Question about city health


Oct 25, 2005
Currently I have a city at 13 population with a total unhealth of 23 and a total health of 21. My minuses are listed as +4 from power, +4 from bonuses, +2 from buildings, and +13 from pop. I don't understand where the the total of +10 is coming from though. I have a factory, a coal plant, and a forge with access to oil and coal with coal being in the actual city radius (don't think that matters but I felt like mentioning that just incase). So, if I'm adding correctly I have +1 from the forge, +1 from the factory, +4 (2 each) from the factory due to coal and oil, and +2 from the coal plant providing power. That should be +8 not +10 so where is the extra +2 coming from?
Power itself gives +2 unhealthiness which is added on top of the +2 from coal plants. Even "clean" power like hydro and nuclear has this.

Be sure to get Supermarkets, Hospitals and Public Transportation online to offset this stuff...
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