Production scaling (workers and buildings)


Nov 27, 2016
I think I understand how production cost scaling works for districts, but buildings and workes also scale (especially workers are expensive late game), does anybody know the mechanism for this?
but buildings and workes also scale
Not sure about buildings? Is a late game library more than an early game library?
There shouldn't be any effects on buildings! The buildings table doesn't even have a column for CostProgressionModel. What building do you think scales?
Hmm, okay, maybe the building modificator i saw (higher cost than base cost), was because of the game speed? The workers for me seem to only increas +3 for the first and second each turn, the ones after that doesn't increase, but it might be a gui update issue?
Hmm, okay, maybe the building modificator i saw (higher cost than base cost), was because of the game speed? The workers for me seem to only increas +3 for the first and second each turn, the ones after that doesn't increase, but it might be a gui update issue?
Do you mean you complete several builders during the turn, for example by chops? Starting to build a builder shouldn't increase cost, the cost is increased when a builder is completed. This leads to the situation when you might have several cities saying they'll finish a builder in 1 turn, but the next turn only one or two are done, the rest are not yet finished because their cost increased between turns.
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