Preview: LizNES5

Can I Claim the German Empire?

The German Empire/Thomas.berubeg
Constitutional Monarchy: Berlin
Happiness: 55%
Religion/Language: Protestant/German
Economy: 9
Industry: 500 (+10)
Army: 10 Divisions, 10 Armoured Brigades
Navy: 1 Battleship, 10 Destroyers, 5 Submarines
Airforce: 5 Fighter Squadrons, 3 Bomber Squadrons
Military Experience: 1/10

Will write up a backstory when I'm done with finals. :)
Iberian Union, please. And I think I'd be able to come up with a better story for how Spain and Portugal joined.

Despite all efforts by the British, Portugal was never able to recover its independency. The Portuguese King had died while coming back to Lisbon, with the rest of his family, thus completely killing off any potential heir to the throne. The Spanish kings Fernando VII and Carlos IV had died in mysterious circumstances in Bayonne (some said Napoleon had ordered them to be poisoned, others state it was at the hands of some nobles that had heard of their betrayal of Spain) and their heirs were either too young, had died as well or chose to renounce to their rights. So, when the Peace of Strasbourg (OOC: random name for the peace treaty between Napoleonic France and the Coalition) came, Napoleon was able to place his brother Joseph as the king of a new Spain, and also join Portugal and Sardinia to it in a Personal Union between the three kingdoms. Said Personal Unions would eventually turn into a new Iberian Kingdom that, with the heirless death of Alfonso XIII in the mid 1910s, became a parliamentary federal republic.

Also, big question: how did Spain lose Cuba?

Yes, I suppose I can do that for you. :P


Thanks for the background! And I don't know, you tell me :P. I assumed the spread of republicanism from one of the many American nations probably took a hold of it.


I don't mind you playing Germany, though Zeletdude has already claimed them. So that's really up to you guys to figure out. It's generally first come, first serve, but if you guys can figure something out, let me know.

The rest of you have the countries you want.
Level 1 in anything cost 1EP
Level 2 costs 4
Level 3 costs 9
Level 4 costs 16..

you can trade complete tech levels, you can research part way to techs.

Whenever someone wants something that doesn't already exist, you simply assign it a tech level requirement and a EP cost to build...
I’ll be the Republic of Ecuador.

Democratic Republic: Quito
Happiness: 52%
Religion/Language: Catholic/Spanish
Economy: 6
Industry: 350 (+4)
Army: 5 Divisions, 5 Armoured Brigades
Navy: 10 Destroyers, 3 Submarines
Airforce: 7 Fighter Squadrons, 3 Bomber Squadrons
Military Experience: 1/10
Empire of Japan, China, or Soviet Republic of Russia

In that order.

I don't mind you playing Germany, though Zeletdude has already claimed them. So that's really up to you guys to figure out. It's generally first come, first serve, but if you guys can figure something out, let me know.

The rest of you have the countries you want.

Did he? I missed that. I'll take something else... The French?
BSmith you have Ecuador.
Adrogans you have Japan.
thomas, you have France
And Dreadnought.. we shall see. :P
Spoiler CWNE Info :

Commonwealth of New England



Great Seal:


Motto: Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem (Under the sword; peace, but no peace without liberty

Anthem: "Love, Pledge, and Liberty"

Capital: Boston

Largest city: New York City

Official language: English (French in Haiti)

Demonym: New Englander, Yankee

Government: Democratic Commonwealth

Independence Declared from the United States of America

Declared: December 16, 1814

Reconized: December 24, 1814

Currency: New English Dollar

More to be added later.
Whoa what are the stats for Antarctica? Cause they got a nation color! Iggy better play our new penguin overlords.
I hadn't colored it in black.. though you can if you want! :P

And nice Omega!

Hopefully, due in large part to the overwhelming response, this will be up Saturday night, or Sunday night.
Either the Soviet Republic of Russia or that Turkish blob for me, if they're still open.

You have the Soviet Republic of Russia, unless you prefer the Ottomans?

So far I have this;

Lord of Elves: Dutch Empire
Abaddon: Brazil
commander gorma: Republic of Texas
ZeletDude: The German Empire
Omega124: The Commonwealth of New England
Sonereal: Republic of Alaska
Eltain: The Far-Eastern Soviet
Condor_green: Indochina
DarthNader: India
Columbia: Immaculate
Dreadnought: The Confederacy of North America
GamezRule: The British Empire
thomas.berubeg: The French Empire
Karalysia: California
Milaqui: The Iberian Union
BSmith1068: Ecuador
Adrogans: Empire of Japan
Agent 89: The Soviet Republic of Russia

Which brings us to 18 players. This is probably the most I've ever handled at the correct time, so something good must be happening.

I'm in the process of finishing up rules and the like. Hopefully it will be posted soon!
The awesome nation of Bolivia is here!

Military Junta: Sucre
Happiness: 49%
Religion/Language: Catholic/Spanish
Economy: 7
Industry: 450 (+8)
Army: 10 Divisions, 5 Armoured Brigades
Navy: 1 Battleship, 10 Destroyers, 3 Submarines
Airforce: 5 Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons
Military Experience: 1/10
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