ProPain's Save your eyesight Graph Mod for C3C


Dec 10, 2001
A while ago it has come to my attention some people are ruining their eyesight by trying to spot resources that are hidden in the FOW. Spotting these resources is a difficult, time consuming and unhealthy task. It's my personal opinion Infogrames and Firaxis should be sued for releasing the game in this state but it appears the problem hasn't been solved for the Conquest addition either.

But to solve the issue for the time being I have developed [drummroll] :

ProPain's 'save your eyesight' Graphics mod

Here's how they look:

And here's an ingame screenshot:

Please note how conveniently the white rectangles peek out of the fog!

Download them here:Save Your Eyesight Mod

And replace the old resources.pcx in the conquests/art folder. It might be wise to back up the resources.pcx if you ever want to return to your old graphics.

Now what about the long promised PORN MOD!!!
Are you crazy anarres ?

ProPain (incidentally my neighbor) has worked on this mod for weeks even month NON-STOP and has not even gone out once ! His wife is divorcing and thats because this mod was so hard to develop he worked non-stop on it !
So please dont ask him to make another one or else...I dunno what could happen man :(
Originally posted by Skyfish
Are you crazy anarres ?

ProPain (incidentally my neighbor) has worked on this mod for weeks even month NON-STOP and has not even gone out once ! His wife is divorcing and thats because this mod was so hard to develop he worked non-stop on it !
So please dont ask him to make another one or else...I dunno what could happen man :(

ouch, this means he has no model for the porn mod anymore?
Damn ! She leaves you and you still in love with her...poor you :cry:
Poor ProPain ! Still in love with her even she left you he ?
Good point. I think the first work of our new GOTM admin should be to put this on the proihbited cheats- list. ;)

BTW, it sure looks good. :goodjob:
is it cheating because you see them in the darkness or for another reason?
I wouldn't say using this modpack is cheating of course. But it seems they are unfit to use in some competitions, say GOTM, because they peek out the FoW. Now I could make those squares a little smaller to prevent that but that would defy the whole goal of saving your eyesight as that would require people to stare at the screen again and use magnifying tools just to spot those darn resources.

Also I'd like to annouce a new feature:

Custom coloring you 'save-your-eyesight' mod
It is now possible to get the save-your-eyesight modpack in your own custom color!

Just post here and receive your mod within the week!
How about invisible? ;) :p

But, they really look cool and work the way you meant them to, at least looks like it. :)
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