Protecters of the Faith (was Atlantis)


Nov 7, 2004
This faction is based around an autocratic ruler who has some sort of "divine right" to rule, whether that be through our pagan religion or any of the world religions. If you are looking to officially sign up to be a part of this faction, the sign up thread is here:

Also, our forum is located here:

To join this faction, you only need to satisfy the following requirements:
-You must not be a member of any other faction
-You must be a citizen of the nation
-You must post in the Mysticracy Faction Sign Up (link above) thread declaring your interest.


- This faction will decide upon a leader (Head of Faith), prior to the faction vote. Nominations will happen for two days which will then follow by a vote. Whoever gains the most vote wins.
- This leader may or may not appoint advisors and governors.
- The leader may pass on his powers to a member of his choosing at any time.
- The leader will rule absolutely; his/her word is final in all matters including legal, military, and foreign and domestic policy.
- Even though this leader rules absolutely, the metagame rules still apply (such as reporting events in-game, playing the correct amount of turns, etc.)


Within the Protectors of Faith faction, members may nominate themselves or others to be the leader, and through the use of internal polls, deals, or some other means, one leader must be chosen from all candidates. This must be done before this faction officially puts in its bid to run the national government.

Each prospective leader must name a successor. If for some reason the leader should "fall ill" or "die," the successor would take over, naming his/her own successor if needed.

After the leader is chosen, the rest of the members of the faction become the "Conclave." Conclave members are called “Faithful” and can be associated with places once they are established. The Conclave has no real power unless granted by the Head of Faith, however.

The Protectors of Faith faction is committed to the following goals (in order of importance):
1. Develop our nation's religious identity ((Found an early religion))
2. Develop the might of our nation so that we can safely practice our religion ((military safety))
3. Grow our nation ((expansion))

NOTE that we are a part of the Triad coalition along with the Philosophers of the Legion and Warlords factions. The joint platform can be found here

The Head of Faith will appoint themselves or others to be the designated turn player(s) (DTP). The DTP must follow all metagame rules. The pace and time of the turns is up to the discretion of the Head.

The divine word of the Head of Faith is law and is the final say in all disputes and law changes.

The Head of Faith may appoint any individual or faction to any position as they see fit.

Land Ownership Policy:
The Protectors of the Faith have no need for individual land ownership. After all, we do not own the land, the gods do. By pretending to be "owners," we only serve to offend them. Land under the jurisdiction of this faction becomes property of the faction itself, and it alone.

However, the Head of Faith may assign a Faithful (including himself) to a certain task that may involve being in charge of a land tile. For instance, the Head may assign a caretaker to an iron tile that will be responsible for the operations there. This is not limited or restricted in any way: He/she may assign a Faithful to be responsible for, say, all dye resources under the control of the faction.

Positions are created/dissolved by the Head of Faith (with the exception of the Successor. The current positions are:
Successor: The Successor is the "2nd-in-command" and will take over the faction should the Head of Faith no longer be able to.
Hand of Faith: The Hand of Faith is an advisor to the Head that deals with game strategy.
Voice of Faith: The Voice of Faith is the diplomat that negotiates with other factions.

AluminumKnight (Head of Faith)
croxis (Successor)
Diamondeye (Hand of Faith)
civplayah (Voice of Faith)
Just a small point, we won't have access to the HR civic at the start of the game. :)
Just a small point, we won't have access to the HR civic at the start of the game. :)

That's one of the things that has confused me a bit about the faction system. We could get all the way through the 1st term without even having an opportunity to change civics.
I think, because there can be quite a lot of differnces between factions of the same civic, that's why we get the chance to rebel every 28? days and possibly pick a new faction.
We won't have access to the Hereditary Rule civic, this is true. However, there were Kings and Queens long before we discover Monarchy in the game. Would changing this faction to the Monarchy faction make more sense? Or perhaps, since I intended this to be a religion-based faction, a High Priest faction or something like that would be better. Suggestions?
Just a small point, we won't have access to the HR civic at the start of the game. :)

That's one of the things that has confused me a bit about the faction system. We could get all the way through the 1st term without even having an opportunity to change civics.

I believe he's looking at it this way. It is, largely, a despotism that will probably develop into a monarchy once we get to that stage. Although it needs a renaming for the moment.

Proposed Faction Rename:
Elder Council

The "despot" can be called the "Ancient" with the princes/princess's referred to as elders.
Eh, Elder Council might work, but we already have the Tribal Council. I'm leaning towards a "High Priest" and "Priest" system, but what would it be called?
Eh, Elder Council might work, but we already have the Tribal Council. I'm leaning towards a "High Priest" and "Priest" system, but what would it be called?

The Church of Wheat. Or anything else in place of wheat. We can decide on that after the game has started.
What if I called it a Mysticracy? Really, the right word is Theocracy, but I want to avoid confusions, so I made up a word. I want to avoid "Church," just sounds too Christian to me. Basically, all the rules here will be the same, but I'll just have to replace a bunch of words.

Do I need a mod to change the title of my post? Or should I repost (again)?
A mod can rename it, just post what you'd like, or use report post and ask for the change in the report.

No worries, we won't accidentally give you an infraction. :)
Changed. I think this is acceptable now.
WE need to look into what type of Civ we'll get. If its Egyptian, call it something around the term Pharaoh, and so on. There were Dynastic titles before Hereditary Rule, just in another form. Hereditary Rule means more of a separation of State and Church, whereas Despotism had it all.
It's fine, i thought the title was a little misleading. :)
Also... yes. I am still with you ;).
Sweet, 3 members. Now we can get down to business. I will work on getting a platform written up tomorrow (feel free to post your thoughts). Also, I'm not exactly keen on "Grand Mystic" and "Mystic" for position titles. I guess we could wait until we know what civilization we get or something, but any ideas are welcome
Any suggestions on leader? Platform? Anything? Even dropping by to say, "AK, you're the smartest person ever and I can't see anything that could change" would be great.
I'm not so sure you could achieve an early religion with the current unpredictability in civ choice and likely choice of difficulty. If 2+ AIs start with mysticism and you're beelining Mysticism -> Meditation/Polytheism, it's a gamble (or worse yet Mysticism -> Polytheism (late) -> Masonry -> Monotheism). Otherwise this faction will be an alternate choice (although I would prefer some more possibilities for internal upheaval :backstab:)
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