PSA - Internet Archive Hack


Resident Medieval Monk
Super Moderator
Mar 17, 2007
I know a number of CFC'ers have Internet Archive accounts, among them @Blake00 . Bad news, it was hacked today (source:

You can check if you have an Internet Archive account that was affected (I believe all of them were) at , which is run by security consultant Troy Hunt. If you have, and you use the same password elsewhere, make sure to change it anywhere else it is used (and at the Internet Archive, at least once it's confirmed to be re-secured). Their password security appears to be adequate, but still, the hackers now have infinite time to attempt to hack it, so if you were using a weak password, chances are good they will figure it out.

Responsibility for the hack has been claimed by a pro-Palestinian group, the same one that previously took a UAE bank offline for six days in August. Seems like a dubious way to try to get people to support your cause if you ask me.
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