Quest for Glory - Deity Challenge #11


GOTM Staff
Oct 22, 2018
Construction time!

This is the game to satify your world wonder spammer desires. The map is crazy and I even did it a little more attractive for you, compared to the game I played. We play as Egypt on a standard sized Fractal map and the speed is Standard. Here we are going for a peaceful victory condition, choose one that fits you the best. However, to decide who is the "QfG wonder spammer of the year", we will use the following points:
Any self built
Ancient era wonder: 12 points
Classical era wonder: 10 points
Medieval and Renaissance era wonder: 7 points
Industrial and Modern era wonder: 5 points
Atomic and Information era wonder: 3 points
and then
Any conquered wonder: 1 point.

Hopefully you can beat my pathetic 113 points for a CV on t242.


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Still playing the Other Enjoyable CiV Games Austria one but I'll try this. Even my survival rate on Deity hasn't been great lately though...

Would consider moving to the hill next to the mountain if the warrior could see what was on the other side of it. Even if you settle on Marble you still need Masonry to get the Wonder bonus right?
Even if you settle on Marble you still need Masonry to get the Wonder bonus right?

Actually, I believe you get the wonder bonus just by settling on it, and masonry is not required. You only get the 4 happiness when you research masonry, obviously. Note that if you want to build a stone works, you need to stay on the grassland tile.

I've almost finished this game, and it's a blast. Do I report the game in this thread, or is there some sort of submission system as with GotM?
Very fun map. I'm on turn 100:
Spoiler :
90 points so far - 3 ancient, 4 classical, 2 medieval:
Temple of Artemis (turn 28)
Pyramids (40)
Mausoleum (49)
Colossus (60)
Oracle (69)
Petra (74)
Great Lighthouse (85)
Chichen Itza (93)
Machu Picchu (99)

I wasn't ready for this number of ruins! One of them was a map that gave me 500 gold for El Dorado. I believe I would've gotten the money with a scout regardless, but receiving it a couple of turns earlier was nice. I'm curious how everyone spent their 500 gold. I bought an extra scout (only hard-built one, my BO was Scout - Granary (Pottery ruin) - Temple of Artemis) and a worker to start improving all these very nice tiles quicker.


With Uluru in range, getting the first pantheon was trivial. I took God-King to have a smoother early game. There are much better options for faith generation here, but I didn't think it would matter much, since Uluru provides enough faith by itself. My religion is Tithe / Pagodas / +15% production / +30% range.

I went Liberty because 1) it allows you to build an early wonder and still get Settlers out reasonably fast, 2) I knew very early that I wanted a Great Engineer for Petra here. Settled Heliopolis adjacent to the desert sheep for it.

Memphis was my first expo. The location is so good that I figured I'd try for Colossus there, so my early tech order was Archery - (Pottery ruin) - Masonry - AH (to send a caravan to Memphis) - Iron Working. Ended up getting both Colossus and GLH, which was still available really late in the game. Must've been all the wars that other coastal start civs got involved in.

The ancient wonder combo I got in the capital was ToA - Pyramids - Mausoleum. The first two will greatly speed up my next Great Engineer spawn, which should sync well with Printing Press. Currently trying to get the Theology wonders. Don't think Notre Dame is possible anymore.

I could've opened Honor for SoZ after finishing Liberty, but took Tradition and then Piety opener instead. Slow border growth annoys me more than missing out on 12 points for SoZ.

A lone Pikeman is swimming to that eastern CS island to collect two ruins. Weapon upgrade would be pretty cool.
Actually, I believe you get the wonder bonus just by settling on it, and masonry is not required. You only get the 4 happiness when you research masonry, obviously. Note that if you want to build a stone works, you need to stay on the grassland tile.

I've almost finished this game, and it's a blast. Do I report the game in this thread, or is there some sort of submission system as with GotM?
No submission system, just make a write up in this thread.
Culture victory turn 203

I feel silly I didn't find GBR until turn 201, lol. I definitely would have put another city down there!

