Question (Request) to Dan Magaha FIRAXIS


Nov 9, 2001

Is there any chance that the hard retirement limit (2050) can be made into an option that can be turned off? Like the other victory conditions can be turned off.


ps. sorry if this has been asked before - i have a super sweet game going but i dont think i can finish it by 2050....
pps. that was game time, not real time :) (it takes you 49 years to play a game?!?!?)
Not at present, but it may be something we expose with the editor in the future if it can be done without a lot of code rewriting.

I thought I saw someone post that Gramphos' copy tool can alter the end dates for savegames, you might want to check that out..

thanks dan!

ya, i saw the date changer too, but it does it by setting the date back to an earlier date... i wanted to try and avoid that...
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