Preview/construction: Hsnes01


brand new year
Sep 15, 2003
Cowboys Stadium
Preview: HSNES01: Jericho
This is the United States, as we know it. The date is September 11, 2001 a date that will live on in infamy as the day that ended life as it was in the nation know as the bastion of freedom. This event will unfold before your eyes as citizens of the U.S.A. And as survivors you must rekindle the hope or capitalize upon that hope of a united and free North America.

For this preview, if you are interested it is your job to choose a name and location where your character is from. Your character must be the Mayor or Police Chief of an American city or town large or small. I would advise you not to become too attached to these characters as the events leading up to the start of this game may leave your character/city/town incapacitated. There is no obligation to join the real NES when it begins this is more or less of a placeholder for your stake in the NES. Any information regarding the beginning of this NES or events surrounding September 11th, 2001 in this timeline will be answered on a case by case basis.

The following cities/States are banned from use:
San Diego, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Denver, CO
Austin, TX
Houston, TX
Washington, D.C.
Columbia, SC
Atlanta, GA
Miami, FL
New York, NY
Philadelphia, PA
Boston, MA
Indianapolis, IN

Interest in NES/Placeholder Form:
Character Name/CFC Name:
Profession (Mayor/Police Chief):
Activity at 11:00 AM EST 9/11/01:

Johnston Greene/human-slaughter
Jericho, Kansas
Driving down Main Street to City Hall

I reserve the right to kill any forward movement on this NES at anytime. Again this is not the beginning of the NES rather you will help write the beginning of this NES with the creation of the future Protagonists or Antagonists of the Nations future.
John Gordon
Pittsburg, PA
Talking to a Coal Seller about Conditions in the mine. The Coal Seller is in Mahattan.
Looks fun, I join! :D

Darren Ryderman/electric926
Chief of Police
Allentown, PA
On patrol, Route 81
Gregory Shotwell/Carmen510:
Police Chief
Queens, NY
Stationed at a Flushing NYPD Station, sleeping.

One of the many cities that are disallowed from use is New York City including all it's boroughs. Please pick a new location and thanks everyone for the interest.

@Charles Li, that coal seller in Mahattan. Did you mean Manhattan, PA or another place?
Mahattan NY who has his headquarters there. He will not be a character but NPC until he can. So I will hear yells of news soon... (Holy! God, no not the) You get the idea.

Trevor Bazoon/Icekommander
Lakewood CA
Breakfast meeting with several prominent businessmen looking to establish a new branch (Furniture store).
Character Name/CFC Name: Edward Mann/dldnjstjr
Profession (Mayor/Police Chief): Police Chief
City/State: Las Vegas, NV
Activity at 11:00 AM EST 9/11/01: Getting a late breakfast at a near by donut shop.
Here is the deal. I will be editing this NES and change it to a more formal NES with nations and such. It will take place a few months after 9/11. You all will have priority when it comes to picking nations. Sorry if you were more interested in an RPG style NES then a nation based one which I am currently writing the story for.
I can live with that :D
This looks very interesting, Ill give it a shot

Shane Churchill/ Churchill 25
Police Chief
Irvine, California
At breakfast with Irvine's mayor discussing how to further develop and polish Irvine, while keeping the crime rate down. Eating Belgian Waffles. Plans to tour city hall and visit the beach later that day.
Thanks, churchill, now I'm hungry! :)
Here is the deal. I will be editing this NES and change it to a more formal NES with nations and such. It will take place a few months after 9/11. You all will have priority when it comes to picking nations. Sorry if you were more interested in an RPG style NES then a nation based one which I am currently writing the story for.

wait, how do we control nations? I thought we were only police chiefs and mayors?
See the part where he says: I'll be editing this NES and changing it to a more formal NES with Nations and Such.
Yah I am currently working on the map and there will be many "nations" to play as and to develop. I like it better this way as some of your characters would have died in the first update and I don't think that is to inviting to players so in this way you will get to start off probably still as a police Chief/mayor/senator only this way we begin in a more established setting.

I'll have more and most likely this will start after my winter break is over in mid-January.
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