Question about women


Jan 18, 2006
Now granted this is my conjecture, so don't take anything personally. I was initially going to phrase the subject; 'modern' women, but then it occured to me that it's really probably nothing new - it's just more free running & visible today.

So the question is, why are women bound and determined to emasculate men? I mean seriously - there is something going on along those lines, that you just can't deny. Heck, everyone here probably knows me, and can imagine that I don't take crap from anyone. But even still, even with me, women are constantly trying to set things up so that (in their silly minds) I'm being... controlled, limited, put in my place, etc. I believe it's this treatment, that they themselves are immersed in from early age... essentially misery loves company (a psychology that I find abounds throughout humanity). Maybe it's the way girls are treated, and expected to behave when growing up. They get 'fenced in', and pressure is put on them - that they are lesser, and should be limited.

Though, I can't help but feel there's more to it than just that. There IS some kind of DEEP, fundamental envy... or jealousy... something, that women are constantly struggling with their entire lives, and for some reason they can't resist the temptation to lash out and try to belittle men, at least in their point of view.

Maybe it's defensiveness... from instinct. Perhaps since the man just happens to be stronger, and 'equipped with a weapon', thus the female's instincts put her on the defensive. Well, what happens when people are defensive, for too long? Of course, eventually the stress reaches a point where the mind has to find another way to deal with it. So, it becomes more offensive. Everywhere you look... "women can do it, too." "Anything you can do, I can do better".

^Reminds me of when I was in the 7th grade, at a boarding school where I was the only 7th grader in the dorm (all the rest were 8th & 9th graders). Naturally, they messed with me... to skip the details, let's just say it was 'an extremely not fun' situation. So how did I ultimately come to react? Well, that was the moment when I first started to pump iron. I told myself that by the time I was in the 10th grade, and they were seniors, I was going to be able to kick all their @sses. I was bound and determined. --That's what defensiveness, and stress will lead you to. Essentially the survival instinct kicks in.

So that was a more extreme/concentrated example. But something along those lines is happening, I imagine. That's my theory. But, the question still stands. So, I just got done watching Hostel 2, and if you've seen that (really bad) movie, you'll know how that leads me into the next thought - which is that (my, at least) culture/media is on steriods, regarding the whole empowering of women, and emasculation of men. Let's not bother getting into the other debates... my focus is on WHY this tendency exists in the first place. Basically my gut is telling me there is some kind of fundamental flaw with humanity... I'm just trying to pinpoint exactly where.

Or... it could just merely be the 'throw tomatoes at people in power' sentiment, only on a MUCH more broad & level scale. :hmm: I dunno, regardless it gets tiresome. And this idea that I'm required to tolerate it, and like it - is amusing insulting. To heck with perpetuating the species... there over 6 billion. There's no need for me to tolerate this crap. You only live once here (hopefully), and in the meantime I say this unpleasant societal element is not worth tolerating.

Maybe I should have taken that job in Japan. ;)
I do not support female empowerment. I do not support male emasculation. I do not support sexism against women.

I do not think that women are emasculating men. I think that men are finally stepping off their pedestal and learning to share equally with women - and that involves accepting some limitations.
Also, there are domineering individuals in both sexes. Why is it okay for a man to be domineering, but for a woman to be domineering makes her a "b!tch?" This makes no sense to me.
I think it's time to accept, and indeed to promote, a more balanced and open relationship between the sexes. I think it's time to accept that there will be masculinity and femininity in both genders, that either sex can be passive or agressive, dominant or submissive. I think it's time to accept gender-bending and gender-blending - not to reject extremely masculine and manly men, or extremely feminine and womanly women, but instead to honor all forms of gender, and accept that psychologically, not everyone is entirely aligned to their biological gender.
In other words, chill out and lay down the guns. :)

I was piqued to answer this partially because I am usually very much the dominant and controlling partner in my relationships - but I take care to find partners who are interested in such a relationship (keep in mind that I'm bi, so not all said partners are men). I try my best not to force these roles on anyone I'm involved with. So, again, I think it's time to accept different forms of relationships, and that some people may seek more "traditional" relationship dynamics where others may not.

As for Japan, I traveled through that country for a month, and witnessed its severe social malaise - opression of women, and indeed of everyone, being the least of it - firsthand. I find a caring, submissive Asian woman as attractive as you do, but I wouldn't want to deal with that culture for too long.
So the question is, why are women bound and determined to emasculate men?
Same reason many men are! Because it's fun to torment and belittle men lacking enough self-confidence to have thier own identity and instead have to grab onto some stupid macho ideal.
I say give up because you will never even delve anywhere into the complex infrastructure known as the female mind.
-Gender rant spotted 45* starboard, cap'n!

-Is there stilted grammar and vocabulary, crow's nest?

-Aye sir! He refers to a "psychology that I find abounds throughout humanity!"

-Is it sexually frustrated and accusatory?

-It's penis-envy-licious, capn! Women hate us men because we're "equipped with a weapon!"

-Is it philosophical and rambling?

-He's trying to find the "fundamental flaw with humanity," sir!

