Question about the destroy undead spell.


Jul 25, 2005
I've been wondering, how effective is it against the infenals. Does it harm them, and if so, which units?
No, it doesn't hurt infernals. In the civiliopedia, you can check to see which units are 'type' undead. The most important are probagly spectres, skeletons, diseased corpses, wraiths, and the Sheaim pyre zombies (probably a few more I'm not thinking of off the top of my head). Note that the Calabim vampires are NOT undead in FfH.

So the spell is really important in fighting someone who has gone deep into death magic or against the Sheaim, and sometimes against the Ashen Veil. Note that although destroy undead doesn't hurt vampires, vampires summon spectres, and it helps agaisnt the spectres.

Best wishes,

It will destroy undead units owned by the Infernals. Most of their units are Demons rather than undead, but they do tend to build a lot of Undead AV Diseased Corpses.
Don't the Infernals have skeletal archers and horsemen?

Sanctify (life I) is very useful against the infernals so you might as well get Destroy Undead (life II) with at least one caster too.
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