Privatizing Militaries


Nov 4, 2001
Ottawa, Canada
The past decade has witnessed the emergence of a new trend in military operations not so much in their conduct but their conductors. Corporate interests have seeped into a domain once reserved to government and government alone. The privatization of martial activity is upon us. The tasks of logistics, training and recruitment are gradually being contracted on to private firms.

Military outsourcing is now far from existing as a regional phenomenon and quickly becoming a desireable option to the governments, NGO`s and corporations interested in protecting and acquiring assets, be they material or human. Often led by ex-officers and soldiers of national militaries, these companies are warping the traditional perception of who manages civilization`s ultimate expression of power.

The recent battlefields of Sierra Leone, East Timor and the former Yugoslavia have all been touched by these private military firms in one way or another. Saudia Arabia`s army and air force are essentially operated by an array of such businesses which handle everything from personnel training to protection of the Royal Family.

While the idea of completely privatizing the armies of the West is considered to beyond a pipe dream the reality is quickly approaching developing nations. The partial privatization already exists as in Australia, where the government there has drafted a contract to allow a private firm to administer the armed forces`recruitment process.

Where do you think the line should be drawn? How much of our military should remain within the control of the public sector and how much should be handed over to the private and its promises of higher efficiency and quality? Should national or international legislation have any say on what organizations should have the right to develop their own group of armed professional warriors? Who should be allowed access to such power and the responsibilities attached?
I read the title and thought it was ridiculous, but now I think about it, it's really the inevitable result of further capitalisation, isn't it? the power transferring slowly from government to corporations. lets face it, a big factor in the invasion of iraq was contracts for the big corporations, so what if the corporations just cut out the middle man? makes sense doesn't it?

of course I can see each corporation having it's own private army, and then we're back to feudalism again :) so maybe it doesn't make sense, or my final leap goes beyond the bounds of the reasonable :)

either way, i don't like it, and i'd much prefer the government to retain control.
I think that the privitization of the military is a grave threat to peace. I oppose it with all my heart.
Once again, theres nothing new under the sun here. These are mercenaries plain and simple. Dont allow yourselves to be fooled into thinking that this is a new dilemma simply because today they wear business suits and talk into cellphones. Mercenaries have existed as long as war has existed. Our weapons of war change, but the human animal changes very little. As long as we engage in war, there will be a financial component to it. As long as there is profit in war, there will be mercenaries. Doesnt matter if the wars are waged with spears, swords and shields, or if its waged with nukes, rifles or laser beams.
Originally posted by Dumb pothead
Once again, theres nothing new under the sun here. These are mercenaries plain and simple. Dont allow yourselves to be fooled into thinking that this is a new dilemma simply because today they wear business suits and talk into cellphones. Mercenaries have existed as long as war has existed. Our weapons of war change, but the human animal changes very little. As long as we engage in war, there will be a financial component to it. As long as there is profit in war, there will be mercenaries. Doesnt matter if the wars are waged with spears, swords and shields, or if its waged with nukes, rifles or laser beams.
I agree wholeheartedly with what you say here but placing any emerging trend in human activity under scrutiny and reference to past events will often result in the discovery of historical parity with one time period or another. To say that there is "nothing new under the sun here" is correct when the details are stripped away. But this is still something new, now, which did not exist a few decades ago in the modern world where nukes, rifles and laser beams exist.

While history may repeat itself there are always new phenomena rising from the ashes of civilizations and cultures once passed. They may not fall to the foundations of what make us tick but their lessons are still pervasive and potent.

Mercenaries crossed paths with the great powers of centuries past. Now they do so again, except under different conditions. Different market systems, governments structures, cultural perceptions and societal architecture will all play a role in determining how their reintroduction into contemporary politics and economics pan out. The underlying forces may not have changed but their engine and vehicle certainly have.
Military (and police) should stay purely and exclusively the state's privilege.

But the more I look at the world, the more I see a trend going to the usual SF nightmare, the cyberpunk world where corporations rules the world and governments are just a remnant of the past...
Dumb pothead is right. They are just mercenaries, nothing new.
They should stay as the domain of the state, but there are times when the military has more free reign or they're simple mercenaries. This doesn't surprise me at's happened in the past and is happening now, perhaps worse because they're getting their hands on some decent weaponry. The suffering civilians in mercenary wars in West Africa, Somalia, and elsewhere will testify to that.
one of the improvents modern forms of Democracy have over tyhe ancient Roman way is that armies are under the sole "ownership", and charge of the governmaent at large- privitization of armies will only lead to the instablity the liek fo which has not been seen sinc the fall of the republic itself.
Some corporations control more monetary wealth than most nations. Are we doomed to a future war between the Armies of Corporations for Corporations' interests rather than our own? Wait this sounds familiar....................OH YA, ITS CALLED "GULF WAR II: Halliburton strikes back!"
great......... now MicroSoft could also have a monopoly on the world's military, and Bill Gates could be Dictator of Earth and we couldn't do a d*** thing!
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