-Does he have sour grapes?

-Two, sir! And "to heck with perpetuating the species" with them!


Moderator Action: Trolling.
Please read the forum rules:
Unlike the utterly useless poster above, I don't think women want to "emasculate" men, I think it's just the women that you're meeting.
-Gender rant spotted 45* starboard, cap'n!

-Is there stilted grammar and vocabulary, crow's nest?

-Aye sir! He refers to a "psychology that I find abounds throughout humanity!"

-Is it sexually frustrated and accusatory?

-It's penis-envy-licious, capn! Women hate us men because we're "equipped with a weapon!"

-Is it philosophical and rambling?

-He's trying to find the "fundamental flaw with humanity," sir!

-Does he have sour grapes?

-Two, sir! And "to heck with perpetuating the species" with them!


I loved you for about three minutes, until it occurred to my slow, female mind that you're a troll.
I don't think women want to "emasculate" men, I think it's just the women that you're meeting.
Well I wouldn't say that those women care to emasculate men in general either. They probably just get a kick out of humiliating Lotus.
Given the attitude expressed towards women here, a few of you might need this helpful guide:

Spoiler :

The mystery of how an animal has survived for 80 million years without sex has been solved by UK scientists.
A Cambridge team says the single-celled creature owes its existence to a genetic quirk that offers some recompense for prolonged celibacy.

Many asexual organisms have died out because they cannot adapt to changes in the natural world.

But an evolutionary trick allows this pond-dweller to survive when conditions change, researchers report in Science.

The animal is a single-celled invertebrate known as a bdelloid rotifer. It lives in freshwater pools. If deprived of water, it survives in a desiccated state until water becomes available again.

The secret to this novel survival mechanism lies in a twist of asexual reproduction, whereby the animal is able to make two separate proteins from two different copies of a key gene.

Prolonged celibacy

Dr Alan Tunnacliffe, from the Institute of Biotechnology at the University of Cambridge, who led the research, said his team had been able to show for the first time that gene copies in asexual animals can have different functions.

"It's particularly exciting that we've found different, but complementary, functions in genes which help bdelloid rotifers survive desiccation," he explained.

"Evolution of gene function in this way can't happen in sexual organisms, which means there could be some benefit to millions of years without sex after all."

The researchers discovered that two copies of a particular gene, known as LEA, in the asexual pond-dweller are different - giving rise to proteins with separate functions that protect the animal during dehydration.

One copy stops other essential protein molecules from clumping together as the animal dries out, while the second copy helps to maintain the fragile membranes that surround the creature's cells.

Genetic diversity

Humans and most other types of organism reproduce sexually. The union of sperm and eggs results in two copies (or a pair) of genetic instructions within a cell, one copy inherited from each parent.

This produces two nearly identical copies of each gene in each cell, and therefore two nearly identical proteins.

The "re-shuffling" of genetic material over many generations allows sexual animals to adapt to changes in their natural environment.

In contrast, many asexual organisms have died out because their rigid genetic make-up means they are unable to adapt in this way.

The latest discovery explains why the bdelloids have likely escaped this fate with their mechanism for generating genetic diversity in the absence of sexual reproduction.

The study reported in Science magazine was conducted on a species of bdelloid rotifer known as Adineta ricciae.
Lotus49: Learn to tango. (Not necessarily in a literal sense).

-Gender rant spotted 45* starboard, cap'n!

-Is there stilted grammar and vocabulary, crow's nest?

-Aye sir! He refers to a "psychology that I find abounds throughout humanity!"

-Is it sexually frustrated and accusatory?

-It's penis-envy-licious, capn! Women hate us men because we're "equipped with a weapon!"

-Is it philosophical and rambling?

-He's trying to find the "fundamental flaw with humanity," sir!

-Does he have sour grapes?

-Two, sir! And "to heck with perpetuating the species" with them!


Pretty much my thoughts too.

Unlike the utterly useless poster above, I don't think women want to "emasculate" men, I think it's just the women that you're meeting.
Never have I seen the pot bestow such profound wisdom upon the kettle. Your generosity overfloweth.
While we're at it, can anyone answer why Muslims, blacks, asians, Africans, Eastern Europeans, other Western Europeans, the Welsh, the Scots and Northerners also all want to emasculate real men?

Could it be something entirely unrelated to being a woman? Could it actually simply be the well-known habit of humans to divide into groups of 'them' and 'us'?
'Them' being the 20% (at a guess) of the population who fit into none of these groups, and who rape, pillage, organise and/or provoke all nastiness, mess up the country and generally do bad things.
Lotus, you're talking bollocks son.

We live in a male dominated society despite the half-hearted but loudly sounded attempts at altering that, if you feel threatened then thats because you're insecure... the system is set up to strength your position... as they say... grow a pair.
I guess the asking women to get an STD test before holding hands or letting them touch him isn't going so well then for the OP.
Great quote form the english Office

Dave: Finchy is the cleverest bloke I know. One time, this girl accused him of hating women... he said... tell him what you said Chris

Finchy: How can I hate women? Me mam's one

Dave: Game over
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