Question concerning specialists


Democratia gladii
Aug 15, 2008
cyberland, USA
Is there a way to keep the city governor from running (or NOT running) particular types of specialists on a city-to-city basis? ie, when I'm trying to run scientists for a GS, I don't want to come back to the city and find some dirty spy specialist clouding up the GPP pool...
Yeah, if you have a CH in the city, it always loves to run a spy. Some say setting up the governor to focus on beakers, gold, or hammers will affect the specialist choice. I've yet to see that happen in action though. I just micro it. At the point it matters most to me, microing is not an issue at all. And I usually have my first GS before CHs are in the picture.
I've started avoiding courthouses altogether just to avoid this annoyance =p

Um.... and suffer crippling amounts of corruption? I'll take the occasional spy specialist removal thx.

Is there something in XML that can be edited to make sure the gov never runs them?
depending on playstyle and map, wealthbuilding will usually be around as good as courthouses, in some situations courthouses will be far superior, and in some situations wealthbuilding will be far superior
The city governor isn't set up to choose specific specialists, unfortunately. The focus on production button will favor engineers and priests in my experience, but once those slots are filled it's hard to tell what'll happen.

For scientists, it's easier. There's an emphasize science button, which makes scientists a higher priority. That seems to work all right, as far as I can tell.

For merchants, or any time that you need to make sure that the GPP pool is pure, you can turn on emphasize food, production, and commerce then force the number of specialists (hit the plus button by the specialist). This will have the Governor highly favor working the land (or water) over specialists.

Actually, I think that the emphasize food button is good enough, but having that one on alone will drastically distort the Governor's choices, obviously.
If you only want one type of specialist, first get one specialist. Switch the specialist to whatever you like (if it isn't already that one), lets use Scientist as an example. Click on the Scientist category button, not the plus or minus buttons. It should become highlighted with a yellow border. Turn the specialist governor ON. Until you click the highlighted Scientist to turn off the preference, the governor should only assign Scientists, as long as more are allowed. If you turn off the preference, don't forget to turn off the governor, or you will get a lot of reassignments!

For the most part, I just use micromanagement with the governor off but I like to micro. The above is how to use the governor.
I want to kick the governor in the balls every time he does this. Fortunately, you really only have to check the city that is giving out great people, since the GPP from most other cities won't matter.
If you only want one type of specialist, first get one specialist. Switch the specialist to whatever you like (if it isn't already that one), lets use Scientist as an example. Click on the Scientist category button, not the plus or minus buttons. It should become highlighted with a yellow border. Turn the specialist governor ON. Until you click the highlighted Scientist to turn off the preference, the governor should only assign Scientists, as long as more are allowed. If you turn off the preference, don't forget to turn off the governor, or you will get a lot of reassignments!

For the most part, I just use micromanagement with the governor off but I like to micro. The above is how to use the governor.

say whaaaaaaaaaat? There really is a way and nobody but you knew it? I gotta test this =)
I'm assuming that it still works in BTS. That's the way it was in vanilla but I haven't used it in ages, since I like to micro. However, I doubt that they would have changed that. If you look back in threads from when vanilla was the game, you'll find several discussions of it there. I think one of the code divers from back then found it. It's not the sort of thing that you would stumble on and its not documented anywhere except in those old threads.
I want to kick the governor in the balls every time he does this. Fortunately, you really only have to check the city that is giving out great people, since the GPP from most other cities won't matter.

Or any city where you want to actually be working tiles that aren't food-neutral or special-resource instead of generating 1 :research: 4 :espionage:, at least if you haven't put a focus on.

I think part of the problem is that the governor rates the spy as being equivelant to a 5-yield no-food tile, so it'll favor him any time it decides that kind of tile is worth working.
If you only want one type of specialist, first get one specialist. Switch the specialist to whatever you like (if it isn't already that one), lets use Scientist as an example. Click on the Scientist category button, not the plus or minus buttons. It should become highlighted with a yellow border. Turn the specialist governor ON.

If this works, we should report it to the BUG team, since they must have over-written it. I just tried using this in my game, but it didn't do anything (I was able to right-click the scientist, which brought up the Sevopedia).

Can anyone without any mods confirm?
...Turn the specialist governor ON...

What? You mean citizen automation governor, or do I miss something?

For occasional spy specialist: We mostly concentrate on beakers/gold per turn numbers in top left corner. Habit to note spy points per turn can help.If you suddenly see +2 SP, you know what happened ;).

@Um the Muse
Go to BUG Mod Options - City Screen tab and scroll down to City Specialists drop-down menu, choose Default. Then forced specialists will show yellow border around them. As it always was, governor does not change forced specialists (unless you starve city so they disappear).
@Um the Muse
Go to BUG Mod Options - City Screen tab and scroll down to City Specialists drop-down menu, choose Default. Then forced specialists will show yellow border around them. As it always was, governor does not change forced specialists (unless you starve city so they disappear), but this does not prevent governor from assigning different specs later on.

That wasn't what we were talking about, I don't think. I knew that you can force X number of Y specialists using the plus button, which gives you that yellow border.

But what s.bernbaum mentioned was an emphasize button, where the governor will automatically put, say, merchants in instead of scientists or whatever.
What? You mean citizen automation governor, or do I miss something?

Yes. I haven't used it in so long that I forgot the "proper" name for the button.

@Um the Muse
Go to BUG Mod Options - City Screen tab and scroll down to City Specialists drop-down menu, choose Default. Then forced specialists will show yellow border around them. As it always was, governor does not change forced specialists (unless you starve city so they disappear), but this does not prevent governor from assigning different specs later on.

That wasn't what we were talking about, I don't think. I knew that you can force X number of Y specialists using the plus button, which gives you that yellow border.

But what s.bernbaum mentioned was an emphasize button, where the governor will automatically put, say, merchants in instead of scientists or whatever.

Like I said above. It used to work in vanilla but I haven't used it in BTS, since I switched to heavy micro before BTS. Perhaps it was changed. I haven't checked it since I posted that, too busy with RL.
I notice one in awhile when I'm selecting specialists one will end up with a yellow box around his face. Does this have anything to do with it? Or does it just denote that the specialist is free or something?
Um.... and suffer crippling amounts of corruption? I'll take the occasional spy specialist removal thx.

Hmm wasn't corruption Civ III?

I thought CHs in IV only helped reduce City Maint. Costs.
Yes, they do. I still remember the settler farms from civI that were used to get free palaces to sell.
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