Please read below after glancing at it for further explanations, don't throw things at me yet! Especially regarding those tech costs and things missing.
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This design embraces the web. The game’s old web was still a little too linear with its research paths, since only some techs had affinity points, web connections were limited, and because the costs were hard-scaled and predetermined -- after picking up some first-ring techs your next cheapest choice would be Robotics, Computing, Genetic Design, or Alien Sciences. If not, then you’ll spend twice as much research on the other techs available.
Also, the old web had a lot of awkwardness to it and was a mess. You’d have affinity buildings under techs of another affinity (for example… Augmentation.P > Augementary.S and Field Theory.H > Mantle.P) and hybrid units seemed to have been just slapped on and even broke the standard of non-orbital units being available only in leaf techs. Units were sometimes under the wrong affinity tech as well (for example… Bionics.H/P > Autosled.P/S and Social Dynamics.P/S > Human Idealism > Throne.H/P). You’d even have tier 3 units like the LEV Tank and SABR in lower tier, cheaper techs than tier 2 units like the Aegis and CARVR -- WTH? Also, the lore behind things was a little wonky at times: like why did Autogyros exist? Why were CARVR's available under it? Why were Golems granted under Bioengineering?
There was also some awkwardness with the affinity resources, with Floatstone being harder to obtain than Xenomass or Firaxite, which is probably why Battlesuits cost titanium instead, and Nanohives were titanium because Drone Cages weren’t going to use floatstone and used firaxite instead, so instead of two tier 1 hybrids using firaxite they went with the titanium.
Not only was the affinity available on the old web isolated to only some of the techs, there was an overabundance of it! A lot of things weren’t worth researching if they didn’t progress your affinity. You could get 162 affinity points alone within the first two tech tiers (925 science cost and below) -- that’s nearly level 11 in an affinity (165 xp). It’s no wonder many of the outer tier techs were mostly a waste of time (like Nanorobotics!).
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With this new design, I’ve spread out each affinity evenly all over the place and tried my best to keep it true to the flavor. I also tried to create clusters of each affinity combo throughout it.
All affinity levels equal 24 xp, there’s no more slight ramping of +1 xp cost with each level, they’re all the same. I’ll make progression harder through more natural means, like increase tech costs, virtue costs, etc. 24 is a nice number since it cleanly divides by 3, 4, and even 8 if needed. Plus, I averaged out the existing game’s affinity per level if it were flat and, if I remember accurately, it was something like 18’ish. So, 24 is a nice place to be in and the existing quests rewards and things shouldn’t be too off (but I’m still going to make a pass through them and balance them).
This also makes it a hell of a lot easier to balance and control (for example, I know an 8 xp bonus is almost always equal to 1/3 of a level), plus it allows me to grant a free affinity level of the player’s choice with each synergy tier bonus in the virtue tree. If the costs ramped, then a free level wouldn’t always cost the same; you could keep culture low until you leveled up a bit and then rush virtues for free levels worth more. So, yes, your culture is now a potent tool to gaining affinity, not just science. For every 5 virtues you obtain within a tier, you get a free affinity level (plus whatever other bonus I add) -- this roughly makes each virtue equal to 5 xp. I’ll talk more about affinity gain and sources in another post.
So, every branch and leaf of an affinity is equal to half a level (4 + 8 = 12 xp). The first ring has 2 affinity levels available, the second and third rings have 4 affinity levels available each. So, if you research every single tech available to an affinity, you’ll only reach level 10 (without any other perk bonuses).
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Now, regarding tech costs. Everything is adaptive and gives you more freedom to research what you like. All tech costs increase by 5% as you research techs. You can spend more time researching techs in a ring if you like, before pushing outward, but all the costs will be ramping up (plus your expansion will further ramp them). The tech costs shown certainly aren’t final, they were just good averages I’ve come up with while looking at the base game’s costs and experimenting with Excel spreadsheet formulas. There’s still a good chance I’ll increase the outer ring costs to more than 3x the 2nd ring costs; maybe even something like 4x.
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Also, the web above is still unfinished. I plan on fleshing it out more with flavorful and stackable bonus perks were needed. For example, you’ll get the colonist and explorer from the start and you won’t need to research Pioneering and Planetary Survey to get them -- I’m changing that, because it forced you too hard to start on these from the beginning (AI’s get these two techs free). Instead, they’re getting replaced with perks and I’m creating softer handicaps where you don’t need to research these right away if you don’t wish to for some reason. I’m going to increase base outpost growth time, but with the Pioneering perk, the time will return to the normal existing value. Also, I’m going to increase the amount of time it takes to complete an expedition, but with the Planetary Survey tech perk, it’ll return it to the normal time. Throughout the tech web I’ll be adding flavorful and useful perks to techs to make them a little more interesting and useful.
