Province Registry


Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002
This is a registry to keep the names of your provinces, and a (small) political map of your province. A Geographical/City view can be included in your thread. Mayors can include updated city screens in their threads. Here's is the format that you should use:

Province Flag (if you have one - centered)

Province Name (This should be a link to the province page) (governor's name)
City 1 (make 'City 1' a link to a city page. i.e., Fox Nest) (Mayor's name)
City 2
City 3

Political Province Map (if you have one. Make this small, as this registry will be graphically intensive)

It should look something like the following:

[ FLAG ]

Province of Istar (Governor's Name)
Fox Nest (Mayor's Name)
Eyr (Mayor's Name)

[ Political Map ]
Province of Kashmir

Governor: Toasty


Cyrus - Cyc
Delphi - Disorganizer
Alexandria - No Mayor
Heliopolis - Zarn
Chondote - No Mayor
CSIM - No Mayor
Heraleia - No Mayor
Thessalonica - No Mayor
Ephesus - No Mayor

Province Map....This map is outdated.

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