problems with unit selection / deselection


Ursine Skald
Dec 21, 2006
Foraging in your trashcan
:mad: I have a mixed stack of units. I should be able to use Alt for the stack, Cntrl for the type, and shift to add/remove units from those selected.

Can't do it properly under BTS. Often the game won't let you deselect with shift. You are forced to use the disband group button and give orders one at a time. Very time-consuming and frustrating.

Similar problem occasionally arises where group is selected and you give them a "button order" (i.e., not an attack order with right mouse click) like bombard, etc. Clicking adds the order to the order queue but does not execute the order. You have to deselect and go to different units then come back in order to get it done right, and you have to go one at a time again.
I upgraded to 3.03 last night and I get exactly the same thing. Really really frustrating.
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