Now granted this is my conjecture, so don't take anything personally. I was initially going to phrase the subject; 'modern' women, but then it occured to me that it's really probably nothing new - it's just more free running & visible today.
So the question is, why are women bound and determined to emasculate men? I mean seriously - there is something going on along those lines, that you just can't deny. Heck, everyone here probably knows me, and can imagine that I don't take crap from anyone. But even still, even with me, women are constantly trying to set things up so that (in their silly minds) I'm being... controlled, limited, put in my place, etc. I believe it's this treatment, that they themselves are immersed in from early age... essentially misery loves company (a psychology that I find abounds throughout humanity). Maybe it's the way girls are treated, and expected to behave when growing up. They get 'fenced in', and pressure is put on them - that they are lesser, and should be limited.
Though, I can't help but feel there's more to it than just that. There IS some kind of DEEP, fundamental envy... or jealousy... something, that women are constantly struggling with their entire lives, and for some reason they can't resist the temptation to lash out and try to belittle men, at least in their point of view.
Maybe it's defensiveness... from instinct. Perhaps since the man just happens to be stronger, and 'equipped with a weapon', thus the female's instincts put her on the defensive. Well, what happens when people are defensive, for too long? Of course, eventually the stress reaches a point where the mind has to find another way to deal with it. So, it becomes more offensive. Everywhere you look... "women can do it, too." "Anything you can do, I can do better".
^Reminds me of when I was in the 7th grade, at a boarding school where I was the only 7th grader in the dorm (all the rest were 8th & 9th graders). Naturally, they messed with me... to skip the details, let's just say it was 'an extremely not fun' situation. So how did I ultimately come to react? Well, that was the moment when I first started to pump iron. I told myself that by the time I was in the 10th grade, and they were seniors, I was going to be able to kick all their @sses. I was bound and determined. --That's what defensiveness, and stress will lead you to. Essentially the survival instinct kicks in.
So that was a more extreme/concentrated example. But something along those lines is happening, I imagine. That's my theory. But, the question still stands. So, I just got done watching Hostel 2, and if you've seen that (really bad) movie, you'll know how that leads me into the next thought - which is that (my, at least) culture/media is on steriods, regarding the whole empowering of women, and emasculation of men. Let's not bother getting into the other debates... my focus is on WHY this tendency exists in the first place. Basically my gut is telling me there is some kind of fundamental flaw with humanity... I'm just trying to pinpoint exactly where.
Or... it could just merely be the 'throw tomatoes at people in power' sentiment, only on a MUCH more broad & level scale. I dunno, regardless it gets tiresome. And this idea that I'm required to tolerate it, and like it - isamusing insulting. To heck with perpetuating the species... there over 6 billion. There's no need for me to tolerate this crap. You only live once here (hopefully), and in the meantime I say this unpleasant societal element is not worth tolerating.
Maybe I should have taken that job in Japan.
So the question is, why are women bound and determined to emasculate men? I mean seriously - there is something going on along those lines, that you just can't deny. Heck, everyone here probably knows me, and can imagine that I don't take crap from anyone. But even still, even with me, women are constantly trying to set things up so that (in their silly minds) I'm being... controlled, limited, put in my place, etc. I believe it's this treatment, that they themselves are immersed in from early age... essentially misery loves company (a psychology that I find abounds throughout humanity). Maybe it's the way girls are treated, and expected to behave when growing up. They get 'fenced in', and pressure is put on them - that they are lesser, and should be limited.
Though, I can't help but feel there's more to it than just that. There IS some kind of DEEP, fundamental envy... or jealousy... something, that women are constantly struggling with their entire lives, and for some reason they can't resist the temptation to lash out and try to belittle men, at least in their point of view.
Maybe it's defensiveness... from instinct. Perhaps since the man just happens to be stronger, and 'equipped with a weapon', thus the female's instincts put her on the defensive. Well, what happens when people are defensive, for too long? Of course, eventually the stress reaches a point where the mind has to find another way to deal with it. So, it becomes more offensive. Everywhere you look... "women can do it, too." "Anything you can do, I can do better".
^Reminds me of when I was in the 7th grade, at a boarding school where I was the only 7th grader in the dorm (all the rest were 8th & 9th graders). Naturally, they messed with me... to skip the details, let's just say it was 'an extremely not fun' situation. So how did I ultimately come to react? Well, that was the moment when I first started to pump iron. I told myself that by the time I was in the 10th grade, and they were seniors, I was going to be able to kick all their @sses. I was bound and determined. --That's what defensiveness, and stress will lead you to. Essentially the survival instinct kicks in.
So that was a more extreme/concentrated example. But something along those lines is happening, I imagine. That's my theory. But, the question still stands. So, I just got done watching Hostel 2, and if you've seen that (really bad) movie, you'll know how that leads me into the next thought - which is that (my, at least) culture/media is on steriods, regarding the whole empowering of women, and emasculation of men. Let's not bother getting into the other debates... my focus is on WHY this tendency exists in the first place. Basically my gut is telling me there is some kind of fundamental flaw with humanity... I'm just trying to pinpoint exactly where.
Or... it could just merely be the 'throw tomatoes at people in power' sentiment, only on a MUCH more broad & level scale. I dunno, regardless it gets tiresome. And this idea that I'm required to tolerate it, and like it - is
Maybe I should have taken that job in Japan.