El Dorado $ went for a settler.

I didn't know what VC to play for, so I was planning for science until about turn 175 when i saw no other civ had a runaway culture, so I pivoted to CV. Even without planning the WC votes for world religion or IG I still steamrolled pretty quickly with all the wonder culture in Thebes.

Major events - everyone disliked England early on because they captured Milan and Jenne. So my first war was with Liz and I liberated Milan and took Jenne in a peace deal. Later on I took London from Shaka and Assur later on in a peace deal when my military was #1.

A quick end game war with Carthage got me 7 GW's.

Really fun game. Thanks @Nizef!








36: Stonehenge, Mausoleum, Pyramids. Ancient era wonder: 12 points
20: Oracle, Hanging Gardens: Classical era wonder: 10 points
42: Great Mosque, Borobudur, Chitzen Itza, Machu Pichu, Angkor Wat, Notre Dame: Medieval and Renaissance era wonder: 7 points
55: sistine, LToP, Globe, Himeji, PT, Maj, Red Fort, Broadway, Eiffel, SoL, Cristo: Industrial and Modern era wonder: 5 points
3: CN Tower: Atomic and Information era wonder: 3 points
and then
6: FP, SoZ, Great Lighthouse (missed by one turn in Heliopolis :cry:, Great Library, Hagia, Parthenon: Any conquered wonder: 1 point.

Total Wonder score 162

Culture victory T251, wonder score 234 (if I managed to count correctly :-)).

Ancient: Toa, Mausoleum
Classical: Oracle, Hanging Gardens, Colossus
Medieval: Boro, Hagia, Great Mosque, Angkor, Notre, Alhambra
Captured: Chichen, Zeus, Prora, Great Lighthouse, Pyramids, Terracotta
From Renaissance onwards: everything except Himeji (Rome, in an expand), Prora, Kremlin, and Great Firewall (completed just after the victory screen)

Spoiler Game play :

I moved my warrior east, and did not see anything that would justify crossing the river, so I settled in place. Going north would have given a much stronger capital, but I did not see all the salt up there on turn 0, and anyway I now had a decent expand there. The eldorado gold allowed me to buy a settler for Uluru, although unfortunately I did not radar and walked straight into the arms of a barbarian handaxe, so in the end Heliopolis was not settled any earlier than if I had hard-built the settler (although it did save the capital from building one, of course). I built another settler for the coastal expand east (I did not discover GBR either :-)), and then granary into Temple of Artemis and Mausoleum. I was quite lucky to get them, because my early game was not that fast.

I did not fancy trying to steal from Cartage given the layout of the land, though I still got reasonable steals from Kuala Lumpur, plus some lucky steals from barbarians that had captured CS workers. It did mean that all of the salt was quite slow to get online. My game play was not particularly advanced: simply tradition first, and then open up some other trees for wonders later (piety, patronage, aesthetics). My game at this point was very good though. Heliopolis, which after liberating the settler from the barb camp, I had settled off-river next to Uluru, and it managed to get Hanging Gardens. Memphis meanwhile had gotten Colossus, although it really should have gotten Great Lighthouse too. I could easily have exchanged embassies with Elizabeth, and then have Assyria declare war on her, but I did not think of it and lost it by 1-2 turns. Memphis and Heliopolis were my guild cities, because Thebes was not good enough to work guilds and spam wonders at the same time, even though I would have liked to concentrate it all in the capital, especially with Alhambra and hermitage there.

From the Renaissance onwards, Himeji castle was the only wonder that the AI still managed to get, all the other wonders I built, except for the ideology wonders (I did not attempt and advanced stuff like passing Autocracy world ideology in order to try to switch), and Great Firewall which only completed after I had seen the victory screen. I did kind of lose the plot towards the end game, though. I was not sure whether to try for a quick victory, or try to get all the wonders. In the end I sort of went for the latter, although my play was not very accurate anymore, and I failed to capture the AI cities that still held 6 other wonders in total. All in all, a very fun game! It's not very often you can successfully wonder spam to this extent on Deity :) . Btw, cities did not seem to lose population when I captured them, was that a game setting?

