless sufficient evidence can be brought forth for the new system/lore to be objectively better.
Fourth. I am a strong advocate for the NES-IOT merger personally, and as such I will be x-posting a version of this in IOT. I intend for this to be proof of a successful cross-community game, assuming it gets going. A proof of concept if you will. If you would rather not potentially play with IOTers, I advise that you refrain from joining this in the initial turns, or do not join until you are certain that will not be a problem for you. I do not know how many (if any) IOTers will choose to join. To be honest, I do not know how many NESers will try to join either.
Fifth. I reserve all mod power allocated to me by the CFC site rules. If you are being detrimental to the game for other players in any way, you will recieve an official warning from me. If you continue after this warning, you will be kicked. If you wish to appeal this, PM me. I legitimately hope to not ever kick someone.
If all of this is understood, we may begin creating a world for this NES to live within, and perhaps the rules upon which we will play the game itself. My only restriction is that we will be starting at the beginning of a world cycle. We must start somewhere between prehistoric to roughly bronze age in terms of technological advancements, though having more advanced tech that was lost is okay. This does not mean you can say "oh, my engineered super-soldiers that survived the apocalpyse managed to find a cache of guns. pew pew." Previous tech should not be available in significant quantity for the use by the early civilizations. The following post will contain a few random thoughts I had for a fantasy NES lore. It is not necessarily canon, but it perhaps may serve as a starting point on what we do/do not want to do with the lore.
I highly encourage everyone that reads this post to post their thoughts below. If you have any questions/comments/concerns regarding the structure and/or moderation of this NES, feel free to ask me straight out in the thread. I would rather address the questions you might have than simply not having you post at all. Activity = good, even if that activity is criticism.
[TIMER=11/8/2014 12:00 AM PST; Pre-Planning, Rule Creation, and World Creation Over]Timer[/TIMER]
Hey guys. So I recently came back after roughly...8(?) months of inactivity. Right in time to see recent events regarding a somewhat mass Exodus of NES players to The Frontier. While I respect their decision, I will not follow. I for one plan to stay on CFC. And, given that many active moderators moved their games over there, there is a distressing lack of games at CFC, with the only active ones I see right now being Botwawki and StockNES. Perhaps a couple others in the process of updating, but still precious few. And while it is possible that NESing may not last long here anymore, I would rather it not be because we did not try to keep it alive. Therefore, this is a preplanning thread for a new NES.
Before going any farther I wish to establish a few things regarding the nature of this NES. First. I am not a reliable or consistent person when it comes to deadlines, at least with regards to (relatively) unimportant projects, which NESing certainly is. What this means is that while I will attempt to update this NES regularly, there WILL be more than one instance of the game lapsing for weeks at a time or being updated with very sub-par updates. I recognize this and expect all players to as well.
Second. If all goes according to plan, this game will simultaneously be both story-driven AND stat-driven. That is to say that I interpret stories as orders best I can, and will generally be quite generous to those that write stories in updates with regards to randomized events. However, should one choose to never write stories and purely play the game like EU, Civ, or something like that, I intend for it to be fully possible as well. The best players will hopefully do both stories and good ordersets, but of course, not everyone has time for this all the time.
Third. This NES will be of the players, by the players, for the players. As mod I merely seek to interpret your actions on an equal field and to resolve disputes. That is to purpose of this thread. I DON'T know what game mechanics I want to implement, because I don't know what YOU, as the player, wants to see. The lore, while I will write some, it is perfectly acceptable for you guys to write the lore as you want it. You think there should be magic in the game? Make it. You want to play were-unicorns? go for it. You would rather have the ability to create crazy and ingenious experiments for your people to use to their advantage? Be my guest. This game is a living experiment. If there is an action that does not have a game system supporting it effectively, I will make a system for it. All I ask is that you maintain consistency within the established system and lore. Do not try to contradict something already set. Should there be a conflict of interest, I will side with the original unless sufficient evidence can be brought forth for the new system/lore to be objectively better.
Fourth. I am a strong advocate for the NES-IOT merger personally, and as such I will be x-posting a version of this in IOT. I intend for this to be proof of a successful cross-community game, assuming it gets going. A proof of concept if you will. If you would rather not potentially play with IOTers, I advise that you refrain from joining this in the initial turns, or do not join until you are certain that will not be a problem for you. I do not know how many (if any) IOTers will choose to join. To be honest, I do not know how many NESers will try to join either.
Fifth. I reserve all mod power allocated to me by the CFC site rules. If you are being detrimental to the game for other players in any way, you will recieve an official warning from me. If you continue after this warning, you will be kicked. If you wish to appeal this, PM me. I legitimately hope to not ever kick someone.
If all of this is understood, we may begin creating a world for this NES to live within, and perhaps the rules upon which we will play the game itself. My only restriction is that we will be starting at the beginning of a world cycle. We must start somewhere between prehistoric to roughly bronze age in terms of technological advancements, though having more advanced tech that was lost is okay. This does not mean you can say "oh, my engineered super-soldiers that survived the apocalpyse managed to find a cache of guns. pew pew." Previous tech should not be available in significant quantity for the use by the early civilizations. The following post will contain a few random thoughts I had for a fantasy NES lore. It is not necessarily canon, but it perhaps may serve as a starting point on what we do/do not want to do with the lore.
I highly encourage everyone that reads this post to post their thoughts below. If you have any questions/comments/concerns regarding the structure and/or moderation of this NES, feel free to ask me straight out in the thread. I would rather address the questions you might have than simply not having you post at all. Activity = good, even if that activity is criticism.