Originally posted by Pontiuth Pilate
1. A bandit stopped a traveler in the forest. After seeing that he didn't have any money, he was about to kill the hapless wanderer when he decided to be more cruel. "Say something. If you tell the truth I'll cut your throat, if you tell a lie I'll disembowel you." Ten minutes later, the traveler walked out of the other side of the forest, intact. What did he say?
2. An evil dictator decided to try a writer who had bravely been opposing his regime. To give the show trial a semblance of legitimacy, he offered the choice of verdict to God. "I will write 'guilty' on one slip of paper and 'not guilty' on the other, mix them in a box, and let you draw one. Whichever one you pick will be your fate," he told the writer. The writer knew the dictator was very evil. What had he done to doom the writer? How did the writer outwit the dictator?
3. A king wished to line a hall with beautiful murals. He hired two painters for this purpose. One worked hard for a year; the other lazed around. On the last day of the contract the second artist was desperate. Yet by dawn he had found a solution, and the king rewarded him with as much gold as he did the first artist. How did the second artist paint his side of the hall?
4. A king said to his two sons: "Get a horse and ride to Jerusalem. The one whose horse reaches Jerusalem last will become the next king." For three days the two sons rode - as slowly as possible - constantly trying to be slower than the other. On the fourth day, with Jerusalem almost in sight, the younger brother had an inspiration. He woke up an hour early and won the bet. How?