Very nice games @fiddlesticks and @The_Black_Vegetable !

It seems that the two big puzzles for this challenge are
1) how to get the largest number of Ancient, Classical and to a lesser extent Medieval wonders possible,
2) balancing finish turn and # of wonders

I'd maybe even propose a multiplier for the final score based on finish turn, e.g. finishing before T200 gets double points, T200-210 gets 1.9x and so on, although I don't know what fair numbers would be.

Btw, cities did not seem to lose population when I captured them, was that a game setting?
Did you have a lot of tourism when capturing those cities? At Familiar influence and above you get conquest bonuses:

When you capture a city belonging to an enemy influenced by you, Resistance in that city will last for fewer turns. Also, the city will lose fewer citizens when captured.

Familiar: -25% reduction on Resistance period and Population loss
Popular: -50% reduction on Resistance period and Population loss
Influential: -75% reduction on Resistance period and Population loss
Dominant: No Resistance and no Population lost
I'd maybe even propose a multiplier for the final score based on finish turn, e.g. finishing before T200 gets double points, T200-210 gets 1.9x and so on, although I don't know what fair numbers would be.
I think your proposal is very fair indeed. What do the rest of you guys think?
Did you have a lot of tourism when capturing those cities? At Familiar influence and above you get conquest
Ah yes, I was dominant with Rome since I bulbed all my musicians into him (I had peaced Assyria). Learned something new today, I was completely unaware of this mechanic!

I think your proposal is very fair indeed. What do the rest of you guys think?
That's fair, although of course we can't unplay our games anymore :)(and a second playthrough is always completely different). I did actually start the map again, this time with the aim seeing what kind of science timing I would get (and also to settle GBR), and then of course the AI built the wonders much earlier: Elizabeth even completed Mausoleum before turn 40, which is somewhat rare for the AI.
Finished on T169 with CV. Fun Map!

Spoiler :

13 wonders:
HG, Oracle
Boro,HS, MP
LOTP, Globe,Sistine,Uffizi
Effiel Tower, Lourve

I think thats 103 points but w/e

Unfortunately around T60 the world seemed a thoroughly unfriendly place with everyone coverting my lands secretly so I decided to go for CV despite having an epic science victory capital and getting TOA. 2 AI were wiped out and somehow India survived Shaka with a mysterious city somewhere which I couldnt find. Noone really cared about my WR proposal in the WC which tells you every AI was focused on domination victory.

Sadly I couldnt beat my goal of sub T160 on this cooked map. Had two spare musicians with 3k extra tourism :/ but things are nonlinear for CV. Maybe going Piety -> Glory of God would have been better.

If i had to guess some AI were moved around like India since I caught a settler from them just north of the city states.



After looking at the map again, I think these were the changes made?

Spoiler :

1) India spawned in the Silver/Spice spot north of Kuala Lumpur. Moved to Shaka's terrority. This is why India sends settler there because it has vision of the highest fertility location.

2) Carthage spawned a few tiles west. Moved to the coast. Her regional luxury was truffles, which implies...

3) Belgrade and Kuala Lumpur orginally spawned north of Byblos (north west of Shaka on the peninsular), and were shifted to create a buffer.

4) Cant tell 100% if other CS were shifted, since I never rolled fractal maps before. Maybe one was originally on the island on the inland sea?

5) extra ruins + Lux (eg wine tiles, not sure about copper), maybe NW were shifted?

@fimbul could you post your save file? What strategy did you use to get base tourism of 150+ so early?
I’m assuming you researched as far as hotels and filled slots with artifacts? Any conquest artifacts?
I managed a 190 finish 2nd time through and would love any tips to improve that time.
What happened to the 4 tiles between cities rule in Deity Challenge #11?

Spoiler ??? :
Deity chall_11_what.png
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