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With resources available from the start, I made sure to have a few non-aquatic wonders available early to all to spend any etherium a faction may have laying around. Same thing with the two early orbitals, I didn't want players having early petroleum with nothing to spend it on early enough. I felt that these two orbitals were very fitting for the early game, one for those early station trading partners and the other to help with map exploration and guarding/watching areas of wild land around your territory.
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Victory progression has been modified a bit, but I’ll write about that another time. Also, spy agencies, covert ops, and intrigue have been changed up a bit and I’ll write about that another time too.
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Also, things are cleaned-up, and all 1st tier units are available on the 2nd ring (there’s only 3 tiers now, with ultimates as the 3rd. The first two units of each affinity share the 1st tier since they don’t really display characteristics of being much more powerful than each other compared to the other tiers) and all 2nd tier and 3rd tier ultimates are available on the 3rd ring. So, hybrids get two tier 1 units like the pure affinities, and a tier 2 unit.
Sorry for this digression, but I should note that the LEV Tank is now a tier 1 unit with the Battlesuit, and the Aegis is a tier 2 unit, before the ultimate LEV Destroyer. I just see an intersting unit like the Aegis as cooler and more powerful than a tank. Also, same thing with the CARVR and the SABR, they’re switched (and rebalanced). The CARVR is now a very powerful and monstrous Megatron’ish unit.
Affinity buildings are split into two tiers of 4 each. So, there’s four tier 1 affinity buildings for each affinity on the 2nd ring, and four tier 2 affinity buildings on the 3rd ring.
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I’m also using fairly strict rules: hybrid xp combos are only available on branch techs, all buildings must be on branch techs (except for the first ring), all units, wonders, and perks must be on leaf techs (only the new lasercom satellite breaks this since it’s used by both Purity and Supremacy). Also, all affinity buildings and units must be assigned to the appropriate tech affinity.
Also, I made sure each ring tier has the same amount of xp for all affinities. I also spread wonders out evenly so that each affinity has the same number of wonders available as they progress through their techs (but this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t branch out to other affinities!). Also, I did the same with orbital units and spread them out evenly. I also tried to keep them flavorfully accurate with the affinity and synergize with their playstyle. Again, for example, this doesn’t mean only Harmony should get things like Xeno Sirens, anybody can get it. It’s just more convenient for Harmony, that’s all.
As said above, all resources are now revealed and improvable from the start. Also, all basic core units are available from the start too (remember, they cost titanium now) and are balanced with that in mind. Why shouldn’t your space-traveling faction that awakened from cryo-sleep (sans Al Falah) not be able to construct rovers, drone planes, subs, and carriers? Especially when they're basic and nothing too fancy until you progress in affinity.
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Also.. (haha) if you’ve noticed the improvements are missing from the web, that’s because they’re not earned from tech anymore. You’ll be able to build farms, mines, generators, roads, and arrays (new/rebalanced) from the start. You get Domes, Nodes, and Biowells from your affinity. Terrascapes also come with a high Purity affinity and Manufactories or now called Droid Foundries and come with a high Supremacy affinity. Harmony gains really nice bonus yields from alien nests in their territory (which synergizes with their other perks) and they may even get a small perk like +1 energy to tiles with Miasma too since alien nest construction is a little harder to control and earn (I’m looking into controlling spawn rates and other things). I didn’t like just anybody being able to terrascape, build biowells, etc. and manufactories aren’t really needed. Oh, also Academies are removed from the game -- I hate them, lol. Instead, you’ll get bonus science/culture to you unique affinity improvements via perks to give you more incentive to build more of them. Also, there are no more magrails, just roads (or I may refer to roads as rails or magrails in the game now). Instead, you collect route movement perks to improve your roads (and the connected production bonus isn't really needed).
EDIT: Oh, I forgot to add a photoshopped image I created to see what a Droid Foundry could look like if retextured from the original, rusty-piece-of-crap looking one:
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Sorry, another digression here regarding improvements. All basic improvements (farms, mines, generators) will remain fairly basic throughout the game. The basic improvements in the base game were just stupid, especially farms with all their yield bonuses. They shouldn’t receive this when there are advanced improvements to build because they just wind up trumping them and accelerating the power ramp-up. They didn’t even cost any maintenance either!
This is another example of just blindly taking things from Civilization (an entirely different game) and applying them to Beyond Earth. Civ didn’t have any advanced improvements (not counting great ones from great people) that could be built all over the place by any civ. You had farms, mines, trading posts, mills, and (lol) forts. In that game, it made sense to add bonus yields to them as things ramped-up towards the later game. But, Beyond Earth has many advanced improvements to build which should not be outclassed by basic improvements… seriously, a FARM, why should it have so much power? Haha.
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That’s it for now, I think I’ve wrote enough today. Hopefully, I covered everything and explained things enough that the images make sense. If not, please ask!
I think I’ll talk about the core units next and how the titanium units will be different from the existing game and be worthwhile to build. I’ll also talk about the problems with the existing game’s design around these. Maybe I’ll even get into unit strength progression, the aliens, and cities too plus the new way cities are sieged -- it’s going to be awesome and fun!