Civ4Col Modder
... because we actually don't do 2 or 3, if it just concerns modding, and not the general behaviour.
Could we get a bit more specific ?
What is meant with "if it just concerns modding" ?
... because we actually don't do 2 or 3, if it just concerns modding, and not the general behaviour.
We warn and infract people for flaming, trolling, spam and some other things, which might lead at the end to a ban (temporary or permanently).
If it's about giving credits, sharing work, behaving like a good community member, respecting the rights of others, etc. then this is at the moment nothing which is regulated by the forum rules.
This is the heart of it. The Modiquette is a set of guidelines, not rules to follow.Credits:
Other forums I know, do the same as above.
They first remember in a friendly way.
Then they warn in a more serious way.
If it is still refused they ban (mostly permanently).
Sharing Work:
I don't know any other forum that tries to enforce that.
I have tried to explain already, why this is critical.
I am convinced that there is no good way to force a modder to share.
And there is nothing to gain with even trying.
All that will probably happen is that community might loose some mods to play.
This is simply handled by the modders themselves.
Why should somebody cooperate with or help another modder that refuses to cooperate and help himself ?
Of course, other modders will not always be able to reasonably convince uncooperative modders.
It is simply a pitty then.
Currently, other than banning people outright, we have no tools ...
In order to ban someone, we should have a basis to do so.
Bans are taken very seriously by staff and we try to keep from taking this action.
The Modiquette, then, needs to become forum policy, not just a set of guidelines.
draft said:Unless stated otherwise by its author(s), any original work that is supplied through links in the forums or Downloads database is free to be re-used for non-commercial purposes within this community, without permission, as long as credit is given and no 3rd party rights are violated (not considering IP holders of the Civilization franchise and users from this forum)
Any derivative works, when allowed, are submitted to the sharing and modification rules set by the original author(s) or the forum's default rules if none were specified.
I have a problem with permissions for all time.Modder says that permission is required. Derivative works are only allowed with permission, as long as no other rights are violated.
I believe if the modder is no longer active on the forum after defined period the requirement to obtain permission should lapse, ...
Modder says that permission is required. Derivative works are only allowed with permission, as long as no other rights are violated.
What constitutes a modders work? If said modder has used tutorials, read threads and asked questions, received help in writing code, or has used or modified graphics and studied other mods codes etc and incorporates this in his mod, can he then claim that it is all his own work?If a modder explicitly states that his work requires permission to be used
This mod is based on TAC ?
Yes, it is originally based on TAC and almost completely includes everything that is in TAC 2.03_final.
With its amazing size, love for the detail and outstanding quality TAC was a great base for this project.
However, we have heavily changed, improved or added to that base.
A very big part of Religion and Revolution is new features not known in TAC.
(In many cases adjusted / improved versions of features from other mods / modcomps but also often created by ourselves.)
We really have to thank all the modders out there for their great work.
Special thanks again to the TAC team.
Without all their hard work, this mod would not exist.
Is it allowed to use our work ?
Yes, generally you can use our source code, graphics, images, ...
!!! However !!!
1. We do contain music that does not belong to us.
René Osmanczyk for example has allowed us to use his music.
If you want to use and publish it as well, you need to ask him before doing so.
2. We do contain a lot of work from other modders and mod projects (especially TAC).
Please consider that, when giving credits as well.
If you are not sure, who to credit, simply ask us and we will try to tell you.
Some Remarks about Distribuiton and Rights of Usage:
Religion and Revolution is a non-commercial mod project.
If you use or distribute Religion and Revolution please pay attention to the copyright.
We allow usage and distribution as long as Religion and Revolution remains non-commercial.
As a matter of course it is permitted to use Religion and Revolution in an own mod project
as long as the copyrights are not harmed, and it is a non-commercial project too.
If you use Religion and Revolution in an own mod project you have to make clear that you have
done changes to the original Religion and Revolution and eventually also to our base project TAC.
What constitutes a modders work ?
If said modder has used tutorials, read threads and asked questions, received help in writing code, or has used or modified graphics and studied other mods codes etc and incorporates this in his mod, can he then claim that it is all his own work?
What are you (who like to think of yourself's as so important) doing to the community!
What of newer members, just starting out who, because you don't want to share will not have the advantages that you had in producing your mod.
The fact is, you have taken advantage of others willingness to share but are not willing to do likewise and seek to gain all the credit for yourself.
This is still a community and this is a Rule change and every member has a right to be heard and that includes those who do not have a big fancy mod to there name.
I understand that there is a need in certain circumstances to require permission but it is also now necessary to protect sharing and openness.
Therefore the rule change must also require people to share "their" work, the community as a whole must be protected and not just the rights of a few powerful individuals.
Whats next on your agenda, consultancy fees?
Are we going to have to buy the rights to your mod?
Pay to download it?
Those who want the right to demand permission must have reasonable Cause for doing so and saying "I worked hard on it" is not sufficient!
One other thing if a modder accidentally forgets to include a credit for a unit in his mod he will be banned, hope those who think the wording is fine are aware of that!
I have a problem with permissions for all time.
I believe if the modder is no longer active on the forum after defined period the requirement to obtain permission should lapse, and the works then fall under the normal sharing guidelines of the modiquette and all that remains is to continue to give credit to the original author where possible.
.What constitutes a modders work? If said modder has used tutorials, read threads and asked questions, received help in writing code, or has used or modified graphics and studied other mods codes etc and incorporates this in his mod, can he then claim that it is all his own work?
What constitutes a modders work? If said modder has used tutorials, read threads and asked questions, received help in writing code, or has used or modified graphics and studied other mods codes etc and incorporates this in his mod, can he then claim that it is all his own work?
Any derivative works, when allowed, are submitted to the sharing and modification rules set by the original author(s) or the forum's default rules if none were specified.
One other thing if a modder accidentally forgets to include a credit for a unit in his mod he will be banned, hope those who think the wording is fine are aware of that!
Modder says that permission is required. Derivative works are only allowed with permission, as long as no other rights are violated.