
Are you proud of...

  • ...yourself, per se?

    Votes: 26 57.8%
  • ...what you archieve?

    Votes: 31 68.9%
  • ...your family, per se?

    Votes: 22 48.9%
  • ...what your family archieves?

    Votes: 16 35.6%
  • ...your country, per se?

    Votes: 28 62.2%
  • ...what your country archieves?

    Votes: 23 51.1%
  • ...your gender?

    Votes: 7 15.6%
  • ...your sexual orientation?

    Votes: 9 20.0%
  • ...your race?

    Votes: 14 31.1%
  • ...your cultural heritage?

    Votes: 27 60.0%
  • ...your appearance?

    Votes: 13 28.9%
  • be a member of CFC?

    Votes: 15 33.3%

  • Total voters


Feistus Raclettus
Dec 5, 2001
North German Plain
What do you take pride in?

This seems be to quite different for different people. Some are proud of their nationality, others of their race, there's gay pride, people are proud of their children and some are only proud of what they archieve or even nothing at all.

So how about you?

EDIT: When it comes to the "archieved" points in the poll that of course includes the hypothetical case, should you or your family/your country not have archieved anything yet. The question means to ask if you are able to be proud of that if it should be the case.

Follow-up garbage with-held.
I have pride in all of them :)
I am proud of myself, for what I am and what I stand for
I take pride in my achievements
Well - I am proud of my country - not to the extreme of course
My country does some good in areas like helping out "third world" countries
Hm - I am a proud male...I guess being heterofile is just as good as anything else.
I am not always proud of my race - there are a lot of jerks out there - of course, I AM talking about my race -> the human race, as I believe in no other

Unga bunga - I am a proud viking ;)
Whenever I see myself in the mirror, I am satisfied ;)
CFC is one of the best resources for Civ - and resources are scarce ;)
I'm only proud of things done by myself or my loved ones. What people in the name of my country have done does not fit that.
What I do. I live for the cabinetmaker 100 years from now who pulls out a drawer I made and exclaims, "Hey, nice dovetailing!"

Also - and this is huge but somewhat undeserved - my son.
I am not proud of myself, because I think that'd be arrogance. There's always room for improvement. I am proud of what I achieve because usually that requires work, and I think pride in that is justified. I'm proud of my family and what it achieves because in that sense I am just a part of a tradition that has been going on for several hundred years. I am proud of my country because my nationality is something that I could never change, and I am proud of what it achieves, because it brings all of us together. I am not proud of my gender, because that is not something terribly unique. I am not "proud" of my sexual orientation because I see no reason to be; I'm heterosexual like most of the world. I'm not proud of my race, because it's a strange notion that depends greatly on what you qualify it as being. I am proud of my cultural heritage, because it reprsents from what I've come. I am not proud of my appearance, because I'd think that would be arrogance, or at least a stupid thing to be proud of. I'm not proud to be a member of CFC, although I'm quite happy to be as it's quite possibly the best message board I've ever been on.
I am proud of myself, of what I achieve, and I am proud of my family and my bloodline. I am proud of my country and most of its history, I can badmouth it at times, but whenever someone else does it I get defensive and patriotic :yeah:

I don’t believe in any races but one, that being the human race. But I believe in culture and I am quite proud of my Danish cultural heritage.

And in conclusion I am quite content with my appearance, because it reflects who I am. :yeah:
I can't really answer, because pride is a tricky topic. I wouldn't say that I'm proud of myself, because the only time I feel personal pride is immediately after I do something worth being proud of, or if somehow the memory is called up.

But I am proud of the non-personal things listed, like my family, my country, my religion. Not really my gender, I don't associate that as something to be proud or ashamed of.
I'm proud of who I am and where I come from. That's the essence of everything, the basics.

Pride of where I come from is not only my country(countries) and its achievements, but also my family and what they did. There has to be some almost undconditional love in you. Some people cannot be proud of their grandpa because he repaired radios or was a plumber, but I am. Because they worked hard every single day of their lives, and they deserve a deep respect.

Now I want to make one thing clear. I'm not talking about pride as in telling everybody about it. It's a silent pride, inner pride that no one will ever really hear in words. But to me its the foundation of who I am. Being proud of yourself is in this case the same as having self-respect. It's a matter of looking on things from the bright side. No matter what you do, always be happy with what you did. Even if it seems to be bad, try to find the bright side.

I am not proud of myself, because I think that'd be arrogance.

Being proud of yourself isn't arrogance. Saying you're proud of yourself when asked, as in this thread, isn't arrogance. Repeating all the time how proud you are of what you have done, who you are and how better you did than others....that's arrogance. So to me, if you say you're proud of yourself, I wouldn't think you're arrogant. You have humidity. That's really good. You can be proud of that. ;)
I'm proud of myself, who I am, my beliefs, and my family. I think I have learned quite a lot about myself in the past year while my family has gone through much crisis. I've matured more in this year than in all my other years on this earth. I understand how the world works, how much I love my family, and really how much I love myself. I've gained a lot of confidence because I used to not love myself as much. I used to think I wasn't good-looking enough or smart enough or talented enough. But I've realized that I am doing well and that is the best I can do. :)
i said:
of myself
of my achievements
my country per se
cultural heritage (not so much proud, but i love and enjoy it)
and my appearance

oh and after your post too, of the achievements (future) of my family. of course it'll be me making those achievements though :)
Hetero pride!!!!

i checked country, myself and what i achieved(i did not really check sexual orientation)
why isn't "State/Province Pride" on there? i'd check it if it was.
Myself, my achievements, my family, my country, my country's achievements...
I'm proud of myself when I am true to myself. I am proud of my actions and the rewards they bring. I am grateful to be male, North American, hetrosexual, tall, good looking, healthy, intelligent, etc. but because I did not work for these things I am not necessarily proud of them, just appreciative.
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