Question about AI progression


Dec 21, 2024
So it seems that Civ VII will launch with 30/31 Civs with 10 in each era + Shawnee. The devs said in one of the early livestreams that the AI will automatically prefer historic pathways, but to me it that doesnt make much sense when you think about what civs will be included. There are some obvious historical pathways such as Maurya to Chola to Mughal and Han to Ming to Qing, but at the same time Hawaii, Meiji, and Inca just seem totally random. Im sure they will all obtain more historically pathways in the future with the release of new content, but what will the base game look like if you the player are playing a game with 10 civs (assuming thats the maximum) and choosing historical paths. Im predicting that the AI will choose:
Han to Ming to Qing
Maurya to Chola to Mughal
Khmer to Indonesia to Siam
Axum to Songhai to Buganda
Mississippi to Shawnee to America
Maya to Inca to Mexico
Rome & Greece to Spain & Normans to France & Britain
and possibly Persia to Mongols to Russia even though thats a bit of a stretch
This is all assuming that Britain and Russia will be in the game, which i could be wrong about but Britain is too historically significant to leave out imo and a Russian building has apparently been spotted in the game already
Egypt to Abbasid is obvious but where would the ai go from there? Japan? I think its safe to say that the civs chosen for this game couldve been better representative of history, but it appears that this game is just gonna feel like humankind at launch, with Ai transforming into radically different cultures at era transitions. What do yall think?
I think geographical reigons are going to be a bit more flexible for the AI to pick from. Africa connects to western Asia connects to Russia, Meiji can connect to China, SEA, and maybe Hawaii, and Hawaii will count as a North American civ and connect to Mississippi (odd) and America (actually reasonable.) We've already seen a Persian leader leading the Mughals and our Indian leader leading Siam.
I think geographical reigons are going to be a bit more flexible for the AI to pick from. Africa connects to western Asia connects to Russia, Meiji can connect to China, SEA, and maybe Hawaii, and Hawaii will count as a North American civ and connect to Mississippi (odd) and America (actually reasonable.) We've already seen a Persian leader leading the Mughals and our Indian leader leading Siam.
I get what your saying, but i guess my question is what would this look like in a singleplayer game against 9 bots? Lets say for example you have an ai that goes from egypt to abbasid, what options would they have in the next era if you have the other bots going from songhai to buganda, chola to mughal, mongol to russia, indonesia to siam, ming to qing, you would just have a random abbasid civ that evolves into Japan? Or another example, what if you the player start as rome then go to spain then mexico, a civ starting as maya then inca would just have to choose a random civ like france or japan at that point and kinda ruin the immersion imo. Im just saying theres no way to have a 10 player singleplayer game without having at least one civ jump to another culture on the other side of the world
I get what your saying, but i guess my question is what would this look like in a singleplayer game against 9 bots? Lets say for example you have an ai that goes from egypt to abbasid, what options would they have in the next era if you have the other bots going from songhai to buganda, chola to mughal, mongol to russia, indonesia to siam, ming to qing, you would just have a random abbasid civ that evolves into Japan? Or another example, what if you the player start as rome then go to spain then mexico, a civ starting as maya then inca would just have to choose a random civ like france or japan at that point and kinda ruin the immersion imo. Im just saying theres no way to have a 10 player singleplayer game without having at least one civ jump to another culture on the other side of the world
We sort of saw an example of this in the last stream, with Machiavelli playing as France with Spanish history. Spain doesn't unlock France, it only unlocks Mexico, but Franklin picked America so Tecumseh picked Mexico so that wasn't available. As such, it looks like it defaults to civs the leader would typically be seen with, like how Machiavelli went to a different pathway that Greece, Rome, or Norman could have gone to in a different game. I suppose if that isn't an option, it would have to be just random.
Im just saying theres no way to have a 10 player singleplayer game without having at least one civ jump to another culture on the other side of the world
Someone on this forum has shown that it's possible and the paths are:
Rome>Normans>Prussia (or maybe Britain)
Khmer>Majapahit>Meiji Japan

It's likely that the AI is able to ignore unlock requirements. I think we've seen AI Machiavelli go from Spain to France in the last livestream.
This is the prediction I have for Antiquity -> Exploration geographical/historical paths. In single player at least, if the player only chooses these unlock paths, the AI should be able to pick something else that fits. If the player uses a Leader unlock, the AI might be able to choose which AI player will be forced to use a leader unlock to keep as many historical paths as possible.

Or they just use a greedy algorithm and risk one AI player getting a random civ.

This is the best I can come up with while keeping the "Unlocks 2, Unlocked by 2" pattern. That being said, it's still weird looking at some of the paths and I think someone can come up with better ones. This also assumes that we're getting Germany and Russia over Britain, though I think it will fit somewhat if Germany is replaced by Britain, but Russia being replaced means it will be shaken up.

- Songhai -> France is because some of Songhai's regions got colonized by France
- Inca -> Mexico, America is geographical (Americas region)
- Hawaii -> Meiji is geographical (Pacific region) and some cultural ties (though I think it's a bit of a stretch for an unlock path)

Someone on this forum has shown that it's possible and the paths are:
Rome>Normans>Prussia (or maybe Britain)
Khmer>Majapahit>Meiji Japan

It's likely that the AI is able to ignore unlock requirements. I think we've seen AI Machiavelli go from Spain to France in the last livestream.
The paths aren’t straight

A civ
-could be unlocked by more than one civ
-could unlock more than one civ
-could be unlocked by a leader
-could be unlocked by gameplay
(could possibly have unlocks ignored by the AI)

-may equally prefer multiple possible civs for a particular era (choosing randomly between them)
-may take a less preferred civ if more preferred civs are already taken
Will the AI choose a preferred path based on set line of Civs.
Or will each leader have preference they seek depending what is taken
Will the AI choose a preferred path based on set line of Civs.
Or will each leader have preference they seek depending what is taken
I think it’s probably leader preference from the different civ unlocks (or leader unlocks)

So if Napoleon somehow starts as Han*, he will probably choose Ming or Mongol next (civ unlocks for Han)…but then in Modern he will choose France, because he unlocks it himself.

*which probably wouldn’t happen because Napoleon would choose Greece or Rome to reach France….but they seem to avoid duplicates….so maybe an AI Napoleon in a game with AI Augustus and Isabella … wouldn’t get their first choice
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