Finally I made my own Gallery as Ekmek and the other Leaderhead-Artists.
Fortunally I had copies of most of my Leaderheads on my USB-Stick, so I am able to upload them.
I know my Leaders are not of that high quality (most of them are only reskinned) like the ones of Ekmek or The Capo for example, but I made them more than one year ago when there were only few 3D-Leaderheads.
I've divided them to three Packages:
Info: The Akbar-Picture is somewhat wrong, because I made his skin much lighter.
01.01.2009 added:
Links to the Downloadbase:
Johan de Witt
Philipp II
Fortunally I had copies of most of my Leaderheads on my USB-Stick, so I am able to upload them.
I know my Leaders are not of that high quality (most of them are only reskinned) like the ones of Ekmek or The Capo for example, but I made them more than one year ago when there were only few 3D-Leaderheads.
I've divided them to three Packages:
Info: The Akbar-Picture is somewhat wrong, because I made his skin much lighter.
01.01.2009 added:

Links to the Downloadbase:
Johan de Witt
Philipp II