Staff is trying to update the policy on use of Mods at CivFanatics. We ask for your feedback on this proposed update and formalization of the Modiquette:
The entire Modiquette may be found in this thread.
Sorry to redirect you around the site, but we wanted to have all the discussion in one thread, so here it is. Thank you for your views.
There's some confusion about the status of the Modiquette and the proposed change to it. To clarify:
The Modiquette has not been posted or discussed forum-wide before now because it was not part of the site's official rules. It was merely a helpful aide for some Civ IV modders, to explain to them the informal approach we've always taken to this kind of thing.
The proposal is to change the Modiquette and make this change part of the rules, applying to everyone, not just Civ IV. Thus, the Modiquette itself will change materially, and its status will also change, if the proposal goes through.
Since this would affect everyone, everyone's being consulted on what they think, including whether they want such a change at all.
- Plotinus
Any Mod that is developed using CivFanatics resources or is supplied by one of its authors through links in the forums or Downloads database is free to use, without permission, as long as credit is given.
The entire Modiquette may be found in this thread.
Sorry to redirect you around the site, but we wanted to have all the discussion in one thread, so here it is. Thank you for your views.

There's some confusion about the status of the Modiquette and the proposed change to it. To clarify:
The Modiquette has not been posted or discussed forum-wide before now because it was not part of the site's official rules. It was merely a helpful aide for some Civ IV modders, to explain to them the informal approach we've always taken to this kind of thing.
The proposal is to change the Modiquette and make this change part of the rules, applying to everyone, not just Civ IV. Thus, the Modiquette itself will change materially, and its status will also change, if the proposal goes through.
Since this would affect everyone, everyone's being consulted on what they think, including whether they want such a change at all.
- Plotinus